Certificates and letters for John Simpson Kirkpatrick, 1915-1921

First World War, 1914–18
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y E whom this scroll commemorates was numbered among those who, at the call of Kingand Countryj, lest all that was dear to them, endured hardness, faced danger and finallij passed outof the sight of men by the path of dutij and self sacrifice, giving uy their own lives that others might live in freedom. Let those who comeasterseeto it that his name be not forgotten. Pte. John Simpson 3Fld. Amb. I.I.F.
E DEEEE WErTESL, E. 10th April, 1916. Madam, I have it in command from His Majesty the King to inform you, as next-of-kin of the late PRIVATE JOHN SIMPSON No.202 of the Australian Army Medical Corps, that this Private was mentioned in a Despatch from General Sir Ian Hamilton, dated 22nd September, 1915, and published in the Supplement to the "London Gazette" dated 5th November, 1915, for gallant and distinguished service in the Field. I am to express to you the King's high appreciation of these services and to add that His Majesty trusts that their public acknowledgment may be of some consolation in your bereavement. I have the honour to be, Your obedient Servant, Abgratarge Lieutenant-Colonel Mrs Sarah Simpson 14 Bertram Street, Assistant Military Secretary, South Shields, Durham.
BUCKINCHAM PALACE. I join with my grateful people in sending you this memorial of a brave life given for others in the Great War. eo C.
BUCKINGHAM PALACE. Ijoin with my grateful people in sending you this memorial of a brave life given for others in the Great War. o
She Marof94-1918. Fustralian Imperial Force 202 He. J. Simpson. t. M.C. was mentioned in a Desfralchfrom Veneral dir JandM. Ramillon, 6.OO.1.6. dated 22" Jeptember 1945 Jor gallant and distinguished vervices in the Vield. Jhaveibin command fromthe Ring to record dis Majestygo highe aßfrrecialion of the services rendered. hrirsburde Henteelt War Office WhitchallM. Peorelargid arch 1919.
TEL. NO. CITY 1740 EXT...... TELIGRAPHIC ADDRESS: “CROTONATE, ESTRAND, LONDON. COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA. ADORESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO AUSTRALIA HOUSE, THE OFFICIAL SECRETARY, STRAND. LONDON. W.C. 2. A vOre A.I.R/R 440 15 DEC1921 Dear thada I am enclosing hereto a Bronze Oak Leaf emblem issued in accordance with Army Order 3 of 1920 to all those mentioned in Despatches. should be obliged if yeu-would affix it te the Victory Medal riband recently issued to you as next of Kin of the late. 202..4....3.. ours faln Col. R.A.B. Lieut Colonel Military Adviser.
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA COMMONWEALTH OFFICES AUSTRALIA HOUSE STRAND: LONDON. W. C. 2. Ref. No. 2. T.SE.P 1921.— 1921 A. I. F. 9954/7/17 der Mrdlan 1 have to advise that the British War and Victory Medals in respect of the late O Australian Imperial Force, have now been received from Australia and are forwarded herewith. I am to request that you will kindly sign the enclosed receipt. and return to the address shown heron. Yours faithfully, o. N.Tel te Col. R.A.E. Military Adviser.
Received from the Commonwealth of Australia British War and Victory Medals issued to me as next-of-kin of the late 202 1rr B Snnfoasn Sen Sol Mlnrb Australian Imperial Force. Nreee Date......ignatre. 40

Gv  RI
He whom this scroll commemorates
was numbered among those who,
at the call of King and Country, left all
that was dear to them, endured hardness,
faced danger, and finally passed out of
the sight of men by the path of duty
and self sacrifice, giving up their own
lives that others might live in freedom.
Let those who come after see to it
that his name be not forgotten.
Pte. John Simpson
3Fld. Amb. A.I.F. 


10th April, 1916.

I have it in command from His Majesty the King to
inform you, as next-of-kin of the late
of the Australian Army Medical Corps, that this Private was
mentioned in a Despatch from General Sir Ian Hamilton, dated 
22nd September, 1915, and published in the Supplement to the
"London Gazette" dated 5th November, 1915, for gallant and 
distinguished service in the Field.
I am to express to you the King's high appreciation
of these services and to add that His Majesty trusts that
their public acknowledgment may be of some consolation
in your bereavement.
I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,
Assistant Military Secretary.

Mrs Sarah Simpson
14 Bertram Street,
South Shields,



I join with my grateful people
in sending you this memorial
of brave life given for others
in the Great War.

George R.I



I join with my grateful people
in sending you this memorial
of brave life given for others
in the Great War.

George R.I


The War of 1914-1918
Australian Imperial Force
202 Pte. J. Simpson. A.M.C.
was mentioned in a Despatch from
General Sir Ian S.M. Hamilton, G.C.B.,D.S.O.A.D.C
dated 22nd September 1915
for gallant and distinguished services in the Field.
I have it in command from the King to record His Majesty’s
high appreciation of the services rendered.

Winston S. Churchill
Secretary of State for War. 

War Office
1st March 1919. 


TEL. NO. CITY 1740 EXT......

NO. A.I.F./R

15 DEC 1921

Dear Madam,
I am enclosing hereto a Bronze Oak
Leaf emblem issued in accordance with Army Order 3
of 1920 to all those mentioned in Despatches. I
should be obliged if you would affix it to the
Victory Medal riband recently issued to you as next
of Kin of the late. 202 Pte J. Simpson 3rd F. Amb. A.I.F.

Yours faithfully,
P.N. Buckley
Col. R.A.B.
Lieut Colonel
Military Adviser. 


LONDON. W. C. 2.
27 SEP 1921

Ref. No. 
A. I. F. 9954/7/17

Dear Madam, 
1 have to advise that the British War and Victory
Medals in respect of the late 202 Pte J. Simpson, 
Australian Imperial Force, have now been received from Australia and are
forwarded herewith.
I am to request that you will kindly sign the enclosed receipt 
and  return to the address shown heron.
Yours faithfully,
P.N. Buckley
Col. R.A.B.
Military Adviser. 



Received from the Commonwealth of Australia,
British War and Victory Medals issued to me as next-of-kin of the late
202 Pte J. Simpson 3rd Fld Amb
Australian Imperial Force.

Date...…………….  Signature………….  

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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