Diary of Herbert Alexander Affleck, 1914 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • War Diaries
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AUS SEPTEMBER, 1914 Sun. 13 - 14th after Trinity. Mon. 14 Tues. 15 Wed. 16 Satisfaction Flows from Every SEPTEMBER, 1914 Thurs. II. (Mail Day) £fr1:18 Sat. 19 Memos. Empire'’ Fountain Pea
SEPTEMBER, 1914 Sun. 20— 15th after Trinity. (New Moon) Mon. 21 8 Tues. 22 Wed. 23 (Mail Day) Griptite Office Paste, a clean SEPTEMBER, 1914 Thurs. 24 PFI. 25 Sat. 26 Memos. and chemically pure adhesive.
SEPTEMBER, 1914 Sun. 27-16th after Trinity. Nos. 28 Tues29— Nichadlmas Day. Wed. 30 Thomas’ Perfection Mucilage OCTOBER, 1914 Thurs. I (Mail Day) Fri. 2 Sat. 3 Memos. is the stickiest sticker.
OCTOBER 1914 Sun. 4-irth after Trinity. (Full Moon) Nor 28. 6 2 (Mail Dayl Time, Labor and Money Saved by OCTOBER, 1914 Thurs. 8 Fri. 9 Sat. 10 Memos. using theTudor’' Perpetual Ledger.
OCTOBER, 1914 Sun. 11-18th after Trinity. Nod. 12 Feco. 13 thes 15 TheSt. George' Perpetual Ledger OORORNI Thurs To (Mail Dayl f2i 16 Sat-IL. Memos. Price is within the reach of all. 105.
OCTOAFL. 1DIA Sun. 18 th after Prinity. Non. 13 AMEW MoOdI e20 Fine Left Bwoadnedows 3 a.m rode to boat saied 2.50 for Albany. N.A very calm, on mesovdcily Fine Wed. 21 (Mail Day) Failing 9610 knt pessed cargo boat going gast Feltabit squeanish Sec mess ordEby. Perlection Writias IRI OCTOBER, 1914 F0. 22 Fme Btll callm slight pitch not to well very hot in koop deck sill sess orderely cloudy. F.23 Fine mess orderly. sighted steamer goig stre direction soome hoesed int to well also me Sal.24 Friday true Houghnight ten better, generally, Thiss orderly full dress pavade Moutire over 23p1 Position Memos. -able A.11 Loop Deck, A. Subsection laks are guaranteed permanent.
OCTOBER, 1914 Sun. 25-20th after Trinity. Claudy sighted 3steamers 1 Twoop sighted lund about t WaM. aivedalbam 1230 oue Hough. Nov. 26 still anchoie of ffmess orderly, 24 phips ongtor 3 allived-26 nn P Learges boind, Vaccinate received 4 letters from Nore Tues. 27 You still an anchor drill all day On guard A Tobk Deck 7ar Wed. 28 On guard H Troop Seis H Yeacard fleet mansp anited & convor apa rocavee levters non OCTOBER, 1914 Thurs. 29. (Mail Day) Fuie xapancie & gunboats fleft bay. dull I letter sent back ai sore, papers FF. 30 five Hill standir ian drate tepalselt all any At anchor. Wrote home letter did not go not taken estore closed 6.30 arm sluda Mex Houtin Memos. Lor b to Iel Nevellie 6.0 Drawbread 6.35 Brakfest 7/5 wasp Duner 12 wash up Siocenes-350 Tea is Thoroushly Reliable SO wark a 0005
NOVEMBER, 1914 Sun. 1-2ist after Trinity. Tremo t Do ee Dailad 6.35 am fton alban. see front Biges fuard Pn MMon. 2 Bailingin liv abead Phong Breeze o Da Bward not well bent army Tues. 3 (Full Moon) Rough, bad amm seasiet fduty Deraded sick Wn edvex as came Llight- wessiS paraded Pick N.F. him stillswollen one mailbrat joineo ThesHeel Office Paste is Griptite. MORIA NOVEMBER, 1914 Line Thurs. S O. [Auly Paraded sick nt Osterely left Tranpat fleet great ovation, Amatan picka fleckasri Fi.6 CocirionAe Fne Paraded as usinal O by arm on mend on guaid, missed getting into popics 4 of S2 Guterd Fime & not. on stables arm on newd; nothing eventful, late parade all lights out 8 t 830 Memos. goterely sailed with ecct for awhile + then leentalead, brough he Clihesi Georke Perveival bedser
NOVEMBER, 1914 NOVEMBER, 1914 Topes C lnd ater Frns. Heat Krecze F. B O A Calm weather, church crossed lne between deck busial or Curpidi 6. & 8 pm. Melleowine warships on the more wish left flect. 3 fennelled in aof Enders oat parated gree line seeport Breezef F.13 Mon.9 caln Het. muatur not with iflect New Wpaland Tansport Bydneyllett fleet peent. went alead with sydney Hf Costo slare pcoal at Colombo 9 sented for Bnd faponese still witl us Hot Tes0 14 collier. Hor susesat. wess O Y/c of Emdens posted see frort. Innocalated am soll Heamer sailig with fleet Whote dome eveing nothng exciting vaccinated expect to make Colombo arr getting sight toborrow. Healanders out Wed. II MMEROS. Sultut 9 prn 9 pernot New Zealand J. Ships wtee r eren veet on to coal at tamer jett fieed Colombo 2 The pre e o otat Pen supersedes all others. MORI
NOTEMOER, B19 Whote Clousbay 15-2ord after Prinity O 3 Cards sighted laid 6. a.m. Enpress of Russia & Sydney passed 15. a.m. Inshored at Calombo 2 pr Non.10 Cloudy stillatarchor or guard H.M. S. Yarmouth arlived I several merchon te Badinady to move n Guard Rucs. 12 Hlit arrived went used bleakwaker died up t Devy. Fort in best wate aot per no machda ((New Moon) Wed, 18 (Mail Day) Highted southernmnost pad of India calm sailin wash Mong eend MORI NOVEMBER, 1914 Calm Thurs. 19 sailing forader Afric hanging back Ye of Skers B Colm Fii 20 sighted otherportion of fleet aread Svertook at soon, afrig Langing back imocuated slcond fir Calm sase Aric charged with Aocamns Shr diviston sailng ahead oo Order, Ascomms collided witl hs at 4.3 me stis ce once in stein & once acidships, no donage below water line see fwoll for Hone agq Office Use. O arcad gard +

