Diary of Herbert Alexander Affleck, 1915 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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11th Month NOVEMBER 1915 30083 15 MONDAY 31010 Like ram Writing home yesterday closing day for mas mails. On Frul alt road. Heavy bombardment to left of Achi Babta visible. two vew monttors & cruser took part qquiet on this front Recieved letter from Mr. Rick yesterday, Regore Haied during night 16 TUESDAY 320-45 tiue On asub artilley road supposed to have taken some more ground & trenches at cape part that was bonoarded or arexplanes up. Taube over our anticeaft mrove him of Assist phone, enemys shrapriel visible in eveening near Salt Lake shings fanly quiet. Itherwise Haly poring shiringn ot Cape by WeorSat 324 Slowy on Asut art road, mail ovedie expected; sea faily rough bread + meat issue centailed On phone all day Everything fanly quiet on our front also Helles Seneral runsins re Kitchener, what he intends doing etc. 2usies of Siff tobaces about this date? 30D5 NOVEMBER 1915 11th Month I8 THURSDAY 32243 Frie On A sub act road Beachy Bill fired during night Our anticraft fired at drespeane hostile one jurst class shot, dlove him off our planes up duing day. They observe saily everyday, except wten too rough, Kenor re Dulz also Balonika Things fairly quiet, bombs stick over at night, howetlers silences him as a rule T8 PRIDAY 32342 Blawy. me On A sub attillery, road on cooks pob. 6th y had premature filer Beachy Hice fired or beach durin nighto no stores landed or account tof rough weather butly + bicuits. rumour te our outward mail supposed to be sunk Our inward maie oeiduc not arrived to Rote, Ouiantiprast fueson hostile plane Tist tobacco. Blowy s. On Asub act, road, o. Loy had premdtuce Officale news so the Taby sinking with outward mail on board, some saved. Aniser firing over trear of our front, firing broadsides, anopeane observing Buchy Bill firing at night, Waggons, stilling to fe made leady for Bopostg. Blowy and cold, N. wind In A sub art road & S drivers arrived 2 to 4 sub. Beach & Jorstan
11th Month NOVEMBER 1915 30 Days theap quet North wind Blonery, coldicy 22 MONDAY 326-39 Or A subackleing road. B. Gordan belongs to Does class. In new and out. Went round with Gordan & saw Mr. Skewart he did not look himself. Capt. Biddle firing uple iron & timber for weinter quarters. Recieved Mutal Btore hamper sent from home also parcel addressed by Dorothyy, covn broken some of content pressine represed Tuks Charged Ape LOHSOAY STSe tme huth heavy nest to rill On Asub art road. molte 25nd Our gin removed sent away to hindros with others also waggone Had to haul waggons over through gap. Dear Dunicale B. Williams pior. Woith Beach. Beachy Bell actue Turks charged at Courtcys were repulsed, at Helles whole Division repulsed wt teavy tosres 2 WE ull moreing down to Dattery. have to dig in redr old O sub-pibt taking down all non timber & sand Dags. Heavy pring at Cape, things fairly finch on our front. Beachy active attachon Apex repuked with hearty loss by difle. & Iachine gun fire NOVEMEER 1915 11th Month 30 DaYS 2S THURSDAY 32330 Fiue On A sub Dubs. sheiffled up sigging in for dug outs 2 PA 0Badweates & ram On A sule on dity- down on. North. Beach. waiting to load waygons postpored then weather too hough stunt Keeping off sky tie lasted for thee days 27 SaroRD drwig Kai on A sule odusout Jga Infatigues Staited snowing about 11 pr. Double guard on geins 28 SODAY 33233 Erow I Wid On A sule on duity. 7 pe to 7 p 24 hes and 24 off. very cold day.
