Diary of Herbert Alexander Affleck, 1914 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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Tor ere NOUENBER, 1914 Jup. 22-ea an rompeiara goatend for acte A f fleetout of Aght 4M ate Moi9 cmdle the allonce Non. 23 Hit Palr Our divicio o 2ny. pailing thgct sighed land day light corner Africa C. Waurdyin Wrote Kon Calm Tves. 24 still sailing abead prvie to catchig us up to holdnqry ito collesion and sighted ratibrard Calm. F. Wed. 25. see port Arried Adcww sight daylight anchored wisid P.m. pok in coal Automatic Loose-leaf Price Books, MORI NOVEHBEE, TOYY lin Hat F. 26 M Dast. Hughed anchor before dayes lsedoutbout a incition Hopshiseon secpront 2 alin F.22. ffit Gadier died pneral 3 sed lot of sk corkn from te 98 Sah 28 Hot Owiek NewNS9 ineent and ouipide takes b place o t abe passed severag gonng avenoot sdiepriong supposed 1ob tsoned him 4 always sives satisfaction.
AU5 NOVENBER, 19I4 el plsun 29 18 in Advent. Cnon: 30 St. Andrew s Ode hill m Pleasting tot thendontaa OECEMRER, IDIAlEN Tues. I 4 ry about 8 a ylit 100k 4 atarch Wed. 2. (Mail Day. truted fort Laid at 10. a.m Ne Asealaseis hed u Eacholar Ooito The Tudor’ Perpetual Ledger MORIA OECEMPLR. 1913. THUrS. 3 (Full Moon) 2t dyden till d lift abou Agoust Fri.4 owet sigh Aleve in a day t went uside wrenkwater anchoicedboutga.m. mn preas atpnnolean titc Set. 5pbantclla Prebaied to inenb left alex due at by Man 24 Memos & movedinbabout sckor aace, archoree Yug. Dvicto wente The731. OoOrSe. Perodyal Vesser B0
1ms pec B. iSun. 6-and in Advent. I camp Mr baggage in t eecye Ninc tgion home Ordmany cant fatiguy was nome at Beallnsleis at Tues. 8 Gnt Orderly Ordmans andy life a eave Cary TuisAg teAta Wed. 9 2 Forage Potigu ordiary canp 2 The Empire' Fountain Pen Drcem 11 Paid fine Thurs. 10. (Maif peyl Cap Men 830.0 l Pard. 1.40 lene Cano wing et eards fom fine Fri1 and. Menal Gamped chor yards oo lans eveing on duty inlosding trser Sat. 121 Me Stavion unloading chorses etc left town for canp san about 7 Memos. always writes, never leaks.
DECEMBER, 1914/ V Fine Sun. 13-ord in advent did baland Sleptin till 9a did not attend chuch parade. went up twriting ryamed (Cheoks) home Fine Nov. 14 Ordinary Campword Im laying on Latgee waik eve in wadinx chaff, of/20d Fine Aues.15/ Sespt in tell g a.M. or gi laying writing all day home eert 18pt. & Covell Frue Wed. 76 (Mail Dayl in laying guard rsswed fall w tom caked Griptite Office Paste. 5RI DECENBER, 1914. Thurs. IT (New Moon) tiue gYmo onOt Ociarderly H.G leave stopped t cancellen guanted writing Fwe Fi.18 Loggy morning to 10a on Gress Orderly wieking homet Lunseell papet knds Fuil 30. 18 wiiting nome Memos. The Rivulet Self-filling Fountain Pen. 00003
A5 DECENBER, 1914. fuie Sun. 20-4th in Advent. but clondy On leave Caio went to Citdel & mosque, to church Weslyion) posted letter & paper Mod. 21-St. Thomas tirve On gin lagng oadman capwork oditer ie Tues. 22 tor gou easing Blife Dadmary Can letters to date Fine Wed. 23 on fin laying Thomas’Perfection Writing laks DECENBER, 191S. Thurs, 24 (Mail Day) Fri. 25 - Christmas Day. tat day duty wt ciscing ongrai Sat. 26- Baxing Day. Memos make correspondence a pleasure.
AUS DECEMBER, 1914. Sun. 27-18t. after Christmas. Mon, 28 Tyes. 29 Wed. 30 (Nail Dayl The Leading Removable Leaf DECEMBER, 1914. Thurs. 3l. Queit time did not see old year sut Memos Recieved mail of Thursday Ledger is the Tudor’' Perpetual.
MEMORANDA. 5 12 9 C 20 26 24 The Empire' Fountain Pen 5 C ^ T0 a 24 2 MEMORANDA. 2152 & 2 6 410 83 43 416 10 will not Leak or Blot. 50 46 101 14 5 445
MENORANDA. Wnt wall Inrcal $508x3.0 151411 7 now less 27 6x1 Hutical Front hall Hou 27'2 xaxD twice Last Wall 15141 x 19t Your Wall Bact 628 x20 Ask for Thomas' Blue-black Ink MEMORANDA. 1 139 X1½ 13 9 2 X 2 Font 119 & 31 as used in Government Offices. Detten Way
Jan PL MEMORANDA ia Froy Holis Wall 6 2 53 X6 27 122 27 122 $16½2 H 14½ 26 X Back wall Thomas Perfection Writing laks. MEMORANDA. Thomas’ Perfection! Mucilage.
Yan Holis Thomas MEMORANDA. £rom I man Ask for (Griptite,! a perfect Office Paste.