Sun. 13 - 14th after Trinity.
Mon. 14
Tues. 15
Wed. 16
Satisfaction Flows from Every

Thurs. 17 [Mail Day] 

Fri. 18
Sat. 19

"Empire" Fountain Pen 



Sun. 20— 15th after Trinity.
[New Moon] 

Mon. 21
Tues. 22
Wed. 23 [Mail Day] 

"Griptite" Office Paste, a clean

Thurs. 24
Fri. 25
Sat. 26

and chemically pure adhesive.



Sun. 27- 16th after Trinity. 

Mon. 28
Tues. 29— Michaelmas Day.
Wed. 30
Thomas’ "Perfection" Mucilage
OCTOBER, 1914 

Thurs. 1 [Mail Day] 

Fri. 2
Sat. 3
is the stickiest sticker.



Sun. 4- 17th after Trinity
[Full Moon] 

Mon. 5 
Tues. 6 

Wed. 7 [Mail Day] 

Time, Labor and Money Saved by
OCTOBER, 1914 

Thurs. 8 

Fri. 9 

Sat. 10 


using the "Tudor’' Perpetual Ledger. 


OCTOBER, 1914 

Sun. 11-18th after Trinity. 

Mon. 12
Tues. 13
Wed. 14 
The "St. George" Perpetual Ledger
October, 1914 

Thurs. 15 [Mail Day] 

Fri. 16
Sat. 17
Price is within the reach of all.


OCTOBER, 1914 

Sun. 18 - 19th after Trinity. 

Mon. 19 [New Moon] 

Tues. 20 Fine 
Left Broadmedows 3 a.m.
rode to boat sailed
2.50 for Albany, W.A.
very calm, on mess orderly 

Fine Wed. 21 [Mail Day]
Sailing 9 to 10 knots
passed cargo boat going East,
Felt abit squeamish, on
mess orderly for week 
Thomas "Perfection" Writing
OCTOBER, 1914 

Thurs. 22 Fine
Still calm slight pitch
not too well, very hot
in Troop deck still
on mess orderely 

cloudy. Fri. 23 Fine
Mess orderly.
sighted steamer going
same direction some
horses not to well, also men 

Friday Sat. 24
Rough night lll Fine
Men better generally, Mess
orderly., full dress parade 
2.30 Routine over 
Position Memos.
Table A11
Troop Deck, A.
C Subsection 4th Battery 

Inks are guaranteed permanent.


Sun. 25 - 20th after Trinity.
sighted 3 steamers 1 Troop.
sighted land about 10 8.45 a.m.
arrived Albany 12.30 see front 

Rough. Mon. 26 still anchored
off mess orderly, 24 ships
at anchor 3 arrived 26
in St Georges Sound. Vaccinated
received 4 letters from home 

Tues. 27
Fair still on anchor
drill all day
On guard A Troop

Fair Wed. 28
On guard A Troop Deck
N. Zealand fleet Warship
arrived & convoy
1 Japanese Warship 
The "Empire" Fountain Pen 
received 6 letters home. 
OCTOBER, 1914 

Fine Thurs. 29. [Mail Day]
Japanese & gunboats 
left bay. drill 
1 letter sent back 
arm sore, papers 
Fri. 30
Still at anchor 
ordinary drill 
Night Fire false alarm 
Sat. 31 
At anchor Wrote 
home letter did not 
go not taken ashore
closed 6.30 a.m. Sunday. 

