Diary of Herbert Alexander Affleck, 1915 - Part 5

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JULY 1915 31 Days 7th Month Depplane i. not to well S yaily moring altillenance Turks wing higl explosive, we are going to get oyddite, for 18ps S.5 How stells droppig one in 402 gon sit hit gon whed but of actior Leavy shookg Cape way beg explorions alss, bia shells, 111I can over 2o1Aamag p rench sepply shp sumk by submen 62 Shilf B4. reslly empty Mnan srt too well G TUESDAY 1S7-17S WC bn water fatigue landed another 6 Houpzer. 3 ix all actore shifted o away from 1 posikis rond towards Raba Lepe OFryi plattor for another, 4 gin stelle abut during day tevning arts at ship. Herwise quiet t well. tater fatige Barorys snootlg fairly brskly wefor shooti at 786 bug hill beand Actie/ Bala JULY 1915 7th Month 31 Days not well Prie & Warm On water fatigue at night n.beach Monifor H.M.S. Hamber bombaided on left wing also towards. ole glove near shore Turky stelled beach from loth flanks Turks bombarded out dug out wey strapuel & high eplosue theee eng wolndednore scriously ckg Yn messorderly Ig Sowards Cape searey of F. Bell, Best, B. Read, Tuanson arrieeed from Egypt. pinks stelleg beash from both 2d Tlanks. I moffal not shrapicC315 no nail to date 10 SATURDAY 19174 fue & War Two arcoplancs up over sutks diofped a bomb each. In last shift Fraid on water fatigue Things generally quiet Farget me Odate I SODAT 1213 Fl & Warm Well again in water fatiane, ballon obser, up leftwing cruser 2 fim botnbardeg, from Henng broadsides, I letter from hone-
7th Month JULY 1915 31 DaSS Sinday t an beatch fatigue evling no water 4.7 give bhought a shope Monday 12 On water fatigne cally, on observation yeavy artillery. fiing all along from at Cape Hellds. Acho Babi Sippered; Chuses bombaidn abbservation ballon up; buisk result Weepened upaitilley fire or sarfiont ffaii attackedabout 10 p Lucksartillery did not reply heavy o fue, Leavy fiting at cape suesden - them On watcrtatigue, innoculated against Cholex. our tont quiet, heavy firing & burst at Athi Sabi; recieved two lekters one from Dr from G. Milles wwe captired Wetch supposed supplies for sudmannas (remo our dgoup shelled again oe ong Willed Cold in thioat, I WEDNESDAT 15170 fne & Warm, In water atige On suard and Shift paraded re clothing, Cap. Tarks fired at Kawlers not hips Fascon. Hospital Ship cleard out ficily arrived could hear rifle fire at Southery Yone 3 accoplanes up Morr Idropped boshit 31 Days JULY 1915 Tth Month Coldin thoct 5 100100 fie & Wari On waterfatigcie suiet on our front, few shells on beach. 5. How fing evening tayet. I 4 Funnellea Mser Right & fin a rear of acti ali. Abservation vallon up, alsofiing, on right wing as cape by French 18. Way Fresk. meat served, recieved backward Hear rifle fire at soull fore leftrf l1 fine & Warm. in water fatigue Lord Nelson to observation shp, passed AN2AC, going toward Bullar lives some more 5 Hows landed, Monitor bombarded Olive Frove also to left virg-, our. How- got on to I On beach fatigue 6 men (not wanted) few big howrker shells came over did not explode also swall suyback I7 SATURDAY 108 167 Te & Vaum In water fatigue, objectives gaved at Cape Arepplane overevemg. deopped two lombs one rear org. old depot in watr ore near Henches did not explode he did not return our place up later tugsgererally quiet. heavy fiig down. Cape way cesteris so 1 posted if Di wash fatigue, Hout chells from sunks buracoplane up observing for Howitzers, ground signalls, 3 plahes up morning
