Diary of Samuel Hedley Hemming Hawkins, 1917-1918 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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THURSDAY 13.12.17. Buthe warm today. Appeared before Com. Officer today and my Court Martial case was dismiss 4 Ed. Bombing in afternoon AFRIDAV 14.12.17. On coal fatigue. Have to load six waggous ph day which in all wolild not lake more than half an hour. Have charge of eight ten Work alongarde German prisoners. Weather warmer. Good concers in Regimental Instrtude by Fronew Concer Fardy who travel around the hospitals. SATURDAYISI17 Dncoal in morning & so miss hated route march. writing in afternoon & night. Weather much warmer. REMARKS ON WEEK Tuesday 1112.17 brings me the right to sose or conscrition for first time in life. Tohed yes. Thursday sees me file again after a hard fight weather much warmer throwelt SUNOAX 1.12.17 Heavy rain from Midnigh till 9 am. Rain followed by a sheady flow of snow till undday Weather eseptionally cold. ashende of 8 service which was sery good. MONOAN 17-12.17 Snow fell through night to a depth of thra inched. Hedoy wind ble inceasingly. Coal patigue in morning ou came a gutser in afhernoon and ven on muskebrig (prone position Sun not strong enough to melk snow TUESDAY 18.1H. 17 Very cold nugh with a little frost bus no snow. Muskedry in morning from which I did a missle & kent to U.A.Bhut for feed. shosting on miniarture rang in Afternoon. A Nigh shunt this evening with gad masks a respirator Did not, go in this shuentz but wend down to lutton Veny and had a leed of Lonque, bread & butter. WEONESDAY 19. 12.17 Sundays snow shell on Ground. teck Parade in morning Barade in Afternoon, full marching order & stand for 14 hours whiles all are chepecke
AUS WEONESDAY 19.1217 After inspection have bombing competition in which I hook part our leain being second. THURSPAY 20. 1417 All paps frozen unable to wash. Living the head this morning bu woen on parade in afternoon. FRIDAN 21.12.17 Dochars parade No drill. Eo to Warminsher in evening and draw money from Bank. SATURDAY22-1217 DickeI go sick & miss route Prepare for lease march. SUNORY 23.12.17 Reveille 430 Breakfast 5.00 Left for Warminster abod 6.00 and had to way hell 9.15 for traih. Arrived Brisol 10.15, where we had lunch & a walk around the fine city Leave Brishol 2 pn passing through Gloucester, Cheldenham, Bermingham & Derby in a crowded train. Arride Hockpor 9.30. Lake train for Healon moor arriving as Mr Gibsons 1 pm. Treat reception. MONDRN 24.-12-1. RiSe 10. a m. Bath sbreakfaat at 11.30. Took a shroll to Ewees and made herols o ourselter by baying 1½ We of busher & 2 fens of milk. The first they have had for a mondh. All the lbbies I selves go to The Babis in the wood in the afternoon which was very fine, at the Palace Theadre Manchester. Dine at the Qucens. Arrive home 9.15 and have Lea 9.30. Bed 1.30 am WESORY 25.12.17 Christmas Way1 a fine day & plendy sunsheme. W4am. spend the day very pleasantly at home. Ns trains as conductors refuse to wark on kmas day. Glorous Chris has dinner Turkey plum. pedding & electerase The girls give us each a present in the form of a deary. Bed I am WEDNESDAN Rise II am. Break fast 12.00. Lake the girls to pictures in afternoon. sing long at night & also a sort of spiritualisice evening. Bed 130 am
105 THURSDAN 27,12.17. Rese 12.00 Day very dull & misdy. Had gaines in the house all day and in evenings some more spirits in which all the family except Andrey are geat Denevers. After most enjoyable night The gulo adad take as to the station. & we casch the midnighs train to Bristol, where te arrive 6a.m. Catch train to Warminsher arriving in camp 9a m. Wordsill in mo no duill in FRIORY 281217 mornings Medical exam in afternoon. Dick yoins boinbing school. Receive two parcels from Mrs Warren SATURDAY 29.12.17 Roule march in morning which was very fine. Do a hasle washing in afternoon Hear of No. Richards death about 8 p.m. NRITE HOME REMARKS ON WEEK heave showed me that England is a fine place in pealisime Keenarks on week. Mr Gebrow has a beautiful residence and gave us a gloniou heme. Had better food here than previously in England. Firo wife, two very fine haking daughters and a Chatherbore of a son. He has a great belief in spirtherlison which caused some great sport. Went through the old chustman in the greatest of shike + througnout be lived like cocks. SUNDRY7 Church Parad MONDAY31217 Leave for didwork. Spend hour in tleabury & arrive 7 pm Lidworth. Greahly surprised at fine batracks & most of all at excellent dinner which awarked us. TUESDAYII18 Keictuses WEONESDAY HALF HOHOAY THURSDAY Ructures FRIDAY SATURDAYSIR.
AUS7 Kemarks on week. didworth is a fine school athend Candahar which is an officers school. all shudents are on one level I are teimed cadels Food is excellent & one fells quite at home agan at sight of Bablicloths, crults, sugar & bukker galore, Lumblerse the very best of food again As we are being trained for officers we do no drill but have lickures all day on administrateo edequethe, seouding Mas reading the. Lake nopes on diictures & write up exercises at congut. Fine Sheaure at Grawwith and all shops are in one enclosure Have a bahman who does all our Carrack work weather much warmer moy likely - because we always have fires in the lithure rooms. Carracks A. Fine home SUNOAY 61i8 Athend Church Barade Service in Garrison church which is a very fine building. Receive large banch of letters from home MONDAY7.118 Rectures: TUESOAY 8.1.18 MEONESDAY9.1-18. Half Holiday THURSORY 10.1.18 Lectures Tuest night. FRIDAY 11.1.18 SATURDAY 12.1.18" Theatre. Study hill late each night. Thursday was tuest day Dinnner lasts from y. s0 till 845. Anyone can have a quest. all must drink Kings- Health. Theakre Saturday night Under two flags Has been a repetitios of snow Frain all the week & mud Elad we do no drill
SUNDNY 13.1.18. Church Parade. Fechures MONDAY HA-TH TUESDAY 15 - 1.18 " Half Holiday WEDNESDNYIE. 1.18 " THURSDAY 17. 1. 18 HRIDAY 18.1.15 Theatre. SATURDAN 19. 1.18 Hemarks on Week. stell plenky work. Weather has been very blowy &rainy. Sheadre Saturday night han Poo. During week Dick goes to Lyndhurst for Bombing. A great number of Engrands last hope. Volenbeer officers over 60 yrs have come here to study. We are most enthusastic & make some fine sport for us. SUNDAY 20.1.18. Church Parade Rectures MONDAY 21.1-18 TUESDAY 22. 1.18 Hhalf Hserday WEONESDAY23118 THURSDNY 24./.18 FRIDRY 25.1-18 Theatre SATYRDRY 26.1.B Kemarks on week. weather magnificient during weak. On Tuesday have cnest night. Go to Theatre Wednesday night Glad ex. Thursday afternoon lectue will moving pictures by Com. Lank Corpss. Theakre Sal Evening Whose the Lady. On Thursday night the Froneer Durn Bloodhouse to ground SUNOAY 24.1.18. Church lervice Accompanied by band, ching forgen. Music beautiful MONDAY 28.118 Rectures TUESOAY 29.1.18 & WEONESDAY 30.1.18 THURSDAY 31.1.18 FRIDAY 111.18 SATURDAY 21.2.18. SUNDAX 3.2.18 Church Parades Concer in evening by Band MONDAY 4.2.18 Exam all day Go ho Laming of the Shrew in the evening TUESOAYS.3.18 Go through has which made me cry slogrendly & shinks like the Wassa
STF ANY WEONESOAY 6.2.18 to through all tivilian touses around didword + draw up billeting scheme. The civilians are far from friendly on these stunts in afternoon walk over as Park House military camp THURSDAV. 7.2.18. suspect all farms i district and draw up suppost positions. The farmers here had the laugh, as the grosng was all newly ploughed + earth was well soaked by rains Carried half Sidwordh under our feel. FRIDAY 8.2.18. Erect Barbed were entanglements during morning In afternoon have fine Recture(departing) by RI. Sol. may the commandand + also by Major Englis. Have good feed & Lease sp iin for Station. Every man very sorry to leave. From the Commandant down all officers were mons men & in every sense of the word gentlemen. They hreated RI us excellently and every man came away with a vnew opinion of the English officer. Arrived Winchester 6.10p wo was met by may + close, whent ho Plossis + slept there. SATURDAV.9.2.18. Went for a walk around winchester a struck an Aushralian Major naned Shephens. together we had a very fine timne. Lake Else +her made to the pictures. Leave Flossier about 9p in & accompanied by Mayy go to Kitbledon. SUNOAY 10.2.18. Sarah receives word from pin who expects to come home this week. She went as nearly mad as ever I have seen a person. accompany saiat & may to church in afternoon & was waltied up to the hop seal. This done they left me on my own. Chio mad me half mad, sithing in front + having no one to halkh
SUNOAV 10.2.18. The stop with sarah very pleasand & sery short. Keburn to Floss's accompanied by tlae 9 pon. look a couple of hours to get home so Else. I were sent to bed MONDAV 11.2.18. Ou sight celing with Bob. Went through, Elect Light, Floun mill Winchester Cellege + St Cross Hospital. Spenk a very fine day & feel deeply indebted no Bob who has spent much valuable lime with me. Had four heeth fisced up at denness here who is very good. Had a good time with alse hought. TUESONY R.2. 18. Walk through winchester in morning. All, Floss, Else, Kedly, Sarah + Marg + Seft go to Houthampton. There I leave a spns. for camp, to my great sorrow. spen a very pleasant day but lost my head. WEONESDAV 18.2.18. Do no dudies Camp rather emproved since I lep but nearly all my reinforce mend are in France. THURSDAY 14.2.18. Being fully hrained do no duties. Receive letter from Phellis Hawkind (Florida). Corporal of coal guard. On Draft for WRIDAY 15.2-18. No dubies. France. Go ho Bath Arms in evening I have a good fled. SATURDAV 16-2.18 At my wits ends ho dodge roude march. Mew Reg Pullir near Keydesbury & then mee Reg Brown. We are the three who through a row determined to leave the Pay Office. Dick, Regd, Reg B. & Leff go to Bath Arms, & have a fine feed ho celebrate the occasion. SUNOAV 17.2.18. Very cold after llong spell of good weather. Dick + I go for long walk to get warn instead of fillying in Church. Corporal of coal Euard in evening.
MONDAYIE 2.18 Beautiful Spring day. Do no duties. TUESDAY 19.3-18. Goover to N01 command & go through gas which does not appear as be hurkful but respirators are awsward. WEONESDAY. 20.2.18 Very cold a windy. No dudres THBSOA THURSDAY. 26.2.18. Receive large batch of letters from Ausdralia & spend all day in answering. FRIbAY 22.2.18 Very windy March winds are not looked forward to SATURDAY 232.18. Prisoner who escaped from me some three months ago eaptured & brought back no camp. He is remanded for Court martial & consequenble I am taken off the draft. Reg Brow Tuiller S. McLennan, H Dawin Pryke & self go ho 10F Warminster in afternoon and have our phohas taken. Spend a very pleasant evening. SUNDAY24.2.18 Skend morning by very pleasant walk. Have fine hea in suddow Very at night. MONDAY 25.2.18. Very cold winds. No duhels TUESDAY 26.R. 18. Cold Easterly winds. Eighteen of us 0 absent from morning parade. WEDNESDAY 27.2.18. All absent from yesterdays parade crimed & fined 2 days pay + awarded 3 days Confined ho b amp (Chasing Bugle.). Upon making compllains t days pay was knocked off & Broinley, I were sent scott fill. Reg Brown comes over at elight & we all go to fine concers THURSDAY E8.2.18. Job on Rible Buths but relieved. Fine warm day aper
Crawfora Seccomb. Brown G.B P Aa Browning St Stapleton Bill thromby Budd 28.2.18 a little snow. Maheam in Battalian H. Daun H. Pryke A. Reids P. Hayes B. Duncan C. Reclson Gasden J. F. Rudd J. Browley H. Stoddar & G. Gosden transferred artillery 20

