Letters from John Simpson Kirkpatrick to his Mother, 1913 - Part 2 of 2

First World War, 1914–18
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5/13 S8 Roorn Neweasthe Dear Mother Just a line to let you know that we are leaving here tomorrow for the Cest Now Metta I hope that you and exirie ae keep ing well I got a letter from you yesterday and yyou were telling me that will Boal neavees was a Buoken Hill Well send me his address in mour next letter for I would like to meet t ill for he is decent fellow Now I told you in my last letter where to address my Cevr letters. when the Roornigu Now Mother & am send ing you a P.O. for 3 gued to give my wrre to connnce and with love to yourself I remain Cat Your Sor I ack 3424 1 31d
EDHECORDST 11 b 614 pourhy St 3424 W. Melbouran Dear other Just a line to let you know that I have lef the Rooringa and that I am having a spel ashore in Melbourne the Roveinga. I left last week I have been laid up with influencza between the West and Mell. I finished so that up when we gat in but I am beginn ing to feel all eight I am going again but is a spite to hav Asno.
until I feel all right again sfou Mother I hope that you and annie are keeping all right and that things are still going all right at home tebow Mother I am sending you a P.C for ten froeind to that you will be all right har the next three months and then I espect will have started if then and then 1 I will be able to sent mare you some I have not had a letter from you for over one month but I testrect that there will be some letters lying be me at Stockton so just keep on writing there and I can have them forwarded, ou to me Now Mother remember me to all my frien at home and tell them that I am keeping all righy I will ee getting my pholt taken 0003
before 9 leave eel 1 again and I will be getting a byg one I was for you 4 weighing my sety this alliny serve I went 12 store of peand so that is not too bad for o have not 2 any sloppy fut ou me for I am pretty. sblid + I will be 21 th on thency b tin Sa Give my love do Annie and with tir to you I remain our Soving Son ack
118/1 330 Raglan St nort Melbouton 424 Inun Dear it ther th Just a time to let you know that I am still alive and kicking I had a letter from you atout 3 weeks ago and it was five weeks before since I had the one before you were saying in your last letter that you had never had a letter from me foe two months well I think that there must be a mistake somewhere for I have not misded a month in writing to you and sending you a P.O. Since I foured the Rooringa I left her ones two months ago but I told you in my last letter that I had left her and in my lust letter to you I sent you a P.O. for ten pounds I expect have got that all right by now Well Mother I had six weeks holiding after leaving the Sworinye and I was going to go to see the next week when I got a very had doge of cold I have been
in bed ishat a month and I am just beginning to get about again it has given me a shakeing I can tell you for I am as week as a pet I was about 12 sone six before I was sick and I have lost about s pound in weight I took profie by consumptive I got my pahoto taken before I laid up I am dending you an entarge ment and three small ones well mother I hope that you and Annie are keeping all night and that things LIAN1 10571 are going on all right at home for I cant sent you any more money until I seart again for I am dead broke I hope to be able to slart again about next week If I feel strong enough for a man dont want to be feeling f very weak to be firing on this coust now that the summer to coming one again so with tone to you and Annue I remain Your Soving Son Lack
TROODSSS THEAPSELADE STEAMSHIP GOEHIMITED. S O SS. Sarcoola 3112. 13 Part Pirie Dear Mother oust a line to let you know that I am still alive and kicking well Nother you will be wondering why I have been so long in writing will things huve been bad with me this last months so it was feu no good writing as I had nothing to send I am Fering in this ship she firsh Joh is a pretty. but I am in pretty i good 100
2 trim just now I feel as fit as a fittale I was weighed last night and I went 12 stone 5 Ws so that I am in pretty good nick for to be working in the stokehale for I have no seft fat on me Now Mather I think I have had all your letters up to now and I got your X mas bard and one from Annu and one from Tarech it was good of your to remember me I beleeve you have be keeping poorty lately I wish I could send you sone of my good health but I suppose the witner is just as conscrable as ever in the 3 old country Now I am sitting under the shade on the forcastle head and the heat is about 105 degrees in the shade for it is the middle of summer here now. I net a chap named Tackson here in Pirie east trip hed is working as a brick lays in the smuelting works and his brother is cook on the Prephes I was with them both last night they used in the same lane as us in Frederick, It you know there Mether You were telling me about Billy Buttle buying a house for 600 fround what rat
to paid about twenty permis he down and he pays the rest. off as rext he will be years an paying it of and as regards the furniture he has a nice little home and I think he had yet it pretty newr faid fur by now but it it just since he got marriedt that he has started to be suning for before that he had not got to permies after the Monday but he is marries fr a good steady girl and he is on the steadr now Do Snevill now draw to a close hapeing that this will find you as it leaves me cit present and wishing you all
ha bi at home a New Year I remain Your Loving Son Fack P.S. I am enclosing Furc P.O for thre 1OR1