11th & 12th Mths NOV. & DEC. 1915 30 & 31 Days r ostterly cold On A sib at Bhy Tuiks had theer trenches marked out wiith rea flago, yesterday tvey bombarged the Lone ie wso with howitzers of rarge Calibie, - casalitees weather calmer on iron rations in fatigue for day on Suard To TUESDAY 33431 Cold In A sut with Bhy on duty forday four sub Things faily quiet ships bombarded Grove Loid. Nelson or. 2 at Oluce & Mardos L Pecm, WSDSRSOAT BD Fe Du On A sub with Bhy Everyth fanly quiet on both front. 31 Days DECEMBER 1915 12th Month E TRORSDAT BSO2D Faic Dunny On A sub with Bly Pavaded sick MTLE Had a post card from gack from N2 Ont post Our sub on duty, day. S M Mist On A sub with Dhy fatigues Paradled sick NF4D Did not do guard Heard runor of advance on our left flank. Suola way News in Peninsula Press. good + favouable ASATONOSS D e & Beny On A sat with Bly On gone duty. Artillery ducls or ou tront. Heavy bombaidment or our left flank at Helles. ships taking part 5 SUNDAY 339-26
12th Month DECEMBER 1915 6 MONDAY 340-25 7 TUESDAY 341-24 8 WEDNESDAY 342-23 31 DaYS DECEMBER 1915 31 Days 12th Month 9 THURSDAY 343-22 10 FRIDAY, 34491 Left Anzac sick dis appen?? by Calcdoman Hospital ship for mudro 11 SATURDAY 345-20 Separation Day, Queensland— Public Holiday in Brisbane sanded at Mudos was chearing to 24- Casual. station 12 SUNDAY 346-19
DECEMBER 1915 12M 31 DaYS 13 MONDAY 347-18 14 TUESDAY 348-17 15 WEDNESDAY 349-16 about this date I was sait No No 16 Stationary Hospital East Mudros. with appendix. DECEMBER 1915 12 NO 31O0S 16 THURSDAY 350-15 17 FRIDAY 351-14 18 SATURDAY 352-13 kond over two or three days. 19 SUNDAY 353-12 Gvacuation took place at Anzac
12th Month DECEMBER 1915 20 MONDAY 354-11 2I TUESDAY 355-10 E Je Pacselly 22 WEDNESDAY 356-9 31 DaYS 31 Days 1 DECEMBER 1915 23 THURSDAY 357-8 24 FRIDAY 358-7 25 SATURDAY 359-6 Christmas Day 3803 26 SUNDAY Boxing Day 12th Month
LEMMONN DECEMBER 1915 27 MONDAY 361-4 362-3 28 TUESDAY Proclamation Day, South Australia 29 WEDNESDAY 363-2 32O05 DECEMBER 1915 12th Month 31 DaYS 30 THURSDAY 364-1 31 FRIDAY 365-0 spayed at NO.16 B.F sill Manuariy 1916 tansferd boat, Hospital ship X Lesitia. sent to mdeta arrived 14. sent to Cottoncra Hospital Malta
JANUARY-CASH MEMORANDA. Date, Letters recieved t fom Oct. 20 Dair nd 22 A4 H.W.B. Fr pt Bucenanke Nov subl Londs 41 Vingarc Dec J.B. Derkaper April 251, 1915 ont One boy had to retire gin oen -oawar a chance to Ate said on left which they did with a caution, the noul was terrific stells passing right over the Karroo looke a fit we bo at it was hard to inagiic how anything could live under it sechod to be a lot of wouded the suing subreded or leact April 25 1915 more spafice go g also last B sul got night fiet aboy early & tu ded, went on g. Cl. Lovertlough was to rightin asholl, filt section ca del abou 10.00- Dr. Walferton in our sent Dsib later got into position Mmoring did not fire fill s FEERUARY-CASH MEMORANDA. Letters posted 1916 April I was on guard or last shiff the morning wee srepared to land, I could hear the name guns firing a long while before I could see dnything. adually, getting closer. He astillery- panspots brought up the rear. Owe kept close + I wallel with shore from ape Helles, could see ships in dose landing koops sire from battle- ships wwas remendsus seemed to be bomearding all the way alotg wee stowly came up opposite to Kaba dipe the landing was eng carried out, ou boys started to laid a day break long before we came up could hed ritle fire & sunks shrapvel seemed to be comeng from all directions, we prepaied to land the right section of the 4th Battery first bore gun a subs was landed B. subs retened to kawoo, Infanber ecsilly over the gin & got it in to position close to beach shelled Kaba Lepe - the B.M. Ns piocked out gim also at other targe lagefaca
