Letters between John Simpson Kirkpatrick and his Mother, 1914 - Part 1 of 9

First World War, 1914–18
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S.S. Gankalitta Sydlnes Dear Mother gust a line to let you know- thut II am still alive and kicking I wrote you a letter a couple of months and & sent you three pound I exhect that you have got it by now Welt Wether I had a row with the chief on the the Tarcoola and I fionished up and I, was out of work for three weeks before I jained this one you remember about that chap Inamed Jackson you know his his mither he is a bricklayer well he was working in oort Pirie but he could not stand the hear he was working on a new hall that they are building, in Pirce so that he turned the jot i and I got him a job oon this ship I am on, he got a gob trimining he is trimming to me for we are on watch together I dont think that he will fodlow this game up for he says that it is a
terrible lot heaver work them bricklaying Now Mither I am sending you a pO. for three quid It is four year since I left home show the time does fly but if I can hang this ship down for a twelve month I will have a run hame I am beggining to get trred of this country I think that I would be just us wel saiting out of home for the money is getting bigger at home and the money shurp goes out here Well I think that this is all I have to say except that I am keeping will and I hape that you and an Annie are keeping the sume so with tone to you and Annie I remain Wenc Soving Son 229849 11 ack SAe 409 S

S.S. Yankalilla 
Dear Mother 
Just a line to let you know - that 
I am still alive and kicking I wrote 
you a letter a couple of months and 
I sent you three pound I expect that 
you have got it by now Well Mother 
I had a row with the chief on the 
the Tarcoola and I finished up 
and I was out of work for three 
weeks before I joined this one 
You remember about that chap 
named Jackson you know his 
his mother he is a bricklayer 
well he was working in Port 
Pirie but he could not stand the 
heal he was working on a new 
hall that they are building in 
Pirie so that he turned the job in 
and I got him a job on this ship 
I am on, he got a job trimming 
he is trimming to me for we are 
on watch together I dont think 
that he will follow this game 
up for he says that it is a


terrible lot heavier work than 
bricklaying Now Mother I am 
sending you a P.O. for three quid 
It is four year since I left home 
How the time does fly. but if 
I can hang this ship down for 
a twelve month I will have a run 
home I am beggining to get tired  
of this country I think that I 
would be just as well sailing 
out of home for the money is 
getting bigger at home and the  
money shark goes out here Well 
I think that this is all I have  
to say except that I am keeping 
well  and I hope that you and 
an Annie are keeping the same 
so with love to you and Annie 
I remain 
Your Loving Son 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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