from Letter by mail dated 9. gine pome 31 Days JULY 1915 Ith Month Heavy from a tape Coldin Stroat 18 o 0te & Warin in water fatigue also L.Ms ofternoon A M. S.Humber also. another new Monitor obseration balton at Anzac I fumelled Creaser lower towards Cape Hember stelled Olive. F also to right lor grarage sone DA.C. londy Monitor a areoplanes uup afternoon one over our tlenches, one sultmmoting as well Tuks sent over How stels we replied 20 TUESDAY 2 /Aeem 3 Blus 5 How ashor todate A sub in action agan On water fatigue. In guard 1st shifg. evelything quiet this front. some heligfirng below, auplases up On observation first shift, arcoplane up. 2 innoculation against cholera. new I fuelled cruser standi ff between here & cape pred some roudo towards ever H.M.S Hunder shood of f Auzac fired few winds, isseed gos helmes rumour Achi Habi Haken had tor guce it up as asiatic fort opened up on 7th Month JULY 1915 31 Days E T Porty returned from Interos On water fatigue everying quiet on bosh fronto atrack expected on 23. areopeane up observing in ever Tunks shelled it no result or hit t Tus fatigue Houibers ond; shook firedo nedy of not to weld 23 FRIDAY 20411 me & Wari A water fatigue two teiks attack did not come off remoured toops reinfortements to Tuiks landing at Maidos two montors off anzac one firig on narrows onp. sevie gioo Howchers shoong at night aroplane up firng below at Cape little 24 SATURDAY 205-100 me & Warin On water fatigue quiet on our front also cape snail allived one from home & Dot moved back on to mo 3 Si On guard 3rd shift coldn chesks 200150 A & Warm on Humber laying off marin everythe quiet oour from young cape Sur whndedwirlehone
7th Month JULY 1915 31 Days 28 MONDAY 207238 Tme & Warm In no 3 gu pit no rd fired -dule Howrs fing everg also 4.7 Tuks How P Sate ever posted p.c home letter per carthlier stand to early. everything quiet on our fromt also below at Cape . J.B.Ds Liing in vicentty. of Sdet lake N. Cowdeer left. ET TUESDAT 208-157 Ane & Warn day of expected attack by Tucks they did not attack everything quiet on our front also at hape cruisers loying off also monitar 4.7 shootig at Bt along coast that fires at ten o war in Action pit In No. 3 plaabse Actit 28 WEDNESDAY 200-130 The & Walm In do3 giv pit leavy refle fere early in mo did not dwvelipe everything quiet on front, How Sho on guard first shilp Gendals Budwoods A.D.C Dilleed or beach Har Blylanded also 2 60p 31 DaYS IULY & AUG, 1SIS YL& StL MOnTRS 28 THURSDAY 201S Ta Warm. Had a nessage from J.W.R. per Br. Howe to pracuse action I N.3 Sin saicel & paper from yome Faube came Ome accoplane up.. over at same kime no recult as far as a scrape diopped two bombs on beach everything quiet on both fionts. shells from Olive Gove reoplane was observing so E M Wa servation 20 o Se pit 22 o Turks hied to draw of fire in offernoon Fanlie came over dopped 2o03 bonts French cruser bombarded Achi. Baba observation byllor up, two monupes off auzac heavy firing at Cape of sholl duvation Sent message to J.W.R. per I Shippard few shells 4t from Olie Fev 3I SATURDAY 212133 Tme & Walm 30,50280 203 Gon pit Our boys took hundeed yards of heachs on right, 8 Bly in ackion also Mr21 Heavy firng at Cape CBub is to get new gou arrved in pad aust SOA Fine & Wah N0.30 -pe for ture setting competition practesit 147 got or to 3000 Tuiks from Cape, H. Col.
Sth Month KUOUSTISD 31 DASS Bank Holiday. 2 No 3 3 t no rdsfied Heavyfirng at Cape Two tenches taken of right woyds 3 TUESDAY 215130 Me & Wa In No3 ge pit moved out in new position with new giv also det of fifth bedind ttrencks rear, Artillery Iame Large no of X hoops landed. one man lost. Monefor firing at Olice 4 also st. Taulle over AHESSN MD F Warm Dr new position 2 tups to beach tileer & bags working all day son ft at night landed more woops reinforceuents W old Sn sance over droppeds bonbs Saw Moy Mc Callun on y. ovabout Annou AUGUST 1915 31 Days 8th Month S THURSDAY 2S Fie & Wari Sr forward, ou pit A sul 3s on roof D sub More posted p.c. home working on fot pit getting it into shape Cl. Johnston called roud a so Generse C F 281 An & Warm Ir faward position general attack on Tuks position at Augac. Achi Bder shelled got into action fied to rounds p.S & h.C. F. Bellhillean action I. Adars French face swatches myself. D. Trotter position, plnty stells infaty atacked gared objective & held naction fired 28tds was away or SATURBAr Vrm Clody still afackig large no of me-orbat Mansport at Ball Take larded troopp + advanced toward 971B. everythiaa progressing favouiabl achd Bat a shelled, plendy of Stells suman attack on left ank) over ofr ded on of Gurras ca position also cavalry SUNDAY 220-145 Still in advanced Yom & Fine things going socitior no definte news well.