MARCH-CASH MEMORANDA. Monday 12th April, 1915 Arrived at Gold of Linmos from Alcxander a after a good tip was slightly seasick, we go to the Osl at midnight: bit had to stop- ousside Will daybreak, we then came in this entrance to bay; te enteance was guarded by minstlard in a chaim on bnoys; there were in all about 63 ships inside war hanspoes & meechantment, also some supply ships, among the waiships were Bertish, French & Mussian, Lucer Elizabethe was one of the Buitish which took part in the Conbardnent of Daidanelles the Islaid is about 50 miles distant from entrance oardartlees, the Queen Elizabeth stearied out of harbour to sea & eatured in the evening. Tee Troops camped on shore probably 3rd Bdc Juf. 9.1.F. also toops practising landing J.C. 3 ships same in dung day ore prpoeded ship beached in bay sand to be a German sipply APRIL—CASH MEMORANDA. ship; cloudy &rain in everig had a letter from home intend couting number of ships in harbour, onot two or three willages acound way also nincer -old fastioned windmills geazens ocultvation down to waters edge country very hilly one shipartos was visited during the day by General Birdwood Julv 17th Entarday whote home also p. pc to gack baypt Party went to Inveers for spell Magor and others Freluck torpedo boat off Anxac supposed to lee Italian officer. Til, on board Cafe for Cape Hlles Friday 6t 1913 We expected general aWack I Turks position, a great number of H.s arty, have landed and are in bwonac, some from Lubros & some from Cape?) everything has been got readly rations etc. Attack started I with general bombaidment. enemys lives field give + howiber
6Fiday MAY-CASH MENORANDA howitzer's played havoc with Frenches. we went in to action in forward position off gen lave fired 20 odd Houds & got knocked out, fifth 137. also had giv in forward por mhore & did well gatting off 40 ids we hope we did dayage to. Johnfors golly. Infantry attacked Rater charged + wokpsome trenches which the held at Loresome re plenty of rifle fire throughoutt night. 4th Saterday, wee saw first thing that a large force had ldded above Autac on Nibarnesi out started at Kaylight, large no of trampord men-owr, smaller caft lander was caried out successfully without any great opposition; Thes advanced ever flat compy by salt lake, 31. Ow larded on pout Tuikhas were included they advanced towards 971 Battleship hll etc. got 3084 mes inlaid, rumousd Horse. Artillery + cavalry, landed also that Garkls caplaied 6or & PF progrers favourably all going well tell bing, heavy rifle fire at night also little awiellly we also held all positions taken on our frort ceuke right did not. waiships bonbarded che board. wice JUNE-CASH MEMORANDA. advance N.Y. did well advanced conjiderably, bomb fight, at Lonesome 3. Sunday attack still going on intend to take chess board from rear, taking Battleship 971 hills so as to command chess board, we stood by during day, if we gan crest we comiad road leading south so aa sut off supplies about 8 ney o was Among the mer -o -war off Duvla Bay or inside boom detence swifpsure, Buchante. Dablin 2073 old. 2 fimnelled shallow. deoft cruisers, 1002 scout criusers batton ship (new. a goodgf T.B.Ds, the new seemed to see very fast + rakes monetors stood off awzac. among transports wrs uscamns bt commence. vent of attack there was from 5.to 7 hospital spips. 31. Iw landed on left Indian B - Shurkas; Bengal Senncers W. T.M. Riffles. Ry. a They lost heavily, captued 5 machice gons, large quanifity of amn Korndefeldgin, a lotaprifles excyone was complimanted led seneral Berdwood & w can

