Letters between John Simpson Kirkpatrick and his Family, 1915 - Part 5 of 8

First World War, 1914–18
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Pac 3424 (323) MELBOURNE VOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. On Active service with the Austratian imperial Force in Esypt. MENA CAMP, PYRAMIDS th 24 Ofan 1915 Dear Mother Fust a line to let you know that 3 am still at Mena I have not received a letter from you shis week but I suppose that it has went as tray and I will get it later on Now Mother I told you in my last letter that I was going to ask my officer for a sub off my account that I have got in the Commonwealth Bank in London well elother he could not advance me any money here but I have sogned a form that he matte out for me to send to the Bank in London but they want of copy of your signature and I have not got that to give them so that I will just have to give them your next letter which will be a copy of your handwhiting I am making the order prayable Th of of fer day from the 23
DRUOFSNUOSI EVA October So that you should have about 9 pound due to you up to today so that once you start to draw from the Bank you will be able to keep on drawing it every week without any hitch it was our coming to Egypt instead of going to England that messed everything up like this and don't forger that I made the order over to my my Mother - Sarah Simps on os the sooner that you write and tell me that every thing is fixed up and you are drain -ing the money the better pleased I will be pleased I have not received your parcel yet but I suppose that I will get et later on Now Mother I hope that thes note will find you and Annie well as it lenver at present so will love to you and cunce I remain your Loving Son Fack Sempson P3.
281215 Dear Mother dust a line to let you Iknow that we are lave ing Egypt today I dont know where we wre bound for but hope that it will be England or France Now mother you will have to excuse short note ao we are all in a hnstle and bystle to gret the transports wal yous parked and leave this afternoon So with love to you and Annis reacon Your Loving four Pack

DRL 3424 (3 of 8) 
On Active Service with the Australian Imperial Force in Egypt, 
24th Jan 1915.

Dear Mother, 
Just a line to let you know that I  
am still at Mena I have not received  
a letter from you this week but I  
suppose that it has went astray  
and I will get it later on Now  
Mother I told you in my last  
letter that I was going to ask  
my officer for a sub off my  
account that I have got in the  
Commonwealth Bank in London  
well Mother he could not advance  
me any money here but I have  
signed a form that he made  
out for me to send to the Bank  
in London but they want a copy  
of your signature and I have  
not got that to give them so  
that I will just have to give  
them your next letter which will  
be a copy of your handwriting  
I am making the order payable  
a of 2/- per day from the 25th of 


October so that you should have  
about 9 pound due to you up  
to today So that once you start   
to draw from the Bank you will  
be able to keep on drawing it  
every week without any hitch  
it was our coming to Egypt  
instead of going to England  
that messed everything up  
like this and dont forget that  
I made the order over to my  
my Mother - Sarah Simpson  
So the sooner that you write  
and tell me that every thing  
is fixed up and you are draw 
-ing the money the better  
pleased I will be pleased I have  
not received your parcel yet  
but I suppose that I will get it later on 
Now Mother I hope that this note will  
find you and Annie well as it leaves 
at present So will love to you and  
I remain 
Your Loving Son 
Jack Simpson 


Dear Mother 
Just a line to let you 
know that we are leaving 
Egypt today I dont  
know where we are bound 
for but hope that it will 
be England or France 
Now Mother you will have  
to ixcuse short note as 
we are all in a hustle 
and bustle to get the 
transports waggons packed 
and leave this afternoon  
So with love to you and 
I remain 
Your Loving Son

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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