Diary of Herbert Alexander Affleck, 1915 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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AMONN APRIL 1915. 30 Days 28 MONDAY 116240 twl Landed. Talipoli am. about 10.a.2 got gun in position Ono Giring preparring position on pp of stephill directly above beach a kindred wards away. mounted gward out of crew. Nocasualteps ET TUESDAT 172is W aem Pened free 6.30 a.m so0 poulnds gin fue, approx fired 4.25 rounds altogether half with lanyard corrd shotin foot Dockh in sker working on gen, pit all wight. very pred ono secep 2500 4 Daval Rlanded 28 WEDNESDAY 118-247 Litke Ra In giv pit. worked till 2 am up 3 a m Under shrapicl + hghryfle fired 6o winds see fire 3se quiet day M Hodgson shot cutcal 7. made Capt. 821 30 8 31 Days APRIL & MAY 1915 4th & 5th Mcths 2S THURSDAY IS21 Cold moen In gompit fineday hai duing nigh fired 40 winds Derflinge T.S, nit. by stell. 30 FRIDAY 120-245 fule day In gin pit Abtogetter 6.30 pm fired Iroinds Lest of niat. hined out at 1020 pn fired 4 Bunds 1 May SATURDAY 121-244 In an pit turredout at 5 am It will shafrict in back no ill effects heavy shell fire myself but on fobt Sle Bul Best was bit also. b 1fuld 123nds o gi pit Secpton, fired 7f rounds attack byifot
sollyr let ly pn stell from SP MAY 1915 MHMON J.Dad ms fine 3 MONDAY 123-242 gin pit weath aans shat in bag noharm done pred 17 rounds skett shot thio stonach on Sunday sut not dangerous capdared a Tusks & deshoyer oserving station W pont. Wack Henwood shovhn leg Sin C 12424 Relieved out of gin pit douk on to the beach ease day. Cgnfired 14rowd Vislent bonbardment of Rabatipe landing party repertsed B. I sub moving into Wstie 5 WEDNESDAY 125-240 down on beach easyday. wrote pat card home heavy enfilade fire shiaprice CA MoN MAY 181S 31O5 G. THURSDAY 126-239 Town on Beach Haxty aay begvy een phrapil notsed Hilkeld psss tples 7 Thursdays backpin M I gan mored from positio hear Ceach 5 Bty tok it (EHA) Dugin A subs gin working i conjunction a no rounds fired in beachposition X S SATURDAY 128-237 t gin knocked about. heavy shrapuel in dugout at 2 Bir headges. look ginout, dunning moved B+ D. MWolverteek Kellea working all night Baukle. oCollins, workClestso8st $5350 Angon woudd Mc Crocker in Mt W. positid Fir on pit -n tuing (new plt
WII181 31 O25 BHWON Frre 10 MONDAY 130-235 Whote post said he In giv pit Recieved letters (4) from hom 5 Sunday. 9- working at night also guard 11 TUESDAY 131-234 Basil Farrell was killed in I sues gu pit In gen pit tred few rounds pit working at mgtt alten also roweing it made good got guard 12 WEDNESDAY 132-233 Relieved out of gin pit had a good rest MAY 1915 31 DASS SH MON fue 13 THURSDAY 133-232 Out of gempe writing short note home ill per 4.5 shrapuel burst year 2 Light Horse arriveed 1 +2 Bdes fie 14 FRIDAY 134-231 Put of giv pet working on new pet in ofteroon on comin, Kench Teema hanpost submaring reported hansports moved to shelter 15 SATURDAY 135-230 fo or pi Back in Merch easy day fired 100012 poinds shower 16 SUNDAY 136-229 tim Ir pit
MAY 1915 31D SHMONM Fine 17 MONDAY 137-228 Bob Fraser eary day Fine 18 TUESDAY 138-227 Relieved out of g pit got two lekers from home hs attack at night- by Tanks Tenkst inforced dwv tie 19 WEDNESDAY 139-226 Relieved out of gi bt neavy bombardhent morning not too well guard done for me fired 3o rounds gin fire 31OS IIIY1815 BHMONN Tuce 20 THURSDAY 140-225 Out of feeling letter Geman arcoplane over dropped one bomb good miss. writing home P.C alac cablegram (good work heavy firing out of ene fits at night 21 FRIDAY 141-224 Fine Th Tince towards evening landed sigh 1-forse toops Gernan Arcopeare dropped a bomb These motars were used in China Tapanese Mluch mokars used eater with great effect not sure of date of commencemet ofuse Helles Heary firing a thower 22 SATURDAY 142-223 White flag displayed or Kaba Tepe he armitice came in to camp along beach. (our Reeve silled in pit by shell. blew out one hastell gin died from wornd recieved. Turkert prisoner said tilled most Berma of th g 1322 fie Italy supposed to have declared was, atacked Austria 2 mail from Albion agrond ho H.M -e
