Letters from John Simpson Kirkpatrick to his Mother, 1913 - Part 1 of 2

First World War, 1914–18
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113 11 S0 Fooringh Brenberin Dear Mother orest a tfese Clines tot let yoe know that we arrived here this morning from. Lerarron We have had a very feeger hasscog tne weether out here just, now is terribly hat, yesterdan the hew in the engine rooo was 128 degrees of heat Dewi 3424 that 2 Ws kender ne Now Mother I cm sending you &. 1 suid three. so that this ong will be the rast one 1913 I have for sent you 12 for these grvv will this one for 1912 mekiong it 50 pound Year for last
So when you ans wee thas letter you can letter you cs let me know it you have received the 36 pound all right counting this Addr in with it Now Mother I hope that you and Snnie whill keeping all eight and they things cereyoing Ec all right horner Ioe Mother & them that will con crude So Gane my love to Annee and with one to yoursel & remain Your Loving Sery Jleck HPF X
2.13 35 Rooring Port Kemvin Dear Mother fust a line to let you know that I aw still alive and kick ing We arrived here this morning from Sydney where we have been lying for a week it was all eight in Sydney I took three days C and me and my mate had a good time in ydney, and we missed our passage from Sydneys to Port a Eesssbter We got our photos taken but they are no good fer they are those that are done while you wait but I am seneting you one I will have to get my photo taken at a goon place, when I think on Now Mothe. how wre you ane Annie getting on I hope you are
15 both keeping well I am not keeping to good myself ass at prresent I am very while and thei I am mer like a ghast than a man as fir ais calour yous but I am making this my last trip on the Fovringa and then I am going to have a spell and then I think I will youp unto the Bush for while Now eethen a I met Foster Bridels oldest Brother last leif in Nowrcesthe he is marrieu and he is coal thimming in Newsas the I was staying at his house for a weet end he was oily out here 12 months when he yot marriee he has gotno kics yet he is not like his old folks for they had alet a dozen with those wies 100
Now Mother I as you a sending B0. for three Fa rememter ged me to all moy friends and with teree to Yourself and etened I remain Your Loving Sorr Pack LOSE 34½4 SANN
TITSREASSM 14 19 S. S. Kodinga 3424 Part Kemoler tther 2 Pust a line to let you know that we arrived here to dar from the West and we are leavng again on Monday for the est again and then to Melboursi to here I think thay & will leave for I am not keeping too good o wens to See a doctor in West- and he the told me that I was 00037
properly rus douse ceosd that I nuded a rest to put me right so that I will have to in this trip toused West and then to Melbourne where think that I will have a souple of months holidin that is of course if the exchecker will hold out that long and then I will book for another yob or else 3 I will go up the bush for a while bot I aan getting sick of going to sea so that I think a spell ashere will do me good for I feel properly rottere and I took more like a corpse thenr any thing else of course that is the engine reom that does that and I cant eat my grivte like I used to but for all that I am
pretty heavy yoer p ye I am Twelve store thall frounds bor I am. all berne Mothe NPow I sen you a wholo bust month of course it was a piery poot oire of me but it was only up yot a hurry you you get taken and siecent your photo is hile you witl wnt f 2 li send you a opc reoon Mellowin onc7
Now Nother I am sincing you i for three have guied and I ne t hied a letter fer from you above three mertks 9 hope you are getting mine all righ or every oire I send you is a moniy there order in. fir 3 Guia Now Mother I hipe that you coner Anvice are keeping well and the
things wee young all nigh ct it home eow Yi my tere to enie and with live to yourself I remain Your doving Sou 1 Hack JUFCONSAN 3484

SS Kooringa

Dear Mother
Just a few lines to let you
know that we
arrived here this
morning from
Geraldton We
have had a very
feeir passage
the weather out
here just now
is terribly hot,
yesterday the heat
in the engine
room was 125
degrees of heat
so you will see
that is was
kinder hot
Now Mother
I am sending
you a P.O. for
three quid
so that this
one will be
the last one
for 1912 I have
sent you 12
P.O. for three quid
will this one
for 1912 making
it 36 pound
for last year


so when you
answer this
letter you can
letter you ca
let me know
if you have
received the
36 pound all right
counting this order
in with it Now
Mother I hope
that you and
Annie are
keeping all
right and that
things are going
all right at
home. Now
Mother I think
that I will will conclude
So Send
my love to
Annie and with
love to yourself
I remain
Your Loving Son




SS Kooringa
Port Kembla
Dear Mother
Just a line to let
you know that I am
still alive and kicking
We arrived here
this morning from
Sydney where we
have been lying
for a week it was
all right in Sydney
I took three days
off and me and
my mate had a
good time in
Sydney, and we
missed our passage

from Sydney to
Port Kembla  We
got our photo's
taken but they
are no good for
they are those
that are done while
you wait but I
am sending you
one I will have
to get my photo
taken at a good
place when I think
on Now Mother
how are you and
Annie getting on
I hope you are


both keeping well
I am not keeping
too good myself
just at present
I am very white
and thin I am more
like a ghost than
a man as far as
colour goes but
I am making this
my last trip on the
Kooringa and then
I am going to have
a spell and then I
think I will go up
into the Bush for
a while Now Mother

I met Foster Budel's
oldest Brother last
trip in Newcastle
he is married
and he is coal
trimming in
Newcastle I was
staying at his
house for a week
end he was only
out here 12 months
when he yet married
he has got no kids
yet he is not like
his old folks for
they had about
a dozen with those


Now Mother I am
you a
P.0. for three
quid So remember
me to all my
friends and
with love to
Yourself and Annie
I remain
Your Loving Son


SS Kooringa
Port Kembla

Dear Mother
Just a line to let
you know that we
arrived here today
from the West and
we are leaving again
on Monday for the
West again and
then to Melbourne
Where I think that
I will leave for I
am not keeping
too good I went
to see a doctor in
the West and he
told me that I was


properly run down
and that I needed
a rest to put me
right so that I
will have to do
this trip bound
West and then to
Melbourne where
think that I
will have a couple
of months holiday
that is of course
if the exchecker
will hold out
that long and then
I will look for
another job or else

I will go up the
bush for a while
for I am getting
sick of going to
sea so that I think
a spell ashore will
do me good for
I feel properly
rotten and I look
more like a corpse
than any thing else
of course that is the
engine room that
does that and I
cant eat my grub
like I used to but
for all that I am


pretty heavy yet
for I am twelve
stone three pounds
for I am all bone
Now Mother I sent
you a photo last
month of course
it was a very
poor one of me
but it was only
a hurry up job
for you get taken
and receive your
photo while you
wait but I will
send you a proper
one from Melbourne


Now Mother I am
sending you a
P.O. for three
quid and I have
not had a letter
from you for
above three months
I hope you are
getting mine all
right for every
one I send you
there is a money
order in for 3 quid
Now Mother I hope
that you and
Annie are keeping
well and that


things are going
all right at
home Now Give
my love to
Annie and with
love to yourself
I remain
Your loving Son

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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