Japanese our convoy.
NOVEMBER, 1914   Rec 3/-
breezy Sun. 22-24th after Trinity. On guard
Sailing ahead for Aden
other portion of fleet out of 
sight. 4 N.Z.F.S. ahead  of 
us in sight of us censored letters 
Calm  Mon. 23 Hot 
Our division 2 N.Y sailing together 
sighted land daylight 
N.E. corner Africa C. Gaurdifini 
Wrote home. 
Calm Tues. 24
still sailing ahead
Orvieto catching us up to
hold inquiry into collision
land sighted starboard 
Calm.  Wed. 25. see front
Arrived Aden in sight
daylight anchored inside
8 p.m. took in coal
Automatic Loose-leaf Price Books 
Trading boats along side
Calm Hot On guard Thurs. 26 [Mail Day]
Weighed anchor before daylight
cleared out about 6 a.m in old
formation. Hampshire convoy
Jap coaling seefront 
Calm Fri. 27 Hot 
Bdr Gardiner died funeral 8pm 
passed lot of shipping 
coming from Suez
N.Z ahead
Calm Sat. 28 Hot.
News re Egypt: Orvieto 
went ahead, Euripides 
takes her place. N. Z ahead 
passed several ships 
going in Memos. both 
directions. Man 
supposed to have 
poisoned himself,
always gives satisfaction. 


Breeze  Sun 29 -1st in Advent.
On Mess. Cooked up 
sailing with whole fleet 
Orvieto ahead 
New Zealanders in sight 
Breeze Mon. 30 -St. Andrew. Mess Order 
Went full steam ahead 
at 11.0 oclock leaving 
other portion behind overtaking 
New Zealand DECEMBER, 1914 land in sight 
Gale Tues. 1 Smooth 
Arrived Suez about 8 a m 
in sight ‘daylight’. Took 
searchlight aboard. at anchor 
weighed & entered canal 8. pm 
Wed. 2. [Mail Day]
Arrived Port Said at 10. a.m
New Zealanders tied up.
we anchored rear Orvieto
The "Tudor" Perpetual Ledger 
Ptomaine poisoning 
DECEMBER 1914  5 00 
Report re Eurlfacles 
Thurs. 3   [Full Moon]
At anchor off Port said 
till 3rd division coaled 
left about 6 pm for 
Breeze Fri. 4 Showers
In sight Alexandria daylight
went inside breakwater & 
anchored about 9.a.m. moved
into quay at 6. pm no leave 
Fine Sat. 5 Started at 8am
Prepared to disembark. got off 
left Alexandria at 3pm 
by train for Cairo arriv at 
8 p.m left 12p.m. arr. Menah 
2nd Memos 3 pm
& moved out about 6 p.m.
took on coal, anchored 
in offing Orvieto went 
The "St. George" Perpetual Ledger. 
with N. Z Wellington