M Hisiauson in Chenge sgt adatis killed pf 2th Monn AUGUST 1915 31 Days Bell Killid o Mt & War In advanced position no rounds filed - are aweful stencly, we lost a lot of our boys but the Tinks lost very heavily yeu caunnalties being greater than our fone me wakten secured; we seerned to reasive cheeck on left wing large no o transports etc at Sela Bay Jope M Sanble To TUESDAY 22213 fa& & Wam Seegusor. Harry. fn advanced position relieved by sowe of t sub, had to you Dsul temporarily fired a New woor ds otherwas quiet, houizza stells retusned, ws nots Buigade was compliwented on work done caught-Turks repreating in open with sprapice TWOS 231 Fin & War In Nv.3 pit. M Byrne relieved M Rchardson stand to at 5.A.m; no action till afternoon few roundsfired Letter from Bisdwood also Dit I an everyig going well. our lossess sente o left were heavin 31st Dis Jachan B Garkas landed on left A.1.F on guards rumoured that Artillorys not to be relieved, the vuton 31 Days AUGUST 1915 8th Month Prand to 5a.m TE TURSDAY 2214 Fnce & Par In N3 pit pred seds things quiet. aell day violent bombardment of Acho Baba gun flashes visible Yorks shelled shaprcl on to lines of communication near. Halt & ake Turks seem to be nervy fire at least provocation may o war in or nar Bawla Bay upB W. Aichardson over advanced position I3 FRIDAY 225.140 Fie & Warn in 2o 3 pit (wve took 700 presoners No was fired during attact Holdig growd or left our line is very epended one generally quiet yu Our forward givI was pulled out of popition put in new rear 21 M.B. Hear oniold dugont recieved letter yoon we 2 Pce & War N.3. pet remouyet 4 montors teo wrofe a letter home also p.C. Cto S. Montgomet, aton recieved letter from home also Willers also papers; things senvally gait heaven sifte i gward 1½ sh fie at. 221.13 abiff Jauly Se 803 pit no i fugd evenyshg vainet
AUGUST 1915 31 DaYS 8th Month 0 Warn Wine for M 3 pit no idsfied everything on bok fromt parly goie the sett wilkshire lying in Suvea Bay fine skip all bg vessels & new-I war being insede soom defenice On Guard 1st Stown nwe fie d Warm In N3 pit first shing woired subsection again. Tole, gi et t removed for time ben tatigues again, did not make a start on them expect to do so tomorrow. Wraspied 4 of ourareo planes over flyig in line po Draidos; 2 Taubes came of Silola Bay dupped 6 bruls warships fereg at them. 18 WEDESDAY 2301 Te & Warm On water fatigue quict on both fromt Enguthy 2 Faplies Hlew over Suvla Bay bombs Auen off by warships Ramoured Treex declayed war sermany also that Gernary suning for peace thro hope. I shells on beach from beach Bill 8th Month 31 Days AUGUST 1915 TS THURSDA 23.131 Fie & Warin. In water fatigue everything Harrly quiet on both nw Rumomr Yaiser suing for peace through + ope, posted up Im B forid a few rds very exective W P M Windy like Inr Guard No 3 22 plf sad inwater fatigue some froops landed on I art of our 2 Dw. Mrr Phllips f Tee Bly- fred. a few rounds wert fora chipping faze abot. May made suggestion fo spell Geneed about man going to Tmbros Sold for stores 21 SATURDAY 233132 Aua.. Cloedy. On water fatiie, mail, arrived everyto quiet sill afternoon a attack came off on left owar assiste Leavy rifle fire, progressing favoriably, sunks attacked Lore gine our position unaltered. 22 SDAT 231 Fie & Warm on messorderly. Wc parcel from Jessee Willer relorted captined 5 trenches & 5 welk or left flnd
31 Days AUGUST 1915 8th Month 23 MOTDAT 235730 Clondy. In waterfatigue, writing letter home wrote t Auber tay Quit on our from heavey firing Cape way on water Vatigue mail ashore removied ours sink Rennoon that we are to be relieved Demonshation or our front last ngh Tps very nervy. On guard2 2h a TUESDAY 23220 fie & Warin Hlony in alen sone heavy fuig Cape Way Turks advanced on left flank Anzay in massed formation 6000 killed Staly declaied was rumoured On water fatigue, heads test g 1.9 Hoschkiss gin foring out to sea, Byment returned from ogypt. Turss fired some pootballs over E EO B Muggy On water fatigue shooking at Cape. Hotchhers ging to tee placed behind firi ilme sai some Turkish prisoner beach working, rumoul about Staly sens to be correct. 8th Month AUGUST 1915 31O05 28 THURSDAY 238-127 Windy Wrote to gessic Milles + t ad posting four letters. This day recicied mail from home home MrN. 18. 10. Triffiths also paper pleasant surprise, thegs quiet. on both froms on water fatigue demonitration at night on on fron heavy rifle fire 27 PRIDAY 230.120 fine & Warm Otack on left, afternoon also at night heavy rifle fire as wele as artllery and ships, quiet on our side. On water fatie On guard, st shipt W3 sumoerred I talians going to land here. 28 SOO M Sc Warm Reported successful on left 2 tenches teken later 941& nole importait positions, hope corlect. Jacks firing at supply barges + ships runoyred anadns to land here aso trerch & ovalian, On water $3050008 24.122 Fie &W te In water fatigus rec parcel fromgh Jm auty moved to We onr gin returned ett i iot
