Letters between John Simpson Kirkpatrick and his Mother, 1914 - Part 8 of 9
The Australian Imperial Expeditionary Force
20.12 1914
Dear Mother
Just a line to let you know
that we arrived in Cairo last
week. We were 42 days on the
trip and we had a very fine
trip right through We are
camped about ten mile out of
Cairo at the entrance of the
desert you can see nothing
but sand, sand, sand. We
have got two pyramids about
3 hundreds yards from our
tents it is a terrible long
climb to the top of one of
the pyramids There is 100
thousand troops in this
camp that is with English
troops and Indians They are
expecting the Turks to
advance on Cairo they are
building a light railway
across the desert to reach
I wish that they would hurry
up and come for every body
is getting impatient to have
a brush up with the Turks
I am afraid that when they do
come they will get a pretty hot
reception. when they do come
they will find every thing ready
for them. Now Mother from the
25 of October you should have been
drawing 2/- per day I am getting
6 shillings per day 5 shillings per
day and one shilling deferred pay
and I am drawing 1 shilling per
day for pocket money and I am
leaving you two shillings per day
to you and I am having two
shillings per day to my account
in the Commonwealth Bank in
London. The grub in this camp
in very bad. We have to buy
nearly as much as they you
would think that they were
feeding a lot of sparrows
The Australian Imperial Expeditionary Force
instead of hungry men Now
Mother, I hope that you and
Annie are keeping well for I
am keeping in the best of health
It will soon be Xmas and
a pretty miserable Xmas here
by the looks of things Now
Mother I think that I will
now draw to a close hopeing
that this will find you and
Annie in the best of health
and with Love to you and
I remain
Your Loving Son
P.S. My address is
Private Jack Simpson
C Section
3rd Field Ambulance
Australian Army Medical Core
Mena Camp
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