THURSDAY 13.12.17. Quite warm 
today. Appeared before
Com. Officer today and my
Court Martial case was dismissed. 
Bombing in afternoon.
FRIDAY 14.12.17 On coal fatigue.
Have to load six waggons per
day which in all would not
take more than half an hour.
Have charge of eight men.
Work alongside German
prisoners. Weather warmer.
Good concert in Regimental
Institute by Pioneer Concert
Party who travel around the 
SATURDAY 15.12.17 On coal
in morning & so miss
hated route march.
Writing in afternoon &
night. Weather much warmer.
Tuesday 11.12.17 brings me the 
right to vote on Conscription
for first time in life. Voted Yes.
Thursday sees me free again
after a hard fight
Weather much warmer thro week
SUNDAY 16.12.17 Heavy rain from
midnight till 9 am. Rain followed 
by a steady flow of snow till midday.
Weather exceptionally cold. Attend
C of E Service which was very good.
MONDAY 17.12.17 Snow fell through
night to a depth of three inches.
Heavy wind blew unceasingly.
Coal fatigue in morning but came
a gutser in afternoon and
went on musketry (prone position)
Sun not strong enough to melt snow
TUESDAY 18.12.17 Very cold night with
a little frost but no snow. Musketry
in morning from which I did a
missle & went to U.A.B hut for feed.
Shooting on miniature range in 
afternoon. A Night stunt this
evening with gas masks & respirator
Did not go on this stunt, but went
down to Sutton Veny and had a 
feed of tongue, bread & butter.
WEDNESDAY 19.12.17 Sundays
snow still on ground.
Sick Parade in Morning.
Parade in afternoon, full
marching order & stand for
1¾ hours whilst all are inspected.


