Diary of Herbert Alexander Affleck, 1916 - Part 13

OCTOBER 10th Month—I916
Fine 12 THURSDAY 286-80
Up early & down to breakfast at
A.I.F. Hostel & War Chest
fixed my belongings up & went
in search of Cook's, found
them & found out Aunt
Annies' address &
eventually found her at
53 St James Court. London
S.W., of course surprised
to see me, invited to stop
with her, accepted by me -
Saw Jessie. Madge not at
home away hop picking
& various other farming
jobs in country. Went to
theatre in evening
Chu Chin Chow.
1916—31 Days OCTOBER
Fine 13 FRIDAY 287-79
With Aunt at St James Court.
Decided to do shopping for
myself & other fellows.
Got most of the things
wanted at Gamages,
Holborn. Out with Auntie
in morning to Cook's
Went to theatre in evening with
Aunt Annie.
Daddy long legs.
10th Month—1916
14 SATURDAY 288-78
At 53 St James Court, London
Met Mr. & Mrs. Starritt
also Sister Simpson & friend.
Sent a weekend cable to
Mother; found out about
Lindsay (being reported
wounded etc).
Wrote to Mother in evening.
did not go out.
1916—31 Days OCTOBER
15 SUNDAY 289-77
Mostly fine drizzle at times
Went to morning Church with
Auntie & Jessie to Eglise
near Regents' Park, Auntie
used to go to it years ago.
In afternoon went out to
Albert Hall & heard some
beautiful music, wonderful
building & memorial
walked back thro' Hyde
Park rained abit
Went to evening service
with Auntie at
Westminster Chapel
Buckingham Gate —
OCTOBER 10th Month—1916
Fine 16 MONDAY 290-76
At 53 St James Court.
Buckingham Gate London B
Auntie took me to see
Hampton Court, had a
row on river Thames then back
to the Palace went thro'
had dinner out of ground
then home by tram to
Wimbledon & from there by train
back to Waterloo then by
bus, had a very interesting
day abit cold coming
home. Went with Rod Cherry
to see Girl from Cairo.
1916—31 Days OCTOBER
17 TUESDAY 291-75
At 53 St James Court
Auntie went took me to
see Windsor Castle &
Park rained during
afternoon, but saw some
beautiful sights in spite
of it all could not see
much of Castle as King was
in residence but Auntie
hired cab & we drove thro
Forest had a great dayRe Jessie Saw Royal Coach
on Rly. Jessie Rod & myself
went to see No War in
OCTOBER 10th Month—1916
Fine 18 WEDNESDAY 292-74
1916—31 Days OCTOBER
Fine 19 THURSDAY 293-73
At 53 St James Court —
Invited to spend day with
Starritts, Aunt & myself.
We went out to Muswell
Hill had some
difficulty in finding
Manse arrived at correct
time after some maneouvering
with old taxi!!
Had dinner with Starritts &
went on to Maggie & Jessie
Robinsons' in the after
OCTOBER 10th Month—1916
Fine 20 FRIDAY 294-72
1916—31Days OCTOBER
Cold but fine 21 SATURDAY 295-71 Frost
Leave up ——
Reported to R.T.O Victoria
Aunt Annie saw me
Arrived Folkestone before
lunch stopped in
rest camp till about
2 oclock 2 to 4 walked
round town, caught
boat at about 6 p.m.
arrived Bolougne
about 7.30 Bty on move
sent to Abbeville
Uneventful trip but cold
OCTOBER 10th. Month—1916
Cold 22 SUNDAY 296-70
On move Abbeville
first thing morning.
detrained put day in
in yards. left by
train about 7 p.m.
for Ramescamp. arrivedabout xxxxx changedtrains.
1916—31 Days OCTOBER
Rainy 23 MONDAY 297-69
Arrived Ramescamp.
Changed trains passed
thro' Amiens towards
Albert. Arrived Albert
about 7.p.m. slept on
station all night - not
much to eat either
Reported to R.T.O
OCTOBER 10th Month—1916
Rainy 24 TUESDAY 298-68
Reported to 1st D. H.Q,
at Bellview Farm
Could not find out
whereabouts of our
Bty. went out to
search round Fricourt
& Bedacourt. no result
Camped for night at
Div H.Q.
1916—31 Days OCTOBER
Fine 25 WEDNESDAY 299-67
At 1st Div H.Q.
Found out where C. R. A.
was reported to Mjr. Mills
& he put me on track
Bty on Amiens &
Albert road about
3 Kilos from Albert.
eventually reached
there found No X had
already moved up
stopped with left.
OCTOBER 10th Month—1916
Fine 26 THURSDAY 300-66
Met Lindsay
Left section moved out for
new wagon line passed
thro Méaulte, Bécordel
Fricourt, wagon line was
taken over from New Zealand
in Carnoy Gully not far
distant from Carnoy village
Right section took left X guns
up to position, fearful road
changed guns brought N.Z
down after dark when we
returned to W.L
1916—31 Days OCTOBER
27 FRIDAY 301-65
In wagon line
Had to take up limbers
to gun position
OCTOBER 10th. Month—1916
28 SATURDAY 302-64
Wagon line Carnoy
1916—31 Days OCTOBER
29 SUNDAY 303-63
Wagon line Carnoy
OCTOBER 10th Month—1916
30 MONDAY 304-62
Wagon line Carnoy
Made two trips to
E.F. Canteen Méaulte
while in this wagon
1916—31 Days OCTOBER
3I TUESDAY 305-61
Wagon line Carnoy

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