Diary of Herbert Alexander Affleck, 1915 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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lect de 9 Cust2 No 87 TH.A. affleck 27F.A. nd de P Aust Dursior Afflcct 16 Butberland Road Urmadale Melbourne Aushalia. Vactoria
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405 NORMAN BROS. 10. FOK 1915. t2st THREE DAYS ON A PAGE No. 50 NORMAN EROS. 60 62 ELIZABETH STRERT, MELBOURNE, Between Collins St. and Flinders Lanc. 00.
n a Calendar for 1015. March February January 7/24/22/28/./S1.1 7/24/27/28/ 5/./3/20/17/24/311/51 1/8/25/22/29). 4/27/18/24. //11] 2/8/25/22) 21 9/16/23/30/. 9116/23/.. 5/12/10/26/.. 3/20/17/24/37/. 3/20/17/24/../.1 6/13/20/27).. 411118/257..1. 4/27/78/25/.1.. Tj.. 7124/21/28/. 5/72/20/26/... 5172/10/26/.... 8/25/22/20).. 6/231201271.1. IS/ 6/1320/271--1 51 2/9/26/231301 May June April 5/./2/0/16/23/30/5/. 16/13/20/271. 5/.4/11/28/25/ 7/14/22/28). M..3/10/17/2413) A1)..) 5/12/19/26/ T).., 6/13/20/271. 8/75/22/20). 4/77/28/25/. 1I..1 s/r2lr926). 21 9/161231301. 7/24/27/28/. Sirspa/o).)Tj.., 6/73/20/271.. 3/20,17/24/.). Ar6/23/30..N F].. 974/22/28).. 4/17/28/251/. 3/20/17/241.1./ S/ 2/ 8/25/22/281.I S/ Sp21G/6/.1. September August July 8125/22/29/.1S/.1 5/22/10/261. 4/12/18/25/-11! 9176/2313o..Mj..1 6/23120/27l.. 21.1 5/12/ 191261. 7124/22/28/. 3/10/17/24/37/. 6/13/20/271. WVI] 7/24/27/281. 8/25/22/29/. 4/17/28/25.. 9/16/23/30/. 122/20/26).... 8/15/22/20).. 6/13/20/27l....F 3/10/27/24.. 9/76/23/30/.. 5/ 3/101Y12A13I/. I) S] 7/24/22/28/.1.1 3/ 4/22/8/251. December Nevember October 5/22/19/261. 5/./3/20/17/24/31/S1. 19/24/22/28/ 8/25/22/291.. 6/23/20/27/. MMj.., 4117178/251. 7/24/27/28/. 5172/20/26/. 9/76/23/30/. 8/75/22/29).. 3/10117/24/.. 6/23/20/271. 21 0/16/231301. 7124/22/28l. 4/17/18/25. 3/10/17/24/317. 5112/10/26).... 8/25/22/20).. MIIT/ISI2SI.I. C3Io/aTI.). S1 alGbIEBISOI 18:0 9.6 42.18 23 24 double 3.0 44d 28 8d 2 will be untries Tele- 14 TER all rates 286 ngdom n each uesday 14 with a 16Abrica Lilmum, 31 in Aus- 27 -cred in 148 viz:- Fy. 9d. sixteen mnal. 96 within warded 16 it, and 14 2.11.10 pe M. each 2 18 10 8 hours 4 hours 5:18 0 hours 14 hours
Australian Postal Information. UNIFORM COMMONWEALTH RATES OF POSTAGE. Interstate also refers to New Zealand, Fijl, Papua (British New Guinea), but not to New Hebrides. LETTERS. To New Zealand, Fijl, New Hebrides and Solomon Islands (British), Within the Commonwealth and to 402S. all places in the British Empire To all other places, 2 0ns. and to New Hebrides, Banks and Torres Islands, per ½ 0z.. To all other places, per ½ on. ..2½d CATALOGUES. Wholly set up and printed in Aus- POST CARDS. tralia for delivery within Within the Commonwealth, and to Commonwealth, 4 02s. all places in the British Empire II printed outside Australia, 2 02s and United States of America, To all other places, 402s. and to New Hebrides, Banks and Each additional 2 02s. Torres Islands, Single 1d., Reply To all other places Single.. MAGALLNES. Reply Within the Commonwealth and to LETTER CARDS. Papua- If printed in Australia, 8 02s. Within the Commonwealth Single If printed outside Australia, 4 02s. Reply To New Zealand, Fijl, New Hebrides To all places in the British Empire or Solomon Islands (British), 8 02s. and to New Hebrides, Banks and Each additional 4 02s. Torres Islands Single To all other places, 2 02s... To all other places. Single.. 