Mpsss winds a day 31 Days 5th Month young awa Fiue am 24 MONDAY. 144-221 PM DAY 7.30 Aill. 4 prictice granted for burying the dead great nmbers sinks Tarks took advantage of same for observing etc. gumar white feag etc on 23th. Tinkert Rr. Hen care in learmetice corferred with Der. Lan. Hamilts 7 great mannuring of Tocte as to hoyes a dr $110.220 showely S sumkyby -4 Triump Kaba sefe p oubmarine. in in super hit on post side hecled twice last sime suddenly, sink bottonupwards bow first arie sink. also warst pnot sub staty reported to be still 24. it was, with AusRia H Trenan 28 WEDNESDAY 146-219. Sinl Birth of Queen Mary In gin pit. Damage supposed to be done to Mareshe . Buccharte Allies doing well at Cape Felle All men Iowar deared our leaving Toipedo despoyers 31O25 MAY 1915 5th Month NORS M Me Dug adugont. PSH & missels Buired. 8.5 shell. 27ws long Sl. Chapman arrived also some reinforcement M M. B. Majestic reported ceached. Hlkedoed. Bucchant damaged; supedo destoyers firm ferowdoatlie Ju mewar (28 FRIDLY) 14 217 Hated p.C.. home morning searm nn fi nothing confirmed be sinking of submatine English & French doing well camed advanced as 2 nlo 26h at Cape Helles Howidger being ffiled uon Olive lo way you nome 29 SATURDAY 149-216 Lenit Sidall Billed in Bouds pit while acting N2. I shells canee Shro' root. higr eyplosine we attacked heavily on trenche with shrapucl. gun putt out of a cto 30 SUNDAY 150215, gun blow out Enterprise heave firing from us P. Hooppell killed wack by us, field+ high explosive shells howet
5th & 6th Mths MAY & IUNE 1915 31 & 30 Days Fine 31 MONDAY 151-214 Relieved out of pit H sub taking C subs place little chosting done by 4 Bly gordnest tigne wort Hoappell held ship one day 2 1 June TUESDAY 152-213 Fine Foundation Day—Public Holiday West Australia Out of pit teg quiet fatigue work for Oue Battery praised gallarky; any heads 24 OGalley Streman in chy of blac 2 WEDNESDAY 153-212 fine Ort of pit. nategue wolt plenty of swere working on wagon line things quiet Sagnew, pay crop sarg, at Alexardy Rolph struck off Battery roll 30 Days JUNE 1915 6th Month 3 THURSDAY 154-211 Fune King's Birthday Rumoryed heavy bombardnent of Burksposition facingues My men-o-war did not come assiste Bsub, with Sinder 4.3 Dow shell into C suls etc pit no great damage done fatifue work Fime 4 FRIDAY 155-210 Heavy hombardment, at Cape Helles u orer-owar all day. did not hear result. earleer results favourable to us sent, p.c howe. fatigue work bleven Aushalian officers te recieve military crosses an S Denet S SATURDAY 156-200 Five Early moring firing only answered ley two rounds few fired later at beach also howither fire at pep high exploseice shells some tenches taken byns, lost one vocated again some 78t prisoners taken, soore obss on guard laststif Fine On fatigues
JUNE 1915 30 Days 6th Month 7 MONDAY 158-207 Fine On Fatigues pleasly of seenning enevng quiet deserving ammitin we are reserving ammunitions also sea here is renaikably smooth even when windw so days the cimn is very hat eanl nighte 8 TUESDAY 159-206 Monitor arraved here came across from Tmbros did not short Torpedo boar despoyers keep watch on our flanks also, at night Yn guard tatigue or the reinforcements arrived for from Alexandri's olden in Battery 9 WEDNESDAY 160-205 111C Monitor in action durer heavy ginn forward day. d. Hooppell O MrDongall, M Fibt 213 fatiques On B night duty on watch for on 3 Ba Brown made Bargent B3a in Dw H.O staf Morgan acting Brown Krbes 6th Month JUNE 1915 3DAS Five 10 THURSDAY 161-204 tiing at Cape Helles. no new from there re cadlier bombardnent Bombadier Mc. Gilbon killed by shiapice head shipeabout week Put on onight duty watched for signaller toenemy, star shells, on fatigues. enery quict H PADAT 12203 Windy Posted p.c home mail since last wrote Bombardment at Cape Helles heavya Dr fatgues On Guard N 1Sn Fr Moffatt arrived back rumors of mai did not turn up expected. Thorday T STON W Windy Observation pit, old nr 3 ir pet allday ever quiet no mail to date. Sinday Bonbardment of enemises posteo there, at rear, towards togardos also Naba Sepe genvirgs Bor0x 10120 bey H.R.S Bacchuanfe & small 4 Tumwelled cruise 3 Japeds watchig latter & former
