Diary of Herbert Alexander Affleck, 1915 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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30 Days SEPTEMBER 1915 9th Month 13 MONDAY 258100 Cloudy Off Color did not take a slift or gualld Tarks shell o for transport carts at Wells spit don't do wulh dawage fired few eds in retaliation Recicieed word that paity for Mudros will leave. Tomgvrow I4 TUESDAY 257-108 Cloud Off colar did not parade sick, expect to act away tonight to Mudros. Paraded on lench at & pr. boarded barge & went dut on to S. Oomanich lay at anchor all night left tor dios about chd be S MDSSN R Gme Left anzac about 7. a.mm for mudrosd arrived about nown taken off Osmanich on Veery boat at 4 pm got to rest camb at sunset lad to wade through about 200 yards of water to flinis lot of French & British newo was layedg at Anchor, submarine came in from Marmora sea, great cheering from boats 300275 SEPTEMBER 191S SA WON I8 THDRSDAT 230100 Ver Wlt Had to camp oupide east right no tents the food seems to be very good and plentiful, pioping up. sod not he noting much tocaton Osmanich had easir day went down to beeach near old gray French, General inspected infandey sept outside again two heness put up no room for all T P 2 The Widy On cooks mate jol. not too good kept fine thro last night truished up at dark went down or to beach on the afternoon for awhile I aguitance in bay Hospital ship 18 SATURDAY 28110 fne Had poll call at 7.9.mn stopped around camp all mothing had lunce, went p second village: after dinner good walk, wuildings very quaint orsezed with pay tiles smortl did not feel. 20 s0l 210 night yue to church parade bath very good went to Therma on donkeys
30D25 SERIIOTRPOS 3H MON Fine 20 MONDAY 263-102 Went over to three villages fuil dinner in second sea in nearst one rad a good day 21 TUESDAY 284101 Taue Hired boat I went round bay for 2 has. ten to Dudros wantedt to go on Aaamemnon could not manage it hours. H.t6 had a jol to get back from Mudros the village is a French base saw a naval funeral. (French 22 WEDNESDAY 285100 fie Cloudy Newd roed to canteenc rear where we landed shopped and had din wadted back. Mrs water on 2 Ms fatigue 9th Month SEPTEMBER 1915 30 Days 23 THURSDAY 266-99 Fime id not leave camp had a goodrest 24 FRIDAY 267-98 Five Did not leave p had good spell Rumory rf Treece declaring wai on Turkey 25 SATURDAY 268-97 Fiu went to Therma had good bath & ride across also meal home in good time. couple of arcoptares up, in welg 28 SONDA 20088 Fie No church parade for us, fried to go aboard 9 againenng bndM fatigue writing home nold
SEPTEMBER 1915 9th Month 30 Days Lod Wid Eyha week of leave granted, ept kying to fix up about more pay bosted a letter homne at Y.N.C.A evening 2. TORN MT Yic went over to first village stayed to dinner staited for canp stipped & watched a soccer match between navy mem up at Y.M.C.A even Lie 29 WEDNESDAY 272-93 to be medically examined today. also pay pavade. were examined passed fit did not get payed 30 & 31 Days SEP. & OCT. 1915 9th & 10th Mths Did not goout morn ment ouert to see Toball match afternoon also suchet Sao PM Mrm. Fiue On cooks mate all day Miscarble, returned from hospital J SSTONIST MSD Fre & Walm Payed 10/- a man areghged to gotout to canken ship , did not go out could not get boat SSOD MOS Eaoean dad not go out morning was drowned had to assist in getng Crawford who
31O25 OCTOBER 1915 10th Month MOrDAT 21SS five Eisht Hour Day, Sydney B.S. went out on to canteer slip Fborida bought soone stores. to take back t. Awzac J. M.C.A. evening they had jesl got in piais and books etc. Olympie in bay tie &Warn ann or board Patiige 21881 some A.S.C. arr. will as Leaving West mudios. this day left camp at 10.9.m weit to t pice, Bits went by wago supposed to leave fier at 12. P.M. delayed, had dinner on shore at 11.30a.n left Lemnos at 4. p.m. on the H.M.S. Ptridge arrived awzac and landed about 10 pm. back to N4 Si Sgt Phiplips in charge recently appts. S WEDNESDAT 27038 Jwe, Warm at No4 Su on Sinber carrying agent round to itf shore by Williams feer no Timber to be had carried & to 8 pieces up to B I Temnos paity got away sub. 2 about 8t overy thing quiet on front heavy 3 home. 1. firng Cape way. 3 Nome recieved's letters 2 parcels (2 church 31 DAYS OCTOBER 1915- 10th Month e Wari Parcels one from Nonce one from Elsie addressed by pem On finter carrying to Bsub. ot $4 also water fatighie ther to A sub for day. everything queet sing a Cape, rifle fire about. 7pr 2 destioyers fited on to right-flank wriskly Too letters one from H. Joeighin pron Churc 8 FRIDAY- 281-84 Weteveng Went up to t sul temporarily wrined in even On Gard 2 shept 2 hours in Artellery road in old position. no firing 9 SATURDAY 282-83 Five with tt sub on coops mate forday no firing 10 SUNDAY 283-82 Line with toub cook for day Johnstone's Jolly ste post posed mine atc
31 Days OCTOBER 1915 10th Month Fiue 11 MONDAY 284-81 at A sub no igs fired guard every night 1h30mns weiting home. J. Mason came back re fazing shells. H.E Fie 12 TUESDAY 285-80 at A sub water fatigue re fuzing shells. H.E finished writing Lor heard of Douglasss whereabouts. recieved 3 letters from home rom pack from Hehopoers approy date of unners se Bulgaria & Recce eto 13 WEDNESDAY 28679 Tene te at A sub Atillery road we been upp mnnies on left of sonekine botheyploded successfully. demonstation (along wholefronk. Posted letter home 31 Days OCTOBER 1915 10th Month 14 THURSDAY 287-78 Tue at 4 sub. Art. road everything quiet Heavy fring cape way 1S FRIDAY 288-77 at & sub act road supposed day of forcieg of narrows, heavy fering in direction of Cape everythi 9 queeton our front 10 SATROAT BSW Cold at A oub heavyfuing Cape way Turks spened up during morning sewise qiliet 17 SUNDAY 290-75 at A sub. Out road on wodfatigue everything quiet
