Diary of Samuel Hedley Hemming Hawkins, 1917-1918 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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057 LIAT MEM 100048 4076 H. HawKins H Soneer Bi A.T.F. Couned Camp 2.7.17 & after 28 uneventful days entrained for Lydney. Fom. Cpl 287.17. Monday 30.7.17 Entractied at Rifle Range as 68 a. mamid the Cheers of the Patrish's crowds who were eager to see the last of us. First chop Roma St. where old friends bade us adiew. Ou route great. enthunas was shown by country people who were more sager ho feed than is see us go especially at Glen Neven brssied border at Wallangaira J3opn TUESDAY 31.7.17. Good nights sleep in train. Great enthusiasn Shown amongst he Cockies who provided an excellen spread a Werris brick. The scenery along to Taramasa & Hawterabury wd's delightful. thence omoarar we passed through he more sopulated areas + were cheered to reverpose (our destination) which we reacheds 3opin Visited Sydnee in evening returning 12 M.W.
WEONESOAYN. 1.8.1 Reveillie at 2.30 a.M. Temperature so below. Zero. or hereabouts. Entrained to Sydney, waking everybody who had he mnisformne to live near the railway. Marched through Sydney arriving at wharf 7. a m & Boardea H.M.A Dub Medic. 1. Left wharf gam. Anchored outside Garden Island till opm when the old mud hooks coors lifhed + we sailed. & of tho harbour amid cheers. Had the pleasure of being Epl of Ships Euard. THURSDA 2.8:17 Had he pleasure of managing a Sea sick guard. Relievla from guard at 8 AM. No parades. Had a good sleep in Bird Cage Had a good feed of cake (which we pinched from Sge Kelly.) Mrs. Kelly makes bouser caked) 3.8.17 FRIDAY Most hands convelescent. new allothed aplace in a lifeboat Placed in charge of ox en a raft. a raft 27 men. Fractice given FRIDAY 3.8.17 in falling in with lifebells on in case of emergency. SATURDAV. 4.8.17. Concert held in commemoration of Dec of War between Britain Hermaing. Very fine thems rendered by members of the BLF. terminating with a fine Speech by Capt Lawdance (of the famous 9th Bn) on the work done by te Auspralians in this war. Kemarks on the week. dimne spent very pleasantly. Katrine, washing, sleeping a decks accommodation very inadequate Troop-deck B. 4 Pioneers Ss. ford under the 20/16 deck Baick is very hos & shuffy & the rethon air would just about kill a man. Great numbers Sleep In deck I have enjoyed excellent weather. The V.M.C.A have two secretaries on board & have made excellent provision for us. Feono, caras games, paper, +books. The Secretaries arrange all sports & conseres.
SUNDAV 5.8.17. WEDNE.SDAV. 8.8-17 4 Church Parade 9.30 am. Dick & other Ships Guard. Weather excellent Ler Wousers compelled to attend Co/E small concert ot night 30 parade. Didmt they kick. 9.8.17 THURSDAY The Padie hit the gamblers very En Instructing in squad drell w herain his acares int od aaes tile Creree. Haye cars, tell wL Parade over 10.30 AM. Res of day free. +I beading our opponents the Wroke letter to mother, Sharked French Classo. as MONDAY 6.8. 108.17 FRIDAY. I Ships Guard Wick orderley Epl squad drill & rifl ecercises As Kleep with Dick instead of said bath crected for troops the Guard & nearly loose my & a compulsory washing parate Co shripes. Struck a libtle followed. sirty beggers: Sh! rougher weather & we got areneded knowing as much as tacker with Spray at night of class decided not to worry Dosing in eoening French on board. TTUESDAV7.8.17. 11.8.17 SATURDA Relieved 8.A.M. I rest during first case meningitis. All have Iday Cancert at night hroads sprayed + got the runs. TUESDAY 7.8 (from the nore of course) "As we gained time so fass we had sighted land to drop a day in order to keep Discovered it was my birthday Grenwich time. Instructing at 7 Bin & hipped the Steward for in Drile todar. Afternoon a ppree. Dick, fim w + Self. Sees Boscing Tournamen RAMARKo for week. which created greatesecitement. Weather gething tropicus Shoneers carried the day as fugs.