6th Month JUNE 1915 30 D5 Sinday 10000 Fie left here about 8 oclock Donitar was shooting on left flank also perpoyer beyond Dalt Lake 1 areoplane paid viside dropped 4 bombs on enemies Fenches, heavyy fiing at Cape Helles Monday 14t fatigues beach heavy firng at Cape I5 TUESDAY 166-199 Fre On fatigues beach quet during day In guard Plast Shift I changed from Monday to Tursday suit Basil Onior seemed to be an attack at Cape Helles ryte furc andible great number of star stells sent lup 16 WEDNESDAY 167-19S Fiue On Mess. Orderly surks fred at our By forabit with nigh explosive in cansalities or damage done the evemies guns were pretty well all in laction, fired vigomously at stores at Hell's spit durling we shrapnel + high explose, slight damge done up near H.O by giv on aba dipl a so left flank am 30 DarE JUNE 1915 6th Month IT THURSDAT 188107 Tine & Warr In fatigues beach Our arcopeanc dropped two bomes on Kaba Tepe do not know result otherwise fairly, quiet, two giv raking beachy snapuel + explosive also supposed observation station little night work digging of servation post. Bomes debpped within few Cape Helles quict feet if gunimplacin 1 11 Fue & Wer On fatigues beach everytheg quiet till afternoon Monitor, pur about dozen rounds on to Raba Tepe long range, kying Tsks to knock out run on same Turps fired few 4.5 How. Shiapnel into Sheafviel gully. No mail yet no looking for submarine ater place up Von fatigues, beach; also chaspice heavy showitzes shells fellnear. surdug out no damage done On guard 2nd shift, heavy naval firing (at Cape Helles) at Alea Baba, night atwo bombs dropped on Chess Boaard from arcoplars sopt.00 Fine & Werm in mail Ticecemobolring, quiet few from Raba Lepe fired at ships mostly,
6th Month JUNE 1915 30 Days 2 MO 121SS Finc Mail from home 3 letters. latert dated 4. May no Of fatigues, kip to H.9. A Monitor was shelling, Raba Lepe also the torpeds boas fired at teaplane up. News ie French advance at Cape Helles of thier left wing reacy firing at Cape Helles 22 Jo 1312 Fue Wari On fatiques water arepplane butisd over did not diopbomes he writing letter home enemy sinkson wwater angh. A.1.F. 5 Howitzer came ashole, somewhre about this date RY. Lowlanders 23 WEDNESDAY 110 MeWarm Prince of Wales' Birthday In water fatique everythig failly quict enemy fired dr. app 9 no davage do few shrapiisl burstrear our dugont, or guard, shft 6th Month JUNE 1915 30 Days EL THURSDAT 17510 Fnce & Warm On water fatigue also mes Aderty fiuisded writing home letter given i to be censoied quiet day. few shells on beach 8 Observation ballon ship always escorted by destroyers. er Observation balt Jue & Warm tor Df A.M.S Lord Melson accompan by 5 dertioyers stood off abelow Kabe Lipe & bombarded jort Chanak setting same o file; yeu fite terrific, shraperel was returned no dange of slight;, Taube sighted late in afternoon dropped loaflets with some not on then otherwise quiet; on fatigus water 28 SATORDA 1772S Jie & Warm On fatigue water) Enery stelled sunt farkly quict day, I beach water tan working on dig out Cascon ap. Hospital Ship Sicily arrived. H.M.S. Hember name of Monthor & letters from Home -13. May Ryle fire ear s nor. Gire & Warn spell, Monitor shooting over roves sighted 4 arcoplanc. D. End chiveI starching for gent
6th Month JUNE 1915 30 Days mouthate eay of towe poutio Hunber shootgs 40001. 10280 me & Warm In guard 2.20 gm to 5a2 On Sahane water Large N of mine-sweepns sailed out from Indros towards Cape Helles also destroyers snall cuuser, violent bombardment ofenemys socition, observation ballon up. destroper bombarded our left flank, attack was successful at Cape we attacked sightwing here polam reinforgene 10 from below. sight Horse made attack went too fal stelled by own deskoyer Tuesday2 Warm On Hatigue water Lids attacked all along liue severaly cut up on right soodead i pisoners taken few shells on beach Marm 30 WEDNESDAY 18I184 saundenston amgh On fateriu water Leavy Cartileery Hize at Cap Turks nervy Hiring at right when stor was ton not much rain fell enough to lay dust few stells or beach Dlowr ut French amuintion de by surks stell 31 Days JULY 1915 TW MONM Blowy. I July THURSDAY 18223 e Separation Day, Victoria Helping in cook house On post orderey evening for week Or guard end shop kifle fire below continuous S PMIDST. WSS Blown Cold& Posted. S.c Lor an water fatigue few shells on betach earlyin mow S SO M Nm In messidaly mail arrived no letter 8.5 shells came over to Bly no for damage one near cook house New. 5OHow. By did good wait Heavy naval I nigh bead Fitigue fire at capet MS e Ay J.M.S fatigue 3 Big exposions near Heavy wareal se at Co Bavo A0 r 186 ahelled labe dke

