Letters from John Simpson Kirkpatrick to his Mother, 1911, Part 1 of 3

First World War, 1914–18
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16 11 SS. Bring Arbang West Hust. Dear Mother Just a few lines to you know that I am still alive any kinking and that I have stacted wort ayoin I left borrimal about I week after I wrote you that letter wilh the Xmas carias in it I went from Corrimat to a place Callec Mt Kembla but I only stopped there a wp ei week for it was pmonation as on lcp of the and is a very qutte place sod tive and worked my passage coclast to Lyemantle in bet estern Anstrasta I wen up the countey a ba about 800 Miles but thing were rotten there has ben a neey bey gold rush here but all the good it done was to somple one ress the county with mon right from Bulfench to tremants and wek
month 1ORI was bad to get there was mnen werking ver there and bour bidt acees so that was no goere wenc to me so I back to the coust again. got the chance of a seccae Hend fer Edrringa sob on the for the lime been & took until I can get somerton better dow eother I cant sent you enything with this letter as I am dered bhise th until the end of the month they hay the last day in cach so I will send you wate then Now Mother I hope that you and etnnie are keeping well and that Annu is likeing her got at the frun shop I received your first letter which you vent to Corrig the day I left and a paper eow Motte I think thes
I with now conclude to so give my cave to Annel to your sitm and with tim remain Your loving Ian Ferck & W hen you write send it S5 borringa. Mithowiz Milbori Historia and put on Please send on
Iremantle 1.2.11 T Corringa cat Mother Jast a line or two to be sou know that I am seniting you a comple of goed from here I lope that you and exiie are keeping all right Now Motteel ann dead beat for time at present so exuse shartneess, of letter I am in the Stakehole agian I am ttheing of the faringle 2or0 To give my love to Annie and with lone to yoursit I remain Your Loving Son Oack P.S. will wich your a letter from next post without farr
17.2.11 Bunbury W + Dear Mother fust a line or two to let you that I arrived at Bunbrry this morning From Sydney viz Fremantle we are going to load timber for isditade, in South Hasteartin and Melborne and Sydney Now Mother how is things going on at home. I suppose you have had one of those English winters about a foot of snow and a lot if frost we have had hat soomner here you see we are having our summer when you are having your winter it is very hot out in the West hele where & he am just now but I stand it all right a lot better than I think that I would stande the cald at home noa ow 2 aske sunis how is she liking hr jah on the frait shop suppose she we will gine
DUDS queten Clothes you a pound of grapes now and then when you go in a hapenny tarmp Now Mother I am Every sorry that I had nothing to send you in that last letter but you see I was right up agian it at the time oe in other words I was dead broke but I am sincling you a guid in this onc I had very little to take and I had some dads to buy for I only had what I stood up in If we get go to Addade and get paid there I will send you a cruple of guid I know it well be acceptadite as I exper things ale still had at homse Nowr Mother I hope that you ho ahe keeping alt night and well fou mind I am I was weight today I was 12 stom 4 pound I am getting an aufut size I am filling out fine
214 a little Yorkstin herner he loved & left with my mother of coure it is a very light goh far different to pitwork or Frereing Now yother, have you still got sit yet Kow mention me to my Freids and give my love to anine and With love to yoursilve I remain Your loving Son Jack &F.ttt X P.L. Dont Forget the address SS. Booringa Melbourne and put on. Please send on I have only got your First letter which you sent to Corrimat did you send that Phote as you promised I hope you, have eou Solony TELEGBOOSAGTTANN AS4E
SS Rooringe 3.3. 11 Adilade 3.et. Dear Mother fust a line or to let you know that we arrived at edelade, on Monday from Bunbury as I tolg you in my last letter that I was thinking that we would go to etditade We are going from here to Melborane where we will start to reen between Milbourne Sydney o theweastle fow Mother & hope that you are all keeping well at houe for I am still in the pink of condition I am thinking of coing back into the stolehole get the chance agaan if Now Mother & sent you a letter Feamn Bunbury +o sent you a guid in net letter as and I am sending you a couple of gaid in this letter Now I have not got a lot to say in this letter us the mait leaves, and I am pinchere for time So Yuse my love to
ta to ett stance I with lome to Mourschic I remain your loving Son ack JKNSI 342 IAA