11th Month NOVEMBER 1915 30 Days 
15 MONDAY 319-46 Like rain.
Writing home yesterday closing
day for Xmas mails.
On A sub alt. road.
Heavy bombardment to left of Achi
Baba visible two new monitors
& cruiser took part
quiet on this front
Recieved letter from Mr. Peck yesterday, reg. one  
Rained during night

16 TUESDAY 320-45 Fine
On A sub artillery road.
supposed to have taken some more
ground & trenches at Cape part that
was bombarded fm areoplanes up.
Taube over our anticraft drove him off
Assist 'phone, enemys shrapnel
visible in evening near Salt Lake
things fairly quiet otherwise
Heavy firing during night at Cape

17 WEDNESDAY 321-44 Blowy 
On A sub art. road, mail overdue
expected, sea fairly rough bread &
meat issue curtailed
On phone all day
Everything fairly quiet on our front
also Helles.
Several rumours re Kitchener, what he
intends doing etc.
2 issues of gift tobacco about this date.
30 Days NOVEMBER 1915 11th Month
18 THURSDAY 322-43 Fine
On A sub art road.
Beachy Bill fired during night
Our anticraft fired at aeroplane hostile
for one first class shot, drove him off
our planes up during day. They observe
nearly everyday, except when too rough,
Rumor re Suez also Salonika
Things fairly quiet, bombs stick over
at night, howitzers silenced him as a rule

19 FRIDAY 323-42 Blowy. Fine
On A sub artillery, road
on cooks job, 6th Bty had premature 1 man killed
Beachy Bill fired on beach during
night, no stores landed on account of
rough weather, bully & biscuits.
rumour re our outward mail
supposed to be sunk
Our inward mail overdue not arrived to
date, Our anticraft fired on hostile plane
Gift tobacco north and Cold,
20 SATURDAY 324-41 Blowy
On A sub art. road, 6th Bty had premature Sgt wounded
Official news re the Gaby sinking
with outward mail on board, some
saved. Cruiser firing over to rear of our
front, firing broadsides, aeroplane observing
Beachy Bill firing at night, Waggons, artillery
to be made ready for transporting.  

21 SUNDAY 325-40 Blowy and  
cold, N. wind 
On A sub art. road &
5 drivers arrived 2 to A sub.  Beach & Jordan  


11th Month NOVEMBER 1915 30 Days 
Things quiet             North wind Blowy, cold, icy
22 MONDAY 326-39
On A sub artillery road. B. Jordan belongs
to Doc's class. In new dug out.
Went round with Jordan & saw Mr. Stewart
did he did not look himself.
Capt. Biddle fixing up re iron & timber for
winter quarters.
Recieved Mutal Store hamper sent from home
also parcel addressed by Dorothy, cover
broken some of contents missing.
Turks Charged "Apex" repulsed 
23 TUESDAY 327-38 Fine
Proclamation Day, Victoria 
with heavy casualties, ours next to nil (on 22nd
 On A sub art road. mobile
Our gun removed sent away to
Mudros with others also waggons.
Had to haul waggons over through
gap near Pinnicale N. Williams
pier. North Beach. "Beachy Bill" active
Turks charged at Courtneys were repulsed,
     "           "       at Helles whole Division repulsed
with heavy losses 

24 WEDNESDAY 328-37 Dull
moving down to Battery. have to dig
in near old B sub pit. taking down
all iron timber & sand bags.
Heavy firing at Cape, things
fairly quiet on our front. "Beachy active"
attack on "Apex" repulsed with heavy loss
by rifle & machine gun fire
30 Days NOVEMBER 1915 11th Month
25 THURSDAY 329-36 Fine
On A sub
Subs. shuffled up
digging in for dug outs

26 FRIDAY 330-35 Bad weather & rain 
On A sub
On duty down on North Beach.
waiting to load waggons
postponed, then weather
too rough!
Stunt keeping off sky line
lasted for three days

27 SATURDAY 331-34 Cold driving Rain
on A sub
Digging dug outs 
On fatigues,
Started snowing about 11 p.m.
Double guard on guns.