2½d PATTERNS ANDSAMPLES. NEWSPAPERS. Within the Commonwealth and to To all places, 2 02s. New Zealand, Fijj, and Papan, 1002s. COMMERCLAL PAPERS. Newspapers printed or published outside the Commonwealth, when Within the Commonwealth, 2 02s... posted in Australia, are subject To all other places, 2 02s... to Magazine rates of postage. Each additional 2 02s. up to 10 02s. Newspapers printed and published Beyond that, 1d. for every 2 02s. in Australia, posted by registered up to 516s. newspaper, proprietors, within the Commonwealth, or to Papan, 20 02S. PRINTED PAPERS. To United Kingdom, 8 02s. Within the Commonwealth, 2 02s.. 802s. to 1002s.. 230 To New Zealand, Fijl, New Hebrides Each additional 2 02s. and British Solomon Islands, To United Kingdom, All Sca Route, O2S. 16 02s. Each additional 2 02s. To all other places, 4 02s... To all other places, 2 02s. Each additional 2 02s. ..1d MERCHANDISE. BOOKS. Within the Commonwealth, and to Within the Commonwealth and to New Zealand, Fijl, and Papua, Papua 2028. II printed in Australia, 8 02s. To all other places Merchandise If printed outside Australia, 4 02s must be sent by Parcel Post. AUSTRALLAN POSTAL INFORNATION—continued. Interstate—Sixteen words, includ- PARCELS. ing address and signature Within the State, 11b. Each additional word Each additional 1b., 3d., up to 1116s. Urgent Telegrams and Sunday, double Interstate and to New Lealand, the above rates. Fijl, and Papua, 1 1D... 44d To New Zcaland—per word Each additional 1b. 6d., up to 111b. To United Kingdom, by Long Sea To New Caledonia.. To Norfolk Island Route, 11b. Each additional ib., 6d. up to 1116s. To United Kingdom To Suva and Fijl Via ltaly, Overland Route, perlb. 2s 25 8d Each additionalib., 6d. up to 1116s. To New York To United States of America, via DEPERRED TELEGRAMS (Cables) will be Frisco, 1lp. accepted for certain Foreign Countries Each additionalib., 6d., up to 111bs. at half ordinary rates. These Tele- grams are despatched daily, AFTER all MONEY ORDERS. the Telegrams paid for at full rates Within the Commonwealth—25, 6d; have been dealt with. £10, 1s; 215, 1/6; 420.. To Papua—85, 9d; £10, 1/6; 215 WEEK-END CABLES for United Kingdom 213; 220.. are accepted up to Saturday in each To New Zealand and Fij:—x2, 6d.; week for delivery on the Tuesday E5, 18: 47, 1/6; 410, 2s: 412, following, at 9d per word, with a 2/6; 215, 3s; 217, 316; 420. minimum of 15/-. United Kingdom, other British pos. sessions, and Foreign Countries. Week-end Cables for South Africa 6d for any amount up to 22, and (as above), 7d per word; minimum, 3d for each additional f or frac- 1118. tion of L. WIRELESS TELEGRAMS. POSTAL NOTES. To and from any ship registered in Aus- Payable throughout the Common- tralia, 6d per word. wealth—6d, 1/-, 116—½d; 2/- 216, 3/-, 318, 41-, 4/6—1d: 7/6 To and from any ship not registered in -2d; 10/., 12/6, 15/-, 20/. Australia, 11d per word. Land Charges are added to above, viz :— TELEGRAPHIC RATES. City and Suburban, 6d; Country, 9d; Interstate, 1 /-, for the first sixteen City and Suburban, or within 15 words, and 1d per word additional. miles of sending station- Sixteen words, including addresst LETTER TELEGRAMS to addresses within and signature the Commonwealth will be forwarded Each additional word.. by Telegraph during the night, and delivered as ordinary letters by first Country—Sixteen words, including delivery—Forty words, 1/-; each address and signature.. additional word, ½d. Each additional word Standard Time. Australlan Seasons. (East of Greenwich), Autumn commences .... March 21 8 hours West Australia 91 hours South Australia June 22 Winter Victoria, New South Wales, .. September 23 10 hours Spring Queensland, Tasmania 111 hours New Zealand December 22 Summer