WEDNESDAY 19.12.17 After
inspection have bombing
competition in which I took
part our team being second.
THURSDAY 20.12.17 All taps
frozen. unable to wash.
Swung the lead this morning
but went on parade in
FRIDAY 21.12.17  Doctors parade
No drill. Go to Warminster
in evening and draw
money from Bank:
SATURDAY 22.12.17 Dick & I
go sick & miss route
march. Prepare for leave
SUNDAY 23.12.17 Reveille 4.30
Breakfast 5:00 Left for Warminster
about 6.00 and had to wait
till 9.15 for train. Arrived Bristol
10.15, where we had lunch & a
walk around the fine city
Leave Bristol 2 pm passing through
Gloucester, Cheltenham, Birmingham
& Derby in a crowded train.
Arrive Stockport 9.30. Take train
for Heaton Moor arriving at
M Gibsons 10 pm. Great reception.
MONDAY 24.12.17. Rise 10.15 a m. Bath
& breakfast at 11.30. Took a stroll  to
Grocers and made heroes of ourselves
by buying 1½ lbs of butter & 2
pints of milk. The first they have
had for a month. All the
Gibbies & selves go to “the Babes
in the woods” in the afternoon
which was very fine, at the
Palace Theatre Manchester. Dine
at the Queens, Arrive home 9.15
and have tea 9.30. Bed 1.30 am.
TUESDAY 25.12.17 Christmas Day!
A fine day & plenty sunshine.
Up 11 am. Spend the day very
pleasantly at home. No trams
as conductors refuse to work
on Xmas day. Glorious Christmas 
dinner Turkey, plum,
pudding & etceteras. The girls
give us each a present in the 
form of a diary. Bed 1.am
WEDNESDAY Rise 11 am Breakfast 
12.00 Take the girls to
pictures in afternoon.
Sing song at night & also
a sort of spiritualistic
evening. Bed 1.30 am