8th & 9th Months AUG. & SEP. 1915 31 & 30 Days so Nor 2 Tme & Warn I 8o 4 gun pit on flat behind 5 BG. su very hot not po well no shooting fixing up pit etc Turks firing on beach briskly H grus2 -412, 2 small fired after dark about 10 o'clock heavy fring down cape way quick on our front duig day and night SI TUESDAY 213122 FieWarm In N04 Gn pit working on Jit fired 8 rounds registered couple of targets actng W.3. reciived letter from oack from Hehopolis. 1 September WEDNESDAY 244-121 2 no 4am pet got action loaded iid did not fire working on improvement aleout klt seemed to be an atack on left flank gen flaskes visible SEPTEMBER 1915 30 Days 9th Month 2 THURSDAY 245-120 In N4 gi pit no rounds fired working on i provement areoplane went over late in eveing believed to be a trench monopeave I diars had give pained. on it did not fire areoplanes of both sides come over. us pretty well every day. 2 disorters came in B FRIDAE 21 Lae & Warn In N4 gun, pit no rds fired on improving pit etc. Heavy firing Cape way Beashy bill active phelli 9 beach & stores. A SATURDAY 217118 Pie & Warm ottowell No rounds fired navy firing down Cape way. Stalian officer ashoumpto. D.A. s Soa 2 Tue & Warm Not well paraded sick on light duty expected attack from Turks did not come off
30D03 SEPTEMBER 1915 SA MON S MONDAT 210 Tm Warm Paraded sick on light duty. wrote home also post caid no wds fired in gv 4 pit not well noting eventful gpt. 6. Bde canded minus But whos ship was torpeeded 2 32 drowned, returned to, Lomings reship, litter from dot & Jack I enpect A Slewart with then T TUESDAT 2oS M Mem on sick parade posted lletter & card home not well laying off, fired two rounds missed guard, etc by accodent On sick parade light duty fired 5 Frounds Monitor shooting over on featy replying strapnel 124. Bat. Bamped near us SEPTEMBER 1915 9th Month 30 Days e & War Etill off colour not doing much tired ferds Tucks opened towards sunseit, we rebaliated Rumour about being relieved for 2 weeks On post orderly. To PDAT 233m2 Fre & Warn Paraded sick, on light duties and eight-diet Off coloi tired fewrds, at Land Sit. Ridge 1. Br Thubos + Sipks landed at Duvlapay. Heardabout M. Shewart. with 21. An Met Jack Jeck he seemed to be all right & looked failly well. I1 SATURDAY 254III Clondy Of color paraded sick guard on light duties fired few rds. Mail came 10th Recieved letters from home (2), mistake went up to cpl and got tot got word about going to Hudros for 2 weeks. 12 SUNDAY 235-110 Clocidy. no auadd not well, got word went down on to beach depatture postposed letter from None

7th Month JULY 1915 31 Days 
Areoplane up. not too well 
5 MONDAY 186-179 Fine 
Early morning artillery duel. 
Turks using high explosive, we are 
going to get Lyddite. for 18 pdr 
8.5" How shells dropping. one in No
gun pit, hit gun wheel out of action 
heavy shooting Cape way big explosions 
also, big shells 11"? came over our position. 
no damage. 
French supply ship sunk by submarine  on 
on Guard 1st shift lll 4th. nearly empty. 
Not too well 6 TUESDAY 187-178  Fine 
On water fatigue 
landed another 6" Howitzer 3 in all 
ashore, shifted 6" away from 1st position  
round towards Kaba Tepe, fixing 
platform for another, 4" gun shelled 
abit during day & evening aslo at 
otherwise quiet 
Not well. 7 WEDNESDAY 188-177 Fine & Warm 
On water fatigue 
Batterys shooting fairly briskly 
Monitor shooting at 706 brig 
hill behind Achi Baba 
31 Days JULY 1915 7th Month 
not well 8 Thursday 189-176 Fine & Warm 
On water fatigue 
   "  beach       "  at night 
Monitor H.M.S. Humber bombarded 
on left wing also towards 
olive grove near shore. 
Turks shelled beach from both flanks 
Turks bombarded our dug out with 
shrapnel & high explosive three engrs 
wounded, none seriously. 
Picking up 9 FRIDAY 190-175 Fine & Warm 
On mess orderly. 
Heavy firing towards Cape 
F. Bell, Best, S. Read, Ferguson, - , 
arrived from Egypt. 
Turks shelled beach from both 
flanks. I Moffatt hit shrapnel 3rd. 
No mail to date. 
10 SATURDAY 191-174 Fine & Warm 
Two areoplanes up over Turks dropped a 
bomb each. on last shift Guard 
On water fatigue 
Things generally quiet. 
Forgot the date 
Well again 11 SUNDAY 192-173 Fine & Warm  
On water fatigue, ballon obser. up. 