Fixed and Movable Feasts; Holidays, etc., 1915. January 1 .. Whit Sunday Commonwealth Day May 23 January 6 Epiphany May 24 Empire Day January 26—Foundation of Australia May 26 Birthday of Queen Mary May 30 1788. Trinity Sunday January 31 .. Septuagesima Sunda) June1 Foundation Day (West Aus.) February 14 .. Quinquagisima, Shrove Birthday of King George V. June 3 Sunday Corpus Christi February 17.. Ash Wednesday (Lent Birthday of Prince of Wales June 23 begins) February 21 Quadragesima, lst Sunday Separation Day (Victoria) July 1. in Lent August 2 Bank Holiday March 1 St. David September 29 Michaelmas Day March 17 St. Patrick March 25 ..Annunciation Lady Day October 4 Eight Hours Day (Sydney) March 28 Palm Sunday October 13 Eight Hours Day (Adel.) Good Friday April 2 November 1 Eight Hours Day (Newtle) April 4 Easter Sunday Melbourne Cup Day November 2.. April 5 Easter Monday (Public Holiday in Victoria) April 11 Low Sunday November 23 Proclamation Day (Vic., April 23 St. George November 28 1st Sunday in Advent April 26 Eight Hours Day (Melbourne) November 30 St. Andrew May 3.. Eight Hours Day (Brisbane) December 1 Birthday Queen Alexandra May 6 ..Accession Day George V. December 10 Separation Day (91d.) Proclamation Day May 9 December 25 Christmas Day Rogation Sunday December 26 Boxing Day May 13 Ascension Day, Holy Thursday December 28 Proclamation Day (S. Aus. Help in Case of Accidents. Burns and Scalds.—Cover with Cooking Soda and lay wet cloths over it. White of Eggs and Olive Oil, Olive or Linsced Oil, plain, or mixed with Chalk and Whiting. Lightning.—Dash cold water over person struck. Sunstroke.—Loosen clothing. Gct patient into shade, and apply ice cold water to head. Mad Dog or Snake Bits.—Tie cord tight above wound. Suck the wound and cauterize with caustic or white hot iron at once, or cut out adjoining parts with a sharp knifc, Venemous Insect Stings, etc.—Apply weak Ammonia Oil, Salt Water, or lodine. Fainting.—Place fat on back; allow fresh air, and sprinkle with water. Tests of Death.—Hold mirror to mouth. If living, moisture will gather. Push pin into Hesh. If dead, the hole will remain; if alive, it will close up. Cinders in the Eye.—Roll soft paper up like a lamp lighter and wet the tip to remove, or use a medicine dropper to draw it out. Rub the other eye. 2—Full) April Jung January 1—Fullh Last 6 15—New Mc 23First Quar 31—Full Moon 14—Perigee 24—Apogee & pued at D Jans by gom applle Phases of the Moon, 1915 DNEY, MELBOURNE and HOBART. 10.20 p.m. July 4—Last Quarter 3.54 p.m.. 12—New Moon 7.12 a.m. 7.30 p.m. farn 20—First Quarter 1241 a.m. 7.8 a.m. 26—Full Moon 3-32 p.m. 1011 p.m. 2-41 p.m. 8—Apogee. 8.8 p.m. 24—Perigee.. 12.1 a.m. 3.4 p.m. 6.7 p.m. 3—Last Quarter 7.27 a m. Aug 3.10 p.m. -New Moon 8.52 a.m. 18—First Quarter 231 p.m. 1217 p.m. Larter -Full Moon 58 p.m. 7.40 a.m. Apogec. 12.6 p.m. Perigee. 12.2 a.m. Muarter 1256 a.m. 852 p.m. 521 p.m. 7-35 p.m. 7.2 a.m. 1.3 a.m. 28 a.m. D.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. PP.M. D.M. p.m. erth 11.10 p.m. ,12-31 p.m. pam. 10-58 a.m. 83 p.m. 9.3 p.m. 2-47 p.m. 1.17 p.m. BI 5-37 p.m.
