Letters between John Simpson Kirkpatrick and his Family, 1915 - Part 6 of 8

First World War, 1914–18
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1H. Bertram St So. Shields th May 8 Dear Jack today is I buitmonday I as the mail leaves tonight thought I would send you a few lnes to try t cheet you up It will be a very miserable holiday for mother. I. I for, we both feel-as though the have no right to be happy as long as you are in danger I havent entered a place of amusiment since Christmas The second list of Australian casualities was in the D aily mail this morning. mother was dreading seeing your name, but thank the Lard Your
his body was picked. up about a fortnight after. All lives were lost On f Kifes lads has been wounded in the Dardanelles. Do you remember him living opposite us in Frederick St Iback-lane. He is with the Anson Battation. Such a lot of Shields lads are out there, you will very likely meet them. You will be One ofy seeing some tenible sights. The war correspondents in the Dardanelles is giving some fine accounts of Anstratian bravery. Did you get my letter that I wrote on Shurday? I hope you did. I ho am chancing sending you a packt of cgarretes so hope you get them. It isn't what I would like to send you but still I know you will appreciate name wasnt among Oh Jack we do pray & trust that you are spared to as mother is to miserable & so. better- towards; the lackers at home Did you get that letter with Jack Potts photo in L. Poor lad he was killed in France at the battle of newver Chapelle. H is married brother Bot was wounded last week + has been brought over to a Leeds hospital Do you remember boggs lad that lived in Fredirick St. She one I mean abs was your ad 123 + was a school teacher. Will, poor lad he intisted at the beginning of the war. II was killed in France last week Foor little Clem Chipchase was steward in a ship that the Huns toepedoed in the Channel
4 a good old Woodbine Now dear fack. I haven't any more to say just now but hoping. I trusting that you will have a safe rern home. I with love from mother I myself remain I Your ver loving sister. Annie I won't worry you to write to me for I know that even when you are off daty you will need all the rest you can get. So long as mother gets a few lines for Jack it would make your heart acke to see her waiting & watching for the pos I do hope the censor will let you have your take Jack Orotmen Iw wining Doo

14 Bertram St
So. Shields

May 24th 15

Dear Jack
Today is Whitmonday &
as the mail leaves tonight I
thought I would send you a
few lines to try & cheer you up
It will be a very miserable
holiday for mother & I for we
both feel as though we have no
right to be happy as long as
you are in danger. I haven't
entered a place of amusement
since Christmas The second list
of Australian casualities was in
the Daily Mail this morning.
Mother was dreading seeing your
name, but thank the Lord Your 


name wasn't among. Oh Jack we
do pray & trust that you are spared
to us. Mother is to miserable & so
bitter towards the slackers at home.
Did you get that letter with Jack
Potts photo in? Poor lad he was
killed in France at the battle of
Neuve Chapelle. His married brother
Bob was wounded last week & has
been brought over to a Leeds hospital
Do you remember Hoggs lad that
lived in Fredirick St. The one I mean
was your age about 23 & was a school
teacher? Well, poor lad he inlisted
at the beginning of the war & was
killed in France last week.
Poor little Clem Chipchase was
steward in a ship that the
Huns torpedoed in the Channel &

his body was picked up about a
fortnight after. All lives were lost
One of Fifes lads has been wounded in
the Dardanelles. Do you remember
him living opposite us in Frederick
St back lane. He is with the
Anson Battalion. Such a lot of
Shields lads are out there, you will
very likely meet them. You will be
seeing some terrible sights. One of The war
correspondents in the Dardanelles
is giving some fine accounts of
Australian bravery. Did you get my
letter that I wrote on Thursday? I
hope you did. I ho am chancing
sending you a packet of cigarrettes
so hope you get them. It isn't
what I would like to send you
but still I know you will appreciate


a good old Woodbine. Now dear Jack.
I haven't any more to say just now
but hoping & trusting that you
will have a safe return home &
with love from mother & myself
I remain
Your Ever loving sister.

I won't worry you to write to me
for I know that even when you
are off duty you will need all
the rest you can get. So long as
mother gets a few lines for Jack it
would make your heart ache to see
her waiting & watching for the post.

x x x x x x
I do hope the censor will let you
have your tabs Jack
Mother is writing too. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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