Diary of Herbert Alexander Affleck, 1916 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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MANSE M T 1 TET SUNDAT5S-30S at than icta M. BSN MASSR 28 (MONDAVIE 59-307
MMOS JAASIR 29 TUESDAYTOCO-SO6 riffiction At than RI T. SSA 1 March WEDNESDAYI 161-305
JAI 319 MON 185 105-102 THURSDAY 62-304 F Hain Tufficha 1816 34DAYSI MARCH S. FRIDANITb33O3 Pay day at Shai Suffer apo classifiatio marked lner communicatio Wrote to Mrs Leys while here H. Belks inkoduced
MAROR SrA. MOMIN- A816 4SATURDAYIIHGESO tept thain Tuffieha boarded Megantie troopship bound or tlexandna D.D. Meg. White St 15.800 land in harbout all night M 1916—31 Daysre SSUNDAYGISSSO 5 regartes in a three beith class calein good food etc. Keith Mc. Inlosh t myself were wate or Board Left Malla this day. in the evenion oruleyang dely pror
MARCH 3rd Month—1916 OMONDAYT766-300 NJ.E. Megaster tho a Gig Zag course at all tune fine crew alwaysal their stations on look out for sur narines also look out MARGH 1916—31 Days TTTUESDAT 67-299 Dn J.R. Megantic Mayealot of troops On woard from home colonials some Maltese
MARCH 3rd, Month- 4916 8WEDNESDAV7 168-298 arrived at Alexardia about 3.30.95 Anchor wench broke dow ed not CD berth sillate in afternoo dind not disentul unted Twelve hospital ps inside Sitakwater MARCH. 1916-31 Days OTTHURSDATITTCE Discindearked plomaes last about 12 PM boarded bam left about cao S pr ArrinedCano 8.0pi Si a100
AN MARN 3rd Month- 1916 -IOCFRIDATIGTTO2Sb At B camp Over Dear Ba St aptended denfist marked A Cas M 1916—31. Days;e IICCSATURDAYTYTI-295 moved over road to A class.C fo. Gea Went out to Heliopolis and saw cunter Annie and the girls also Hugho Legp pleased to see them had sea there sent cable some Robinsons just back rom Assua figh went to Luger
MA 3rd Month- 1916 FITSUVBAVIVIIE2S Ar A.Ca 2ga murch tl Wentent to Helispat erdisn to see tuntie Notle Mc Aae was there ptay everad fellotos Wlt went to pt Andrew Church Cairs saw Jock C020 MARCH 9916-31 Daysie 13FMONDAYENY73-293 At H camp Paradion mot Went out to see Ci ante i afternoon
MARCH 3rd, Month-1916 I4- TUESDATYGITHEO At Giza Camp Oiders tre eft camp & yea 712 a Main fto to setl arrivsed camp 9 30 pm epoiter sent to detai 6 light MARGH 1916—34 DaysIE 15 WEDNESDATIITS2 at el Helsia uit details n sed to 02 and 200 Wallace 6 1Mers osted to C. Dul Sgt Wernur ls st inoculated the
MSIS 3rd, Month— 916 TTGLTHURSDAYGHT 29 An 237. Bt Capt. Marton tch ll MAROH 18O EITEFRIDAVIAUTYESSI C.Le. Heber samcold dule like at the stat Putan for leave for 22 2

FEBRUARY 2nd Month —1916 
27 SUNDAY 58-308 
At Ghain Tuffieha 
1916 — 29 Days FEBRUARY 
28 MONDAY 59-307


FEBRUARY 2nd Month —1916 
29 TUESDAY 60-306 
At Ghain Tuffieha 
1916 — 31 Days MARCH 
1 March WEDNESDAY 61-305 


MARCH 3rd Month — 1916 
2 THURSDAY 62-304 
At  Ghain Tuffieha 
1916 — 31 Days MARCH 
3 FRIDAY 63-303 
Pay day at Ghain Tuffieha 
also classification 
marked lines of 
Wrote to Mrs. Leys. while 
here H. Peeks — 
introduced —


MARCH 3rd Month — 1916 
4 SATURDAY 64-302 
Left Ghain Tuffieha 
boarded "Megantic" 
troopship bound 
for Alexandria? 
S.S. Megantic 
White Star 15,000 
laid in harbour all night 
1916 — 31 Days MARCH 
5 SUNDAY 65-301 
T. S Megantic 
in a three berth 3rd 
Class cabin. 
good food etc. 
Keith McIntosh and 
myself were mates 
on board. 
Left Malta this day — 
in the evening 
probably for Alexandria


MARCH 3rd Month — 1916 
6 MONDAY - 66-300 
On T.S. Megantic 
On a zig-zag coarse 
at all times 
Fine crew always at 
thier stations on  
look out for sub — 
marines also lookouts 
1916 — 31 Days MARCH 
7 TUESDAY 67-299 
On T.S. Megantic 
Mixed lot of troops 
on board 
from home & 
some Maltese


MARCH 3rd Month — 1916 
8 WEDNESDAY 68-298 
Arrived at Alexandria 
about 6.30am. 
Anchor winch broke 
down could not 
berth till late in 
did not disembark 
Counted twelve hospital 
ships inside the 
1916 — 31 Days MARCH 
9 THURSDAY 69-297 
Colonials last about 
boarded train for 
Cairo left about 
Arrived Cairo 8.0pm 
in Giza 10.0 "


MARCH 3rd Month — 1916 
10 FRIDAY 70-296 
At B camp 
Over Seas Base 
Attended dentist 
Marked A Class 
1916 — 31 Days MARCH 
11 SATURDAY 71-295 
Moved over road to 
A class camp. Giza 
Went out to Heliopolis 
and saw Auntie Annie 
and the girls, also 
Hugh. L. Peck 
so pleased to see them 
had tea there 
sent cable home 
Robinson's just back 
from Aesûan 
Hugh went to Luxor


MARCH 3rd Month — 1916 
12 SUNDAY 72-294 
At A Camp Giza 
Church parade in 
Went out to Heliopolis 
after dinner 
to see Auntie 
Mable McCrae was  
there staying 
Met several fellows 
went to St. Andrews 
Church Cairo 
saw Jock Bloso 
1916 — 31 Days MARCH 
13 MONDAY 73-293 
At A camp Giza 
Parade in morning 
Went out to see Auntie 
Annie at Heliopolis 
in afternoon


MARCH 3rd Month — 1916 
14 TUESDAY 74-292 
At Giza Camp 
Orders to rejoin unit 
left camp & went 
by 7.15 pm. Train from 
Cairo to Tel-el-Kebir 
arrived camp at 9.30pm 
reported sent to details 
for night 
1916 — 31 Days MARCH 
15 WEDNESDAY 75-291 
At Tel-el Kebir Camp 
in Aif. details 
reported to H.O 2nd Bde 
put on to 23rd Bty. 
Capt. Dodd 
Leuit Cowper B.L. 
" Wallace 
" Patterson late S.M 
6th Bty. 
Posted to C.Sub 
Sgt. Wilmur 
in Jordans sub. 
Innoculated this day


MARCH 3rd Month — 1916 
16 THURSDAY 76-290 
in 23rd Bty. 
Capt Marton takes 
" Dodds place as 
O C 23rd
1916 — 31 Days MARCH 
17 FRIDAY 77-289 
in Camp 
same old drill 
like at the start. 
Put in for leave for this 
day. cancelled.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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