Diary of Herbert Alexander Affleck, 1916 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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MARCH 3rd Month- 1916 18USATURDATIIN 78-288 in Fel.e eatedt it went round how Dect Helif atAunt or A out to Maade past sur iser Camp Sea an C no caught 9.15 100 MAROH 1816S1OS 19-SUNDAYA 79-287 noton Church Parade on Mess Orderly arrangearhmeet his letce 26 ether Kel very disa
AN MARGH 3rd: Month— 1916 20-MONDW9780200 1 P aocanf out at qun practic t desi At Ble 123 were 12 with supposed to lave done whighest average most consident shoping MORO 1916—31, Dayshys ZITGTUESDAN,7181-285.. At. Fel- el. Kebir. t watch Baited Bgo sloating called bac to caup oiders to par leave up Henetie at 1
MARCH 3rd Month- 1916. 22WEDNESDAYITS22S amt eeaflice 10t 130d ishe th tc ucks list ant Aleyanana Quay at 12 M embuist Wampin cleared out of Alex at sunvswn to ships hansport went out in now of as. Amanck I was no escor 18S1P MAROH 23 THURSDAVIYS3283 On board E. Grampai in wute for Malta fer orders as to destination artileery supplied mort 6. gon & about matiins rounted ad seveetal thips augt Neveille 6.30 as Breakfast Pavade $10.30 inspect Dn 12:0 et 430 tia Lighbout 9.0 Allan & me
MARGH 31 WOM 180 C.24- FRIDAYS4282 On board N.M.S.. Trampd several ships sighted unnoculated this day All artillery deivers cntonawother bo at 9 t En Howe Do0 12 vola 1818-31OS MIARON 2SSATURDATIEUSS-2SI On board H.M.S. l feeling wwe sor at sigated Malta at didnadi in, ordew wiot to call ship cicled backi her own back though the was going to cal at Vallestaof but in was no Foulon is our desting S.B. Frampian took out inforceisents relief force of Kut Messpotamig
MIIRON 314 N 1815 126-ESUNDAYHUSS2SO 16 board Dranpian cuch parade at 10.9 assed sailingat Wet coast of anderng about 8p Ku o therly ave Ras wote o out h Al B wg long aft board Ade 2 Jumia 1916—31 Daysh7S MARCH abit ron UETE-MONDARIGNST2rAlC arrived at Fouloun n anchored inside breakwater pretty scenery, one anst I psid in fiort ore after ws laid all night concert boy the bor sen abt whih before we necum sheatk Daw remains of Liberty rench manrowar that becusup Casudets bad ear achea
MARCH 3rd Month- 1916 28-TUESDAVIIC8S 278 same cleared out of soylon wt aloant am asilles all oast line deaied arrived Oicke Idispped 5 angh Bither rechsed too sand 4 w harf at alvout proceed to La Vallentiere carp 10 mls out stooka 12 8410 after rag time march, messed about everything seemed to be damp hearty dow afterai camped in bg fordder shed pcratch ka. Porl car MARCH 1916—31. Days;s not too well badcar payaced Cloudy, EWEDNESDATIS2 in va tallentine camp an rest camp especially fou Irdian Troops our bracing all surraedings very protty recan blossom, green fields ate Iscens to be a camp for mouited hoops. Drams run from here to Manscilles. French horses seem to be fine stanps, seldom gelded. all rend camp are high hills very rugged some chalch & farm house quite close to vollage Idians good at French most of has port is done with big nota lowies Off duly for day
MARCH 3rd Month—1916 Wat Cloudy 1780210 af &a Vallentine Camp hag a good nights slelp. egr nt as bad paraded Ac had it attended to All leave shp in fact it revae X ft dutg all day Reparing to move to it camp up north somiwhere sencial thobbes was in anp & ptaff.I seft Setat 9.4.5 p for tharset ises morersone anabout 0 sincs hiis manufae furn g cike ttter net 481634 Dayseg MAROH! far silt aching Cndy TRIDA S inteined at Muysaill station for Harve Sep at 5.A.m. passed Arro Nales cuigns talence Viered bus at Lyons about 5 po Scenery beautiful all fuit pees an blosso and lusting cut seaf everytiing io green Springsime Mavell very plow Raywan B.A.C lyt long orses and DA. aboard mean D.A. And 37 including 31 officers nnt aball husled ooap 26
APRIL 4th Month- 4916 tav not so bad AILO JAOI SATURDAT 1EO2-274 Lavelled rad a fair pleess last night passed to goigny fer th o 2 O can Car madin ddt revosy last luce an junetion from Paisand Hon Kawaclles i for Harve deat or not sessing ohsthis along wautifue tompysed eat wastion fut bas Blong line. Woocts wellng very comfortable idering all tho slow gs on niver with barges, cockes Buraundy, Areoplans 1916—30 Days APRIL was not so bod te EONDANAIS27S Had ada masdet of sleep pars the tand Hougn during night avod at Hevre anolt 6. a str samed atny fu ted otonithad also anny noes noe cn isonay marched t W d Camp r Cit did not dee much of til arr regus at diniver sime figed hone lines 4 had a teat mownd camp t
Athy Month— 1916 APRIL Fie EMONDATA2re ar N. camp near Havle paraded sick with ear not acking but deap had neath ut Frill & semaphole till C6 nuch th knoting t lasting after Had a walk award after Paid 50 francs. most of the chaps went Istopped in to town. ar as bit of a nuisance 2 Batterica 4 &6 got theer guns etc also H.G thist carts. etc 1916—30 Days) APRIL e TETUESDATTen D.W. Camp paaded sick with ear Hock says Shave to 90 No hospital mith it it has been discharging &a week or more left camp at 9 g.m for hospital, sent to D.C Stationary at Havie admitted. WoH3ward Same old hospikal toutine bbut strecter a Collonera Malta tramped up and not alloseed Bukia Tuildn 23. Bhy want in for guins
APRIL 4th Month—1916 Fuil S WEDNESDATTOO-270 on hospital. WSstation hada great pleep eandischring a good dealHer dont een the doing much for it C 9 Hall 1916—30 Days APRIL tretrling tam atick Coudy STHRSDATHNO2OS In M.6 Stationary Havie on No6 Bed. M. 3 Waid. bar just she pame discharging. A Batch going. to Blighty OTommiss &Canadian several Aushalians in this hosital for heatment tednary hospital rontine vry monotonous; a little fatigue work each morring spect our Brigade has. roved from Sanvica s I lamp by this Wrote home