SUNDAVI.S.I. Church Parat 4 Submarime Gueard mounted Re with instructions to shoot at So periscopes which are reported Cr invisable ei MONDAY 13.8-17. Had a arenching t0 rain at 3 am + got down to the 72 troop decr half drowned. a Boxing contests in afternoon T. are, Apwonew winning. As TUESDAYIHSi Digees on sick parade will sore thrroat Matingeritus consequently I have h of a double squad. Awning spread over deeks which is a god send protecting us from the burning equatorial sun. Paid 1 pert man + had a Good spiee. WEOHESDAYHS 17 DickaSelf just about drowned with splar FaM Ih Guard today, was wared on by Grand rounds, & missed he spoys. Had to take a lot of abose because guards were not allowed t athend. THURSDAN 16.817 Sighted land on either cide but darkness four view. Rest after Guard. FRIDAV. 1.8. 17. Lecture en Hygenees by Dr Roe. Parions aneases described which gave all a bad turn of imaginiters SATURDAY 1SSO. Strike Luard again + miss sports. bsing tunnel ball, OGrady Ing of war. More abuse. Remarks of week. Had more of m share of Guard bul an not quitte worked up enough to go croon Have been sailing parallel the equator & for a week have been gradually taked. Whe could not he down for fear of sunserake & he troopdecks were sheaming SUNDAr 48 Quet day. Church Parade. Letter writing & Y.M.C.a hold service at night Shiefr Hymns. MONDAY 26-8.9 Rain drive me from bed at sam. Occupied time Ml 6ly dryingself & arying blankess. Semaphore duill- Bought a Chicken for supper. Great treat for Diak + seet
Re 3o S it 10 th a r As TUESOAY 21.8.17 All Pneerson Guard bar Dick& Self. Holiday. 26/16 sive good Concer a night best of journey. MEONESDAN.22.8.17. Beautiful calm sunny day. All proncers on rest after guard. Holday in morning. Demaphore in afternoon. Enchre toumament commences today THWRSOAY 2.817 Bross the line. Holday. Sporto all day. Bxing takes up morning & up till 3 pm. when troops were entertained by an exhibition of his fased hypnotic powers deceiving nearly everone FRIDAY 24 8.17. Tine day. Allopioneers bar 3N60son Guard. Read Yankee Yorns all day. Tumpse of land. Dick & Self defeased on Bribtounamert. SATURDAY. Chook the peropioneers cwaitable for duty in Signalting. wicks has a holiday- Sposkss in afternoon. Hock fighting the greates attraction of the kay. Church Parade. Bell. SUNDAV. 26.8-17 & hetter writing. Post Boxes spened So Natrine weres announce tha we are nearing port. MONDAY 27.8.17 Dic on Euard Holidar for me. First night since joining tha Idid not Seep with Dick. TUESDAY28. 8.17. Holday on account of Guard. Washing parade afternoon. I am in charge our Dick+ I wash all dirty togo. The greatest joke one ever saw. about 200 men on deck washing all trying the easiest methods. sonee like women, others as using srubbing brushes, others with sopssoap & what not. WEONESDAY 29.8-17 Reastly het. heavy hropical showers- Heavy middle weight Champion ships on athernoow both coon by Yaro (Roneers) All corts of otherganes. Lasday of sports. THORSOAT. O Guard. Hearyrain turns in out at 3.15asn Compltitions. Elocusion, Charle Chaplain, Laughing Speecheo ehc.