Cruiser 2 fire bombarded left wing 
broadsides, 1 letter from home 1st June - 1 from Fleming


7th Month JULY 1915 31 Days 
Sunday 11th 12 MONDAY 193-172 
On beach fatigue evening no water 
4.7 guns brought ashore. 
Monday 12th
On water fatigue early, on observation 
Heavy artillery firing - all along 
front at Cape Helles. Achi Babi 
peppered, Cruiser bombarding 
observation ballon up. brisk result? 
We opened up artillery fire on our front fairly 
we attacked 13 TUESDAY 194-171   about 10pm 
Turks artillery did not reply heavy rifle 
fire, heavy firing at Cape, 

13th Tuesday - Warm 
On water fatigue, innoculated against 
Cholera. Our front quiet, heavy firing &  
burst at Achi Babi, recieved two letters 
one from D - 1 from J. Miller, We captured Ketch 
supposed supplies for submarines (rumor) 
Our dug outs shelled again one Engr. Killed 
Cold in throat, 14 WEDNESDAY 195-170 Fine & Warm. 
On water fatigue 
On Guard 2nd Shift 
Paraded re clothing. cap. 
Turks fired at trawlers not hits 
Gascon. Hospital Ship cleared out 
Sicily arrived. 
Could hear rifle fire at Southern  
3 areoplanes up Morning & evening 
dropped bombs 
31 Days JULY 1915 7th Month 
Cold in throat 15 THURSDAY 196-169 Fine & Warm. 
On water fatigue 
Quiet on our front. few shells on beach. 
5". How. firing evening target. J. 
4 funnelled Cruiser (light) firing 
at rear of Achi Babi. Observation 
ballon up, also firing on right 
wing at Cape by French. 18th May. 
Fresh meat served. recieved backward letter from home. 
Hear rifle fire at South Zone.  
Got Cold again 16 FRIDAY 197-168 Fine & Warm. 
On water fatigue. 
Lord Nelson & observation ship. passed 
ANZAC, going toward Buliar lines 
some more 5" Howrs. landed. 
Monitor bombarded Olive Grove also 
to left wing. Our Howrs got on to J 
On beach fatigue 6 men (not 
wanted) few big howitzer shells 
came over did not explode also small. 
see back  17 SATURDAY 198-167 Fine & Warm 
On water fatigue, objectives gained at Cape 
Areoplane over (enemy.) dropped two 
bombs one near Engr. old depōt in water. 
one near trenches did not explode 
he did not return our plane up later 
things generally quiet. heavy firing down 
Cape way 
Posted letters 18 SUNDAY 199-166 Fine & warm 
On water fatigue, Howz shells from Turks - 
Our areoplane up observing for Howitzers 
ground signalls, 3 planes up monitoring


Letter by mail dated 9th June from home. 
7th Month JULY 1915 31 Days 
Heavy firing Cape 
Cold in Throat  19 Monday 200-165 Fine & Warm 
On water fatigue also Q.M S afternoon 
H.M.S. Humber also another new monitor 
observation ballon at Anzac. 
2 funnelled Cruiser lower towards Cape. 
Humber shelled Olive Gr. also to right - 
Monitor -     "         long range, some D.A.C. landed 
2 areoplanes up afternoon one over our  
trenches, one over in morning as well ↓(dropped bombs) 
Turks sent over Howr, shells we replied 
20 TUESDAY 201-164 
3 Bty & 5" How. ashore to date - 
A sub in action again 
On water fatigue 
On guard 1st shift 
everything quiet this front. 
some heavy firing below. 
areoplanes up. 
21 WEDNESDAY 202-163 Fine & Warm 
On observation first shift, areoplane up. 
2nd innoculation against cholera. 
New 2 funnelled cruiser standing 
off between here & Cape fired 
some rounds towards evening. 
H.M.S. Humber stood off Anzac fired 
few rounds, issued gas helmet 
rumour Achi Babi taken - had too 
give it up as Asiatic forts opened up on 
31 Days JULY 1915 7th Month 
22 THURSDAY 203-162 Fine & Warm 
Party returned from Imbros 
On water fatigue 
everything quiet on both fronts 
attack expected on 23rd
areoplane up observing in evening 
Turks shelled it no result or hit 
On lines fatigue 
Howitzers out, shooting 
fired on night of 21st
not too well 23 FRIDAY 204-161 Fine & Warm 
On water fatigue two trips 
attack did not come off 
rumoured troops reinforcements to 
Turks landing at Maidos 
Two monitors off Anzac one firing 
on narrows one Olive Grove. 
Howitzers shooting at night 
areoplane up 
firing below at Cape (little) 
24 SATURDAY 205-160 Fine & Warm 
On water fatigue 
quiet on our front also Cape 
mail arrived one from home & Doli. 
moved back on to No3 Gun. 