4th Month  APRIL 1915  30 Days 
26 MONDAY 116-249  Fine 
Landed Galipoli Pen about 10 a.m. 
got gun in position. 
no firing  
preparing position on top of steep hill 
directly above beach a hundred 
yards away 
mounted guard out of crew. 
no casualties 
27 TUESDAY 117-248   Warm 
Opened fire 6.30 am. 
200 rounds. gun fire. approx 
fired 425 rounds altogether 
    "       half with lanyard. 
Colonel shot in foot Doctor in skins 
working on gun pit all night. 
very tired no sleep                             
     "       "       Naval R landed 2500 
28 WEDNESDAY 118-247 
In gun pit  Little Rain 
worked till 2am up 5am 
Under shrapnel & high rifle 
fired 60 rounds sec fire 3 secs 
quiet day 
Mr Hodgson shot critical F.0. 
Mxxxx made Capt. 
30 & 31 Days  APRIL & MAY 1915   4th & 5th M'ths 
29 THURSDAY 119-246   cold morning  
In gun pit  fine day 
rain during nigh 
fired 40 rounds 
Derflingr G.,S, hit by shell. 
30 FRIDAY 120-245 
In gun pit fine day  
6.30pm fired, 8 rounds  altogether 
rest of night 
turned out at 10.20pm fired 
4 rounds 
1 May SATURDAY 121-244 
In gun pit turned out at 5a.m. 
Gr Bell shrapnel in back 
no ill effects   heavy shell fire 
myself hit on foot 
Best was hit also by rifle bullet 
fired 123 rds 
2 SUNDAY 122-243 
In gun pit 
slept in, fired 17 rounds 
attack by infantry  