OCTOBER 1915 10th Month 31 Days mon Showey early MONDAT 23142. Fime at N2. gin A sub in artillery road everything quist some heavy firing at Cape 19 TUESDAY 292-73 cold On asul every thing quiet. 20 WEDNESDAY 293-72 Colg O Asil nothing doing 31 Days OCTOBER 1915 10th Month a S Cold & Wet On. A sib. Art. road nothing doing everything quiet blowig a w lalh yht On Asub cook for day. way cold day. 23 SATOAA M0 Cold & Mndy Very cold weeather On gent. paraded sick 21 SUNDAY 28788 Cold On A sub paraded sick heavy pring Cape was
OCTOBER 1915 31 Days 10th Month 23 MONDAT 288Or Tme Beautiful day On 4 pub. not wo well paraded sick Guice and Writing home on orrania retural we are supposed to be at war with Bulgana & having successes especially wick navy on their coast also Rusnars landed & ddvoncing or Constant 28 TUESDAY 23088 Cold & Cloado at toub. Art. road. paraded sick -o -war opened up on motiile Turkish Ry. behind dues grove & silenced same. writing home 2. WROIRODR, MSJn, Mrdy, N. sarded sick pTLD. at 4 pub second party rest camp. expected to refuse Turkesh B openet before aner eratic shooting Bby in Olie Gres also Bearhy, New 18.2 ouer veay uswriting home mail said to lee in recieved a parcel from home no lett OCTOBER 1915 10th Month 31 Days 2 28 THURSDAY 30184 Tue Peraded sick NFLD, Dn A sub in Act road Everything quiet on both fronts Heard that Jack had landed at Auzac True 29 FRIDAY 302-63 Paraded sick no L0 On A sub in Art road Turks sent over a few 8.2 towards rest gally We beewup mine at 12.0pen some fellows mere gassed. Fruished writing home Rumnors of heavy artillery landing at arizac S STRS B Fre Bn A sub t art road graded sick MtLD posted letter home overything quiet mnowifion kimburs that we tirned Turkist Slank i bouth I. heavyfining at Cape 31 SUNDAY 30461 hiC On gout aut road paiadesick sooe beavy firing of Cape MTLD
1ith Month NOVEMBER 1915 30 Days 1 November MONDAY 305-60 Fane On sout art. road did not parade ack cooks job. Rumours that Bulgaria turned on German also that PLiccce & Homania are young the allas. offical news re Grenains getting a doing by Russians, Gieece denies interfescace with landing Roop Baloniks 2 o Fdy Melbourne Cup Day—Public Holiday in Victoria Dind not brade sick not feelng too good on Asub art road. assist on shone everyKing, quiet little hak heavy frrng Cape way late in eveng te S MTSOAT DSS FM at A sub art road on phonetorday. heavy firing cape way early morning Sew 1.2 from Turks a small bombardnent of kenche in front & Beack by Tarks from Oense Grove Wrok to Dad 30 Days NOVEMBER 1915 11th Month & TNORSDA Sme with Shower D A sub Art. road. bueryking quctoriourfront Heavy pring cake way Reciived paperfrom hone 18th ip also one ftom Filgroy Parist record in poper from home. 5 FRIDAY 309-56 Fre On A sub act road everything fanly quiet Senday Drew $500-0 in pay in notes 1910 N.046153 t N.0 46162 S SATURDAY 31055 Fie On A sub art. road abit of a Combaidment, machine guns going at night fairly low On cooks job Dorthiys & Mr. Pecks T SUNDAT 311 Fuie En panl Act road. 2. Kuty returned from from ho Teinnos, Payed, recieved parcel, and letter I came ovlr Mor Elsie & Honie
NOVEMBER 1915 30 Days 11th Month S MONDAT P2SS Lie on A sut ait, road 35 took 8 Btyo place assist on shone. 13h round to Right. supposed last night stant did not come off payed 110/- to sub. for shus etc Went wind so N2 post and saw gack he was well got back Flate A sub qus taken oud by 5. Bby. sub hilf on to B &D sabs. Batteries re grouped 1st Bte prk one of 5 R4 heautiful weather o TODA 31332 Tie In Soub, art road In phoke; from appearace of dishoyers. submarine (hostele) about. Kitchener supposed to be visiting this theare of war, head lekes from B Plowman J. Harkling. rumours always flying about re Balhans. Whote to N. Goighim won some hove acid powder. made present if laces also totheco cigue tt 10 WEDNESDAY SILSI, Fue On Asub ant road hip to N.H everything quiet on bith fronts. W. Yough letter posted foud good curis he shape of texploded - I shell Turks opened up we retaliated Hotchkes's did good rapid shooting 3M also Howithers, delonation of shells terrific (How) (orrs.) 11th Month NOVEMBER 1915 30 Days Lenby Windey HI TAURSDAY 1315S0 1 Fue, Mislyboa On H out arl. road bverything quiet on our frond Very heavy oering cape way last night; at bet 10412 pem not feeling too brilliant sant ceer McInbure, re B. Beak's grave down to beach for whod also Bly stores We honded over N4 giv to 5 Bt and got another in gully at rear of 4 12 PRIDAY 316.40 i Wet On A sub artillery road. Everything quiet on both fronts. Rimnoured K visited Angac today on cooks job very minuable she in van Hew howd shells ouer Bpt from over Plugger's way across to right. exchange of shetts 13 SATURDAY 317-4s Me On A oubart road. Things faily quiet lot of stick bombs oiew at I night doing damage, too Wrote to G.S., Millers, Houghin, Aunt fan, A. Peck mail arrived old one, got one paper 29 sept Kitchener seen on beach. 10 am motars of Turks supposed to have been seen I4 SENDAY 31847 activing Pn A sub. bone, on right flang Fine blowy replied to by Jacks also heavy fring at cape & between or shole

