Letters from John Simpson Kirkpatrick to his Mother, 1912, Part 1 of 4
SS Kooringa
Dear Mother
Just a few lines
to let you know that
we arrived at Melbourne
today from Bunbury
W. A. I recieved a
letter from you and
2 from Annie and
three papers. Now
Mother I see in the
letter that you and
Annie both recieved
what I sent you
for your Xmas Eve
I am sorry to hear
that you both spent
a very queit Xmas
but you could not
have spent such
queit Xmas as I spent
for we left Kembla
N.S.W. about Xmas
Eve for the West
of course we had
a good dinner We
had goose and Plum
Pudding & Brandy
Sause of and off course
we drunk each others
health quite a number
of times until each
man thought he
was Jack Johnson
champion of the world
then my mate
suggested going over
and having a fight
with the sailers
of course that was
hailed as a noble
idea and as the
sailers feeling a
bit lively themselves
from sampling the
bottle to mush
things went pretty
lively for the next
halfhour you couldnt
see enything for
blood and snots
flying about untill
Mates and Engineers
came along it and
threatened to log
all hands forard
We all had trophies
of the fray someone
bunged one of my
eyes right up and
and by the look of
of my beak I think
someone must have
jumped on it in a
mistake when I
was on the floor but
as they say alls
well that ends well
so I suppose it must
be for both my eyes
& my nose are all
right now so that
is the way I spent Xmas
Now Mother I hope that
you and Annie are keeping
all th right for I am
keeping pretty good myself
seeing that the Weather is
so hot I has been a 112
degrees of heat in Melbourne
today it was pretty warm
I can tell you and we
had a very hot passage
from the west the whole
12 days we we just about
cooked after doing four
hours in the stoke hole
for she has a pretty
hot stoke hole at the best
of cool weather. Now
Mother I am sending
you my Photo it is not
a good one but it was
only taken by an amateur
We happened th to be coming
along the wharf just as
we knocked off in the
engine room that night
at 5 oclock we we going
along the wharf for a swim swim before we
had tea and he asked
to stand for him so
we did but the sun
was right in our
eyes and I wanted
a haircut badly so
SS Cooringa
Dear Mother
Just a line to let
you know that we
arrived here this
morning from Kembla
N.S.W. We called
at Melbourne coming
across and I got three
letters and two Xmas
Cards. One from you
and one from Anne.
Now Mother I expect
that you and Annie
have received what
I sent you for your
Xmas Eves before
now I and I hope that
you have both spent
a very pleasant Xmas
and New Year I had
both Xmas and New
Year at sea for we
left Port Kembla
on Christmas Eve and
We lay off Melbourne
for abbout 2 hours
on boxing day we
had to call there
to pick up and old
three masted Barque
that they used in
Melbourne for keeping
coal in and as they
were sending her
to Fremantle for
our company we had
to tow her round
to Fremantle and
it made it pretty
heavy for us chaps
down below for she
is heavy enough for
us to Fire without
having a great big
hulk to tow and
at the very hottest
time of the year.
We have been working
with as far as 135
degrees of heat in
the Stokehole there
is none of sorry to
get a spell for four
day & then we
will be off agian
for another 15 days
run East Now Mother
I am sending you two
pound in this letter
this makes the last
for December 1911
Now if you se reckon
up you will have
received 25 pound
from me since I
joined the Cooringa
I sent you 1 pound
in January and two
pound each month
since except November
When I sent I four.
pound a pound Extra for
your Xmas Box
so you can reckon it
up by the time you
get this letter and
you can let me
know whether you
have received it all
or not Off course
this two pounds counts
in for 1911 as we
were at sea for the
1st of 1912 and did
not get paid till
now Now Mother
I will be giveing
in getting my Photo
taking when I get
my next new suit
and I will send it
on to you Now
Mother I think I
will now conclude
So Give my love
to Annie and with
love to Yourselve
I remain
Your Loving Son
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