On guard 3rd shift 
Cold in chest 25 SUNDAY 206-159 Fine & Warm 
Humber laying off morning 
everything quiet on front, firing Cape 
Turner wounded, wrote home


7th Month JULY 1915 31 Days 
26 MONDAY 207-158 Fine & Warm 
In No 3 gun pit 
gun drill. No rds fired 
Howitzers firing evening also 4.7 
Turks             "     Howzrs late evening 
posted p.c. home. letter per Cavalier 
stand. to early. 
everything quiet on our front also below 
at Cape T.B.Ds firing in vicinity 
of Salt lake. Pt Cavalier left. 
27 TUESDAY 208-157 Fine & Warm 
Day of expected attack by Turks 
they did  not attack. 
Everything quiet on our front also 
at Cape. 
Cruisers laying off also monitors 
4.7 shooting at Bty along coast 
Shot fires at men-o-war in action 
In No3 gun pit 
practise action 
28 WEDNESDAY 209-156 Fine & Warm 
In No3 gun pit 
heavy rifle fire early in morning 
did not develope 
everything quiet on fronts. 
Howrs shooting evening 
On guard first shift 
Generals Birdwoods A.D.C. killed 
on beach 
How Bty landed 5" also, 2 60 pdrs 
31 Days JULY & AUG. 1915 7th & 8th Months 
29 THURSDAY 210-155 Fair & Warm. 
Had a message from J.W.R. per Rd. Rowe 
In No 3 Gun pit practise action 
parcel & paper from home - 
Our areoplane up. Taube came 
over at same time no result 
as far as a scrape dropped two bombs 
on beach everything quiet on both 
fronts. shells from Olive Grove, 
areoplane was observing 
30 FRIDAY 211-154 Fine & Warm. 
In No3 Gun pit on observation - 
Turks tried to draw of fire in afternoon 
Taube came over dropped 2 or 3 bombs. 
French cruiser bombarded Achi Baba 
observation ballon up two monitors 
off Anzac heavy firing at Cape 
of short duration 
Sent message to J.W.R. per I Sheppard 
few shells 4" from Olive Grove 
31 SATURDAY 212-153 Fine & Warm 
In No 3 Gun pit 30; 50 & 80 
Our boys took hundred yards of trenches on 
right, 8th Bty in action also Mt 21 
Heavy firing at Cape 
C Sub is to get new gun arrived in port 
1 August SUNDAY 213-152 Fine & Warm 
In No3 gun pit 
Practising for furze setting Competition 
4.7 got on to 3000 Turks from Cape H. Col.


8th Month AUGUST 1915 31 Days 
2 MONDAY 214-151 Fine & Warm 
Bank Holiday. 
In No3 Gun pit 
No rds fired 
Heavy firing at Cape 
Two trenches taken on right 
100 yds 
3 TUESDAY 215-150 Fine & Warm 
In No3 gun pit 
moved out in new position with 
new gun also detch of fifth behind 
trenches near artillery Lane. 
Large no. of K troops landed. One man 
Monitor firing at Olive Grv also 8th
Taube over 
4 WEDNESDAY 216-149 Fine & Warm 
In new position 2 trips to beach 
timber & cargo 
working all day & on pit at night 
landed more troops reinforcements 
My old Bns 
Taube over dropped 3 bombs 
Saw Roy McCallum on 7th or about August  
31 Days AUGUST 1915 8th Month 
5 THURSDAY 217-148 Fine & Warm 
In forward gun pit 
A sub 3 Sd on roof D sub 1 
posted p.c. home. 
working on foot pit getting it into 
Col Johnston called round. 
also General. 
6 FRIDAY 218-147 Fine & Warm 
In forward position 
general attack on Turks position 
at Anzac. Achi Baba shelled 
got into action fired 19 rounds 
p.s. & h.e. F. Bell killed in action 
            J Adams      "       "  trench 
face scratches myself No
rotten position, plenty of shells. 
infantry attacked gained objective & held 
in action fired 28 rds was away at time 
7 SATURDAY 219-146 Warm Cloudy. 
still attacking. large no of men - o war 
transports at Salt Lake landed 
troops & advanced toward 971 B. Beath killed 
everything progressing favourably. 
Achi Baba shelled. Plenty of shells over our position 
Our main attack on left flank 
Ghurkas landed on left 
also cavalry 
SUNDAY 220-145 
Warm & Fine. 
Still in advanced 
position, no definite news, things going 


[*W Richardson in charge 
Cpl Masters Sgt Adams killed 
Rd Cavell 
G Bell killed *] 
8th Month AUGUST 1915 31 Days 
9 MONDAY 221-144 Fine & Warm 
In advanced position 
no rounds fired. an awful 
stench, we lost a lot of our boys 
but the Turks lost very heavily 
their casualties being greater 
than ours, Lone Pine taken & 
secured, She seemed to receive 
check on left wing large no of 
transports etc at Suvla Bay 
Leppet Miscamble. 