9th Month SEPTEMBER 1915 30 Days 
13 MONDAY 256-109 Cloudy. 
Off color did not take a shift on guard. 
Turks shell our transport carts at 
Hells spit, don't do much damage, 
fired few rds in retaliation. 
Recieved word that party for Mudros 
will leave tomorrow 
14 TUESDAY 257-108 Cloudy 
Off color did not parade sick, expect 
to get away tonight to Mudros. 
Paraded on beach at 8 p.m. 
boarded barge & went out on to 
S.S. Osmanieh lay at anchor 
all night left for Mudros about 
7 a.m. arrived 
15 WEDNESDAY 258-107 Fine 
Left Anzac about 7 a.m for  
Mudros arrived about noon 
taken off Osmanieh on ferry boat 
at 4 p.m. got to rest camp at 
sunset. had to wade through 
about 200 yards of water to finish 
lot of French & British men-o-war 
laying at anchor, submarine came in 
from Marmora sea, great cheering from boats 
30 Days SEPTEMBER 1915 9th Month 
16 THURSDAY 259-106 Very wet. 
Had to camp outside last night no tents 
the food seems to be very good and 
plentiful, picking up, had nothing 
nothing much to eat on Osmanieh 
had easy day went down 
to beach near old quay 
French General inspected infantry 
slept outside again two tents 
put up no room for all 
17 FRIDAY 260-105 Fine Windy 
On cooks mate job not too good 
kept fine thro last night 
Finished up at dark. 
went down on to beach in the 
afternoon for awhile 
S.S. Aquitania in bay hospital  
18 SATURDAY 261-104 Fine 
Had roll call at 7 a.m 
stopped around camp all 
morning had lunch, went 
to second village after dinner 
good walk, buildings very quaint 
mostly covered with fan tiles 
did not feel too well at night 
19 SUNDAY 262-103 Fine 
No church parade bath very good 
Went to Therma on donkeys