1 Re 30 C ir 60 11 as An i 1 TRIOAYSISR. No Brade. Continually sighting islands aledry serse menencgy anerer i me oelon At Panaina 7.pm. Passed Zaland maulboas about 1. Ba. SATURDRY 1.9. 17. hand ahead in early morning. By 9. an we be a the entrance to Canal & bew Panama whice presenes the appearance of a great haval base. Enher canal 10 a.M. Pars through first two sets of lacks & then into the Calenbra buit. Clectric masus run along playonng of locks adraw boads from one lick to another. The American soldiers lined the shous & pealforms & were very kind to us. We barkered for badges, tunics, watches in fact nearly all cloathing. The cut is a wonderful Engineering fear- righ through the msuntains which are very prepay. The whole lenth of the canal, is guarded by youkee soldiers. the canal is 50 miles long SATURDNV 1.9. 17 after passing third set of locks at other end of Canal be reach Christaboo 10 p.m. Remarks on week. Passed one of the most interesting weeks of my life. Unfortunately it rained apher we passed through the aut but we donned our waterproof sheets + enjoyed the scinery. The first see contains three locks, second two, &the third three. Between 3rd lock & cut is an immense broad spaw of water, through which the canal runs its course being marked by beacons & lights SUNDAY 2.9.17 Uat sumrise to be mel by Yanks. Coaling all day + well into night. some marvellous mechanical machinery used for coating- all electrically & worked automahically. The Americans here treated hs very well, throwing up to us papers, bananas sother fruiks & cigarehts. All negro labor used for trimming coal in binkers. Law Calked to alf Pryke for a show while.
AUSTI IAN 8 it 10 th A A MONOAVS9.17 Lowed from wharf into harbour 1 a. m. Meningitis passent (a Dahe) sen ashore but died same day. Milliades & Kermistocles also in harbour. To distroyers & Submar- ines satrol harbour. Heary rains TYESDAT49.17. Anchises Yours is in hardour. all troops formed on deck & cpe Reeds & self with two naval officers earch Ship for the suspected enemy stow aways. Were not on tedie but were found on another beat. WEONESDAY 59117 DHe given a military funeral. Firing party from 10/1980 ashore & entrain to Panama Cchip They went for the trip + not the funeral & the public motored thenall around the Cihy. Went ashore for a swin & went almoat mad in the bush. Gathered Cocoannts & almost missed boat back. Had to seoin to boat + so slightly damaged my watch. Me on7 1917 tect se acloe brings back cocoaants. Ten munibios workers failed to return & search party was sent out which returned with the ten a prisoners. Each gor 7 days apilce. All leave shopped through workers- FRIOAY7.9-17 Ramn. Other transport fous us. SATURDBYS.9.17 Dick onguaid Convoyleaves. Harbour. Consists of Ns States Cruiser + 6 troopships Medic, Miltiades, Thermishacles, viz & Auchises, & the New Zealand troop Ships Makoiha & Ruahuina. Remarks on week Christabol, Colo. las places God made. Climate alternately underably hot + then cold rams. From or run on shore was a very pleasant break. SUNDAV.9.9.17. Very rough-troops sick again. No church parcide brookships sail in two line of three during day & srigh rine at night
A057 to 30 8 it t0 1h 2 A. MONDAVIO 9. 17 Dalled in morning but rain prevents us in afternoon. All ships in convoy nigrag to soade submarines. Alarm for boat practise given in morning W6ASDAYng T OnEuard St. Thompson, a male smember of our miss contracts memngitis & is pis into hospital in a haa condition MEOMESOAII2917 Shroat enore spray to prevent further spread of meningitis. The taste his ppray leaves is about 100 times more distasteful them bitter aloes. Passed Between San Domings & Bto Fico. washing parade THURSDAY 13,9117 Rateel Latrine Wire we callat Brmadas in consequence of news had two enemy cruisers are at large we go full speed. Wa troops give Another concert on troopdeck Knarts are now held on Aoopdeck to privent nore going acroes the scean FR. OMTIFY. Mbd of prner. foom a mess + are now known by the boys as the Arestocrace. SATURDAVIS 9-17. Reached Bermiuda Islands about 9.30 a.m, but did not anchor. The Island was very prehty in appearance + water dear as cristal. Our Eslor The Charleston left us & we were escorked by the British 1Splass Cruser Carnaroon H. Thompson (the Theningiais patier was sent ashort & the doctor says he will had. neft 9 Bermuda at 5 par. remarks on week.+ ene Kabrine wire had said that we would land at he islaid & hroops were more than disappointed. The Submarine Guardd 80 men, were more than worn out. For a week they have kept wates night sday in almost constant rain & having us protection. I went rounds then beds or day & was unable to find one Clean or dry blanket. keen was even refused them by the skipper1 of the boat
