Letters between John Simpson Kirkpatrick and his Family, 1915 - Part 3 of 8

First World War, 1914–18
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MELBOURNE VOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. On Active Service with the Australian imperial Force in Esypt. MENA CANP, PYRAMIDS. 10 Jan 1915 Dea Cothier fust a line to let you know that wee wle still ut carso I got a letter from you the other day and semy papers I am sorry to hear that the Germans so neal to shierds but Idont think that yy have much to heah of any for ting occupting again fol the low alle werly freel, cor I sey the wey alt when sreeing unt shalf sman shys cay of anol ha oocid Bovr I see Tt another of our shi there was the the chamet wre think about did th Sineney sinding the Eindon The sydney belonged, to the cudt aliass gaby and she was escorting the first contingent bons ostaadin trnter with, five more whewish usealian warships M e
JSOEA MAIEIND SILH DMIOL MMAICAIL left us one marning and when I came ver fight aain the next day we heae that she had swilh the mdin c ct rett you that things reth leved aboverd, all the shigs is the sconvoy therewas 30 sinchs tansporting us to bgypt We had the offedi a pletty lively time the the day the tmelen sod eledic was the leans for the was n l wonel shouted 5 lye Wect and and we all cllank to the weath othe frdney wretty sleeply I am afid Now Mthe at apraid that I cant give you any more news as every thing io the same here so hopring the this will as it find you and tle a leaves me at prresent so with love to yait and ctntie remain Your Loveisg E fae 6 4248 O JA prn 1003

On Active Service with the Australian Imperial Forces, Egypt, 
10 Jan.........1915. 
Dear Mother 
Just a line to let you know that we 
 are still at Cairo.  I got a letter from you 
the other day and some papers I am 
sorry to hear that the Germans got so 
near to Shields but I dont think 
that you have much to fear of any 
thing of the sort occurring again for they 
would get too hot a time from our 
fleet for I suppose that they are 
keeping an extra sharp lookout 
for any of the German ships 
that may chance another run  
out of the Kiel Canal I see 
that there was another of our ships 
blown up in the channel  What  
did the people at home think about 
the Sydney sinking the Emden 
The Sydney belonged to the Austr 
alian Navy and she was escorting 
the first contingent from Australia 
to Columbo with five more  
Australian warships when she 


left us one morning and when 
we  came in sight again the  
next day we heard that she  
had sunk the Emden I can 
tell you that things were pretty 
livly abouard all the ships in 
the convoy there was 38 liners 
transporting us to Egypt We had 
a pretty lively time on the Medic 
the day the Emden was sunk the 
Medic was the transport that I 
was on The old Colonel shouted 
beer for all hands on bouard 
and we all drank to the health 
of the Sydney pretty deeply 
I am afraid Now Mother I am 
afraid that I cant give you any 
more news as everything is the 
same here So hoping that this will 
find you and Annie will as it 
leaves me at present so with love 
to you and Annie 
I remain 
Your Loving Son 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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