March 3rd Month—1916  
18 Saturday 78-288 
in Tel-el-Kebir Camp 
Leave granted to visit 
Went round town in 
morning. saw Hugh 
L. Peck, went out to 
Heliopolis for dinner 
at Aunties. I had a 
motor trip out to Maadi 
past Turkish prisoners 
Camp. tea in Cairo  
caught 7.15 pm back 
to camp. 
1916—31 Days March 
19 Sunday 79-287 
at Tel-el-Kebir  
not on Church Parade  
on Mess Orderly. 
Arranged to meet Jack 
on his return from 
Cairo on leave 
he & Fred were together. 
missed the train at 
Tel-el-Kebir siding  
very disappointed 


 March 3rd Month—1916 
20 Monday 80-286 Egypt. 
At Tel-el-Kebir Camp. 
Out at gun practice  
in desert 
with 2nd Bde 23rd were  
supposed to have done 
well highest average. 
8th most consistent 
1916—31 Days March 
21 Tuesday 81-285 
At Tel-el-Kebir Camp. 
Started to go out to watch 
shooting called back  
to camp orders to pack  
up to leave 
Revelie at 1.30 tomorrow 


MARCH 3rd Month—1916 
22 WEDNESDAY 82-284   
At Tel-el-Kebir Camp 
Revelie at 1.30 am. 
marched to train 
open trucks left 
about 5. am arrv. 
Alexandria Quay at 
12. pm to embark 
on T. S. Grampian 
Cleared out of Alex -  
at sundown two ships 
transports went out in 
front of us, Osmanich 
was one, no escort! 
1916—31 Days MARCH 
23 THURSDAY 83-283 
On Board T.S. Grampian 
en route for Malta for 
orders. as to destination 
Artillery supplied most  
of 6" gun went about, 
8 maxims mounted 
and manned, several  
ships sighted 
Reveille 6.30 am 
Breakfast 7.    " 
Parade 10.30 inspectn 
Dinner 12.0 p.m. 
Tea 4.30 p.m. 
Lights out 9.0 p.m. 
Allan Line  


MARCH 3rd Month—1916 
24 FRIDAY 84-282 
On board H.M.T.S. 
several ships sighted. 
innoculated this day   
All artillery drivers 
went on another  
G Holmes   } 
Ivo Howell  } On 
B. Jordan    } board. 
1916-31 Days MARCH 
25 SATURDAY 85-281 
On board H.M.T. Grampian 
not feeling well 
sore arm. 
sh sighted Malta 
at dinner time 
in orders not to call 
ship circled back in 
her own track though 
she was going to call 
out Valletta after all 
but in was not so 
Toulon is our destination 
S.S. Grampian took out 
reinforcements to  
relief force of Kut. 


MARCH      3rd Month—1916 
26 SUNDAY 86-280 
On board H.M.T. Grampian 
church parade at 10.a.m. 
passed sailing ship 
 " west coast of Sardinia 
about 2.p.m. 
Turn for mess orderly gave 
last man a bob to do it 
for me. 
1st Bde HQ            ) 
3rd Bn.                    ) 
Sig Eng                  ) On 
Art         ) 2nd Bde) board 
Column)                ) 
23rd 5th  6th)          ) 
Gunners      )         )  
1916—31 Days MARCH 
a bit rough 27 MONDAY 87-279 Fine 
Arrived at Touloun noon 
anchored inside breakwater,  
pretty scenery, one Aust. Trans  
port in front, one after us 
laid all night. 
Concert buy the boys 
sea abit rough before we 
were in shelter 
Saw remains of "Liberty" 
french man-o-war 
that blew up 
600 casualtys 
Paraded sick missed it 
bad ear ache — 