SS Kooringa


Dear Mother
Just a line to let
you know that we are
leaving here tomorrow
for the West Now Mother
I hope that you
and Annie are keeping
well I got a letter
from you yesterday
and you were telling
me that Will Balneaves
was at
Broken Hill Well
send me his address
in your next letter
for I would like

to meet Will for
he is decent fellow
Now I told you in
my last letter where
to address my
letters. when I leave
the Kooringa Now
Mother I am sending
you a P.O.
for 3 quid So give
my love to Annie
and with love to
I remain
Your Loving Son


616 Bourke St
W. Melbourne

Dear Mother
Just a line to let you
know that I have left
the Kooringa and that
I am having a spell
ashore in Melbourne
I left the Kooringa.
last week I have
been laid up with
influencza between
the West and Melb.
so that I finished
up when we got
in but I am beginning
to feel all right
again but I am going
to have a spell ashore


until I feel all right
again Now Mother
I hope that you and
Annie are keeping
all right and that
things are still going
all right at home
t Now Mother I am
sending you a P.O.
for ten pound so
that you will be
all right for the
next three months
and then I expect
I will have started
by then and then
I will be able to send
you some more;


I have not had
a letter from you
for over one month
but I expect that
there will be some
letters lying for
me at Stockton so
just keep on
writing there and
I can have them
forwarded on to me
Now Mother remember
me to all my frien
at home and tell
them that I am
keeping all right
I will be getting
my photo taken


before I leave Melb
again and I will
be getting a big one
for you I was
weighing my self
this Morning and
I went 12 stone 7 pound
so that is not too
bad for I have not
any sloppy fat on me
for I am pretty
solid X I will be 21
on the 6th of July X
so Give my love to
Annie and with love to you
I remain
Your Loving Son

Jack xxx


330 Raglan St
Port Melbourne


Dear Mother
Just a line to let you
know that I am still
alive and kicking I had
a letter from you about
3 weeks ago and it was
five weeks before since
I had the one before
you were saying in your
last letter that you
had never had a letter
from me for two months
well I think that there
must be a mistake
somewhere for I have
not missed a month
in writing to you

and sending you a
P.O. since I joined the
Kooringa I left her over
two months ago but I
told you in my last
letter that I had left
her and in my last
letter to you I sent
you a P.O. for ten
pounds I expect you have
got that all right
by now Well Mother
I had six weeks holiday
after leaving the Kooringa
and I was going to go
to sea the next week
when I got a very had
dose of cold I have been


in bed about
a month and I am just
beginning to get about
again it has given me
a shakeing I can tell
you for I am as weak
as a rat I was about
12 stone six before I was
sick and I have lost about
8 pound in weight I look
properly consumptive
I got my photo taken
before I laid up I am
sending you an enlargement
and three small
ones Well Mother I hope
that you and Annie
are keeping all right
and that things

are going on all right
at home for I cant
sent you any more money
until I start again
for I am dead broke
I hope to be able to
start again about next
week If I feel strong
enough for a man
dont want to be feeling
f very weak to be firing
on this coast now that
the summer is coming
on again So with love
to you and Annie
I remain
Your Loving Son



SS Tarcoola
Port Pirie


Dear Mother
Just a line to let you
know that I am still
alive and kicking Well
Mother you will be
wondering why I have
been so long in writing
well things have been
bad with me this last
few months so it was
no good writing as I had
nothing to send I am
firing in this ship she
is a pretty fair job
but I am in pretty good



trim just now I feel
as fit as a fiddle
I was weighed last night
and I went 12 stone 5 lbs
so that I am in pretty
good nick for to be working
in the stokehole for I have
no soft fat on me Now
Mother I think I have
had all your letters up
to now and I got your
Xmas Card and one from
Annie and one from Sarah
it was good of you's to
remember me I beleive you
have be keeping poorly
lately I wish I could
send you some of my
good health but I suppose
the winter is just as
miserable as ever in the



old country Now I am
sitting under the shade
on the forcastle head
and the heat is about 105
degrees in the shade
for it is the middle of
summer here now. I met
a chap named Jackson
here in Pirie last trip
he is working as a brick
layer in the smelting
works and his brother
is cook on the Prophet
I was with them both
last night they used in
the same lane as us in
Frederick St you know
there Mother You were
telling me about Billy
Budle buying a house for
600 pound what rot



he paid about twenty pounds
down and he pays the rest
off as rent he will be years
in paying it off and as
regards the furniture he
has a nice little home
and I think he had got
it pretty near paid for
by now but it is just
since he got married that
he has started to be saving
for before that he had not
got to pennies after the
Monday but he is married
to a good steady girl
and he is on the steady
now So I will now
draw to a close hopeing
that this will find you
as it leaves me at present
and wishing you all



at home a happy
New Year
I remain
Your Loving Son
P.S. I am enclosing
P.O for three quid

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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