Diary of Herbert Alexander Affleck, 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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NOTES FROM 1914. t Dec 1914 Sir Gevize Reid visited caup mene etc address murch past 2or ist Month JANUARY 1915 31 Days 1-364 January FRIDAY Commonwealth Day—Public Holiday. In Sgypt at Mena Camp Bujameds caio. 2 SATURDAY 2-363 3 SUNDAY 3-362
JANUARY 1915 ist Month 4 MONDAY 4-361 5 TUESDAY 5-360 In leave caus evening 8 WEDNESDAY 6-359 camped out with give 31 Days ist Month JANUARY 1915 31 Days 7 THURSDAY 7-358 but on yeus Recieved letters from home 50p11 Payed 8 FRIDAY 8-357 Out with guns. 9 SATURDAY 9356 Turs in camp again 10 SUNDAY 10-355 On leave caus attended I Andrews possed letter home
JANUARY 1915 ist Month 11 MONDAY 11-354 On Sgt Mess 12 TUESDAY 12-353 Canp work 13 WEDNESDAY 13-352 Im laying Hest. 31 Days ist Month JANUARY 1915 31 Days 14 THURSDAY 14-351 Recieved letters from home On leave went ito cano 15 FRIDAY 15-350 Test mobilisation route march 16 SATURDAY 16-349 Photos from Tippet Tetting package ready to post Chocheate postcardsetc 17 SUNDAY 17-348 hove
31PS JANUARY 1915 Mon 18 MONDAY 18-347 Yoursad up week or Jgt Mess Cpl Maskers posted package 13 pt. to home not finished writing home Sur plaging. 19 TUESDAY 19-346 Out on manowre left guns out or leave care evening 20 WEDNESDAY 20-345 a Battery out shorting 52 manouvring brought girs ne pt. 6.8 payed lss 2p recieved letters from home M.D. & gt. writng home 15 Mo JANUARY 1915 31DS 21 THURSDAY 21-344 he out shooting Po S.F.2 a Bhg, direct & indirect 2700 to 4500 H06. C sub fied 2nds 101 11 RF. RCN Photos from Mraser, Thomas togetfixed Watch 1 23 PRIDAY 22343 3rd Bde out shooting I did well clearg up wayons general fatique writing home 23 SATURDAY 23-342 Campwork 24 SUNDAY 24-341 On leave caus went to Loological Tardens
JANUARY 1915 31 Days ist Month 25 MONDAY 25-340 Manowere sins out allnight - or guard. Knmor removng to Ismailyea 26 TUESDAY 26-339 Foundation of Australia—Public Holiday Manouvre guns brought ne Recieved letter from hom card gack 27 WEDNESDAY 27-338 fem drill etc Payday. ist Month JANUARY 1915 31 Days 28 THURSDAY 28-337 Went out on levsuac south of Pryamids 29 FRIDAY 20-336 came back to canp at noon On leave caus fostedletter to JR Photoo 6pt lep watch io be repaired so pt. 30 SATURDAY 30-335 Half Foliday ept watch On special leave had foot stopped 25 pt 31 SUNDAY 31-334 On Mers Orderly
28 Days FEERUARY 1915 2nd Month 1 February MONDAY 32-333 Out on manouvre, left genrs out prased letterhonce. 2 TUESDAY 33-332 Brough gus in from desert. at 6 pr On guard 3 WEDNESDAY 34-331 & S.Bs left for Somalia on Connal In guard till 6 p.m. letsamp at 7.15 pm to dig gen pits 4 mls out, 2nd Month FEBRUARY 1915 23D 4 THURSDAY 35-330 came in from Sin Pits n special leave cairs to get teeth stopped 50 pt. g Taylor Highfield off at 10 am Will 11 pm 22d force at Maadi 5 FRIDAY 36-324 Out on manouire gens brought in w fdl T.A. photo taken of 2 at West side of Pryameds 6 SATURDAY 37-328 Half day. Phots taken of twision I.A. North of Camp Cennoed Checks rook photss. home. fwished writen 7 SUNDAY 38-327 Sewice evening
KOANBH 22d MON 23D25 8 MONDAY 39-326. Out on desert. shooten fired 1rouds on C.J.Gim . acted N.4 brought ges in On leave went into Carro in per Motor, sutham 9 TUESDAY 40-325 Out or desert on manouvic brought gous in rode home into I0 WEDNESDAY 11-324 Yun dull mornin Payday Leave granted from 11 a.m. In Buard Bde mail from hore & packet one from Alan McCeery, Maggis Miller u Fambee 29 Mo FEPRUARY 1SIS 2302 I1 THURSDAY 42-323 On B. Suard iffat a pn outor manouires, desirt brought genann pictues everng 12 FRIDAY 43-322 but endesnt i Manouvk brought gus in pichres eering writing home 13, SATURDAY 44-321 On L.M. fakque halfday off In leave caus went out to Helispols 14 SUNDAY 45-321 Photos 132pt. M Seneice writing home 19 photos Atwell

31st Dec 1914
Sir George Reid visited camp thence
gave address march past. etc

31 Days JANUARY 1915 1st Month

1 January FRIDAY I_364
Commonwealth Day—Public Holiday.
In Egypt at Mena Camp

2 SATURDAY 2-363 

3 SUNDAY 3-362 


1st Month JANUARY 1915  31 days
4 MONDAY 4-361 

5 TUESDAY 5-360
On leave Cairo evening 

Camped out with guns
31 DAYS JANUARY 1915  1stT Month 
7 THURSDAY 7-358
Out on guns.
Recieved letters from home
Payed -    58 Pt.5. 