S.S Carringa 
West Aust. 
Dear Mother 
Just a few lines to you know  
that I am still alive and kicking 
and that I have started work 
again I left Corrimal about 
a week after I wrote you that 
letter with the Xmas cards 
in it I went from Corrimal 
to a place called Mt Kembla 
but I only stopped there a 
week for it was right up 
on top of the mountain and it was 
a very quite place so I took 
and worked my passage 
across to Fremantle in 
Western Australia I went 
up the country a bit about 
200 Miles but things were 
rotten there has been a very 
big gold rush here but  
all the good it done 
was to simply cover ress 
the country with men 
right from Bulfinch 
to Fremantle and work


was bad to get there 
was men working for 
three and four bob a day 
so that was no good 
to me so I went back to the 
coast again. I got the 
chance of a seconds stevedore 
job on the Carringa so  
I took it for the time being 
until I can get something 
better Now Mother I can't  
sent you anything with 
this letter as I am hard 
broke the until the end 
of the month they pay 
the last day in each 
month so I will send you something 
then Now Mother I hope that 
you and Annie are keeping 
well and that Annie is 
liking her job at the fruit 
shop I received your first 
letter which you sent to Corrimal 
the day I left and a paper 
Now Mother I think that


I will now conclude 
w so give my love to Annie 
and with love to yourselve 
I remain 
Your loving Son 
PS When you write send 
it S.S. Corringa. Melbourne 
and put on Please send on


Fremantle 1.31.11 
S S Coringa 
Dear Mother 
Just a line or two to let 
you know that I am sending 
you a couple of quid from here 
I hope that you and Annie  
are keeping all right Now 
Mother I am dead beat for 
time at present so excuse 
shortness of letter I am in 
the Stokehole again I am 
Firing on the Corringa now 
So give my love to Annie 
and with love to Yourselve 
I remain 
Your Loving Son 
P.S will write your a letter 
from next port without fail


W A. 
Dear Mother 
Just a line or two to let you 
that I arrived at Bunbury this 
morning From Sydney via Fremantle 
we are going to load timber for 
Adilade in South Australia 
and Melborne and Sydney 
Now Mother how is things 
going on at home I suppose 
you have had one of those 
English winters about a foot 
of snow and a lot of frost 
we have had a hot summer here 
you see we are having our 
summer when you are having 
your winter it is very hot 
out in the West here where 
I li am Just now but I stand 
it all right a lot better than 
I think that I would stand 
the cold at home Now 
aske Annie how is she liking 
her job in the fruit shop  
I suppose she we will give


you a pound of grapes now and 
then when you go in for a  
hapenny turnip. Now Mother 
I am very sorry that I had 
nothing to send you in that 
last letter but you see I was 
right up agian it at the time 
or in other words I was dead 
broke but I am sending you 
a quid in this one. I had  
very little to take and I had 
some *duds to buy for I only 
had what I stood up in If  
we get go to Adilade and 
get paid there I will send 
of a couple of quid I know 
it will be acceptable as I expect 
things are still bad at home 
Now Mother I hope that you 
ha are keeping all right and 
well for mind I am I was 
weight today I was 12 stone 
4 pound I am getting an awful 
size I am filling out fine 
[*DUDS mean Clothes*]


of coure it is a very light 
job far different to pitwork 
or Frireing Now Mother have 
you still got *Lil yet  Now 
[*LIL a little Yorkshire Terrier he 
loved & left with my mother*]
mention me to my Friends 
and give my love to Annie 
and With love to yourselve 
I remain 
Your loving Son 
x x  x x x x 
P.S. Dont Forget the address 
S.S. Cooringa Melbourne and 
put on . "Please send on" 
I have only got your First 
letter which you sent to 
Corrimal did you send 
that Photo as you promised 
I hope you have 
Now Solong 


S.S. Kooringa 
Dear Mother 
Just a line or to let you know 
that we arrived in Adilade on 
Monday from Bunbury as I told 
you in my last letter that I was 
thinking that we would go to 
Adilaide We are going from 
here to Melbourne where we 
will start to run between 
Melbourne Sydney & Newcastle 
Now Mother I hope that you 
are all keeping well at home 
for I am still in the pink 
of condition I am thinking of 
coing back into the stokehole 
agian if I get the chanse 
you Now Mother I sent you 
a letter From Bunbury & I  
sent you a quid in that 
letter and I am sending you 
a couple of quid in this letter 
Now I have not got a lot 
to say in this letter as the 
mail leaves and I am pinched 
for time So Give my love to


to M Annie & with love to 
I remain 
Your loving Son 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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