Diary of Herbert Alexander Affleck, 1916 - Part 12

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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9th Month,- 1916 SEPTEMBER. 22JERIDAY,O 266-100 Frue In wagon linc near Andeuman Hans desplanes over this by ea morning Alt ant airaapt pelesh foll horse live had a no HR phave aterial an chy ofa seskonpits le J. Sitorwent BR. & gunsfocition evening saw Rendalt & Parket sent J. Bullpapey to guns Hours stellea Ropeling killed some ciilians p sow parts of busse Dear W.L. 1916-301 Days SANTKER ice 2 SITONDAT I. SONS n l Flle Kapelle in anesplanc over Ouright acction shafee asualitie and church, since died Silvary S. Johnst direct hits on A. pit Bsut also hit a obibly accteased by deopeane scarchid all d inge hon Denceed paper from Elsis
SEPTEMBER 9th MonthEisl6 FMC SS2 In wagor live Eav hail closed toda whote hom oined for leave. to Bliglty ASEPTEMEER TFWSN LON S. MONDAETMSOPO wagon live Cle Bapelleken Yan cieved paper fro poperent to Dened
SEPTEMBER StN MOMIL LYSI6 Fie EOTOESBAD 270.00 Mille goslen Ballckin Aw ducl Albaks brought dowt another fom On lanehad to decend wolt obserber both Ob. badly had i macanie Fegtes pp 30 to hudder be vesib Wool F. Bentaway Forist ca arge Stable qust Giberays Aect 4916Lso Days RESEPTEMBER sers in werr a t M SSAN MI. wagon line at Wrill rupalekin Fan Dat ment up to new position near Caual band section right Rise Ballon broughtdew in eveing in fames atws a vorch five areoplanes aroud neaces fighter Went up with J.B. Wagon wire load to new Docition G.S broke down, whech had to leave it with boad, tugs quiet
HISEPTEMEER 9th Months 1916 during day shoneery. ight hin 28. THDRSDARTYY27FO4 In wagow there Cd. Mile. meat Hapelllher Farr Anderman Nothing ofeve de Lindsay i towards. lst o just sut in kembhes ous away fatigue onee he is well Ast vnable to been Dwken S bach 51916-430 Days SEPTEMBER JS 29 FEIDAYIT 273-93 time 2 M S Mille Ko Trings quiet with Wnt to ee mlll 1 lat weminghets NGTEI
JSFRAMNOR 9th Month 27916 Fse SSATUR E2 inwagntene Wille. Kapell aakn Went up with waak at night to ecto ial Bldfard Ne an Uneventtul kip home or decent ter 1019164311 Days TOCTOBER FC I OANN SINTNL ISSSI 67G.VEU enoH Idgil of wigon tiice thele Kaercken ta pear Orduma went to see Sindray Pi in weg had Sea Hgether god tath sto Bld whe about claim ty footbace Played 241 wod
OOTOBER T Ma . 2 MONDAY j. 276-90 Hhenery Eight Hours Day, Sydney. In wagen tinc Wille Bopete Faime On duly orderly N.C.O. tip to 82 F. Amb MSNSN ROOTOBER Hwep T MMI in wagon time Mitte Kaples Farr 9 eent
BSSS 10th Month-1916 Clowdy EWEONSDA 21888 b wayon tine Dhitte apelleper ab Il Welson returned about 6 go date MMSN ROCTOBER Culis FORSSATII MSSI Kagon tine Mille apelllken arr en t
TOCTORER LOE MOMMNEISIE LWenOO PRIDAN IUIRSDSS t waan tine Mille Rapelleken Farm Nothing ofwent mal one letter from me dated 21 Ayg. one from blace 20 Ang. Warting to go on leave OCTOBERC Mn phowers Blowy . BAFSS on wayon line Wills Kapellater Iam pevend 9 pay day 6020 pail 0 letters home dates Aug. 4 ows papers from Elsie New gas helmets issued parts copeed from Hen helmer. dested with hear shell gas
OCTOBERC 10th Month-- 1916; Fu SSUNDATI9 282S In wagon linc Mille Rapeld them eent H ply played 24 gain this day beat 4 iad OCTOBER MSM Line SASSNIRIR wagon line eand that It save per tize after thce tomovea ea lest cam pout Repernughe ad p see M at N up at Af. M.C.9 Neight.
OCTOBERO 10th MonthEis16 I0FTURSDAFU 28482 Wote anaet 2 OCTORER. 1916--31- Days Tew TMOMSSRT Y SSS Eight Hours Day, Adelaide. nenter Left W. Board ime tem asatt o aathge in ln oea TM. Actt agaame wav at Solkenti Entown a about Eleamed 4 upowent to bed early

SEPTEMBER 9th Month—1916
Fine 22 FRIDAY 266-100
 In wagon line near Ouderuman.
Huns areoplanes over this
morning driven off by our
anti-aircraft pellets fell in
horse line had a narrow
shave. Down to R.E camp.
in chg of wagon material for 
left section pits —
J. Linton went to Rt x guns position
evening. saw Rendall & Parker
sent J. B.ulli papers to guns.
Huns shelled Poperinge today
killed some civilians —
Saw parts of bursted tops
rear W.L.