Fixed and Movable Feasts; Holidays, etc., 1915. May 23 Commonwealth Day January 1 .. May 24 Epiphan) January 6 May 26 January 26—Foundation of Australia May 30 1788. January 31 .. Septuagesima Sunday Folm June 1 Birthday June 3 February 14 .. Quinquagisima, Shrove Sunday June 23 Birt February 17.. Ash Wednesday (Lent begins July 1. February 21 Quadragesima, lst Sunday in Lent August 2 St. 1 March 1 March 1 ..Annunciati March 25 Hour March 28 Houl April2 April 4 April 5 April1 April 2 April the other (No Cup I a Victory Day (Vic in Adven t. Andrew lexandra ay (9ld.) Amas Day bring Day Pay (S. Ans. tre will ave, it will Enter and wet ,out. Rub the hsed at D Yans wicl by wom Phases of the Moon, 1915 BRISBANE, SIDNEY, MELBOURNE and HOBART. July 4-Last Quarter 354 p.m. 10.20 p.m. 1—Full Moon Jan. 7.30 p.m. 12—New Moon 7.12 a.m. 9Last Quarter 20— First Quarter 7.8 a.m. 12.41 a.m. 16—New Moon 1011 p.m. 26—Full Moon 3-32 p.m. 3—First Quarter 8.8 p.m. 8—Apogee. 2-41 p.m. 31—Full Moon 3.4 p.m. 24—Perigee.. 121 a.m. 13—Perigee.. 6.7 p.m. 24—Apogee 27 a m. 3Last Quarter Ang 8.52 a.m. 11—New Moon 7—Last Quarter 3.10 p.m. Feb. 1217 p.m. 18—First Quarter 31 p.m. 14—New Moon 7.40 a.m. 25—Full Moon 58 p.m. 2—First Quarter 12.6 p.m. Apogee. 11.3 p.m. 7-Perigee 12.2 a.m. -Perigee.. 317 p.m. 21—Apogee. 12-56 a.m. 2-Last Quarter Sept. 432 a.m. 2—Full Moon Mar. 852 p.m. 9—New Moon 10-27 p.m. Last Quarter 21 p.m. 16—First Quarter 5.42 a.m. 16—New Moon 35 p.m. -Full Moon 8.48 a.m. 24—First Quarter 2 a.m. 2—Apogec. 3-37 p.m. 31—Full Moon 1.3 a.m. -Perigee.. 1.0 p.m. 5—Perigee.. 2.8 a.m. -Apogee. 11.2 a.m. Apogee. 7.44 p.m. 1-Last Quarter 2 a.m. Oct. 7-Last Quarter April 7.42 a.m. 9—New Moon 9.35 p.m. 14—New Moon 1151 p.m. 15—First Quarter 1-39 a.m. 23—First Quarter 10.15 a.m. -Full Moon 1219 a.m. 30—Full Moon 2.39 p.m. 31—Last Quarter 9.6 a.m. 2—Perigee.. 10.1 p.m. -Perigee. 1.6 a.m. 18—Apogee. 9.1 p.m. Apogee. 5.2 p.m. 30— Perigee.. 52 p.m. New Moon 3.22 p.m 6-Last Quarter May 9.3 a.m. 14—First Quarter 1-31 p.m. 14—New Moon 3.36 a.m. 22—FullMoon 50 p.m. 22—First Quarter 8.10 a.m. 30—Last Quarter 32 a.m. 29—Full Moon 12.3 a.m. -Perigee. 7.4 a.m. 15—Apogee. 9.7 a.m. 24—Apogee. 3.6 a.m. 29—Perigee 4.3 a.m. 7—New Moon Dec. 2,32 a.m. Last Quarter June 13—First Quarter 9.38 p.m. 4.57 a.m. 13—New Moon 1052 p.m. 21—Full Moon 12.24 a.m. 21—First Quarter 10.58 p.m. 29Last Quarter 27 p.m. 27—Full Moon 11.3 a.m. -Perigee. 10.4 a.m. 11—Apogee. 10.6 a.m. Apogec. 121 p.m 26—Perigee. ADELAIDE AND PERTH. February— January Adclaide Perth Perth Adelaide 7—Last Quarter 2.40 p.m. 1.10 p.m. 8.20 p m 9.50 p.m. 1—Full Moon 9Last Quarter 6.42 a.m. 5.12 a.m. 2.1 p.m. 12-31 p.m. 14—NewMoon 12.11 a.m. 10-41 p.m. 15—New Moon 12-28 p.m. 10-58 a.m. 22—First Oter. 1-32 p.m. 23—First Quarter 3.2 p.m. 211 p.m. 1241 p.m. 31—Full Moon 10,33 p.m. 93 p.m. 7—Perigee 10.1 p.m. 11,31 p.m. 14—Perigee 2-47 p.m. 1.17 p.m. 21—Apogce 4.7 p.M. 5-37 p.m. 24—Apogee