A0S 30 8 et Sh a A Kabrine wires are yarns which circulate where ever soldiers go. She appear to come from the gosseps in the latrines & On Wednesday last some nut rigged up a ministure wereless receiving abcition with a duning Bey atterched just outsid the entrance to the latrince. all lating wany were then possed on the latring door. i SUNDAV 16.9.17. Church Parade Kan into a neavy sea which conta rill dark. MONDAV 17. 9.17 Marked Change in weather Very cold. Dugzling arainall day. TUESDAY 18.9. 17. Rain, wind, pain toparale a thes Broungh rny an afternoon we were met by ar ansciliery causer o prolets boarded each boat. We were procited through a large minefield & were toweainde the harbour of Halifarc where we were all surprised at the nember of Brilish warships in port WEONESDAY 19-9.17 Everyone growling as we were not to be allowed ashore. Officers only went. In afternoon Ano pronery 240/10/49 were sent ashore to Halifax Military Hospital where we were detained an theningitis Contacts as we were friends & associctes of the two cases on board the medie tere we tashed eggs or rather had eggs to eat but I swallowed mine without even tasting them thad fine has bath + a good Ded. This was truly a great treas. THURSOAN 2.9.1 spent the day in nospital enjoying fire homly life again. koaks were taken of our throats by the doctor. The sisters brught tobacco, Cigaret cards posted our litters & did all they could for us We spent all the day in playing cards + talking & making eyes at the sisters to whom I gave all badger my
30 2 51 a T A FRIOAV. 21.9. 7. Against our wishes the Dc told us that we were all O.K. though he tried hard to detain us. We were very sorry to leave & all hurses & orderlies were very cut up a our departure. We were marched to the old Medie & to our great surpriss everyone was transchiping &. All our togs were packed + transferred for us. We marched through the buildings on the wharf which conta ammunitaon only ready to be shipped to England We went shraight onto the Orissa to our surprise we gots good cabins cxecedlent berths The food was a treat & we dined in the dening room. moreover his is the first time this ship has carried troops & officers & crew were most friendly. hease hartour to p.m. SATURDAY 22.917 Convry consests of 14 anned transports escorked by an anxiliary Cruiser The Victoria. Was placed on Sub. marne suard & came of like o Lunt of Srrzen Meak 2s brg Doday SUWOA 2. e v & most men were again sicks. Luckily I have not yt been Sea sick. Almost every wave Swept the deck & all the guards were thoroughly drenched. was relieved at spin after doing 22 hours without a spell of Course we travel without lights a I fell about 30 tines relieving guards during night Under these conditions I was in a great rage as I had not even an assistant. The parson came to have a cha to me out our conversation did ust rst long. as Monday Kidded I had caught a bad cold in back & so had no more. sub. guard. Worse luck Dick was then appointed permanently to Lubnarine 9d. a I was taken off all dudy. Tuesday no drill. bucked matches aboad, Had an on excellent hea tonight salion diningtoom



H. Hawkins
4 Pioneer Bn
Joined camp 2.7.17 & after
28 uneventful days
entrained for Sydney.
Prom. Cpl 28.7.17.
Monday 30.7.17
Entrained at Rifle Range at
6.5 a.m amid the Cheers of the
Patriotic crowds who were eager
to see the last of us. First stop
Roma St. where old friends bade
us adieu. En route great.
enthusiasm was shown by
country people (who were more
eager to feed than to see us go.)
especially at Glen Nevin.