Ferguson, Harry 
10 Tuesday 222-143 Fine & Warm 
In advanced position 
relieved by some of D sub. had 
to join D sub temporarily 
fired a few rounds otherwise 
quiet, howitzer shells 
returned, no hits. 
2nd Brigade was complimented  
on work done caught Turks 
retreating in open with shrapnel -  
them down*] 
11 WEDNESDAY   223-142 Fine and Warm 
In No 3 pit. Mr Byrne relieved Mr Richardson 
stand to at 5. a. m no action 
till afternoon few rounds fired 
Letter from Birdwood also Sir Ian. 
everything going well, our losses 
on centre & left were heavy. 
31st Div Indian Bde. Ghurkas landed 
on left.  
A.I.F on guard rumoured that Artillery not to be relieved 
like Infantry. 
31 Days AUGUST 1915  8TH Month 
Stand to at 5 a.m. 
12 THURSDAY. 224-141 Fine and Warm 
In No 3 pit fired 2 rnds. Things quiet 
full day violent bombardment. 
of Achi Baba, gun flashes visible, 
Turks shelled shrapnel on to lines of 
communication near Salt Lake 
Turks seem to be nervy fire at 
least provocation 
8 men-o-war in or near Suvla Bay. 
up to W Richardson over advanced position. 
13 FRIDAY 225-140 Fine and Warm 
[*we took 700 prisoners during attack*]
In No 3 pit.  
no rnds fired  
Holding ground on left our line 
is a very extended one 
things generally quiet. 
Our forward gun was pulled out 
of position & put in new near 
21 M B. near our old dugout 
recieved letter from Elsie. 
14 SATURDAY 225- 139 Fine and Warm 
In No 3 pit removed 4 monitors thro Narrows? 
Wrote a letter home also p.c. 
p.c. to D Montgomery Paton. 
recieved letters from home also 
from Millers also papers. 
Things generally quiet heavy rifle 
fire at night. on guard 2nd shift 
15 SUNDAY  227-138 
In No3 pit no rnds fired  
everything fairly quiet


8th Month AUGUST 1915 31 Days 
16 MONDAY 228-137 Warm & Fine 
In No3 pit no rds fired 
Everything on both fronts 
fairly quiet 
The old Wiltshire lying in 
Suvla Bay. five ships 
all big vessels & men-o war 
being inside boom defence, 
On guard, 1st shift 17 TUESDAY 229-136 Fine & Warm 
In No3 pit first thing joined 
subsection again Mobile gun 
removed for time being to left flank on 
fatigues again - did not 
make a start on them 
expect to do so tomorrow. No rds fired 
4 of our areoplanes over flying in line 
to Maidos, 2 Taubes came of Suvla Bay 
dropped 6 bombs warships fired at them. 
18 WEDNESDAY 230-135 Fine & Warm 
On water fatigue 
Everything quiet on both fronts. 
2 Taubes flew over Suvla Bay, 
2 bombs driven off by warships, 
Rumoured Greece declared war 
on Germany also that Germany 
suing for peace thro' Pope. 
few shells on beach from beachy 
31 Days AUGUST 1915 8th Month 
19 THURSDAY 231-134 Fine & Warm. 
On water fatigue 
everything fairly quiet on both 
Rumour re Kaiser suing for peace 
through Pope, posted up. 
Our Bty fired a few a few rds very 
20 FRIDAY 232-133 Windy like rain 
On Guard No 3, 2nd shift 
On water fatigue 
some troops landed on left 
part of our 2nd  Div  
[*Mjr Phillips went for a spell*] 
Our Bty fired a few rounds. 
chipping furze about. 
B. May made suggestion to 
General about man going to 
Imbros Isld for stores. 
21 SATURDAY 233-132 Fine. Cloudy, 
On water fatigue, mail arrived. 
Everything quiet till afternoon 
then attack came off on left 
man - o - war assisting, heavy 
rifle fire, progressing favourably 
Turks attacked Lone Pine our position 
22 SUNDAY 234-131 Fine & Warm 
On mess orderly. rec'd parcel from Jessie Miller  
Reported captured 5 trenches & 5 wells on left flank


8th Month AUGUST 1915 31 Days 
23 MONDAY 235-130 Cloudy. 
On water fatigue, writing letter home 
Wrote to Auntie Fan. 
Quiet on our front. heavy firing 
Cape way. 
on water fatigue 
Mail ashore rumoured ours sunk 
Rumour that we are to be relieved 
Demonstration on our front last night 
Turks very nervy.  On guard 2nd shift 
24 TUESDAY 236-129 Fine & Warm. 
Blowy in evening 
Some heavy firing Cape Way. 
Turks advanced on left flank Anzac. 
in massed formation 6000 killed 
Italy declared war, rumoured 
On water fatigue, heads resting 
1. g   Hotchkiss gun firing out  
to sea, Payment returned from Egypt. 