9th Month SEPTEMBER 1915 30 Days 
20 MONDAY 263-102 Fine 
Went over to three villages 
had dinner in second & 
tea in nearst one 
had a good day 
21 TUESDAY 264-101 Fine 
Hired boat & went round bay for 
2 hrs. then to Mudros wanted 
to go on Agamemnon could not 
manage it hours 4 to 6 
had a job to get back from Mudros 
the village is a French base 
saw a naval funeral (French) 
22 WEDNESDAY 265-100 Fine Cloudy 
Went round to canteens 
near where we landed 
stopped and had dinner 
waded back thro' water 
on Q. M's fatigue 
23 THURSDAY 266-99 Fine 
Did not leave camp 
had a good rest, 
24 FRIDAY 267-98 Fine 
Did not leave camp had 
good spell 
Rumour re Greece declaring  
war on Turkey. 
25 SATURDAY 268-97 Fine 
Went to Therma 
had good bath & ride across 
also meal 
home in good time. 
couple of areoplanes up in 
26 SUNDAY 269-96 Fine 
No church parade for us, tried to go aboard Agamemnon 
On Q -Ms fatigue, writing home no luck


9th Month SEPTEMBER 1915 30 Days 
27 MONDAY 270-95 Cloudy & Windy 
Extra week of leave granted. 
Cpt trying to fix up about more pay 
Posted a letter home- 
at Y.M.C.A evening 
28 TUESDAY 271-94 Fine 
Went over to first village stayed 
to dinner started for camp.. 
stopped & watched a soccer  
match between navy men. 
up at Y.M.C.A evening. 
29 WEDNESDAY 272-93 Fine 
To be medically examined today. 
also pay parade. 
were examined passed fit 
did not get payed 
30 & 31 Days SEP. & OCT 1915 9th & 10th M'ths 
30 THURSDAY 273-92 Fine & Warm 
Did not go out morning 
went over to see football 
match afternoon also cricket 
1 October FRIDAY 274-91 Warm. Fine 
On cooks mate all day 
J. Miscamble returned 
from hospital 
2 SATURDAY 275-90 Fine & Warm 
Payed 10/- a man 
Arranged to get out to canteen 
ship, did not go out could not 
get boat. 
3 SUNDAY 276-89  (near Tower Camp 
was drowned) 
Did not go out morning   
had to assist in getting Crawford who 


10th Month OCTOBER 1915 31 Days 
4 MONDAY 277-88 Fine 
Eight Hour Day, Sydney 
Went out on to canteen ship S.S. 
Florida bought some stores, 
to take back to Anzac. 
Y.M.C.A evening, they had 
just got in piano and books 
S.S Olympic in bay. 
Fine & Warm 
am on board Partridge  

5 TUESDAY 278-87 some A.S.C arr with us   
Leaving West Mudros this day 
left camp at 10 .a m went to R E 
pier, kits went by wagon 
supposed to leave pier at 12 p.m. 
delayed, had dinner on shore at 11.30 a.m 
left Lemnos at 4. pm on the H.M.S 
Partridge arrived Anzac and landed 
about 10. p.m. back to No 4 Gun 
Sgt Phillips in charge recently apptd. 
6 WEDNESDAY 279-86 Fine. Warm 
At No 4 Gun 
on timber carrying went round to 
North Shore by Williams pier no timber 
to be had carried 6 to 8 pieces up to B 
sub. 2nd Lemnos party got away 
about 8 p.m. 
Every thing quiet on front heavy 
firing Cape way. 
recieved 8 letters 2 parcels 
3 home 
3 Nonie 
2 Church 