10 mls from Cairo   
Fine Sun 6—2nd in Advent.
In camp Menah moving
baggage & fixing
camp, horse lines etc 
50% leave granted
Fine Mon 7 Letter from home
Ordinary camp life 
fatigue work
writing home on Leave
New Zealanders at Helipolis 
Tues. 8
Tent Orderly.
Ordinary camp life 
on leave Cario Tuesday 
evening posted letter to home 
Wed. 9 
on Forage fatigue 
ordinary camp  
The “Empire” Fountain Pen 
DECEMBER. 1914 Paid 
Fine. Thurs. 10 [Mail Day] 
Camp Menah £3.0.0 
Paid 1.0.0 
On leave Cairo evening 
Posted cards home 
Fine. Fri. 11 
Camp Menah 
Camped station yards
To Cairo evening on 
duty unloading horses 
Sat. 12 Fine 
Station unloading 
horses etc 
left town for camp 
about 7. pm.
always writes, never leaks.


Fine Sun. 13—3rd in Advent. Paid balance 
Slept in till 9 a.m.
did not attend church
parade. went up  
Pryamid (Cheops)  

Fine Mon. 14
Ordinary Camp work
Gun laying
on fatigue work evening
unloading chaff, off 2.0 a,m 
Fine Tues. 15
Slept in till 9 a.m.
on gun laying writing home
all day 
lent 10 pt.  L Cavell 
Fine Wed. 16 [Mail Day]
on gun laying
Guard issued fall  
writing home cartridge
“Griptite” Office Paste.
Fine Thurs. 17 [New Moon]
Foggy morning 
on Post Office orderly H Q
leave stopped then cancelled 
granted, writing, 
Fine  Fri. 18
Foggy morning to 10 am
on Mess Orderly
writing home }
finished papers to Linda 
Fine  Sat 19
writing home 
The “Rivulet” Self-filling Fountain Pen. 


DECEMBER , 1914.
Fine  Sun. 20—4th in Advent.
but cloudy
On leave Cairo went to 
citadel & mosque, to church
Wesleyian) posted letter & paper 
Mon.  21—St. Thomas
On gun laying
ordinary camp work 
No letters 
Fine Tues. 22
On gun laying 
Ordinary camp life 
no letters to date 
Fine Wed. 23
On gun laying
Thomas’ “Perfection” Writing Inks

Thurs. 24 [Mail Day]
Fri. 25—Christmas Day.
Halff day off  
quiet on duty 
evening on guard
Sat. 26—Boxing Day.
make correspondence a pleasure.  


Sun. 27—1st after Christmas.)
Mon. 28                                    )
Tues. 29                                    ) ordinary camp work 
Wed. 30 [Mail Day]                )
The Leading Removable Leaf

Thurs. 3l.
Quiet time
did not see old year
Recieved mail on
Ledger is the “Tudor’' Perpetual. 


East Wall 
deduct 11’0” 
The “Empire” Fountain Pen 
9’6”  16’3” 
3’3”  9’2”  5’0”  2 
7’0”  77  9’0”
3’9”  8’5”  10” 
4’0”  29’10”  7”  6’6” 
East Wall  
Front Wall
4’3”  4’1” 
4’6”  3’7”
33’5”  12’9” 
5’0”  3”
will not Leak or Blot.  


West Wall Vertical 
151’1” x 3’0” 
151’1” 1’4” 1’7” horiz 
less 2’4” 
6" x 1" Vertical 
Front Wall 
xxxxxxxx Horizontal 
27’2” x 2’ x 0”  twice

East Wall
151’ x 1” x 1’7” Horiz
Back Wall 
62’8” x 2’0”

Ask for Thomas' Blue-black Ink


13’9” x 1’2”  Retain
13’9” x 1’2”  Wall 
9’2” x 1’6” 
11’9” x 3’1”  4
as used in Government Offices.


Stan Chior MEMORANDA. Extra
Holes Front Wall
x 6                             x0
x  0          x 0            x 2½”
x 0           x 0            x 8½ 
x              x 0            x 13” 
East Wall
West Wall
x              x 6½”          x 23”
x              x 12½”         x 18”
x 8½”       x 12½        x 21”
x 14½”    x 16½”        x
x 14½”    x 26”          x
Back wall
Thomas’ “Perfection” Writing Inks. 
Thomas’ “Perfection” Mucilage. 


Position of W. P. 
from Main
15  1  
2 ½ 
Jeffcott St 
Ask for “Griptite” a perfect Office Paste. 
1 DRL 26

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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