Letters from John Simpson Kirkpatrick to his Family, Part 2 of 2

First World War, 1914–18
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S. S. Yankel Mucasply Dear Mother Just a line to let you know that we abseved here today from Iremantle Now Mother you will have to excuse the frence as I had no ink I, sene you a letter from Mel last hir it will be on its way i 2an by now It was my berthday the other day I was 23 how the time sharp plys I am sending you a P. I three pound, in this letter that will make fifteen guid since I fond Nop thi the tnguce whe roe will getting Methe hape that you and Ani al tpisd all weke am keeping puotty to t sut whow I wilh be wel next meat so see und From loskinl y ba next you cow Mol the 20 the
heesent n you sereu what a buc hand I am at wting levters so wit. here to you 2 dan hemain our Loving Sr ack Hine sinnce my love and tell her that I got her besef faces all right also the fags on her lette and thank se for git for bene her bso gove hel this O.O. fe a guie and ded Lir thet I will write hes a letter lette with Sor Jack
AUS aman ant anana Dear Snner ust a tine a two hoping that this reaches you as it lear me and that is in the bist of health Now how is thin going with you not two had I hope have you got a sot yet how would you like to come out I am sure you would soon stuike a youct we out here and get gooy money for the colonial girts get good money how do you like this card they have got note like this in the old bountry but never mind & wle sind you some good justury C soon ow ennii answer this soon and with best love 2 torn Your. Loving Brothe tack ncimmi


Dear Mother 
Just a line to let you know 
that we arrived here today from  
Fremantle. Now Mother you 
will have to excuse the pencil 
as I had no ink I sent you 
a letter from Melb last trip 
it will be on its way to you 
by now It was my birthday 
the other day I was 22 how 
the time sharp flys. I am 
sending you a P.O. for three 
pound in this letter that will 
make fifteen quid since I joind 
this ship I hope that you are 
getting it all right Well 
Mother I hope that you and 
Annie are keeping all right 
for I am keeping pretty 
well just hope I will be 
home next year. So see and  
be looking your best for  
next year Now Mother
I think that this is all 

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at present for you 
know what a bad  
hand I am at writing 
letters So with love 
to you and Annie 
I remain 
Your Loving Son 
P.S. Give Annie my love and tell 
her that I got her box of fugs all right
also the fugs in her letters and thank 
her for me for being so kind 
also give her this P.O. for 
a quid and tell her that 
I will write her a letter  
with love 

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Dear Annie, 
Just a line or two hopin 
that this reaches you as it leav 
me and that is in the best 
of health Now how is thin 
going with you not too bad 
I hope have you got a job 
yet how would you like  
to come out I am sure you 
would soon strike a good 
jou out here and get good 
money for the colonial 
girls get good money how 
do you like this card they 
have got none like this 
in the old Country but 
never mind I will send 
you some good picture 
P.C. soon Now Annie 
answer this soon and  
with best love from 
Your Loving Brother 

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