Letters between John Simpson Kirkpatrick and his Mother, 1914 - Part 2 of 9

First World War, 1914–18
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S S. ankClitla Mell 385 EMIIOEECONVENEL Dear Mother just a line to let you know that we arrived here today Pow Mothel I have been in this ship about 23 months so dont write any more letters to the Tarcooter write to the mission at Stocton sill connie that I, got her letter all right and the 5 Woodbenes but I did not get those that she sen to the Mission at Stockton bu I hope to get them this trik if the Customs have not stoppec them sell Annes mert it was weh good, af her to send trem and I will send her something later on o en enother I hipe that this wist, find you as it leaves me at present Find that is in the test of health I have still got Jack Tackson along with me he is trimming to me he is getting on all right he knew alw 000
RGtS his unkle being dead before I got your letter, Iwas showing him round Melbourne last night he was surprised to see such a fine city for WPewcustle, on Tyne is not a patch on Mell Thats the worst of you people in the old country you all sum to think that istralia is all bush land but ther are finer and more up to date cities out here than a lat of the cities at home eow you were telling me in your last letter that, you had, had, Peggy stapping with you Now Mother why done dont you have b bit of sence about you and keep her out your house you should know by now that what ever you did for Peggy she would not hum a good word to say about you even if you gave her your all and as regards her talking about you you can tell her that I will wring het next I get home before she gets awway
you were asking me if Iever saw Will Balneaves Well no I have not seen him not have I wrote to him for I just thruught the it if he had wanted to get in touch with me he could easily have got my address from you but he has never whate to me so I have not wrote to him. it is very strang that he has not been able to yer Peggy and the kids out before now for I know rots of fellows who pain half the fare, and paid the other half after they have yot there wives out and they have been out inside of there menths of making the application in Melk. st I suppose the sooner she gets about out of your eery the scooch you will be able to rine in prace and quietness I gm going to tay to be home about Fune next yeur if I can save a few, quied by then aPow Mother & think that this is all at present so with love to all at home
I remain Your soving Son Fack $5 X it I am sending you a money witer for three guid

S.S. Yanklililla 
Dear Mother 
Just a line to let you know that 
we arrived here today Now Mother 
I have been in this ship about 2 ½ 
months so dont write any more 
letters to the Tarcoola write to 
the mission at Stockton Tell  
Annie that I got her letter all 
right and the 5 Woodbines but 
I did not get those that she sent 
to the Mission at Stockton but 
I hope to get them this trip if 
the Customs have not stopped 
them Tell Annie that it was 
very good of her to send them 
and I will send her something 
later on. Well Mother I hope that 
this will find you as it leaves 
me at present and that it is in 
the best of health I have still 
got Jack Jackson along with me 
he is trimming to me he is getting 
on all right he knew about


his unkle being dead before I got 
your letter I was showing him 
round Melbourne last night he 
was surprised to see such a fine 
city for Newcastle on Tyne is 
not a patch on Melb Thats the 
worst of you people in the old 
country you all seem to think 
that Astralia is all bush land 
but their are finer and more up 
to date cities out here than a lot 
of the cities at home Now you 
were telling me in your last letter 
that you had had Peggy stopping 
with you Now Mother why dont  
dont you have a bit of sence  
about you and keep her out of 
your house you should knew by  
now that what ever you did for 
Peggy she would not have a good 
word to say about you even if you 
gave her your all and as regards 
her talking about you you can 
tell her that I will wring neck her  
neck if I get home before she gets away


You were asking me if I ever 
saw Will Balneaves Well no I 
have not seen him nor have 
I wrote to him for I just thought 
that if he had wanted to get in 
touch with me he could easily have 
got my address from you but he 
has never wrote to me so I have 
not wrote to him it is very strange 
that he has not been able to /get 
Peggy and the kids out before 
now for I know lots of fellows who 
paid half the fare and paid the 
other half after they have got there 
wives out and they have been 
out inside of three months of 
making the application in Melb. 
but I suppose the sooner she gets 
about out of your way the sooner 
you will be able to live in peace 
and quietness I am going to try to 
be home about June next year if 
I can save a few quid by then 
Now Mother I think that this 
is all at present so with love to 
all at home


I remain 
Your Loving Son 
Jack xxxx 
P.S. I am sending you a money 
order for three quid

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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