Crossed border at Wallangarra 7.30p.m
TUESDAY 31.7.17.
Good nights sleep in train. Great
enthusiasm shown amongst the
Cockies who provided an excellent
spread @ Werris Creek.
The scenery along to Paramatta &
Hawkesbury was delightful.
Thence onwards we passed through
the more populated areas 
& were cheered to Liverpool (our
destination) which we reached 5.30pm
Visited Sydney in evening returning
12 M.N.


WEDNESDAY  8 1.8.17
Reveille at 2.30 a.m. Temperature
30o below zero or thereabouts.
Entrained to Sydney, waking 
everybody who had the misfortune
to live near the railway.
Marched through Sydney arriving
at wharf 7. am & boarded H.M.A.Tub
Medic A7. Left wharf 9 am.
Anchored outside Garden Island
till 1 pm when the old mud hook
was lifted & we sailed out of the 
harbour amid cheers.
Had the pleasure of being Cpl of
Ships Guard.
THURSDAY. 2.8.17
Had the pleasure of managing a
Sea Sick guard. Relieved from
guard at 8 AM. No parades.
Had a good sleep in Bird Cage.
Had a good feed of cake (which
we pinched from Sgt Kelly.)
(Mrs Kelly makes bonser cakes)
FRIDAY 3.8.17.
Most hands convalescent.
Men allotted a place in a lifeboat
or on a raft. Placed in charge of
a raft & 7 men. Practice given
FRIDAY 3.8.17
in falling in with lifebelts
on in case of emergency.
SATURDAY. 4.8.17.
Concert held in commemoration
of Dec of war between Britain
& Germany. Very fine items
rendered by members of the AIF.
terminating with a fine speech
by Capt Lawrance (of the famous 
9th Bn) on the work done by
the Australians in this war.
Remarks on the week.
Time spent very pleasantly.
Latrine, washing, sleeping & deck
accommodation very inadequate.
Troop-deck B (11/4 Pioneers) is
for'd under the 26/16 deck.
B deck is very hot & stuffy
& the rotten air would just
about kill a man.
Great numbers sleep on deck
& have enjoyed excellent weather.
The Y.M.C.A have two secretaries
on board & have made excellent
provisions for us. Piano, cards
games, paper, & books. The
Secretaries arrange all sports &


SUNDAY 5.8.17.
Church Parade 9.30 a.m. Dick & other
wousers compelled to attend C of E
parade. Didn't they kick.
The Padrě hit the gamblers very
hard in his address & with good results
Parade over 10.30 A.M. Rest of day free.
Wrote letter to mother.
MONDAY 6.8.17.
Ships Guard. Dick orderley Cpl.
Sleep with Dick instead of
the Guard & nearly loose my
stripes. Struck a little
rougher weather & got drenched
with spray at night
Boxing in evening.
TUESDAY 7.8.17.
Relieved 8 a.m. & rest during
day. Concert at night.
TUESDAY 7.8.17
As we gained time so fast we had
to drop a day in order to keep
Greenwich time. Instructing
in Drill today. Afternoon
sees Boxing Tournament
which created great excitement.
Pioneers carried the day
as pugs.
Ships Guard. Weather excellent
Small concert at night
THURSDAY 9.8.17.
Instructing in squad drill &
Rifle Exercise. Played cards Dick
& I beating our opponents.
Started French class.
FRIDAY. 10.8.17
Squad drill & rifle exercises
Salt bath erected for troops
& a compulsory washing parade
followed. Dirty beggers. Eh!
Knowing as much as teacher
of class decided not to worry
French on board.
SATURDAY 11.8.17.
First case meningitis. All have
throats sprayed & got the runs.
(from the nose of course)
Sighted land.
Discovered it was my birthday
at 7pm & tipped the Steward for
a spree. Dick, Jim W, & Self.
REMARKS for Week.