8 FRIDAY 8-357
Out with guns. 

9 SATURDAY 9-356
Guns in camp again 

10 SUNDAY 10-355
On leave Cairo attended St Andrews
posted letter home  saw 


1st Month JANUARY 1915  31 days 
11 MONDAY 11-354
On Sgts Mess 

12 TUESDAY 12-353
Camp work 

13 WEDNESDAY 13-352
Gun laying  rest
31 Days JANUARY 1915 1st March 
14 THURSDAY 14-351
Recieved letters from home
On leave went into Cairo 

15 FRIDAY 15-350
Test mobilisation
route march 

16 SATURDAY 16-349
Photos from Tippet.
Getting package ready to post home
Chocolate post cards etc. 

17 SUNDAY 17-348 


1st Month JANUARY 1915  31 days 
18 MONDAY 18-347
Finished up week or Sgts Mess
Cpl Maskers posted package
to home.  3 pt.
not finished writing home
Gun laying. 

19 TUESDAY 19-346
Out on manouvre
left guns out
on leave Cairo evening 

20 WEDNESDAY 20-345
     (1st Battery out shooting
1st (2             "          "           " 
     (3             "          "       "
manouvring brought guns in
payed  - 68 pt.
loss 2pt
recieved letters from home
M. D. & H. writing home
31 Days JANUARY 1915 1st Month 
21 THURSDAY 21-344
2nd Bde out shooting P 8 & L.F2
4th Bty, direct & indirect 2700 to 4500
Ao6. C sub fired 2 rds
         A    "      "      10 " 
         B     "     "      11 " AT RGN 
         D     "     "       1 "
Photos from Fraser,
Watch      "   Thomas to get fixed

23 FRIDAY 22-343
3rd Bde out shooting
7th did well
cleaning up wagons general fatigue
writing home 

23 SATURDAY 23-342
Camp work 

24 SUNDAY 24-341
On leave Cairo
went to Zoo.logical Gardens


1st Month JANUARY 1915  31 days
25 MONDAY 25-340
Guns out all night - or guard.
Rumor re moving to Ismailyia 

26 TUESDAY 26-339
Foundation of Australia—Public
Manouvre guns brought in
Recieved letter from home
    "    card    "   Jack

27 WEDNESDAY 27-338
Gun drill etc
31 Days JANUARY 1915 1st Month
28 THURSDAY 28-337
Went out on bivouac
south of Pryamids 

29 FRIDAY 20-336
Came back to camp at noon
On leave Cairo Posted letter to J R 
Photoo 6pt
left watch is be repaired 20 pt. 

30 SATURDAY 30-335
Half Holiday
Got watch
On special leave had tooth stopped 25 pt. 

31 SUNDAY 31-334
On Mess Orderly 


2nd Month FEBRUARY 1915 28 Days
1 February MONDAY 32-333
Out on manouvre, left guns
posted letter home. 

2 TUESDAY 33-332
Brought guns in from desert.
On guard at 6 p.m.

3 WEDNESDAY 34-331
4th & 8th Bn. left for Ismalia 
on Canal
On guard till 6 p.m.
left camp at 7.15 p.m. to dig gun
pits 4 mls out.
28 Days FEBRUARY 1915 2nd Month
4 THURSDAY 35-330
Came in from Gun Pits
On special leave Cairo to get
2 teeth stopped 50 pt.
Dr Taylor Highfield.
off at 10 a.m. Till 11 p.m.
2nd 2nd force at Maadi. 

5 FRIDAY 36-329
Out on manouvre.
guns brought in
photo taken of 2nd Bde F.A.
at West side of Pryamids 

6 SATURDAY 37-328
Half day.
Photo taken of Division F.A.
North of Camp
Climbed Cheops took photos.
writing home. finished

7 SUNDAY 38-327
Service evening 


2nd Month FEBRUARY 1915 28 Days
8 MONDAY 39-326.
Out on desert. shooting
fired 1½ rounds on C. Gun H 
acted W.4
brought guns in
On leave went into Cairo
in per Motor. outtram. 

9 TUESDAY 40-325
Out or desert on manouvre
brought guns in
rode home centre 

Gun drill morning
Leave granted from 11 a.m.
On Guard. Bde .
mail from home & packet
one from Alan McCleery, Maggie Miller
Arthur  Jomber
28 Days FEBRUARY 1915 2nd Month
11 THURSDAY 42-323
On Bde.Guard. off at 6  pm.
Bde out on manouvres, desert.
brought guns in
pictures evening 

12 FRIDAY 43-322
Out on desert on manouvre. 
brought guns in
pictures evening
writing home 

13 SATURDAY 44-321
On Q.M. fatique
halfday off.
On leave Cairo went out to
Heliopolis  p.o.8.

14 SUNDAY 45-320
No Service Photos 13½ pt.
writing home 19 photos Atroell.  

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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