31 Days OCTOBER 1915 10th Month 
7 THURSDAY 280-85 Fine & Warm 
Parcels one from Nonie one from 
Elsie addressed by them - 
On  timber carrying to B sub. at No
also water fatigue 
Then to A sub for day. everything 
quiet firing at Cape, rifle fire 
about 7 p.m. 2 destroyers fired 
on to right-flank briskly 
(Two letters one from N. Joughin, 1 from Church) 
8 FRIDAY 281-84 Wet evening 
Went up to A sub temporarily 
rained in evening 
On Guard 2nd shift 2 hours 
in Artillery road in old 
no firing 
9 SATURDAY 282-83 Fine 
with A Sub. 
on cooks mate for day 
no firing 
10 SUNDAY 283-82 Fine 
with A Sub cook for day. 
Johnstone's Jolly stunt mime etc postponed


10th Month OCTOBER 1915 31 Days 
11 MONDAY 284-81 Fine 
at A Sub 
no rds fired 
guard every night 1hr 30 mins 
writing home. 
J. Mason came back 
re fuzing shells H.E. 
12 TUESDAY 285-80 Fine 
at A sub. 
water fatigue 
re fuzing shells H.E 
finished writing home. 
heard of Douglass's whereabouts. 
Recieved 3 letters from home 
1 from Jack from Heliopolis 
approx date of 
rumors re Bulgaria & Greece etc. 
13 WEDNESDAY 286-79 Fine 
We at A sub Artillery road 
we blew up to mines on left of 
Lone Pine bothexploded 
demonstration along wholefront. 
Posted letter home. 
31 Days OCTOBER 1915 10th Month 
14 THURSDAY 287-78 Fine 
At A sub. Art. road. 
everything quiet 
Heavy firing Cape way. 
15 FRIDAY 288-77 Fine 
At A sub Art road. 
supposed day of forcing of 
narrows heavy firing in 
direction of Cape. 
everything quiet on our 
16 SATURDAY 289-76 Cold 
At A sub. 
heavy firing Cape way 
Turks opened up during morning 
otherwise quiet 
17 SUNDAY 290-75 
At A sub. Art. road. 
On wood fatigue everything quiet.


10th Month OCTOBER 1915 31 Days 
Showery early in morning 
18 MONDAY 291-74 Fine 
At No 2 gun A sub, in Artillery road 
everything quiet 
some heavy firing at Cape 
19 TUESDAY 292-73 Cold 
On A sub. 
everything quiet. 
20 WEDNESDAY 293-72 Cold 
On A sub 
nothing doing 
31 Days OCTOBER 1915 10th Month 
21 THURSDAY 294-71 Cold & Wet 
On A sub Art. road. 
nothing doing 
everything quiet 
Blowing 22 FRIDAY 295-70 Cold & Wet 
On A sub 
Cook for day  very cold day. 
23 SATURDAY 296-69 Cold & Windy 
Very cold weather 
On A sub. 
Paraded sick 
24 SUNDAY 297-68 Cold 
On A Sub 
paraded sick heavy firing Cape 


10th Month OCTOBER 1915 31 Days 
25 MONDAY 298-67 Fine 
Beautiful day. 
On A sub. 
not too well paraded sick 
Writing home Greece and Romania netural- 
We are supposed to be at war with 
Bulgaria & having successes 
especially with navy on their coast 
also Russians landed & advancing on Constant. 
26 TUESDAY 299-66 Cold & Cloudy 
At A sub. Art. road. 
paraded sick 
men-o-war opened up on mobile 
Turkish Bty behind Olive grove 
& silenced same. 
writing home. 
27 WEDNESDAY 300-65 Fine. Windy. N. 
At A sub, paraded sick M&LD. 
second party rest camp. expected 
to return 
Turkish Btys opened before dinner 
eratic shooting. Bty in Olive Grove 
also Beachy, few 8.2 over near 
us. writing home mail 
said to be in. 
recieved a parcel from home no letters. 
31 Days OCTOBER 1915 10th Month 
28 THURSDAY 301-64 Fine W 
Paraded sick M&LD. On A sub Art. road. 
Everything quiet on both fronts. 
Heard that Jack had landed at Anzac 
29 FRIDAY 302-63 Fine 
Paraded sick M&LD On A sub in Art road. 
Turks sent over a few 8.2 towards rest gully. 
We blew up mine at 12.0 pm some fellows 
were gassed. 
Finished writing home 
Rumors of heavy artillery landing 
at Anzac 
30 SATURDAY 303-62 Fine 
On A sub. n art road. 
Paraded sick M&LD 
Posted letter home 
Everything quiet on our front 
Rumours we that we turned Turkish 
flank in South? heavy firing at Cape 
31 SUNDAY 304-61 Fine 
On A sub Art road parade sick 
some heavy firing at Cape M&LD