Collier hit by 12in shell from 
Fort 5th Month MAY 1915 31 Days 
HM. B had rudder shot away 
3 MONDAY 1923-242  fine weather 
In gun pit 
Sgt L Adams shot in back 
no harm done 
fired 17 rounds 
Peskett shot thro stomach on  
Sunday and not dangerous 
captured 9 Turks & destroyed 
observing station N point 
Jack Heywood shot in leg. 
Gun being repaired 
4 TUESDAY 124-241 
Relieved out of gun pit 
down on to the beach 
easy day. C gun fired 14 rounds 
Violent bombardment of  
Kaba Tepe. landing party repulsed 
B & D sub moving into new 
5 WEDNESDAY 125-240 
Down on beach 
easy day 
wrote post card home. 
heavy enfilade fire shrapnel 

31 Days MAY 1915 5th Month 
6 THURSDAY 126-239 
Down on beach 
easy day 
heavy enfilade shrapnel 
horses killed also mules 
⇡ Back to gun 7 FRIDAY 127-238 
C gun moved from position near 
beach 5 Bty took it 
Dug in A sub's gun working (C & A) 
in conjunction.
knocked about 

no rounds fired in beach position 
8 SATURDAY 128-237 
⇡ A gun knocked about. 
heavy shrapnel 
in dugouts at 2 Bn headqrs. 
took gunout, dummmy. 
moved B & D.  Mr Wolverteen killed 
working all night - Baukle. 
Collins wounded Westbrook Angroin woundd 

9  Sunday 129-236 
⇡Mr Crocker in Mr W position 
In gun pit no firing (new pit)


5th Month  MAY 1915 31 Days 
Fine   10 MONDAY 130-235 
Wrote postcard home 
In gun pit 
Recieved letters (4) from home on  
Sunday 9th  
working at night also guard
11 TUESDAY 131-234 
Basil Farrell was killed in & subs gun 
In gun pit
Fired few rounds 
working at night altering pit 
Also lowering it made a  
good job 
12 WEDNESDAY 132-233 
Relieved out of gun pit 
had a good rest 
31 Days  MAY 1915  5th Month 
13 THURSDAY 133-232  fine 
Out of gun pit 
writing short note home 
per T Gill  
4.5 shrapnel burst near 
Light Horse arrived 1st & 2nd 
14 FRIDAY 134-231  fine 
Out of gun pit 
working on new pit in afternoon 
on comun. trench 
German transports submarines 
reported  transports moved 
to shelter 
15 SATURDAY 135-230 fine 
Back in trench or pit 
easy day fired 10 or 12 rounds 
16 SUNDAY 136-229  fine 
In gun pit Fine


5th Month MAY 1915 31 Days 
17 MONDAY 137-228 Fine 
Bob Fraser shot 
easy day 
18 TUESDAY 138-227 Fine 
Relieved out of gun pit - 
got two letters from home 
attack at night by Turks. 
Turks reinforced division 
19 WEDNESDAY 139-226 Fine 
Relieved out of gun pit 
heavy bombardment morning 
not too well 
guard done for me
(fired 30 rounds gun fire) 

31 Days MAY 1915 5th Month 
20 THURSDAY 140-225 Fine 
Out of gun pit 
feeling better. 
German areoplane over. 
dropped one bomb good 
Writing home p.c  also 
cable gram. (good work 
heavy firing out of our pits at night 
21 FRIDAY 141-224  Fine 
Wh Truce towards evening 
landed Light-Horse troops. 
German areoplane dropped 
a bomb. 
These motars were used in China 
Japanese trench motars used 
later with great effect. not sure 
of date of commencement of use. 
Heavy firing at Cpe Helles 
22 SATURDAY 142-223 Showery 
White flag displayed on Kaba Tepe 
re armitice came in to camp 
along beach. (Gnr Reeve killed in pit) 
by shell. blew out one hostile gun 
died from wound recieved. 
Turkish prisoner said killed most  
of their gunners (German) 
23 SUNDAY 143-222  Fine 
Italy supposed to have declared 
war.  attacked Austria 
H.M.S Albion aground 
Mail from 