Weather getting tropical


SUNDAY 12.8.17. Church Parade
Submarine Guard mounted
with instructions to shoot at
periscopes which are reported
MONDAY 13.8.17. Had a drenching
rain at 3 am & got down to the 
troop deck half drowned.
Boxing contests in afternoon
Jaro, a pioneer winning.
TUESDAY 14.78.17 Dick goes on
Sick Parade with sore throat
Malingeritis consequently I have
a double squad. Awning spread
over deck which is a god send
protecting us from the burning
equatorial sun. Paid ₤1 per
man & had a good spree.
WEDNESDAY 16.8.17 Dick & Self
just about drowned with spray
1 a.m. On Guard today, was
roared on by Grand rounds &
missed the sports. Had to take
a lot of abuse because guards
were not allowed to attend.
THURSDAY 16.8.17 Sighted land
on either side but darkness spoilt
view. Rest after Guard.
FRIDAY 17.8.17. Lecture on
Hygenics by Dr Roe. Various
diseases described which
gave all a bad turn of
SATURDAY 18.8.17. Strike Guard
again & miss sports.
Boxing, tunnel ball, O'Grady
Tug of war. More abuse.
Remarks of week.
Had more of my share of
Guard but am not quite worked
up enough to go crook
Have been sailing parallel
to the equator & for a week
have been gradually baked.
We could not lie down for
fear of sunstroke & the
troopdecks were steaming.
SUNDAY 19.8.17 Quiet day.
Church Parade. Letter writing
& Y.M.C.A. hold service at night.
Chiefly Hymns.
MONDAY 20.8.17 Rain drives me 
from bed at 5 a.m. Occupied time till
6 by drying self & drying blankets.
Semaphore drill. Bought a
Chicken for Supper. Great treat
for Dick & self.


TUESDAY 21.8.17 All Pioneers on
Guard bar Dick & Self. Holiday.
26/16 Give good Concert at night
Best of journey.
WEDNESDAY 22.8.17. Beautiful
calm sunny day. All pioneers
on rest after guard. Holiday in
morning. Semaphore in
afternoon. Euchre tournament
commences today.
THURSDAY 23.8.17 Cross the line.
Holiday. Sports all day.
Boxing takes up morning & up till
3 p.m. when troops were entertained
by an exhibition of his faked
hypnotic powers deceiving
nearly everyone.
FRIDAY 24.8.17 Fine day. All pioneers
bar 3 NCO'S on Guard. Read Yankee
Yarns all day. Glimpse of land.
Dick & Self defeated in Crib tournament.
SATURDAY. I took the few pioneers
available for duty in Signalling.
Dick has a holiday. Sports
in afternoon. Cock fighting
the greatest attraction of 
the day.
SUNDAY. 26.8.17. Church parade. Spell
& Letter writing. Post Boxes opened
so Latrine wires announce
that we are nearing port.
MONDAY 27.8.17. Dick on Guard.
Holiday for me. First night
since joining that I did not
sleep with Dick.
TUESDAY  28.8.17. Holiday on account 
of Guard. Washing parade
afternoon. I am in charge
Dick & I wash all ^our dirty togs.
The greatest joke one ever saw.
about 200 men on deck washing
all trying the easiest methods.
Some like women, others as using
scrubbing brushes, others with
soft soap & what not
WEDNESDAY 29.8.17 Beastly hot.
heavy tropical showers.
Heavy & middle weight champion
ships in afternoon both won
by Jaro (Pioneers) All sorts of
other games. Last day of sports.
THURSDAY. On Guard. Heavy rain
turns us out at 3.15 am.
Competitions :- Elocution, Charlie
Chaplain, Laughing Speeches etc.


FRIDAY 31.8.17. No Parade.
Continually sighting islands
all day. Viewed mainland of
S. America Sighted lighthouse
at Panama 7. pm. Passed
N. Zealand mailboat about 11.PM.
SATURDAY 1.9.17 Land ahead
in early morning. By 9 am we
lie at the entrance to Canal &
view Panama which presents 
the appearance of a great naval
base. Enter canal 10 a.m.