11th Month NOVEMBER 1915 30 Days 
1 November MONDAY 305-60 Fine 
On A sub Art. road. 
did not parade sick 
on cooks job 
Rumours that Bulgaria turned on  
Also that Greece & Romania are joining 
the Allies. offical news re Germans 
getting a doing by Russians, Greece 
denies interference with landing troop Salonika 
2 TUESDAY 306-59 Fine, Windy 
Melbourne Cup Day - Public 
Holiday in Victoria 
Did not parade sick not feeling too good 
On A sub Art. road. 
Assist on phone 
everything quiet little 'hate' 
heavy firing Cape way late in evening 
3 WEDNESDAY 307-58 Fine 
At A sub Art. road 
On 'phone for day. 
heavy firing Cape way early morning 
few 8.2 from Turks 
a small bombardment of trenches 
in front & Beach by Turks from 
Olive Grove 
Wrote to Dad. 
30 Days NOVEMBER 1915 11th Month 
4 THURSDAY 308-57 Fine with Shower 
On A sub Art. road. 
Everything. quiet on ourfront. 
Heavy firing Cape way 
Recieved papers from home 18th Sept. 
also one from Fitzroy 
Parish record in paper from home. 
5 FRIDAY 309-86 Fine 
On A sub Art road 
Everything fairly quiet 
(Sunday 7th
Drew £ 5.0-0 in pay in notes 
10/- Y10 No. 046153 to No.046162 
6 SATURDAY 310-55 Fine 
On A sub Art. road 
Abit of a bombardment 
machine guns going at night 
fairly low 
On cooks job 
7 SUNDAY 311-54 Fine 
On A sub. Art. road. 2nd Party returned from  
Lemnos. Payed, recieved parcel from home and letter 
from Elsie & Nonie's Dorothys & W Pecks  
Few 8.2 came over


11th Month NOVEMBER 1915 30 Days 
8 MONDAY 312-53 Fine 
On A sub Art. road {6th took 8th Btys 8th round to right}  place 
assist on phone  
supposed last night stunt did not 
come off. payed 10/- to sub. for stores etc. 
Went round to No 2 post and saw 
Jack, he was well, got back late. 
C sub gun taken over by 5th Bty 
sub half on to B & D subs. 
Batteries re grouped 1st Bde took one of 5th Bty 
Beautiful weather today 9 TUESDAY 313-52 Fine 
On A sub Art. road. 
On phone, from appearance of destroyers. 
submarine (hostile) about. 
Kitchener supposed to be visiting this 
theare of war, read letters from B. Plowman 
& E. Hartung. rumours always flying about 
re Balkans. Wrote to N. Joughin 
won some boric acid powder. 
made present of laces also tobacco & cigarettes 
10 WEDNESDAY 314-51 Fine 
On A sub. Arty. road, trip to No 4. 
everything quiet on both fronts. 
N. Joughin letter posted. 
found good cans in shape of 
exploded        ? shell. 
Turks opened up we retaliated. 
Hotchkiss did good rapid shooting 3lb. 
also Howitzers, detonation of shells 
terrific (How.) (ours.) 
30 Days NOVEMBER 1915 11th Month 
11 THURSDAY 315-50 South Windy, Fine, Misty. freezing 
On A sub Art. road 
Everything quiet, on our front. 
Very heavy firing Cape way last 
night at betn 11 & 12 p.m.- 
not feeling too brilliant- 
Saw Clen McIntyre re B. Beath's grave 
down to beach for wood also Bty stores 
we handed over No4 gun to 5 Bty and got 
new another in gully at rear of 4 
12 FRIDAY 316-49 Fine Wet 
On A sub Artillery road. 
Everything quiet on both fronts. 
Rumoured K wa visited Anzac. 
On cook's job very miserable 
job in rain 
few howz shells over 18 pr from 
over Plugger's way across to right. 
exchange of shots 
13 SATURDAY 317-48 Fine 
On A sub. Art. road. 
Things fairly quiet. lot of stick bombs 
over at night doing damage too 
Wrote to G.G., Millers, N. Joughin, Aunt Fan, A. Peck, 
mail arrived old one, got one paper 29th sept. 
Kitchener seen on beach. 
10 mm motars of Turks supposed to have been seen arriving 
14 SUNDAY 318-47 
On A sub. bombd on right flank Fine blowy 
replied to by Jacko also heavy firing 
at Cape & between on shore

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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