THURSDAY 27.12.17 Rise 12.00.
Day very dull & misty. Had
games in the house all day
and in evening. some more
spirits in which all the family
except Audrey are great
Believers. After most enjoyable
night The girls & dad take us 
to the station & we catch the
midnight train to Bristol,
where we arrive 6 a.m. Catch
train to Warminster arriving
in camp 9.am. No drill
in mo
FRIDAY 28.12.17 No drill in
morning. Medical exam in
afternoon. Dick joins
bombing school. Receive
hero parcels from Mrs Warren
SATURDAY 29.12.17 Route
march in morning which
was very fine. Do a little
washing in afternoon.
Hear of Geo. Richards death 
about 3p.m. WRITE HOME
Leave showed me that England
is a fine place in peace time
Remarks on Week.
Mr Gibson has a beautiful 
residence and gave us a glorious
time. Had better food here
than previously in England.
Fine wife, two very fine looking
daughters and a chatterbox
of a son. He has a great
belief in spiritualism which
caused some great sport.
Went through the old Christmas 
in the greatest of style &
throughout we lived like cocks.
SUNDAY 30.12.17 Church Parade
MONDAY 31.12.17 Leave for
Tidworth. Spend hour
in Salisbury & arrive 
7 pm Tidworth. Greatly
surprised at fine
barracks & most of
all at excellent dinner
which awaited us.
TUESDAY 1.1.18 Lectures
THURSDAY        Lectures
FRIDAY                    "
SATURDAY 5.1.18    "