28 SUNDAY 332-33 Snow & Wind
On A sub on duty. 7 pm to 7 pm
24 hrs and 24 off. very cold day. 


11th & 12th M'ths NOV. & DEC. 1915 30 & 31 Days
29 MONDAY 333-32 Bitterly cold
On sub at Bty.
Turks had thier trenches marked
out with red flags, yesterday.
they bombarded the Lone Pine
also with howitzers of large
Calibre, - casualities
weather calmer
on iron rations
On fatigue for day On Guard

30 TUESDAY 334-31 Cold
On A sub with Bty.
On duty for day on sub.
Things fairly quiet
Ships bombarded
Lord Nelson or - at Olive Grove
& Maidos

1 December WEDNESDAY 335-30 Fine Sunny
On A sub with Bty
Everything fairly quiet on both fronts.
31 Days DECEMBER 1915 12th Month
2 THURSDAY 336-29 Fine Sunny
On A sub with Bty.
Paraded sick M & LD
Had a post card from Jack from No 2 Out
Our sub on duty for day. 

3 FRIDAY 337-38 Misty
On A sub with Bty
on fatigues
Paraded sick M & LD
Did not do guard
Heard rumor of advance on our left
flank Suvla way
News in Peninsula Press. good & favourable

4 SATURDAY 338-37 Fine & Sunny
On A sub with Bty
On gun duty. Artillery duels or our front.
Heavy bombardment or our left
flank at Helles. ships taking part

5 SUNDAY 339-26


12th Month DECEMBER 1915 31 Days
6 MONDAY 340-25

7 TUESDAY 341-24

8 WEDNESDAY 342-23
31 Days DECEMBER 1915 12th Month

9 THURSDAY 343-22

10 FRIDAY, 344-21
Left Anzac sick
Left by Caledonian Hospital
ship for Mudros

11 SATURDAY 345-20
Separation Day, Queensland—
Public Holiday in Brisbane
Landed at Mudros was
sent to 24th casual clearing

12 SUNDAY 346-19 


12th Month DECEMBER 1915 31 Days
13 MONDAY 347-18

14 TUESDAY 348-17

15 WEDNESDAY 349-16
About this date I was sent
to no 16 Stationary Hospital
East Mudros.
with appendix?
31 Days DECEMBER 1915 12th Month
16 THURSDAY 350-15

17 FRIDAY 351-14

18 SATURDAY 352-13
Lasted over two or three days.↓
↓ ← ←

19 SUNDAY 353-12
Evacuation took place at Anzac 


12th Month DECEMBER 1915 31 Days
20 MONDAY 354-11

21 TUESDAY 355-10
Near La Boiselle

22 WEDNESDAY 356-9
31 Days DECEMBER 1915 12th Month 
23 THURSDAY 357-8

24 FRIDAY 358-7

25 SATURDAY 359-6
Christmas Day

26 SUNDAY 360-5
Boxing Day  


12th Month DECEMBER 1915 31 Days
27 MONDAY 361-4

28 TUESDAY 362-3
Proclamation Day, South

29 WEDNESDAY 363-2
31 Days DECEMBER 1915 12th Month
30 THURSDAY 364-1

31 FRIDAY 365-0


I stayed at No 16 S.H till
12 January 1916 transferred
to boat, Hospital ship
"Letitia" sent to Malta
arrived 14th sent to
"Cottonera Hospital" Malta 


Date, Letters recieved

Oct. 20th from Iris
    "    22nd
    "       6th H.M.S. Triumph 
Nov     4th              Bucchante 
    "       25th               Dublin 
    "        17h                London 
Dec      9th               Vengance 
    "        22nd        S. .B. Destroyers
April 25th, 1915
xxxx Our boys had to retire giving
the men-o-war a chance to
bombard on left which they did
with a caution, the noise was
terrific shells passing right over
the Karroo looking from the boat
it was hard to imagine how
anything could live under it
seemed to be a lot of wounded
on beach the firing subsided

April 26th 1915
more shrapnel going also last
night & evening, B sub got
away early & landed, went on
to right wing. Col. Rosenthaugh was
ashore, left section landed about
10.00 am - JW Walferton in our punt
& sub later got into position
did not fire till next morning
Date Letters posted
April 25 1915
I was on guard on last shift the
morning we prepared to land, I could
hear the naval guns firing a long
while before I could see anything.
gradually, getting closer, the
artillery transports brought up the
rear, we kept close & parallel with
shore from Cape Helles, could see
ships in close landing troops
fire from battle- ships was
tremendous seemed to being
bombarding all the way along
we slowly came up opposite to
Kaba Tepe the landing was
being carried out, our boys
started to land a daybreak long
before we came up could hear
rifle fire & Turks shrapnel
seemed to be coming from all
directions, we prepared to land
the right section of the 4th Battery
first one gun A subs was landed
B. subs returned to Karoo, infantry
weren't silly over the gun & got it in
to position close to beach shelled
Kaba Tepe - the S.M. No 3 knocked out
gun also at other targets
cont page facing 