5th Month MAY 1915  31 Days 
Firing average No's rounds a day 
24 MONDAY 144-221 Fine 
Empire Day  
7.30 am till 4.30 pm 
Armitice granted for burying 
the dead great number Turks 
Turks took advantage of same 
for observing etc. 
white flag etc on 23rd German  Turkish Bde Gen 
came in re armitice conferred with  
Sir Ian Hamilton
In gun pit 
great in armouring of Torpedo boat 
destroyer also areoplanes 
25 TUESDAY 145-220 Showery 
Triumph H.M.S sunk by 
submarine off Kaba Tepe pt 
15 min in sinking 
hit on port side. heeled twice 
last time suddenly sank 
bottom upwards bow first 
rumor submarine sunk also warship 
hostile 24th.  Italy reported to be 
at war, with Austria & Germany 
26 WEDNESDAY 146-219 Fine 
Birth of Queen Mary    
In gun pit 
Damage supposed to be done 
to Majestic & Bucchante 
Allies doing well at Cape Helles 
All men-o-war cleared out 
leaving Torpedo destroyers 

31 Days  MAY 1915  5th Month 
27 THURSDAY 147-218 Fine warm 
Dug a dugout P.S.H & myself 
Buried 8.5 shell 2.7 ins long 
Cpl Chapman arrived 
also some reinforcement 
H.M.S. Majestic reported 
beached torpedoed. Bucchante 
damaged. Torpedo destroyers firing 
Howitzer fired few rounds at olive gr 
28 FRIDAY 148-217  Fine warm 
Posted p.c.s home 
morning alarm no firing 
nothing confirmed re sinking  
of submarine 
English & French doing well 
formed advanced a coup 2 mls 
on 26th at Cape Helles 
Howitzer being fired from Olive Gr 
mail from home - 
29 SATURDAY 149-216 
Leuit Sidall killed in B subs pit 
while acting No 2.  3 shells came 
thro' roof. high explosive 
we attacked heavily on trenches 
with shrapnel 
gun put out of action 
30 SUNDAY 150-215 gun blow out 
"Enterprise" heavy firing from us 
P. Hooppell killed attack by us, field & 
high explosive shells 


5th & 6th M'ths MAY & JUNE 1915 31 & 30 Days 
31 MONDAY 151-214   Fine 
Relieved out of pit A sub 
taking C subs place 
little shooting done by 4th Bty. 
good rest 
fatigue work  
Bd P.Hooppell held strip one day 
1 June TUESDAY 152-213 Fine 
Foundation Day—Public Holiday 
West Australia  
Out of pit 
things quiet 
fatigue work 
Our Battery praised for 
gallantry by heads 
Malley storeman in chg of black pips 
at Alexandria 
2 WEDNESDAY 153-212 Fine 
Out of pit 
on fatigue work 
plenty of swiming 
working on wagon line 
things quiet. 
{Agnew pay crop sarg at Alexandria 
{Relph "  "         "           "              " 
struck  off Battery roll

30 Days JUNE 1915 6th Month 
3 THURSDAY 154-211 Fine 
King's Birthday 
Rumoured heavy bombardment 
of A Turks  position facing us  
by men-o-war, did not 
come off 
assisting B sub with timber 
etc 4.5 How shell into C subs 
pit no great damage done 
fatigue work 
4 FRIDAY 155-210 Fine 
Heavy bombardment at Cape Helles 
by men-o-war all day. 
did not hear result 
earlier results favourable to us 
sent p.c home. 
fatigue work 
Eleven Australian officers 
to recieve military crosses 
and D.S.O 
Sunset 5 SATURDAY 156-209 Fine 
Early morning firing only answered 
by two rounds. few fired later 
at beach also howitzer fire at  
pits high explosive shells. 
some trenches taken by us. lost one 
vacated again some 78 prisoners 
taken, some wounded on guard last shift 
6 SUNDAY 157-208  
On fatigues Fine