Turks fired some footballs over. 
25 WEDNESDAY 236-128 Muggy 
On water fatigue 
shooting at Cape, Hotchkiss 
guns to be placed behind firing 
line. saw some Turkish prisoners 
on beach working, rumour about 
Italy seems to be correct. 
31 Days AUGUST 1915 8th Month 
26 THURSDAY 238-127 Windy 
Wrote to Jessie Miller & Dad. 
posting four letters this day. 
recieved mail from home 
1 home M & H.  1 G . 1 G. Griffiths also paper 
pleasant surprise, things quiet on 
both fronts. 
on water fatigue. 
demonstration at night on our front heavy 
rifle fire. 
27 FRIDAY 239-126 Fine & Warm 
Attack on left. afternoon also at 
night heavy rifle fire as well as 
artillery and ships, quiet on our 
On water fatigue 
On guard 1st shift No
rumoured Italians going to land 
28 SATURDAY 240-125 Fine & Warm 
Reported successful on left 2 trenches 
taken, later 971 & more important 
positions, hope correct. 
Jacko firing at supply barges & ships 
rumoured Canadians to land 
here also French & Italians 
On water fatigue 
29 SUNDAY 124 FIne & Warm 
On water fatigue recd parcel from home
moved to No 4 our gun returned from 
left in duty 


8th & 9th Month AUG. & SEPT. 1915 31 & 30 Days 
30 MONDAY 242-123 Fine & Warm 
In No 4 gun pit on flat behind 
5 Bty. sun very hot not too well 
no shooting fixing up pit etc. 
Turks firing on beach briskly 
4 guns 2 -4 2  2  small 
fired after dark about 10 o'clock 
Heavy firing down Cape way 
quiet on our front during day 
and night. 
31 TUESDAY 243 122 Fine & Warm 
In No 4 Gun pit 
Working on pit 
Fired 8 rounds. registered couple 
of targets, acting No 3. 
recieved letter from Jack from 
1 September WEDNESDAY 244-121 
In No4 gun pit 
got action loaded 1 rd did not fire 
working on improvements 
about pit 
seemed to be an attack on left 
flank gun flashes visible 
30 Days SEPTEMBER 1915 9th Month 
2 THURSDAY 245-120 
In No4 gun pit 
no rounds fired 
working on improvements 
areoplane went over late in evening 
believed to be a French monoplane 
Indians had gun trained on it 
did not fire 
areoplanes of both sides come over 
pretty well every day. 2 deserters came in Turks 
3 FRIDAY 246-119 Fine & Warm 
In No4 gun pit 
no rds fired 
on improving pit etc 
Heavy firing Cape way 
Beachy Bill active shelling 
beach & stores 
4 SATURDAY 247-118 Fine & Warm 
Not too well 
No rounds fired 
heavy firing down Cape way 
Italian officer ashore up to D.A. 
5  SUNDAY 248-117 Fine & Warm 
Not well paraded sick on light duty. 
expected attack from Turks did not come off


9th Month SEPTEMBER 1915 30 Days 
6 MONDAY 249-116 Fine & Warm 
Paraded sick on light duty. 
Wrote home also post card 
No rds fired in No4 pit 
not well, nothing eventful 
except 6' Bde landed minus  
21st Bat who's ship was torpeodoed 
32 drowned returned to Lemnos 
reship, letter from Dot & Jack [*also paper*] 
expect Mr Stewart with them 
7 TUESDAY 250-115 Fine & Warm 
On sick parade 
posted letter & card home 
Not well laying off, fired 
two rounds 
missed guard. etc by accident 
8 WEDNESDAY 251-114 Fine & Warm 
On sick parade light duty. 
fired 5 rounds 
Monitor shooting over on 
flat, replying shrapnel. 
24th Bat. camped near us 
30 Days SEPTEMBER 1915 9th Month 
9 THURSDAY 252-113 Fine & WARM 
Still off colour not doing 
Fired few rds, Turks opened up 
towards sunset. we retaliated 
Rumour about being relieved for 
2 weeks 
On post orderly. 
10 FRIDAY 253-112 Fine & Warm 
Paraded sick. on light duties 
and light diet 
Off colour 
Fired few rds at Sand Pit Ridge 
Ghurkars 3 Bn & Sihks 1 Bn landed at Suvla Bay. 
Heard about Mr Stewart. with 21st Bn 
Met Jack Peck he seemed to be all 
right & looked fairly well 
11 SATURDAY 254-111 Cloudy 
Off color paraded sick on guard 
on light duties 
fired few rds. Mail came 10th ↑ 
Recieved letters from home (2), mistake 
went up to Cpl and got tot. 
got word about going to Mudros for 2 weeks 
12 SUNDAY 255-110 Cloudy 
no guard - 
Not well.  got word went down on to 
beach departure postponed, letter from Nonie

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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