Monday 12th April, 1915
Arrived at Isld of Linmos from
Alexandria after a good trip
was slightly seasick, we got
to the Isld at midnight but
had to stop outside till
daybreak, we then came in
this entrance to bay, the entrance
was guarded by mines laid in a
chain on buoys, there were in all
about 63 ships inside war
transports & merchantment, also
some supply ships, among the
warships were British, French
& Russian, Queen Elizabeth was
one of the British which took part in
the bombardment of Dardanelles
the Island is about 50 miles
distant from entrance to
Dardanelles, the Queen Elizabeth
steamed out of harbour to sea
& returned in the evening. There
Troops camped on shore probably
3rd Bde Inf. A.I.F. also troops
practising landing 2 or 3
ships came in during day
one torpoeded ship beached in
bay said to be a German supply
ship, cloudy & rain in evening
had a letter from home
intend counting number of ships
in harbour, one of two or three
villages around bay also number
of old fashioned windmills
grazing & cultivation down to
waters edge country very
hilly our ship Karroo was
visited during the day by
General Birdwood

July 17th Saturday
Wrote home also p.c.
     "       p.c to Jack Egypt
Party went to Imbros for spell
Major and others.
French torpedo boat off Anzac supposed
to be Italian officer. Gen, on board
left for Cape Helles
Friday 6th 1915
We expected general attack on
Turks position, a great number of
K's army, have landed and are in
bivouac, some from Imbros & some
(from Cape ?) everything has been
got readly rations etc. Attack started
I with general bombardment of
enemy's lines field gun & howitzers  


howitzer's played havoc with trenches.
we went into action in forward
position off gun lane fired 20 odd
rounds & got knocked out, fifth
Bty. also had gun in forward position
& did well getting off 40 rds
we hope we did damage to Johnstons 
Jolly. Infantry attacked later
charged & took some trenches
which the held at Lonesome Pine
plenty of rifle fire throughout night.
7th Saturday, we saw first thing
that a large force had landed
above Anzac on Niburnesi Point
started at daylight, large no of transports
men-o-war, smaller craft landing
was carried out successfully
without any great opposition; They
advanced over flat country by salt
lake, 31st Div. landed on point Gurkhas
were included they advanced towards
971 Battleship hill etc got 3 or 4
mls inland, rumoured Horse Artillery
& cavalry, landed also that Gurkhas
captured 6 or 8 Q.F. progress favourably
all going well till seeing, heavy
rifle fire at night also little artillery
we also held all positions taken on
our front, centre right did not
warships bombarded chess board. twice
advance N.Zs. did well advanced
considerably, bomb fight at Lonesome
8th Sunday attack still going
on intend to take chess board
from rear, taking Battleship
& 971 hills so as to command
chess board, we stood by during
day, if we gain crest we command
road leading South so can
cut off supplies about 8 men-o-war
Among the men-o-war off Suvla
Bay or inside boom defence
Swiftsure, Buchante, Dublin
2 or 3 old 2 funnelled shallow
draft cruisers, one 1 or 2 scout
cruisers ballon ship (new)
a good no [[?]] G.B.Ds, one new
seemed to be very fast & rakish
monitors stood off Anzac.
among transports was
[Ascarius?], at commencement  
of attack there was
from 5 to 7 hospital ships.
31st & it landed on left
Indian Bde - Ghurkas, Bengal
lancers? N.Z. M. Rifles. R. F A
They lost heavily, captured 5
machine guns, large quantity of
ammin. Norndefeld gun, a lot of rifles
everyone was complimented
by General Birdwood & Sir Ian  

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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