PHASES OF THE MOON—continued Perth. Adclaide. March- 2 a.m. 4.2 a.m. 2—Full Moon 27 p.m. Last Quarter 957 p.m. 3.42 a.m. 5.12 a.m. 16—New Moon 6.48 a.m. 24—First Quarter 8.18 a.m. 1-37 p.m. 3.7 p.m. 31—Full Moon 11.0 a.m. 5—Perigee 12-30 p.m. 9.2 a.m. 10,32 a.m. 31—Apogee April— 7-Last Quarter 542 a.m. 4.12 a.m. 9.5 p.m. 7.35 p.m. 14—New Moon 1.9 a.m. 11,39 p.m. 22—First Quarter 11-49 p.m. 10.19 p.m. 29—Full Moon 7.6 a.m. 2—Perigee 8.36 a.m. 1236 a.m. (17th) 18—Apogce 11.6 p.m. 3.2 p.m. 4-32 p.m. 30— Perigee May 1-22 p.m. Last Quarter 2-52 p.m. 1.1 p.m. 11-31 a.m. 14—New Moon 22—First Quarter 2.20 p.m. 12-50 p.m. 7.2 a.m. 5,32 a.m. 29—Full Moon 5.4 a.m. 15—Apogee 6.34 a.m. 1.6 a.m. 29—Perigee 2.36 a.m. June- S—Last Quarter 2.2 a.m. 12-32 a.m. 27 a.m. 2-57 a.m. 13—New Moon 20—First Qter. 11-54 p.m. 10,24 a.m. 1-57 p.m. 12-27 p.m. 27—Full Moon 9.34 a.m. 8.4 a.m. 11—Apogee 26—Perigee 10.1 a.m. 11.31 a.m. July 4-Last Quarter 324 p.m. 1-54 p.m. 7.0 p.m. 5.30 p.m. 12—New Moon 5.8 a.m. 20—First Quarter 6,38 a.m. 941 p.m. 811 p.m. 26Full Moon 6.8 p.m. 8—Apogce 7.38 p.m. 1.4 p.m. 24—Perigee 234 p.m. Calendar Notes, 1915. Golden Number 16. Epact 14. Dominical Letter C. Julian Period (year of) 6628. The Vear 5676 of the Jewish Era begins on September 9th. The year of 1334 of the Mohammedan Era begins on November 9th. Ramadan (the month of abstinence observed by the Turks) begins on July 13th. Perth. Adelaide. August— 6.57 a.m. 5.27 a.m. 3—Last Quarter 832 a.m. 6,52 a.m. 11—New Moon 11.47 a.m. 10-17 a.m. 18-First Qter. 7.10 a.m. 5.40 a.m. 25—Full Moon 10.6 a.m. 5—Apogec 11.36 a.m. 11,32 p.m. 10.2 a.m. 20—Perigee September- 12-26 a.m. 10-56 a.m. 2—Last Oter. 6.52 p.m. 9—New Moon 822 p.m. 321 p.m. 451 p.m. 16—First Qter. 7.5 p.m. 535 p.m. 23—Full Moon 2—Apogee 5.2 a.m. 6.32 a.m. 12,33 a.m. (14th) 15—Perigee 11.3 p.m. 1.38 a.m. 12.8 a.m. 30— Apogee October- 7.14 p.m. 5.44 p.m. 1-Last Quarter 7.12 a.m. 5.42 a.m. 9—New Moon 11.21 p.m. 951 p.m. 15—First Qter. 8.15 a.m. 9.45 a.m 23—Full Moon 2.9 p.m. 12,39 p.m. 31-Last Quarter 11-Perigee 8.1 p.m. 931 p.m. 27—Apogee 7.1 p.m. 831 p.m. November- 5.22 p.m. 3-52 p.m. 7—New Moon 7.3 a.m. 14—First Quarter 8.33 a.m. 3.6 a.m. 1.36 a.m. 22—Full Moon 7.40 a.m. 6.10 a.m. 30Last Quarter 10.3 p.m. 8Perigee 11-33 p.m. 7.7 a.m. 24—Apogec 8.37 a.m. December- 3.33 a.m. 2.3 a.m. 7—New Moon 9.8 p.m. 7-38 p.m. 13—First Quarter 12 p.m. 852 p.m. 21—Full Moon 10.28 p.m. 8-58 p.m. 29—Last Qter. 9.3 a.m. 10,33 a.m. 7—Perigee 8.6 a.m. 21—Apogec 9.36 a.m. Eclipses, 1915. in the year 1915 there will be two Eclipses, both of the Sun. I.—An Annular Eclipse of the Sun, February 14th. II.—An Annual Eclipse of the Sun, August 10th. Eglise 2ad Deat Tables of Weights and Measures. ADMIRALTY CASKS. LIQUID MEASURE. (sizes and contents). —1 drachm 60 minims.. Cont. Length Diam. - 1 ounce 8 drachms Ins. Gals. Ins. -1 pint 20 ounces. 