Remarks on Week
Tidworth is a fine school.
I attend Candahar which
is an officers school.
All students are on one
level & are termed cadets.
Food is excellent & one
fells quite at home again
at sight of tablecloths,
cruits, sugar & butter
galore, tumblers & the
very best of food again.
As we are being trained
for officers we do no
drill but have leictures
all day on administration
etiquette, scouting,
map reading etc.
Take notes on leictures
& write up exercises
at night.
Fine Theatre at Tidworth
and all shops are in
one enclosure.
Have a batman who
does all our barrack

Weather much warmer
most likely- because we
always have fires in
the leicture rooms '  
A. Fine home
SUNDAY 6.1.18 Attend Church
Parade. Service in garrison
church which is a very fine
building. Receive large
batch of letters from
MONDAY 7. 1. 18 Lectures:
TUESDAY 8. 1. 18         "
WEDNESDAY 9. 1. 18  "   Half Holiday
THURSDAY 10. 1. 18 Lectures Guest night
FRIDAY 11. 1. 18             "
SATURDAY 12. 1. 18.     "         Theatre.
Study till late each night.
Thursday was guest day,
Dinner lasts from 7.30 till
8.45. Anyone can have a 
guest. All must drink
Kings- Health.
Theatre saturday night
"Under two flags"
Has been a repitition of snow
& rain all the week. & Mud
Glad we do no drill


SUNDAY 13 .1.18    Church Parade
MONDAY 14. 1. 18   Lectures 
TUESDAY 15. 1. 18         "
WEDNESDAY 16. 1. 18  "     Half Holiday
THURSDAY 17. 1. 18       "   
FRIDAY 18. 1. 18              "
SATURDAY 19. 1. 18        "     Theatre.
Remarks on Week.
Still plenty work. Weather
has been very blowy & rainy.
Theatre Saturday night Nah
Poo. During week Dick
goes to Lyndhurst for
Bombing. A great number
of Englands last hope.
(Volunteer officers over 60 yrs
have come to study.)

All are most enthusiastic
& make some fine sport.
for us.
SUNDAY 20. 1. 18. Church Parade.
MONDAY 21. 1. 18    Lectures
TUESDAY 22. 1. 18          "
WEDNESDAY 23. 1. 18   "    Half Holiday
THURSDAY 24. 1. 18       "
FRIDAY 25. 1. 18              "
SATURDAY 26. 1. 18       "     Theatre.
Remarks on Week.
Weather magnificent during
week. On Tuesday have
Guest night. Go to Theatre
Wednesday night "Glad eye".
Thursday afternoon lecture
with moving pictures by
Com. Tank Corps. Theatre
Sat evening "Whose the Lady".
On Thursday night the Pioneers
burn Bloodhouse to ground
SUNDAY 27. 1. 18 Church Service
Accompanied by band, strings
& organ. Music beautiful.
MONDAY           28. 1. 18      Lectures
TUESDAY           29. 1. 18             "
WEDNESDAY   30. 1. 18             "
THURSDAY        31. 1. 18             "
FRIDAY                  1. 1. 18            "   
SATURDAY           2. 2. 18.          "
SUNDAY     3 .2. 18 Church Parade
Concert in evening by Band 
MONDAY 4. 2. 18   Exam all day.
Go to Taming of the Shrew in 
the evening.
TUESDAY 5. 2. 18  Go through
Gas which made me cry
eloquently & stinks like the


WEDNESDAY 6. 2. 18  Go through all
civilian houses around Tidworth
& draw up billeting scheme.
The civilians are far from
friendly on these stunts.
In afternoon walk over to
Park House military camp.
THURSDAY 7. 2. 18  Inspect all farms
in district and draw up
outpost positions. The farmers
here had the laugh, as the ground
was all newly ploughed & earth
was well soaked by rains.
Carried half Tidworth under
our feet.
FRIDAY 8 .2. 18 Erect Barbed wire
entanglements during morning.
In afternoon have fine
Lecture (departing) by Lt. Col.
May the commandand  &
also by Major Inglis.
Have good feed & leave 3 p m
for Station.
Every man very sorry to
leave. From the Commandant
down all officers were Mons
men & in every sense of the
word gentlemen. They treated
us excellently and every man
came away with a new opinion
of the English officer.