MARCH 3rd Month—1916 
Rainy 28 TUESDAY 88-278 
Cleared out of Touloun  
at about 7.a.m for 
Marseilles, all coast 
line blurred arrived 
outside and dropped 
anchor at noon 
Other ships anchored 
too. Landed on wharf 
at about 5 p.m. to 
proceed to La Vallentine 
Camp 10 mls out 
per boot arr. 9 or 10 
after ragtime march, messed about 
everything seemed to be damp 
heavy dew after rain 
camped in big foodder shed 
scratch tea, Sore ear 
1916—31 Days MARCH 
not too well bad ear paraded 
Cloudy 29 WEDNESDAY 89-277  
In La Vallentine Camp. 
an rest camp especially for 
Indian Troops. Air bracing 
all surroundings very pretty 
trees in blossom. green fields. etc. 
Seems to be a camp for mounted 
troops. Trains run from here to 
Marseilles. French horses 
seem to be fine stamps seldom 
All round camp are high hills very 
rugged, some chalêts & farm 
house, quite close to village 
Indians good at French 
most of transport is done 
with big motor lorries 
Off duty for day 


MARCH 3rd Month—1916 
Very bracing 
Cloudy  30 THURSDAY 90-276 
At La Vallentine Camp, 
had a good nights sleep. 
ear not so bad 
Paraded sick, had it  
attended to 
All leave stop in fact it 
was never given. 
Off duty all day 
Preparing to move to a 
new camp up north. 
General Hobbes was in 
camp. & staff 
Left camp at 9.45 pm 
for Marseilles as per 
motor lorries arr about 
11.30 p.m. one smash  
Lyons big manufacturing city 
large river 

1916—31 Days MARCH 
ear still aching 
Cloudy 31 FRIDAY 91-275 
Entrained at Marseilles 
Quay station for Harve? 
Left at 5 a.m passed  
thro' Rales, Avignon,  
Valence, Vienne, Lyon 
at Lyons about 5 p.m. 
Scenery beautiful 
all fruit trees in blossom 
and bursting into leaf 
everything is green 
Springtime, travelling 
very slow trains are 
extra long the, B.A.C.  
horses and D.A. aboard 
B.A.C. men D.A. and  
23rd Bty including 
officers not at all 
crushed for space 


APRIL 4th Month—1916 
Ear not so bad 
Fine 1 April SATURDAY 92-274 
Travelled all day 
had a fair sleep last night 
passed thro D'oigny, breakfast, 
there La Roche, Montereau, 
Melun dinner and Jevosy, last 
place a junction. 25 kils 
from Paris turned off here 
for Varseilles en route 
for Harve disappointed 
at not passing thro Paris, 
travelled along Seine 
beautiful countryside 
great ovation from 
folks along line. Woods 
travelling very comfortable 
considering altho' slow 
Tugs on river with barges, lockes 
Burgundy, aeroplanes 
1916—30 Days April 
Ear not so bad. 
Fine 2 SUNDAY 93-273 
Had a fair night alot of 
sleep. Passed thro' Versaielles 
Rouen, during night. arrd 
at Havre about 6.a.m. 
disentrained at Quay 
side, had breakfast in 
sheds, cotton in sheds, 
also army stores 
saw some German 
prisoners, marched to 
No 2 Camp. Thro' City 
did not see much of it 
arrd camp at dinner 
time, fixed horse lines, 
had a look around camp in 
evening not much to see 


APRIL 4th Month—1916 
Fine 3 MONDAY 94-272 
In No. Camp near Havre 
paraded sick with ear 
not aching but deaf. 
had treatment 
Drill & semaphore till 
dinner time. 
Knotting & lashing after 
Had a walk around after 
Paid 50 francs. 
Most of the chaps went 
to town I stopped in 
ear a bit of a nuisance 
H H H Batteries 
4. 5. & 6. got thier guns 
etc. also H.Q thier carts 
1916—30 Days APRIL 
Fine 4 Tuesday 95-271 
In No. Camp. 
Paraded sick with ear. 
Doctor says I have to go 
to hospital with it. 
it has been discharging 
for a week or more 
Left camp at 9 a.m for 
hospital, sent to No
Stationary at Havre 
admitted to No 3 ward. 
Same old hospital routine 
but stricter than 
Cottonera. Malta. 
Cramped up and not 
allowed outside 
23rd Bty went in for guns 


APRIL 4th Month—1916 
Fine 5 WEDNESDAY 96-270 
In hospital No 6 stationary 
Had a great sleep 
ear discharging 
a good deal They 
don't seem to be doing 
much for it 
In dining hall 
1916—30 Days APRIL 
Drizzling rain abit 
Cloudy 6 THURSDAY 97-269 
In No 6 Stationary Havre 
In No 6 Bed, No. 3 Ward. 
Ear just the same. 
Discharging. A Batch going 
to Blighty Tommies & Canadians 
several Australians in  
this hospital for treatment 
Ordinary hospital routine 
very monotonous, a little 
fatigue work each morning 
Expect our Brigade has 
moved from Sanvica 
No 2 Camp by this 
Wrote home

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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