Letters between John Simpson Kirkpatrick and his Mother, 1914 - Part 5 of 9

First World War, 1914–18
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2o Sept 1914 14 Bertram ftreet South Fhierds My dearest Yank only a few lines Hoping that you are still keeping in good heattn as this leaves me at present out rack on gand is in terrible trouble with this awfull War god knows now it is all going to end wto think about it, the people here are terrified for if the Germans got into Wineland They will stuk at nothing look at the terrible abroitess that they have comited in Hillum & they will do worse here they trate the lnglish for the part of France wee have been waiting for news since sundar out there nothing yet I can tell you that its making the people very anxiou wer have arready lose about 6000 Soldiers & Yor Knowy how many poor Lors will have gone by now what a lot of young fellows are enlisting Hhieds is firll of soldiers & territorials they are guarding art the prinigoal places & this place is soell of German Spres I heard today That Fisher of the Pork Shop in Frederick has been carght sending carrier pigion to sermany what do you thing of Naturatised British Subbets 50 other want hanging it good for them they shoald be rosted alive the Braitors & make
an example of them our navy had a Battle with the formany & they Tank to of There smips out we hope mat our theef will be able to keep the sirmans out of ongrand My dearask I am thankfull that you are a way from here now but hope that ithis War will soon be over & things go qrietty again for its urrible to think on what might happ but wee will just le in Hope & trust for the best I sent you some passers Past week & am sending some jirst now so that I hope that you will get them out they will be state news when you get them for you get all the hews in instranae out Gnstratic responding handsome to help England but alcountryes are doing the same & good u to tem for they that that Eongland if fighting a just cause & suvlely to Goit the right should wit now my Scy clearen & wonder if this war will keep, me from seein you again I howe not but I will live in the Hope now my dear & on I will have to stop for I am broken hearted & I cannot settle I am worried to death & Fcant help it now with gooe & best withes from your ever looin & affectionde mother good night & God stess you & take care of gon &fSXX write soon for Ffeet crais

Septber 3rd 1914 
14 Bertram Street 
South Shields 
My dearest Jack 
Only a few 
lines Hoping that you are 
still keeping in good health 
as this leaves me at present 
but Jack England is in 
terrible trouble with This 
awfull War God Knows 
how it is all going to end 
it is awful to think about it, the 
people here are terrified 
for if the Germans got into 
England They will stick at 
nothing look at the terrible 
atrocities that they have 
comited in Belgium & they 
do worse here for they hate the 
English for taking the part of France 
we have been waiting for news 
since Sunday but heard nothing 
yet I can tell you that its 
making the people very anxious 
we have already lost about 
6000 Soldiers & God knows how 
many poor Souls will have 
gone by now What a lot of 
young fellows are enlisting 
Shields is full of Soldiers 
& terretorials They are guarding 
all the principal places & this 
place is full of German  spies 
I heard today that Tisher of the 
Pork Shop in Frederick has been 
caught sending carrier pigeon 
to Germany What do you thing 
of Naturalised British subjects 
they want hanging it too good 
for them They should be rosted 
alive the traitors & make


an example of them Our Navy 
had a Battle with the 
Germans & they sank 5 of 
There ships but we hope 
that our fleet will be able 
to keep the Germans out of 
England My dear Jack 
I am thankfull that you are  
away from here now but 
I hope that this War will 
soon be over & things go  
quietly again for its terrible 
to think on what might happen 
but we will just live in 
Hope & trust for the best 
I sent you some papers last 
week & I am sending some just 
now so that I hope that you 
will get them but they will 
be stale news when you get 
them for you get all the news 
in Australia but Australia  
responding handsome to help 
England but all Countries are 
doing the same & good luck 
to them for they that think 
England if fighting a just 
cause & surely to God the 
right should win Now my  
dearest Lad I wonder if this 
war will keep  me from seeing 
you again I hope not 
but I will live in the Hope 
Now my dear son I will have 
to stop for I am broken hearted 
& I cannot settle I am worried 
to death & I cant help it 
Now with Love & Best wishes 
from your ever loving & affectionate 
Good night & God bless you 
& take care of you if XXXX 
write soon for I feel crazy

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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