6th Month JUNE 1915 30 Days 
7 MONDAY 158-207 Fine 
On fatigues 
plenty of swiming 
enemy quiet reserving ammunition 
we are reserving ammunition also 
sea here is remarkably smooth 
even when windy some 
days the sun is very hot 
cool nights 
8 TUESDAY 159-206 
Monitor arrived here 
came across from  
Embros did not shoot 
Torpedo boat destroyers 
keep watch on our flanks 
also at night 
on fatigues, On guard. 
Some reinforcements arrived for 
us from Alexandria old men Battery 
9 WEDNESDAY 160-205  Fine 
Monitor in action during 
day heavy gun forward 
Hooppell, McDougall, McGibbon Bds 
On fatigues 
On night duty on watch for 
Bdr Brown made Sargent 
in Div H.Q. staff 
Brown, Forbes, Morgan acting Bds

30 Days JUNE 1915 6th Month 
10 THURSDAY 161-204 Fine 
Firing at Cape Helles no news 
from there re earlier bombardment. 
Bombadier Mc Gibbon killed by  
shrapnel held stripe about week 
Out on night duty watched for 
signaller to enemy, star shells. 
On fatigues 
enemy quiet 
11 FRIDAY 162-203  Windy 
Posted p.c home. 
No mail since last wrote. 
Bombardment at Cape Helles 
heavy guns 
On fatigues 
On Guard No 1 Gun 
Gnr Moffatt arrived back rumors of 
mail did not turn up expected 
12 SATURDAY 163-202  Windy 
In observation pit old No 3 Gun 
pit all day  enemy quiet 
no mail to date 
Sunday Bombardment of enemies position 
here at rear towards Maidos also 
Kaba Tepe & environs 13 SUNDAY 164-201 by H.M.S  
Bacchante & small 4 funnelled cruiser 
3 torpedo watching latter & former


6th Month  JUNE 1915  30 Days 
Sunday 13th (*14 MONDAY*)   165-200   Fine 
left here about 8 oclock Monitor was shooting 
on left flank also destroyer beyond Salt 
Lake, areoplane paid visit & dropped 
4 bombs on enemies trenches, heavy firing 
at Cape Helles. 
Monday 14th 
On fatigues beach 
heavy firing at Cape 
15 TUESDAY 166-199  Fine 
On fatigues beach 
quiet during day 
On guard last shift I 
I changed from Monday to Tuesday  
to visit Basil Onions 
Seemed to be an attack at Cape 
Helles rifle fire audible 
great number of star shells sent 
16 WEDNESDAY 167-198  Fine 
On Mess Orderly 
Turks fired at our Bty for abit 
with high explosives no causalities  
or damage done.  the enemies 
guns were pretty well all in  
action, fired vigourously at 
stores at Hell's spit during evening 
shrapnel & high explosive, slight 
damage done up near H.Q. by gun 
on Kaba Tepe also left flank gun 

30 Days JUNE 1915 6th Month 
17 THURSDAY 168-197  Fine & Warm 
On fatigues beach 
Our areoplane dropped two bombs 
on Kaba Tepe do not know result 
otherwise fairly quiet, two guns 
raking beach ∨ shrapnel & explosive 
also supposed observation station 
little night work digging observation 
post. Bombs dropped within few
feet of gun implacement  
Cape Helles  quiet 
18 FRIDAY 169-196  Fine & Warm 
On fatigues beach 
everything quiet till afternoon 
Monitor put about dozen rounds 
on to Kaba Tepe long range, trying 
XXX to knock out gun on same 
Turks fired few 4.5 How. Shrapnel 
into Shrapnel gully.  No mail yet 
Water plane up too looking for submarines 
19 SATURDAY 170-195  Fine & Warm 
On fatigues beach.  
heavy howitzer shells fell near also shrapnel 
our dug out no damage done 
On guard 2nd shift, heavy naval 
firing (at Cape Helles) at Akea Baba, night 
& two bombs dropped on Chess Board 
from areoplane afternoon 
20 SUNDAY 171-194 Fine & Warm 
no mail  Greece mobilising, quiet few 
from Kaba Tepe fired at ships mostly.