Pass through first two sets of locks
& then into the Calenbra Cut.
Electric motors run along platforms
of locks & draw boats from one
lock to another. The American
soldiers lined the shores &
platforms & were very kind to
us. We bartered for badges,
tunics, watches in fact nearly
all cloathing. The cut is a
wonderful engineering feat -
right through the mountains
which are very pretty. The
whole lenth of the canal is
guarded by Yankee soldiers.
The canal is 50 miles long.
SATURDAY 1.9.17 After passing
third set of locks at other end
of Canal we reach Christabol
10. p.m.
Remarks on week.
Passed one of the most interesting
weeks of my life. Unfortunately it
rained after we passed through the
cut but we donned our waterproof
sheets & enjoyed the scenery.
The first set contains three locks,
second two, & the third three.
Between 3rd lock & cut is an immense
broad span of water, through which
the canal runs its course being
marked by beacons & lights.
SUNDAY 2.9.17 Up at sunrise to be
met by Yanks. Coaling all day & well
into night. Some marvellous
mechanical machinery used for
coaling - all electrically & worked
automatically. the Americans here
treated us very well, throwing up to
us papers, bananas & other fruits &
cigarettes. All negro labor used for
trimming coal in bunkers. Saw &
talked to Alf Pryke for a short


MONDAY 3.9.17 Towed from
wharf into harbour 1 am.
Meningitis patient (A Dahl) sent
ashore but died same day.
Miltiades & Thermistocles also in
harbour. 20 destroyers & submarines
patrol harbour. Heavy rains
TUESDAY 1.9.17. Anchisis joins
us in harbour. All troops
formed on deck & Cpl Leeds &
self with two naval officers
search ship for the suspected
enemy stowaways. Were not
on Medic but were found on
another boat.
WEDNESDAY 5.9.17 DAHL given
a military funeral. Firing
party from 10/49 go ashore
& entrain to Panama City.
They went for the trip & not the 
funeral & the public motored
them all around the city.
Went ashore for a swim &
went almost mad in the bush.
Gathered cocoanuts & almost
missed boat back. Had to
swim to boat & so slightly
damaged my watch.
THURSDAY 6.9.17. Dick goes ashore &
brings back cocoanuts. Ten
munition workers failed to
return & search party was
sent out which returned with 
the ten as prisoners. Each got
7 days apiece. All leave
stopped through workers.
FRIDAY 7.9.17 Rain. other
transport joins us.
SATURDAY 8.9.17 Dick on guard
Convoy leaves Harbour. Consists
of U.States Cruiser & 6 troopships
viz Medic, Miltiades, Thermistocles, 
& Anchisis, & the New Zealand troop
ships Makoiha & Ruahuina.
Remarks on week
Christabol, Colon, last places
God made. Climate alternately
unberably hot & then cold
rains. Swim or run on shore
was a very pleasant break.
SUNDAY 9.9.17. Very rough - troops
sick again. No Church parade
Troopships sail in two lines
of three during day & single
line at night


MONDAY 10.9.17 Drilled in morning
but rain prevents us in afternoon. 
All ships in convoy zigzag to
evade submarines. Alarm for
boat practise given in morning
TUESDAY 11.9.17. On Guard.
H. Thompson, a mate & member of our
mess contracts meningitis & is put
into hospital in a bad condition
WEDNESDAY 12.9.17 Throat & nose spray
to prevent further spread of
meningitis. The taste this spray
leaves is about 100 times more
distasteful than bitter aloes.
Passed between San Domingo &
Porto Rico. Washing parade
THURSDAY 13.9.17 Latest Latrine Wire
ww We call at Bermudas.
