Diary of Herbert Alexander Affleck, 1916 - Part 16

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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DECEMBER 12th Month— 1916 2S SATURDAN3SS moved out of Francuillin hwards Amiens fare amies i hoad &teaded forr Havenas arrived as avering fired l belecked in old houses rains same quict ed place JOMSRN 1916-31. Days 24 SUNDAVY,359-7 Havend In aion fmers atoOk onranc of no m Bank purt in mers tgetherl
DECEMBER 13t. MOMTH- ISIS Fuce EG CMONDATIYSCO6 Chistmas Day 4t B 181631023 28 TUESDAYTUzSiS Boying Pay c k ed
SEONRR 1212. Mont- 1S1S 27, WEDNESDANY7 382-4 In Harecin Party let Fremcelas very cold tow ever fe Leave chpped. DECEMEER MNSN 28. THURSDAKT 363-3 Roclamation Das, South Austratia aed Ed nice e white fst ad sutine work wilic
DECEMBER AAMMO 29. FRIDAYY1364-2 Very wet night seened all night MAMSI ASSN 30 SATURDAY 1 365-1 Sie tan
DRUAMORN 12th Month - 1816 ISESUNDATPISO WOTESIFOR-ISIY scription or 47 incaptired in Cortalmans 2 claimed by 2nd Br Munst Fisiliers sir was in fawr order sights missing, shapricl denp on front of shield Inscription on front of Pro Vailia: et Flora Eagle breach Ultin a Ratio Regis monoglam W.R.. II did not notice date occer
NOTESFORAgIT Contalmacion was ruined by shell fire every hee even secured to be splendered of course all houses, church & cementry were despoyed crossed a warrow gange th just before going wto villagein valley, wee passed dugonts on road in wood before entering village there were also ben dugont in village itself firing line about 1 /½ meles further on, great amount of salvage lying about amostly Gelman, Deian notices in widence must have been a stiff fight for NOTES FOR iSIT village jadging from appearance We sant Pricourt village n out way is seemed to be knocked about also a mosphere vvery mickat time an could see ogieres in distance Rosches were shelly in at time we could adso ree Puilliers & La Doisselle brought home to pit several sonviners, stench in vellage very bad owing to dead coiled not see windmicl hill near Pogicres Windiill ridge taken later by 2 dw
AUGUST- Cash Memoranda leave apeinghe 6.18 A.2 ly I leaves Bolog 7.24 pr Off port to R 45 a2 270 1 leave T.C.A reca CtHetin EPTEMEER—Cash Memoranda rute 7.S
JOCTOBERE Cash Memorands 4 Raic 10 Mt SISAMSMN 2C Ba 36 Bat
lat 24 t 4 Het DECEMEER—Cash Memoranda fue or 14 Praples estore, Dalisbudy Bl. ongeard Hible Nimber Nx55p ound at Epple Df Art. Detarts incured at paicly 36 D1

DECEMBER 12th Month -1916
23 SATURDAY 358-8

Moved out of Francvilliers
towards Amiens turned
off Amiens road
& headed for Havernas
arrived at evening
fixed horse lines
billeted in old houses
& barns. same quiet old place 

1916-31 Days DECEMBER
24 SUNDAY 359-7 

In Havernas
Preparations for morrow
good stock in
Company of us in B sub
have a mess together


DECEMBER 12th Month - 1916
Fine 25 Monday 360-6
Christmas Day

Going to have it easy
decamped at headquarters
Leave granted for
Had a good day
received parcel from
Aunt Annie & also

1916 - 31 Days DECEMBER
26 TUESDAY 361-5
Boxing Day

In Havenas
Big clearance of
fellows going to
school in Chateau 
de Francvilliers
Lindsay went to gun
Leave us in horse lines
very short handed


DECEMBER 12th Month - 1916
27 WEDNESDAY 362-4

In Havemas
Party left for
Very cold towards
evening freezing
Leave stopped. 

1916 - 31 Days DECEMBER
28 THURSDAY 363-3
Proclamation Day, South Australia

In Havernas
Very cold morning
A real white frost.
Usual routine work in
horse lines


DECEMBER 12th Month - 1916
29 FRIDAY 364-2

Very wet night rained
all night

1916 - 31 Days DECEMBER
30 SATURDAY 365-1

Tramways du HAVRE
1: 063
C billet doit être
des Agen


DECEMBER 12th Month - 1916
31 SUNDAY 366-0

Inscription on 77m.m
gun captured in Contalmaison
claimed by 2nd Bn
Munst. Fusiliers.
Gun was in fair order
sights missing, shrapnel
dents on front of shield.
Inscription on front of
"Pro Partia et Gloria"
1st dxe Eagle
2nd rear breach.

"Ultima Ratio Regis"
monogram W.R II
did not notice date



Contalmaison was ruined by
shell fire every tree even
seemed to be splintered
of course all houses, church
& cementry were destroyed
crossed a narrow gauge line
just before going into
village in valley. we
passed dugouts on road
in wood before entering
village there were also big
dugouts in village itself
firing line about 1 ½ miles
further on, great amount
of salvage lying about
mostly German. German
notices in evidence, must
have been a stiff fight for

village judging from appearance
We saw Fricourt village
on our way it seemed to
be knocked about also
atmosphere very misty at time
we could see Pozieres in
distance Bosches were shelling
in at time we could also
see Ouilliers & La Boisselle
brought home to pit several
souviners, stench in village
very bad owing to dead -
could not see windmill
hill near Pozieres
Windmill ridge taken later by
2nd Div.


AUGUST - Cash Memoranda

leave Poperinghe go
6.18 a.m. daily
leaves Bologne retn
7.24 pm.
Report to R. T. O. Pope
5.45 a.m. on day
of leave.

Y.M.C.A near Cathedral

SEPTEMBER - Cash Memoranda

Bg. W. J Crutch
4th D.A. Sub Park

G. Engel. 2946
2nd X 5 Coy. 5 Eng
2nd Aust Div


OCTOBER - Cash Memoranda

F. Reid 410
C. sub. 4th Sec.
2nd Div Am Column

Sgt. JH.W. Robinson
[[ xxxxx?]] 

NOVEMBER - Cash Memoranda

L.W. Affleck.
16/14th Batt.
A. Affleck 
16/5th Battns
A Coy.


DECEMBER - Cash Memoranda

Green Red Blue
Black 1 5 9
Br 2 6 10
Pl 3 7 11
W 4 8 12

46 M.14 Etaples
Rollestone, Salisbury Plain
4th T Bn England

Rifle Number
issued at Etaples
1st Div Art. Details
collected at Sailly 


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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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