6th Month  JUNE 1915  30 Days 
21 MONDAY 172-193 Fine 
Mail from home 3 letters latest 
dated 4th May 
On fatigues, trip to H.Q 2nd Bde F.A. 
monitor was shelling  Kaba Tepe, 
also the torpedo boats fired at " 
Seaplane up. news re French advance 
at Cape Helles of thier left wing 
heavy firing at Cape Helles 
22 TUESDAY 173-192  Fine. Warm. 
On fatigues water 
Areoplane british over did not 
drop bombs 
re writing letter home 
enemy sunk our water 
barge A.I.F 
5" Howitzer came ashore somewhere 
about this date 5th Bty Lowlanders 
23 WEDNESDAY  174-191  Fine & Warm 
Prince of Wales' Birthday 
On water fatigue 
everything fairly quiet 
enemy fired at shipping 
no damage done 
few shrapnel burst near our 
dugout. On guard 1st shift 
30 Days JUNE 1915 6th Month 
24 THURSDAY 175-190  Fine & Warm 
On water fatigue also mess orderly 
finished writing home 
letter given in to be censored 
quiet day. few shells on beach 
Observation ballon ship always 
escorted by destroyers. 
Lord Nelson Taube Observation ballon up 
25 FRIDAY 176-189  Fine & Warm 
H.M.S Lord Nelson accompanied  
by 5 destroyers stood off below 
Kaba Tepe & bombarded Fort Chanak 
setting same on fire, gun fire 
terrific, shrapnel was returned 
no damage or slight; Taube sighted 
late in afternoon, dropped leaflets 
with some rot on them 
otherwise quiet, on fatigue water 
26 SATURDAY 177-188  Fine & Warm 
On fatigue water 
fairly quiet day
[Enemy shelled 
beach sunk 
water tank] 
working on dug out Gascon dep. 
Hospital Ship Sicily arrived 
H.M.S. Humber name of Monitor 
2 letters from Home 13th May 
Rifle fire early 
27 SUNDAY 178-187  Fine & Warm 
Spell, Monitor shooting over to 
S. End of Olive groves, sighted 4 areoplanes   
On GUARD searching for guns.


6th Month  JUNE 1915  30 Days 
Humber shooting rear of lower position 
28 MONDAY 179-186 Fine & Warm 
On Guard 2.20 am to 5 am 
On fatigue water 
Large No of mine-sweepers sailed out from  
Imbros towards Cape Helles also destroyers 
1 small cruiser, violent bombardment 
of enemys position, observation ballon up. 
destroyer bombarded our left flank, 
attack was successful at Cape 
we attacked right wing here holding 
reinforcements 29 TUESDAY 180-185 from below 
Light-Horse made attack went too  
far shelled by own destroyer 
Tuesday 29th Warm 
On fatigue water 
Turks attacked all along line 
severely cut up on right 200 dead 
some prisoners taken 
few shells on beach 
Warm  30 WEDNESDAY 181-184 
Thunderstorm at night 
On fatigue water 
Heavy artillery fire at Cape 
Turks nervy firing at night 
when storm was on, not 
much rain fell enough to lay 
few shells on beach
French ammunition depot blown up  
by Turks shells 

31 Days JULY 1915  7th Month 
Blowy 1 July THURSDAY 182-183  Fine 
Separation Day, Victoria 
Helping in cook house 
On post orderly evening for 
On guard 2nd shift 
Rifle fire below continuous 
Cold  &  2 FRIDAY 183-182  Blowy 
Posted p.c home 
On water fatigue 
few shells on beach early in  
3 SATURDAY 184-181  Fine 
On mess orderly.  Mail arrived no letters for me 
8.5" shells came over to Bty no 
damage one near cook house 
New 5" How Bty did good work 
Heavy naval fire at Cape 
On night beach fatigue.
4 SUNDAY 185-180  Fine 
On Q.M.S fatigue  Big explosions near 
Achi Baba  Heavy naval fire at Cape 
early morning 18pr shelled Kaba Tepe 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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