1916—30 Days SEPTEMBER
Fine 23 SATURDAY 267-99
In wagon line onto
Mille Rapelle. Few
Hun areoplane over.
Our right section strafed
today 3 X casualities
Cpl Church since died.
Gnr McGilvary Gn Johnstone
3 direct hits on A pit
B sub also hit. Position
probably detected by 
areoplane searched all
around position
Writing letter home
Recieved paper from Elsie


SEPTEMBER 9th Month—1916 
Fine 24 SUNDAY 268-98 
In wagon line rear   
Mail closed today 
Wrote home. 
Informed re next 
for leave to Blighty 
1916—30 Days SEPTEMBER 
Fine 25 MONDAY 269-97 
In wagon line 
Mille Kapelleken Farm 
Recieved paper from home  
Nothing of event happened


SEPTEMBER 9th Month—1916 
Fine 26 TUESDAY 270-96 
[*Near Offices*] 
In wagon line Mille 
Kapelleken Farm 
Air duel Albatross 
brought down perhaps 
another Hun. Our 
plane had to decend 
polit & observer both 
wounded ob. badly 
had a look at machine 
one of Vickers fighters 
5 a wings tip to tip 3 0 ft 
front nacelle to rudder 
bullet marks etc visible 
Bdr Woolstencroft sent away 
to rest camp. 
In charge of stable 
News of McGilvrays death 

1916—30 Days SEPTEMBER 
showers in evening 
Fine 27  WEDNESDAY 271-95
In wagon line at Mille 
Kapeleken Farm 
Sub went up to new 
position near Canal bank 
right section — 
Kite Ballon brought down 
in evening in flames 
think it was a bosch. 
five areoplanes around 
it. Vickers fighters 
Went up with G.S. wagon 
with load to new 
position G S broke 
down , wheel. had to leave 
it with load , things quiet


SEPTEMBER 9th Month—1916 
Fine during day showery night 
28 THURSDAY 272-94
In wagon line at Mille- 
Kapelleken Farm near 
Nothing of event. 
Searched for Lindsay in 
evening towards 
Reminghelst Bgd just out 
of trenches. Two away  
on fatigue however 
he is well 
Cpl unable to bring 
broken down G S back 

1916—30 Days SEPTEMBER 
Fine Cloudy towards evening & cold wind 
29 FRIDAY 273-93  
In wagon line near 
Mille-Kapelleken Farm 
Things quiet nothing to note 
Went to see Lindsay, found 
him well fairly thin 
though Had a long 
talk together re: 
claim etc. 
On Reminghelst [[?]] going 


SEPTEMBER 9th Month—1916 
Fine 30 SATURDAY 274-92
In wagon line Mille - 
Kapelleken Farm
Went up with G.S. 
wagon at night to 
right section near 
Bedford house on 
Ypres Canal
Uneventful trip home  
in decent time. 

1916—31 Days OCTOBER 
Fine 1 October SUNDAY 275-91
In wagon line Mille  
Kapelleken Farm 
near Oudermane 
Went to see Lindsay 
in evening saw him  
had tea together 
good talk etc told 
him about claim
Played 24th Bty football 


OCTOBER 10th Month—1916 
Showery 2 MONDAY 276-90 
Eight Hours Day, Sydney. 
In wagon line Mille Kapelleken  
On duty orderly N.C.O. 
trip to 2nd F. Amb. 
1916—31 Days OCTOBER 
Showery 3 TUESDAY 277-89
In wagon line Mille Kapeleken  
Nothing of event.


OCTOBER 10th Month—1916 
Cloudy 4 WEDNESDAY 278-88
In wagon line Mille  
Kapelleken Farm 
Cpl Nelson returned about 
this date 

1916—31 Days OCTOBER 
Cloudy 5 THURSDAY 279-87
In wagon line Mille  
Kapelleken Farm 
Nothing of event.


OCTOBER 10th Month—1916 
Showery 6 FRIDAY 280-86
In wagon line Mille - 
Kapelleken Farm.   
Nothing of event 
Mail one letter from 
home dated 21st Aug. 
one from Elsie 20th Aug. 
Waiting to go on leave. 

1916—31 Days OCTOBER 
few showers 
Blowy 7 SATURDAY 281-85
In wagon line Mille Kapelleken  
Nothing of event. 
Pay day 60 frs 
Mail two one letters  xxx 
from home dates 
14th Aug  xx 
& two papers from Elsie 
New gas helmets issued 
parts copied from Hun 
helmet. Tested with 
tear shell gas.


OCTOBER 10th Month—1916 
Fine 8 SUNDAY 282-84
In wagon line Mille Kapelleken  
Nothing of event 
Our Btty played 24th 
again this day beat 
them again. 

1916—31 Days OCTOBER 
Fine 9 MONDAY 283-83
In wagon line 
Heard that I'm to go on 
leave, per Fizzele 
Notice to move off after 
tea left camp about 
7 p.m. for Poperhinghe 
had to see M.O on way 
in at 2nd Bge HQ 
Put up at Y.M.C.A 
for night.


OCTOBER 10th Month—1916 
Fine 10 TUESDAY 284-82 
Reported to R.T.O at
Poperhinghe at 5.45 am
left  6.18 am  for 
Hazebouick changed
trains & on to Bolougne
Nothing doing had
to go to rest camp  for
night - St Martins on top
of hill. 
Extra for today 
Pass from today till 20th

1916—31 Days OCTOBER 
Blowy 11 WEDNESDAY 285-81 
Eight Hours Day, Adelaide.
Left St Martins for quay
got on board S.S Queen 
steamer similar to one 
I travelled on from Lemnos 
to Anzac.
She carried mails
left about noon for Folkestone
escorted by destroyer
The 30 m. across channel
pretty squamish. 
Train at Folkestone for 
Victoria at about 4 pm 
went to H.Q Horseferry road 
then to A.I.F. Club 
close at hand, cleaned 
up & went to bed early -

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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