In consequence of news that
two enemy cruisers are at large
we go full speed. W.A. troops
give another concert on troop deck
to prevent noise going across
the ocean
FRIDAY 14.9.17 N.C.O.'s of pioneers
form a mess & are now known 
by the boys as "Austocrase"
SATURDAY 15.9.17 Reached Bermuda
Islands about 9.30a.m. but did
not anchor. The Island was very
pretty in appearance & water
clear as cristal. Our Escort
The Charleston left us & we
were escorted by the British
1st Class Cruiser "Carnarvon"
H. Thompson (the Meningitis
patient) was sent ashore & the 
doctor says he will live.
Left Bermuda at 5p.m.
Remarks on week.
Latrine Wires had said that
we would land at the island
& troops were more than
The Submarine Guards (80 men)
were more than worn out.
For a week they have kept watch
night & day in almost constant
rain & having no protection.
I went rounds their beds one day
& was unable to find one clean
or dry blanket. Rum was
even refused them by the
skipper of the boat.


Latrine wires are yarns which
circulate where ever soldiers go.
The appear to come from the
gossips in the latrines &
on Wednesday last some
nut rigged up a miniature
wireless  receiving station
with a dummy key attached,
just outside the entrance to
the latrine. All latrine wires
were then posted on the latrine
SUNDAY 16.9.17. Church Parade
Ran into a heavy sea which
contd till dark.
MONDAY 17.9.17 Marked Change
in weather. Very cold. Drizzling
rain all day.
TUESDAY 18.9.17. Rain, wind, Rain
No parades as it is too rough & stormy
In afternoon we were met by an
auxiliery Cruiser & piolets
boarded each boat. We were
pioleted through a large
minefield & were towed into
the harbour of Halifax where
we were all surprised at the
number of British warships in port.
Everyone growling as we were not
to be allowed ashore. Officers only
went. In afternoon Six pioneers
& 7 of 10/49 were sent ashore to
Halifax Military Hospital
where we were detained as
Meningitis Contacts as we
were friends & associates of the
two cases on board the Medic"
Here we tasted eggs or rather
had eggs to eat but I swallowed
mine without even tasting them
Had fine hot bath & a good
bed. This was truly a great
THURSDAY 20.9.17
Spent the day in hospital enjoying
fine homly life again.
Swabs were taken  of our throats
by the doctor.
The sisters bought tobacco, cigaretts
cards posted our letters & did
all they could for us.
We spent all the day in
playing cards & talking &
making eyes at the
sisters to whom I gave all
all my badges.


FRIDAY 21.9.17. Against our wishes
the Dr. told us that we were all O.K.
though he tried hard to detain us.
We were very sorry to leave & all
nurses & orderlies were very cut
up at our departure. We were
marched to the old Medic & to
our great surprise everyone was
transhiping & all our togs were
packed & transferred for us.
We marched through the buildings
on the wharf which contd
ammunition only ready to
be shipped to England.
We went straight onto the Orissa
& to our surprise we gots
good cabins & excellent berths.
The food was a treat & we
dined in the dining room.
Moreover this is the first time
this ship has carried troops
& Officers & crew were most
friendly. Leave harbour 6 p.m.
SATURDAY 22.9.17 Convoy
consists of 14 armed transports
escorted by an auxiliary Cruiser
"The Victoria". Was placed on Submarine
Guard & came of like a
lump of Frozen Meat. 22 hours of 24 on duty.

SUNDAY 23.9.17. Sea very rough
& most men were again sick.
Luckily I have not yet been
sea sick. Almost every wave
swept the deck & all the guards
were thoroughly drenched.
Was relieved at 3p.m. after
doing 22 hours without a spell

of course we travel without lights
& I fell about 30 times relieving
guards during the night.
Under these conditions I
was in a great rage as I had
not even an assistant. The
parson came to have a chat
to me but our conversation
did not last long. as
Monday Kidded I had caught
a bad cold in back & so had
no more. Sub. Guard. Worse
luck Dick was then appointed
permanently to Submarine Gd.
& I was taken off all duty.
Tuesday No drill. Cricket
matches aboad. Had an
excellent tea tonight on
saloon dining room.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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