Arrived Winchester 6.10 pm & was
met by Mary & Elsie. Whent to
Flossies and slept there.
SATURDAY. 9.2.18. Went for a 
walk around Winchester &
struck an Australian
Major named Stephens.
Together we had a very fine
time.  Take Else & her mate 
to the pictures. Leave Flossies
about 9 pm & accompanied
by Mary go to Riddledon.
SUNDAY 10. 2. 18 . Sarah receives
word from Jim who expects
to come home this week.
She went as nearly mad 
as ever I have seen a
person. Accompany Sarah
& Mary to church in afternoon
& was walked up to the
top seat. This done they
left me on my own. This
mad me half mad, sitting
in front & having no one to
talk to.


SUNDAY  10. 2. 18. The stop with
Sarah very pleasant & very
short. Return to Floss's
accompanied by Else 9 pm.
Took a couple of hours to get 
home so Else & I were sent
to bed.
MONDAY 11. 2. 18. Out sight seeing
with Bob. went through,
Elect Light, Flour Mill,
Winchester College & St Cross
Hospital. Spent a very fine
day & feel deeply indebted 
to Bob who has spent much
valuable time with me.
Had four teeth fixed up at
dentist here who is very good.
Had a good time with
Else tonight.
TUESDAY 12. 2. 18. Walk through
Winchester in morning.
All, Floss, Else, Hedly, Sarah, 
& Marg & Self go to Southhampton.
There I leave at 6pm. for
camp, to my great sorrow.
Spent a very pleasant day
but lost my head.
WEDNESDAY 13. 2. 18. Do no duties
Camp rather improved since I
left but nearly all my reinforcement
are in France.
THURSDAY 14. 2. 18. Being fully
trained do no duties.
Receive letter from Phillis
Hawkins (Florida). Corporal
of coal guard. On Draft for France.
FRIDAY 15. 2. 18: No duties.
Go to Bath Arms in evening
& have a good feed.
SATURDAY 16. 2. 18 At my
wits end to dodge route
march. Meet Reg Fuller
near Heytesbury & then
meet Reg Brown. We are the
three who through a row
determined to leave the 
Pay Office. Dick, Reg F, Reg B.
& Self go to Bath Arms, & have
a fine feed to celebrate the occasion.
SUNDAY 17. 2. 18. Very cold after
long spell of good weather.
Dick & I go for long walk 
to get warm instead of freezing
in church. Corporal of 
Coal Guard in evening.


MONDAY 18. 2.18 Beautiful spring
day. Do no duties.
TUESDAY 19. 2.18. Go over to No 1
command & go through
gas which does not appear
to be hurtful but respirators
are awkward.
WEDNESDAY.  20.2.18 Very cold
& windy. No duties.
THURSDAY 21.2.18. Receive
large batch of letters from
Australia & spend all
day in answering.
FRIDAY 22.2.18 Very windy
March winds are not
looked forward to
SATURDAY 23.2.18 Prisoner
who escaped from me
some three months ago
captured & brought 
back to camp. He is 
remanded for Court
Martial & consequently
I am taken off the
draft. Reg Brow Fuller,
J McLennan, H Dawson
Pryke & self go to
Warminster in afternoon
and have our photos
taken. Spend a very
pleasant evening.
SUNDAY 24.2.18 Spend
morning by very pleasant 
walk.  Have fine tea
in Sutton Veny at 
MONDAY 25.2.18. Very cold
winds. No duties
TUESDAY 26.2.18. Cold Easterly
winds. Eighteen of us
WED absent from morning 
WEDNESDAY 27.2.18. All absent
from yesterdays parade
crimed and fined 2 days pay 
& awarded 3 days  Confined 
to Camp (Chasing Bugle.)
Upon making complaint 
2 days pay was knocked 
off & Bromley & I were sent
Scott free: Reg Brown 
comes over at night & we 
all go to a fine concert
THURSDAY 28.2.18. Job on 
Rifle Butts but relieved. 
Fine warm day . after


Brown P. B
O'Day P
Browning H q

28. 2. 18
a little snow
Mates in Battalion
H. Pryke      H. Dann
A. Leeds     P. Hayes
B. Duncan   C. Leeson
F. Rudd         G Gosden 
J. Bromley    N. Stoddart
[[.x.]] G. Gosden  transferred




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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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