164 Leager - 1 Wallon 8 pints.. - 1 drop 110 Butt 1 minim.. Puncheon 11.. —1 teaspoonful 1 drachm. - 1 dessert. Hogshead 2 drachms 311 .. 24.5 Barrel - 1 table 4 drachms 22.5 —1 wineglassful Half-hogshead 2 ounces 19.75 1 gallon pure water - 10 1b. Kilderkin 4 gills - 1 pint — 34.66 cubic inches Firkin 2 pints - 1 quart - 69.318 4 quarts - 1 gallon - 277-274. WINE MEASURE 1 pint of water weighs 20 02s. - 1 tierce 42 salions Old Apothecaries’ Weight (superseded — I hogshead 63 gallons in 1864).—20 grains - I scruple; : 84 Gallons, or two tierces — 1 puncheon acruples - 1 drachm; 8 drachms - 2 hogshds, or 126 galls. - 1 pipe or 1 ounce: 12 ounces - 1 pound. butt 2 pipes, or 252 gallons - 1 tun BEER, &c., MEASURE. A hogshead -) a pipe or butt, or 2 quarter casks, or about 52½ gallons. -1 Arkin 9 gallons.. A pipe of port - 115 gallons, or about -1 Wilderkin 8 gallons. 56 dozen bottles. - 1 barrel 36 gallons.. A butt of sherry - 108 gallons, or about — 1 hogshead 54 gallons.. 72 gallons.. 52 dozen bottles. puncheon A hogshead of French wine — 46 gallons 1 butt 108 gallons.. or about 22 dozen bottles - 1 tun 216 gallons An aum of Rhenish - 30 gallons, or DRY MEASURE. about 15 dozen bottles. - 1 quart 2 pints -1 pottle 2 quarts AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. - 1 gallon 4 quarts - 1 peck 2 gallons 27 5/16 grains - 1 drachm —1 bushel pecks -1 ounce -437½ 9rs. 16 drachms strike 2 bushels 51 pound (ib.)- 7000 16 ounces. - 1 coombor sack 4 bushels Sra. - 1 quarter 8 bushels 14 pounds .. - I stone 1 load 5 quarters -1 quarter (9r.) 28 pounds.. 10 quarters 1 last -1 hundredweight 8 stones.. Boll of Mcal - 140 pounds. (owt.) 2 bolls - 1 sack. -1 ton 20 cwt. Cereals are generally sold by weight. -100 1bs. A cental. A bushel of wheat - 6316s.; barley - -1 small sack 1 ewt. s1dble, Coal 52 to 56 16s.; oats —40 to 4216s.; rye 2 cwt. A truss of straw and maize - 60 1bs. Weights 20 cnt. or 10l— 7 ton weighs 36 1bs.; old hay, 56 16s. ; new hay, dble sacks I sack 601bs. A load is 36 trusses. 3 bushels of coke —1 chaldron 12 sacks CLOTH MEASURE. -1 score 21 chaldrons -1 nall 24 inches.. -1 quarter 4 nails DIAMOND WEIGHT. -1 yard 4 quarters -1 Flemish ell 3 quarters -1 grain (8110ths grs. Troy) 16 parts -1 English ell 5 quarters s 1 carat (3 115th. 4 grains -1 French ell 6 quarters

1/3 No 871 
Gr H. Affleck 
4th Bty F.A 
2nd Bde 
1st Aust Div. 
No 871 
Gr. H.A. Affleck 
4th Bty F.A. 
2nd Bde 
1st Aust. Division 
Australian Address 
-----. Affleck 
16 Sutherland Road 
Australia  Victoria  
Albert. L. Eglise 


An Gnfr. Meny" 
Vinfasnon Regt. 110 T. Romg 
28. Inonfron  2. Gutaillon 
14  Armon Korps




No. 50 
Between Collins St. and Flinders Lane


14.16 0 

9 4 




Billeted at D'Jano Cappeli by woman 


Albert. L Eglise 

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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Last updated: