Diary of Samuel Hedley Hemming Hawkins, 1917-1918 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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He 30 67 l 11 a T A 7 WEONESDAN 26.9.17. No drill Gun praceis today at a larget whech represented a submaring. Our Gunners shot very well but no ship got a direct hit. Hall the chaps know nothing of the intention io prochics & them came up on dects full Speed ahead thinking we were torpedoed THURSDAY2Y9. 17 H inspection in morning as a sums had been pinched I found the tunie in a sergeants cabene then the owner remembered that he had left it there. The major immediately called parade & made the man apolance. FR10AY. 28.9.17. Tery feggy all day. Troopships all Cravelling at full speed. SATYRDAN 29.9.17 Irish bast sighted. At &pa. 10 destroyers met us at full speed and sharked to hop around us like a dog. All men ordered to sleep in clothes & to wear lifebelts in sea. ORIE Remarks on the week. i mmn Excellent weather has prevailed making the voyage very pleasant. By getting good with the cooks we lived on the best. Course very irregular. bseort & convoy number 24 boats a very picouresque fleet. SUNDAV 30.9.14. Three more destroyers join us. One of the best days since leaving Australia followed by seautiful moontigh nigh. Received S.O.S from Glenelg saying she was being shelled Help sent by our escort. NONDAY 1.10.17. Issue of emergency ration. Saw + passed Gr. Ormes Head a midnigh. Entered Mersey Raced other ships of convoy + anchored 2 miles from Riverpool. TUESDAN 2.10.17 Endered + docked at Alexendra Docks. Passed tew Brighton which presented a beauth al ligh: Sha down rope chased by police but succeeded in having a look at Liverpooe creps up Eangway on return.
105 30 4 1 a As. 1 WEONESDAV 310. 17 Desembarked + entrained at Riverpool for Salisbury. Passed hrough. Crewe + Birmingham, Oxford had a glimpse of universidy, Lwindow Coaford Salisbury carrived Dinson Y. Topi. Had a roston up hill march with full pack to camp (12 miles, Tovan Camp. The train journey + scenery were beautiful. Sleep in huks about 40 in hert. Issue of paliasses & 4 blankels. THURSDAN 4.10.17. 11/4 Fioneers Isolated (Very good) Isolation means no work & best of tucker. Went into Fovant village tonight and pinched a few apples. FRIDAV 5.10.17. Two hours rouhe march to keep us ffor By this march we were able to find our where the best apples are grown. Paid another viset to village although forbidde to leave. Esolation area. stuuck a fine orchard. SATHRDAV 6.10.17. Heavy rain falls during night bu what masher. We have no mud parades. Visit more apples Durhon Remarks in Camp an Fovant is a very fine camp all roads being aspheted. Hhot & cold baths mostly cold. Kations 4 Elices bread perday for meat, shadow soup Rosridge (3 times per week) or " Budding (2 (1 gamn Margarin or dripping every even, Sea without milk or sugar SUNDAVY.1017 Heavy rain in morning but afternoon fine. Dick, George & I visit Teffort afout 3 miles distant & one of the prettiess places arount. Leftor Manor & grounds open to soldiers & very beautiful. Look through the old Churcu built 13 Penbury + also geares dating back to Beens. Pench Beacocks feather as convener Attend service here at night.
8 30 b 10 51 a l 1 MONOAYS10 17. Short roube march. Paid farmer another odlage visit & brought home good have of applet. Wind deamn. TUESDAV9.10-17 All kit bagh handed in to be taken to our future camp at Sutton Veny. short route march this afternoon. Farmer suffered again. WEONESDAY 10-10. Solintary roule march in which Dick & I were conspicuous by our absence. Busy all day packing, prepatory to march at Lutton Veny. Unsuccessful raid on orchard this evening. Too many M.PS. THURSDAV 1.10 17 Revle .ai Kreakfast 6 am. Fall in 8.30 am. heft camp 9. am for Subbon Veny Hallevery nour Dinner N.45am to 12.18 pm. Passed brough some beautiful country, villages & finally after a tramp 6.18 miles reached lubbow bein at 4.00 pm. No preparations for us. No Eucker or accommodation. FRIDRY 11017 Very tired a stiff after walk yesterday. The drill untell further orders. Wear to Warminster in evening with Dick + Geo Forden. Middling size town. Here we had a very fine feed which was necessary as we have had no tucker except one slice of bread per meal in camp SATURDAN 13.10.17. Hered three bicycles this afternoon & sick; self & Cs. Gosden ride out to Codford 7 miles) to see Alf. Alf is the only one of his uny not isslated + ho Iis doing well. The San Dowines Bill Bull, J. McHugh a various others. Left Codford about 9 pmn I ten without lights we tried to get home. Dypses belak down about once in five minutes. Arrived home 10.15 pm SUNOANT 10.17. Qniel day. Church Parade (O.P.D) in morning. Lether writing in afternoon & at night go to the Church of England in the village. Very dry service. There are quite a number of Australian coldiers buried in this church yard. Nearly all died last winder from cold.
1057 A MONDAV 15.10. 17. The Aug. Cailson who told us of poor Arthur Richards death in France. Training commences properly this morning with Rifle Exercises, care of arms a physicial jerks. Innoculated in afternoon against para-Apphoid, hence we have 48 painful hours off duay. TUESDAV 16.10.-17. To to Warminsher for medicine for our colds. Almost every man aid up witl severe coldo or sore throass. Thanks to this beautiful climate. whils here Dick? I send Chrishman cards home. WEONESDAY 17.10.17 N parade in morning. In afternoon ae attended a leicture by Archdeacon ward & one by a doctor on Generial decease. They are both very able speakers and handled their subjects very well. THURSDAY 18.10-17. Rifle Exercises I squad drill + then baysnet fighding. This has alhered since I left Tallipoli & drill is new THURSOAY 1810 to suit conditions in France. The instructors on Baysnet drill are second to mone & from the first one is informed that he is now learning to murder: The best sonvenis says our instructor is about Iinches of gits on your bayones + then he proceeded to grind his beth, swear + show us how to wipe it off. In learning to thruse one must always let out a fierce yell. This drell is the most interesting and without doubt the most srenious of our training. FRIDAV 19.10.17. Mere rifle & equad drilb, Bayonet exercise in morning Afternoost Musketry, squad drill & instruction on Mills Hand Grenade Visi Subbon Veny in evening- returning 8pm SATURDAY 20.10-17. Houke march of 1miles today. Deck & Georgi accompany me to Warmincher tonight. Buy bengine to clean our baoks for coming leave.
AUST REMARRS ONWEEK. & This week is really our first weeks I of training but owing to innoculation & we do litble. The weather makes a I decided change to cold. The food where is as bad as Gallipoli + t rows are brooding. Buy foo every night. a SUNDAV21.1017. Abtend O.P.D church parade in morning. Dick, George, A+I athend Congregational Church in the village for evening service, which was very fine. Had the pleasure of coming home in rain. MONOAY 22.1019. Training in Arness. Nothing cinusual outside te ordinary days routine. Received large batch of maie today WUESDAV. 23.10.17. Training in morning. second innoculation today. + consequently are entilled to twentyfour hours off duky. Most men very sick after their shing. WEOAESOAV. Off audy prepairing for leave. Paid $5 Inventory taken of each mans clothing a I put in for a practically new Bit. My only deficiency was my dise which cos conce one kenny THURSORV 25.10.-17. Reveillie 5.30. Bieakfar Cam. Medical Inspection. Lickels + passes isseed for furlough. Left Warminster 8.5 a.m & arrive Paddinghon London 10 Han Marched via Hyde Park to Horseferry Rd & dismissed. Have fine Dinner a the war Chess which is one of the finess hossels for Seldiers in England. look bus for Fenchurch St Station passing House of Commons, weseminster abbey, Trafalger Lq. & St Paids Cathedral. Entrained at 3.20 pm. & arrived as Trays Essex a 4.0 p.m. Found Mrs. Halls 4.10 pm. She was all in a flierry with over excrtement & opened the door before we had time to ring. Very fine house + every comfort. Had apternoon tea a a good Chas when pin came home. Both are very fine people a we spend a quike enjoyable evening. The warm rooms & feather bed & good meals made me wish for the first time to be home again. before retering prayers were said a Deck. I not being used to this did not know how the act. We sas whele they went on their knces. Cellared their bed adremps of home.
FRIOAV 26.1017. pent a quiet o pleasant day at Mrs Halls. Escorded by Mrs shall in morning around Grays, she showing us the principal nights to be seen. Spent a very pleasans card evening. fm played ssang. p ge ie wee pee penen f ee SATURDAY 27.10,17 Left Crays 10.308 arrived Fenchurch S11.30. Took Motor bus to Waterloo Station. Here we had a very expensive feed which was a great treat. Entrained 1238 &arrived Winchester 2.50pm. Took a taxi calling as Mrs Greens + then proceeded to Mrs Warrins at Killlelon. Her door was opened & I advanced to kiss the person bu stopped show in fron of a Jewess who was apparently frightened. She informed us Auntie & may were looking for us & we look a walk down the road. Saw a fine girl a spoke to her asking her to come for a shroll. She turned our to be may o Knearly dropped dead. Then me Mrs Warrey a after about 100 kesses endered the hour SHIUROAY 27.10.17. May & her mother are bounry + we speat a fine evening. Commandered their bed. JUNDAY 28.10.17 Accompanied May who is organiss to church which was so dry that Dicks I came soe before the finish. In afternoon Dicks thay & Mum& I wene to Aeredrome where we saw some marvellous flying feals. Dick. may go to church in evening whilst Mum & I shop home for a quiet chal. Tum coan excellent cook. MONDAY. Very severe fros call guthers lined with iee. Chapped up all Muns wood for which she was very thankful. Then we proceeded accompanied by Mum to Flossies. There we me G. Hawkins daughter, Else, Healeyt Bob. In afternoon visy & had some fine instruc ion on moulding A Green & Carters Engineering works. in evening visit Vinchesher Elecario Coys works; come home oplay cards.
TWESDAY 30. 10;17. Dad excoited us & showed us through. The Castle & court. Winchester Cashedral Westgake, Hydil Abbey Eate; In afternoon May, Els, Hedley, Sarah Floss Dick & lelf go to Crawley in mohos. Had a fine time & left by train Eps for salisbury. Here we missed last train to Warminsher. So camped at Salvation Army. WEDNESDAY 31.10.17. Left Salisbury 7. Toaan. & arrived tuthow Veny 9a.M To our great surprise our absence went unoticed. Very hard coming back to camp life THURSDAN I II. 17 Back to the ball ring. How we are getting it rubbed in, in fact too Skennous FRIDAY2.11.17. Ordinary rantine. Disk very crook. SATURDAN 3.1177. Roule March trough. Keydesbury + back via Warminster. Feel dead bea after doing about 12 miles Remarks on Week. Had a splendid sime with Disk on Sunday + Monday Tuesday were A.W.R on Wednesday but were not missed. Tursday, Friday & Saturday brainng very sarchuous SUNDRY4. I. 17. Hopped of Church Parade Expend day in writing. MONOAYS.H.17 General ioboligation of troops. Ordinary drill. TUESOAV 6.11.17. Rontine drill. Foirth Froneers defeased in Tootball WEONESOAY 7.11.17 Received large thatt. From now on we mess in our own huss, tables being provided in centre of hads. Rothen arrangement. THURSDAY 8.11.17 lent on a working A proper party today. navoyingg 7ob. & penky of time to do it in FIRIOAY 9.11.17. To wet for parade this morning. In afternoon a little more navvying SATURORY 10117 Dickgo to quack to escape wuke march but both get medicing & duty. When we reported to orderly room the troops had gone so we had a hotiday Remarks. on week. Weather considerable colder Writing letters every night
SUNOAY I. 1117. Church Parade hitter writing. In evening astend a very fine service by a returned 40. Capt. Chaplain. MONOAY 12.11.17 warned to mouns guard as corporal. Had holidgy t Mounted 4.30 pm H in morning. 7 Wmen. General guard audies & & charge of 12 prisoners. Nos allowed to remove boots, clothes or equippmen. Had one hours seeep. THESDAY 13.1.17. Releeved 4 5opon. A WEONESOAVLYI17. Holiday until 4.80 p. i when we mount guard. Everything very requiental accompanied by band THORSDAY 15. 11.17 Relieved & 50 pm TFRIDAY 6.11.17 Mouns guard 4.30 pi. SATURDAY 17.I.17 just before being relieved was escorking prisoners to A.M.C. Gave permission to prisoner to go to Post office & sent ascor with him but both scaled. I was arrested & placed in close I confinement but after hard bathle placed under open arress with Chl Pryke as iscon SUNDAV 18.11.17 Under Epsl Prykes Escor I wandered all around the Camp. Being a prisoner was not allowed to attend Church Parade. MOWDAV 19.11.17. Appeared before boy Orderly Roon charged with allowing a prisoner to escape & pleaded not guilty. Charge aldered to Withou reasonable excuse allowing a prisoner to escape. Not Euilky. A noon was charged on same Clarge a B.O.R before C.O. & was remanded for Court Martial. Was marched to Dehention Room but afterwards placed under open arress. TUESOAV. 20.11.17. Being under open arress not allowed to do any military work. Did a ltble washing + had a good walk around. Hick sent to Warminsher an guard. WEONESRAN 21.11.17 Dick off guard. Harry Thompson who was put. ashore at Bermudas with meningitis turns up. All of us in height of delight at seeing him look so well
A0S7 TTHURSDAY 2211.17 Wander round camp. No duties no dubces FRIDAY 23; 11:17 SATURDAY 24.II17 Summery of a Evidence against Flemming the escor who flew with prisoner 4 Remarks on week. 41 I have done no dutier. Awaiting the Court Martial. Femming escon who ilew caphured on Monday & his capture makes my case much sighter SUNDAY 25.11.17 Summery of evidence against me taken. He knows today. Firs time Since arrival here. Weather decidedly colder MONDAY 26.11.17 No duties very cold. TUBSDAV 27. W. 17 No duties weather colder; Receive mail today. Letter writing in afternoon + night WEONESDAY 28. 11-17 Reaf all weather warmer- day. THURSDAV 29.11.17 No dudy. Walk to Warminster & take car to Frome about 7 willes. THURSDAV 29.11.17 Attend dance. Very surprised at the no. of girls also he great ns. of Ausies present. Fnest dance I have ever been to A great ws of girls drink beer spirits & smoke cigarethes. rease 12.30 a in & have to walk home, a distance of 93(witts, miles. Arrive howr 5.15 & then have a good wash in bey water FRIDAY 30.A.17 Very tired & foolsore from rouhe march the night before. No duties SATURDAYI. 12.17. 1/4 Fioneers gardening. Dig up ta acre ready to plan potatses. Self still doing nothing. Remark on week N developements in my case. weather beassly cold. SUNOAY 2.12.17. Very cold today. Everyone half frozen. MONDRY 3.12-17 No Dudies Do a little washing oo rather boit the dir ont of my toge. TUESDAY 412.17 No duties Warminster in evening. snow Falling.
AU. 4 4 WEDNESDAY S.1217 Released without prejudice pending triel, This means that I am now allowed to do all duties + Rayoner fighting draw pay. contests in afternoon, a very fine echibition of murder. weather slightly warmer. THURSDAYb2- 17. Ho water this memin Everything frogen. Harked in the Bull King again and horoughly enjoyed it. FRIDAY 7.12.17 Considerably warmer Bull King although it rained heavily. Astend N.C.O ledure in evening & then went to concert in the Regimental Instrtute whee was fairly good SATGRDAYF12-i7 Maneeuvered unto a working party to excepe Hoube March. The working pavy die generally he lead swingers. who do no work. Go inho Warmiinster for Hanrcet to escape regimental batter who should be termed butches SUNDAN9.217 Very enjoyable Church service. Write home today MONOAV.10-121.Scy cold day U.C. inspection necessitating our shoppiing on parade ground doing nothing in the bitter wind for over 12 hours; If curses had any effect the Major would have dropped dlad. issuld with winter clothing vey Sheepskin coat, rubber overcoat. belly bands; all he aphernoon on Muskedrys TUESDAY N. 1217 Much. Warmer. Blling on Conscription today which was very tame on Court Martial lase against Flemming today. Hope I have as much chick when my own trial comes off. Receive cake a biscuits from Aunt Flosstoday Post mail home tonight. WEONESDAYI2I Very cold. Guard Competition in afternon in which I take part. Our teain comes a Gukser being second last of six teams Very good concert at night in Regimental Institate. mey Dick warner & E. Wilde.

WEDNESDAY 26.9.17. No drill
Gun practise today at a target
which represented a submarine.
Our Gunners shot very well
but no ship got a direct hit.
Half the chaps knew nothing
of the intention to practise
then came up on deck full
speed ahead thinking we
were torpedoed
THURSDAY 27.9.17 Kit
inspection in morning as
a Tunic had been pinched.
I found the tunic in a
sergeants cabin & then the
owner "remembered that he
had left it there. The major
immediately called a
parade & made the man
FRIDAY 28.9.17 Very foggy all
day. Troopships all travelling
at full speed.
SATURDAY 29.9.17 Irish Coast
sighted. At 4 pm. 10 destroyers
met us at full speed and started
to hop around us like a dog.
All men ordered to sleep in clothes
& to wear lifebelts in bed.
Remarks on the week.
Excellent weather has prevailed
making the voyage very pleasant.
By getting good with the cooks
we lived on the best -
Course very irregular. Escort
& convoy number 24 boats a
very picturesque fleet.
SUNDAY 30.9.17. Three more
destroyers join us. One of the
best days since leaving Australia
followed by beautiful moonlight
night. Received S.O.S from Glenelg
saying she was being shelled.
Help sent by our escort.
MONDAY 1.10.17. Issue of emergency
ration. Saw & passed Gr. Ormes
Head at midnight. Entered
Mersey Raced other ships of
convoy & anchored 2 miles
from Liverpool.
TUESDAY 2.10.17 Entered & docked
at Alexandra Docks. Passed New
Brighton which presented a beautiful
sigh Slid down rope,
chased by police but succeeded
in having a look at Liverpool.
Crept up Gangway on return.


WEDNESDAY 3.10.17 Disembarked
& entrained at Liverpool for
Salisbury. Passed through
Crewe & Birmingham, Oxford
had a glimpse of university,
Swindon Codford Salisbury
& arrived Dinton 7.30 pm.
Had a rotten up hill march with
full pack to camp (1 1/2 miles)
Fovant Camp. The train
journey & scenery were
beautiful. Sleep in huts
about 40 in hut. Issue of
paliasses & 4 blankets.
THURSDAY 4.10.17. 11/4 Pioneers
Isolated (very good) Isolation
means no work & best of
tucker. Went into Fovant
village tonight and pinched
a few apples.
FRIDAY 5.10.17 Two hours
route march to keep us fit.
By this march we were able
to find out where the best
apples are grown. Paid another
visit to village although forbidden
to leave Isolation area.
Struck a fine orchard.
SATURDAY 6.10.17. Heavy 
rain falls during night
but what matter. We have
no mud parades. Visit
Dinton. More apples
Remarks in Camp.
Fovant is a very fine camp
all roads being aspheled.
Hot & cold baths mostly cold.
Rations 4 slices bread per day
1 oz meat, shadow soup,
porridge (3 times per week)
Pudding (2              "        "    )
Jam          (1              "         "   )
Margarin or dripping every even.
Tea without milk or sugar
SUNDAY 7.10.17 Heavy rain in
morning but afternoon fine.
Dick, George & I visit Teffont
about 3 miles distant & one of
the prettiest places around.
Teffont Manor & grounds open
to soldiers & very beautiful.
Look through the Old Church
built 13 Century & also graves
dating back to 13 cent.
Pinch peacock feather as souvenir
Attend service here at night.


MONDAY 8.10.17 Short route
march. Paid farmer another
village visit & brought home
good haul of apples. Wind
& rain.
TUESDAY 9.10.17 All kit bags
handed in to be taken to our
future camp at Sutton Veny.
Short route march this afternoon
Farmer suffered again.
WEDNESDAY 10.10.17
Voluntary route march in
which Dick & I were conspicuous
by our absence. Busy all day
packing, prepatory to march
at Sutton Veny. Unsuccessful
raid on orchard this evening.
Too many M. P's.
THURSDAY 11.10.17 Reveille 5.30 am,
Breakfast 6. am. Fall in 8.30 a.m.
Left camp 9. am for Sutton Veny
Halt every hour. Dinner 11.45 am to
12.15 p.m Passed through some
beautiful country, villages &
finally after a tramp of 18 miles
reached Sutton Veny at 4.10 pm.
No preparations for us. No tucker 
or accommodation.
FRIDAY 12.10.17 Very tired & stiff after
walk yesterday. No drill untill
further orders. Went to Warminster
in evening with Dick & Geo. Gorden.
Middling size town. Here we had
a very fine feed which was necessary
as we have had no tucker except
one slice of bread per meal in camp.
SATURDAY 13.10.17. Hired three
bicycles this afternoon & Dick, self
& Geo Gorden ride out to Codford
(7 miles) to see Alf. Alf is the only
one of his unit not isolated & he
I is doing well. Met Stan Downes,
Bill Bull, I. McHugh & various others.
Left Codford about 9 pm & then
without lights we tried to get home.
Bikes break down about once in
five minutes. Arrived home 10.15 pm.
SUNDAY 14.10.17. Quiet day. Church
Parade (O.P.D) in morning. Letter
writing in afternoon & at night
go to the Church of England in
the village. Very dry service.
There are quite a number of
Australian soldiers buried in
this church yard. Nearly all
died last winter from cold.


MONDAY 15.10.17. Met Aug. Carlson
who told us of poor Arthur Richards
death in France. Training
commences properly this morning
with Rifle Exercises, care of arms
& physicial jerks. Innoculated
in afternoon against para-typhoid,
hence we have 48 painful hours off
TUESDAY 16.10.17. Go to Warminster
for medicine for our colds. Almost
every man laid up with severe
colds or sore throats. Thanks to
this beautiful climate.
Whilst here Dick & I send Christmas
cards home.
WEDNESDAY 17.10.17 No parade in
morning, In afternoon we
attended a lecture by
Archdeacon Ward & one by a
doctor on Venerial disease.
They are both very able speakers
and handled their subjects
very well.
THURSDAY 18.10.17. Rifle Exercises
& squad drill & then bayonet
fighting. This has altered since
I left Gallipoli & drill is new
THURSDAY 18.10.17 to suit conditions
in France. The instructors on
Bayonet drill are second to
none & from the first one is
informed that he is now learning
to murder. The best souvenir says
our instructor is about 3 inches
of guts on your bayonet & then
he proceeded to grind his 
teeth, swear & show us how
to wipe it off. In learning to
thrust one must always let
out a fierce yell. This drill is
the most interesting and
without doubt the most strenuous
of our training.
FRIDAY 19.10.17. More rifle & squad
drill, Bayonet exercises in morning
Afternoon Musketry, squad drill
& instruction on Mills Hand Grenade
Visit Sutton Veny in evening -
returning 8. pm
SATURDAY 20.10.17. Route march
of 11 miles today. Dick & George
accompany me to Warminster
tonight. Buy benzine to clean
our boots for coming leave.


This week is really our first week
of training but owing to innoculation
we do little. The weather makes a
decided change to cold. The food
here is as bad as Gallipoli &
rows are brooding. Buy food every night..
SUNDAY 21.10.17. Attend O.P.D church
parade in morning. Dick, George,
& I attend Congregational Church
in the village for evening service,
which was very fine. Had the 
pleasure of coming home in rain.
MONDAY 22.10.17. Training in
earnest. Nothing unusual outside
the ordinary days routine.
Received large batch of mail today
TUESDAY 23.10.17 Training in morning
Second innoculation today &
consequently are entitled to 
twenty four hours off duty.
Most men very sick after their
WEDNESDAY. Off duty preparing
for leave. Paid £5.
Inventory taken of each mans
clothing & I put in for a practically
new kit. My only deficiency was my
disc which cost me one penny
THURSDAY 25.10.17. Reveillie 5.30. Breakfast
6 am. Medical Inspection. Tickets & passes
issued for furlough. Left Warminster
8.5 am. & arrive Paddington London 10.15 am
Marched via Hyde Park to Horseferry Rd
& dismissed. Have fine Dinner at
the War Chess which is one of the
finest hostels for Soldiers in England.
Took bus for Fenchurch St Station passing
House of Commons, Westminster Abbey,
Trafalger Sq. & St Pauls Cathedral.
Entrained at 3.20 pm. & arrived at
Grays Essex at 4.0 p.m. Found Mrs
Halls 4.10 pm. She was all in a flurry
with over excitement & opened the door
before we had time to ring. Very fine
house & every comfort. Had afternoon
tea & a good chat when Jim came 
home. Both are very fine people
& we spend a quite enjoyable
evening. The warm rooms & feather
bed & good meals made me wish
for the first time to be home again.
Before retiring prayers were said
& Dick & I not being used to this
did not know how the act. We sat
whilst they went on their knees.
Collared their bed & drempt of home.


FRIDAY 26.10.17. Spent a quiet & pleasant
day at Mrs Halls. Escorted by Mrs
Hall in morning around Grays, she
showing us the principal sights sites
to be seen. Spent a very pleasant
card evening. Jim played & sang.
Tonight we were quite prepared for prayers.
SATURDAY 27.10.17. Left Grays 10.30 & 
arrived Fenchurch St 11.30. Took
Motor bus to Waterloo Station.
Here we had a very expensive
feed which was a great treat.
Entrained 12.35 & arrived Winchester
2.50 pm. Took a taxi calling at 
Mrs Greens & then proceeded to 
Mrs Warrens at Littleton.
Her door was opened & I advanced
to kiss the person but stopped short
in front of a Jewess who was
apparently frightened. She
informed us Auntie & Marj were
looking for us & we took a 
walk down the road. Saw a 
fine girl & spoke to her asking
her to come for a stroll. She
turned out to be Marj & I nearly
dropped dead. Then met Mrs Warren
& after about 100 kisses entered the house
SATURDAY 27.10.17. Marj & her mother
are bonny & we spent a fine evening.
Commandered their bed.
SUNDAY 28.10.17 Accompanied Marj
who is organist to church which was
so dry that Dick & I came out before
the finish. In afternoon Dick & Marj
& Mum & I went to Aerodrome where
we saw some marvellous flying
feats. Dick & Marj go to Church in 
evening whilst Mum & I stop home
for a quiet chat. Mum is an
excellent cook.
MONDAY. Very severe frost & all
gutters lined with ice. Chopped
up all "Mums" wood for which
she was very thankful. Then
we proceeded accompanied by
"Mum" to Flossies. Here we met
G. Hawkins daughter, Else, 
Hedley & Bob. In afternoon
visit & had some fine instruction
on moulding at Green &
Carters Engineering works.
In the evening visit Winchester
Electric Coys works, come home
& play cards.


TUESDAY 30.10.17. Dad escorted 
us & showed us through The Castle
& court. Winchester Cathedral,
Westgate, Hydel Abbey Gate; In
afternoon Marj, Else, Hedley, Sarah, Floss
Dick & Self go to Craisley in motor.
Had a fine time & left by train 6 pm
for Salisbury. Here we missed
last train to Warminster so
camped at Salvation Army.
WEDNESDAY 31.10.17. Left Salisbury
7.30 am. & arrived Sutton Veny 9 a.m
To our great surprise our absence
went unnoticed. Very hard
coming back to camp life
THURSDAY 1.11.17 Back to the
bull ring. Now we are getting
it rubbed in, in fact too strenuous.
FRIDAY 2.11.17. Ordinary routine.
Dick very crook.
SATURDAY 3.11.17 Route march
through Heytesbury & back via
Warminster. Fell dead beat
after doing about 12 miles
Remarks on Week.
Had a splendid time with Dick on 
Sunday & Monday & Tuesday. Were
A.W.L on Wednesday but were not
missed. Thursday, Friday & Saturday training
very strenuous.
SUNDAY 4.11.17. Hopped off Church Parade
& spend day in writing.
MONDAY 5.11.17 General mobilization
of troops. Ordinary drill.
TUESDAY 6.11.17. Routine drill.
Fourth Pioneers defeated in Football
WEDNESDAY 7.11.17 Received large
mail. From now on we mess in
our own huts, tables being
provided in centre of huts.
Rotten arrangement.
THURSDAY 8.11.17 Sent on a working
party today. A proper
navvying job & plenty of time
to do it in.
FRIDAY 9.11.17 To wet for parade
this morning. In afternoon
a little more navvying.
SATURDAY 10.11.17 Dick & I go
to quack to escape route
march but both get medicine
& duty. When we reported to
orderly room the troops had
gone so we had a holiday.
Remarks on Week.
Weather considerable colder
Writing letters every night.


SUNDAY 11.11.17. Church Parade,
Letter writing. In evening attend
a very fine service by a returned
Capt. Chaplain.
MONDAY 12.11.17 Warned to mount 
guard as corporal. Had holiday
in morning. Mounted 4.30 pm.
21 men. General guard duties
& charge of 12 prisoners. Not
allowed to remove boots, clothes
or equippment. Had one hours 
TUESDAY 13.11.17 Relieved 4.50 pm.
WEDNESDAY 14.11.17. Holiday until
4.30 p.m when we mount guard.
Everything very regimental
accompanied by band
THURSDAY 15.11.17 Relieved 4.50 pm
FRIDAY 16.11.17 Mount guard
4.30 pm.
SATURDAY 17.11.17 Just before being
relieved I was escorting prisoners
to A.M.C. Gave permission to
prisoner to go to Post office & sent
escort with him but both scaled -
I was arrested & placed in close
confinement but after hard battle
placed under open arrest with Cpl Pryke
as escort.
SUNDAY 18.11.17 Under Cpl Prykes
escort I wandered all around the
Camp. Being a prisoner was not
allowed to attend Church Parade.
MONDAY 19.11.17. Appeared before
Coy Orderly Room charged with
allowing a prisoner to escape &
pleaded not guilty. Charge altered
to without reasonable excuse allowing
a prisoner to escape. Not Guilty.
At noon was charged on same charge
at B.O.R. before C.O. & was remanded
for Court Martial. Was
marched to Detention Room but
afterwards placed under open
TUESDAY 20.11.17 Being under
open arrest not allowed to do
any military work. Did a
little washing & had a good
walk around. Dick sent to
Warminster on guard.
WEDNESDAY 21.11.17 Dick off guard.
Harry Thompson who was put
ashore at Bermudas return with
meningitis turns up. All
of us in height of delight at
seeing him look so well.


THURSDAY 22.11.17 Wander around
camp. No duties.
FRIDAY 23:11:17. No duties
SATURDAY 24:11:17 Summery of
Evidence against Flemming
the escort who flew with prisoner
Remarks on week.
I have done no duties. Awaiting
Court Martial. Flemming, the
escort who flew captured on
Monday & his capture makes
my case much lighter
SUNDAY 25.11.17 Summery of
evidence against me taken.
MC Snows today. First time
since arrival here. Weather
decidedly colder
MONDAY 26.11.17 No duties
very cold.
TUESDAY 27.11.17 No duties
weather colder. Receive
mail today. Letter writing
in afternoon & night
WEDNESDAY 28.11.17 Loaf all
day. Weather warmer.
THURSDAY 29.11.17 No duty.
Walk to Warminster & take
car to Frome about 7 miles.
THURSDAY 29.11.17 Attend dance.
Very surprised at the no. of girls
also the great no. of Ausies present.
Finest dance I have ever been to-
A great no of girls drink beer
spirits & smoke cigarettes.
Leave 12.30 am & have to walk 
home, a distance of 9 1/2 (Wilts.)
miles. Arrive home 8.15 & then
have a good wash in icy water
FRIDAY 30.11.17 Very tired & 
footsore from route march the
night before. No duties.
SATURDAY 1.12.17. 11/4 Pioneers
gardening. Dig up ¼ acre ready
to plant potatoes. Self still
doing nothing.
Remarks on Week
No developments in my
case. Weather beastly cold.
SUNDAY 2.12.17. Very cold today.
Everyone half frozen.
MONDAY 3.12.17 No duties.
Do a little washing or rather
boil the dirt out of my togs.
TUESDAY 4.12.17 No duties.
Warminster in evening. Snow


WEDNESDAY 5.12.17 Released
without prejudice pending trial.
This means that I am now
allowed to do all duties &
draw pay. Bayonet fighting
contests in afternoon, a very
fine exhibition of murder.
Weather slightly warmer.
THURSDAY 6.12.17 No water this morning
Everything frozen. Started in the
Bull Ring again and thoroughly
enjoyed it.
FRIDAY 7.12.17 Considerably warmer
Bull Ring. although it rained
heavily. Attend N.C.O. lecture
in evening & then went to Concert
in the Regimental Institute which
was fairly good.
SATURDAY 8.12.17 Manoeuvered into
a working party to escape
Route March. The working party
are generally the lead swingers
who do no work. Go into
Warminster for Haircut to
escape regimental barber
who should be termed butcher
SUNDAY 9.12.17 Very enjoyable Church
service. Write home today.
MONDAY 10.12.17. Icy cold day.
O. C. inspection necessitating
our stopping on parade ground
doing nothing in the bitter
wind for over 1 ½ hours. If
curses had any effect the Major
would have dropped dead.
Issued with winter clothing viz
Sheepskin coat, rubber overcoat,
belly bands. All the afternoon
on Musketry.
TUESDAY 11.12.17 Much. Warmer
Polling on Conscription today
which was very tame.
On Court Martial Case against
Flemming today. Hope I have
as much cheek when my own
trial comes off. Receive cake
& biscuits from Aunt Floss today
Post mail home tonight.
WEDNESDAY 12.12.17 Very cold.
Guard Competition in afternoon
in which I take part. Our 
team comes a gutser being
second last of six teams.
Very good concert at night
in Regimental Institute.
Meet Dick Warner & E. Wilde.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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