Mess Routine Memos. 
Revillie 6.0 Draw bread 6.55 Tea Time to Tally
Breakfast 7.15 wash up Dinner
12 wash up Groceries 3.50 Tea
is Thoroughly Reliable.  5.0 wash up.



Sun. 1 - 21st after Trinity. 
All Saints Day.
Transport Fleet.
Sailed 6.35 a,m. from 
Albany. see front pages 
On Guard. 
Mon. 2 
Sailing in line ahead 
Strong breeze off distag
On Guard 
Not well, bad arm, 
Tues. 3 [Full Moon] 
Rough, bad arm seasick 
off duty 
paraded sick 
W.A. Medic & as casual 
Arvo Warship joined fleet 
Slight Wed. 4 swell 
paraded sick N.Z. boat burst steam pipe 
arm still swollen 
One mailboat joined 
The Best Office Paste is "Griptite." 
Fine Thurs. 5 Off duty 
Paraded sick. Off duty 
'Osterely' left Transport fleet 
great ovation. Minataur 
inspected fleet., arm sore 
Fine Fri. 6  Colision Alarm 
Paraded as usual Off duty 
arm on mend 
4th on guard, missed 
getting into tropics 
4th on  Sat. 7 Guard. 
Fine & hot. on stables 
arm on mend, nothing 
eventful, late parade 
all lights out 8 to 8.30 
"Osterely" sailed with 
fleet for awhile & 
then went ahead, brought 
The St George" Pepertual Ledger 
in by warships


Tropical Sun. 8 - 22nd after Trinity. Heat 
Calm weather, church on [* 1 horse overboard*] 
deck, burial on Euripides - 
warships on the move  Minatour 
in area of Emdens operations 
Hot  Mon. 9  calm 
Minatour not with fleet 
"Sydney' left fleet went 
of Coscos island & 1 horse overboard 
 accounted for Emden  
Hot.  Tues. 10 | & Collier. 
a/c of Emdens posted see front. 
Steamer sailing with fleet. 
nothing exciting. vaccinated 
arm getting right. 
Wed. 11 
Morning sultry 
breeze afternoon 
On Guard evening 
Steamer left fleet 
Orvieto inspected 
The "Rivulet" Self-filling Fountain 
NOVEMBER, 1914  
Breeze  Thurs. 12 [Mail Day]  on Guard. 
Crossed line between 
6 & 8 pm. Melbourne 
left fleet, C.P., & funnelled 
painted grey liner, see front. 
Breeze Fri. 13 
New Zealand transports 
went ahead with Sydney" 
to coal at Columbo 
Japanese still with us. 
Hot.  sunset. Sat. 14  Mess Order 
Innoculated, arm sore. 
Wrote home evening 
expect to make Columbo 
tomorrow. N. Zealanders out of sight. 
New Zealand T. Ships 
went on to coal at 
Pen supersedes all others.


NOVEMBER, 1914  Wrote 
Cloudy  Sun 15 - 23rd after Trinity.  3 Ls 3 Cards 
Sighted land 6.a.m 
Empress of Russia & Sydney 
passed 5.a.m. 
Anchored at Colombo 3 p.m. 
Mon. 16  Cloudy. 
still at anchor on guard 
H.M.S. Yarmouth arrived 
& several merchantmen 
made ready to move in. 
On  Guard  Tues. 17 
Polit arrived went inside 
breakwater tied up to 
buoy. Took in fresh water 
got paper no mail to date  
Sailed for Arden 
[New Moon] Wed. 18 [Mail Day] 
Sighted southernmost 
point of India. 
Calm sailing 
Thomas' "Perfection" Mucilage 
Washing day 
Sighted steamer see front 
Calm Thurs. 19 
Sailing for Adern 
Afric hanging back 
On a/c of stokers 
Calm Fri 20 
Sighted other portion of 
fleet ahead overtook at 
noon. Afric hanging back 
innoculated second time. 
Calm sailing Sat. 21 
Afric changed with Ascanius 
Our division sailing ahead 
for Aden, Ascanius 
collided with us at 4.30  
a.m. struck  Memos.  twice 
once in stern & once 
midships, no damage 
below water line see front 
for Home and Office Use.  on guard 
4 N. Z. TS. ahead.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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