Letters from John Simpson Kirkpatrick to his Mother, 1909 - Part 1 of 2

First World War, 1914–18
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teis is written from S. B. Bugington my dear brother sailed i this shys 14 Oct 1909. He was then only 17 years 3 months old Dear Mother just a few lines to let you know that we arrived at Mertera this morning after a twelve days passage adid I can lett you that we have had a rare old patting up right from the time we left the syne until we got through the Bay of Biscay we were very neary your days in the Bay instead of about 38 hours and not only that but the forrasth has been blooded alt the time every thing flooting I about and in the bunkers you ave very nearly up to the knews on water she is a proper wreek and nearly everybody is about full up with her alresidy we are just calling at Medora for benkers and, we will leave temy again for alparass after that we expect to go to Didne
and if she does everybody will be ctearing to it out for the she is a rotter packet altogether and. the grat the is not up to wit either so that we are not getting mush encouragement to stop in her now moth I think I have given you all the news at pres eu to give my love to Annie be and with love to youselice I hearain ever your loving and Afbicionate Som Jack PS tell Beggre I have not had time to write her from here and give my love to the kid Now Mother do not forget to write to Valperaist /0 British bonsut 30 with love from Jack
Sen B.S. Heighingon Dono Genoa REHECROSSAASIHIOO October 26th 1009 ro Mrs Flirhpatrick Dear Mother I recieved your welcome letter this morning at 10 octock when we arrived, making it a 14 days trip which I quite enjoyed I can tell you Now I do hope you are keeping your pecher up and not worrying yourselve about me for you have no call at all, here I am having grand weather and little work and good gaub and eating any Gods plenty Ff it 2 think It have eating more in amoutit this fortnight than I have eaten for the last six months. I eat enough for ttwo men at meals, still I am always feeling ingry I am getting an appetite like a horse but there is one consolution there is plenty always a of good greet move than is used, they do live high in this Missroom they ar ped like fighting cocks I can tell you I get up raky t 4.45 in the morning and ten and loast for the second engonir and you bet I have my own tea and toast I then work on till about $.50 and then I have my afternoone 30 nap. O I have a pretty left time of it
ng seaes D. D 368 aooooovo Port of THSEISSHISTIH 68 T 0 558 MSS it is money for nowt and I get on that well with the ingincers they are the fine fellows. if I keep on the way I am going on now I will be like a pet Elephant by the time I get home for the sea aer is doing me a lot of goou, now after we left the Tyne we did catch the weather until we got through the Bay of Kiscay my bet she can rodt, for she has no batancers on her bottem & The first sunde after we got out I had a good laugh the shipt they were having dinner when she took a beg turch to one side then over come she soap, vegetables, meat, and puddings all an on top of the Engineers knees and they sould not stop them for they were hanging on to the table for all ther were worth they did look dignefien sraping all the unflush of their pants and jackets and all the plates and dishes were I mashed Sn Now I cant Tell you enything about Tenoa yet for I have not been dshore yet and I am not going ushore till saturday
eancaean manenn oncenoeemenonn D. Smmmmnan TELSESSTyn Port of 18 D55e CCCOCGGDGOUE TC MI night, Now about these phoses you can send them out as soon as you like they will be very wilcome, I am gld you and Peggic are getting one all right and hope it will last and Stge Pegger gives you and dip give her a thick ear to be going on with till I get mother home, and dont let your temper get ape better of you or I will Till Peggie to to give the same to you till I arrive, Now telt Annie I am very sorry I did not bid her goodbye but that was no fautt of mine as I did not expect to get away so hict soon, but never mind I am yoing to buy you a new nose in Genon and send you some post cards so that will make up for it, and thank to ill bee me for taking them phoses Now well Sarar I hope. Sam is working, Tell Bob and Geoge that I will not borget that parrot and monkey, I am sorry to hear that Martha is keeping so poorty but a rests she will soon get better, Now Mother you forgot to put the cards and domings
aecepey w aas anereen fagegry D. Dpimc ESLTECREESABHO W Port of ASSE £10 1 mnooon JA mndoned ooooOS t in my bag, but then that is surprising seeing the state you were in. But now owld lass you will not have to worry any more for I am as happy as a linty and I dont see y by you should not be same now I dont think that you will gunate abatt this been a be able to short letter but I am about tired now and I am thinking of turning in. Now hoping this finds you all as it find me and that as in the pink of condition Now this about all I have to say at present with so love to all I remain Son Your loviing XXXt Jack XXXF PS Now Mother keep your haakt up. And write out agran for we will be nere about a week or ten day and send the phosos. Solong for the presant
m m seghingon 85. Hughanghon 83 Por Of no on Mo e mm D to Mrs Kuppatrick Dear Mother just a line to let you know that we are leaving Genoa tonight or tomorrow morning bound for Junis and Sausa on the North coast of Africa where we will load part of General cargo at each port for London and Aberdeen. Now Mother Ias hope you are keeping all eight and that Sarah and Peggie are being kind you Now dont fooget that hulfpay note on Thursday, I am very sorry to hour thrt Peggie is keeping so poorly and I hope that She will soon get Better. I have been to see the cemetary at Genoa it is a sight worth going to see there is hrundreds of thousands of pounds worth of statues and monuments on the graves all cut oft of marble they say it is the fincest cennetary in the work and I believe it is, it is beautiful Now on Sunan I was playing at a feothall match ateam picked out of the ships in the hansiour, and we played the Genraa College boys on unbeaten team and we bet them four to one Now Mother if you answer this shorp I will get it at Junis and write it 6/0 British Conant Now Mother this is about all at presen to give my fondist love AL1
gemaniean 85 mmumn Boriol TEMEENOOSAOATANO annenenmnen f rom FeeNNN AN TO MMIMI ASNE to all at home & witlove to yourselve I remain your loving & efecconate Son Fack FNXxXF& PS hope you received them Pb all right eBw stune you are along time is randing thut Pl If it does not ut come to stunes I will pull your nose for you when I get home, OI for to tell you what I thought of the Photo they are champion but attother I think you might have tried to look a bit pleasune er you took as if you had lost a lanner and found a thuispessny dodger you know I want something better than yoursdve not worse for I know you can look better that tha photo when you like Now dont boaget to write sharp Salone

[*This is written from S.S Hughington - my dear  
brother sailed in this ship 14th Oct 1909. He  
was then only 17 years 3 months old.*]
Dear Mother 
Just a few lines to let you know that 
we arrived at Medera this morning after 
a twelve days passage uaid I can tell 
you that we have had a rare old  
putting up right from the time we 
left the Tyne until we got through  
the Bay of Biscay we were very nearly 
four days in the Bay instead of 
about 38 hours and not only that 
but the forcastle has been flooded 
all the time every thing floating 
about and in the bunkers you 
are very nearly up to the knees 
in water she is a proper wreck 
and nearly everybody is about 
full up with her already we are 
just calling at Medera for
bunkers and we will leave tonight 
again for Valparaso after that  
we expect to go to Sdn Sidn 


and if she does everybody will be 
clearing be cl out for th she is 
a rotten packet altogether and. 
the grub the is not up to much
either so that we are not getting 
much encouragement to stop in 
her now moth I think I have 
given you all the news at present 
So give my love to Annie 
and with best love to youselve
I remain 
Your ever loving and Affectionate 
PS tell Peggie I have not had 
time to write her from here 
and give my love to the kids 
Now Mother do not forget to write to 
Valperaiso c/o British Consul & so with 
love from Jack


S.S. Hughington 
Port of Genoa 
October 26th 1909 
To Mrs Kirkpatrick 
Dear Mother 
I recieved your welcome letter this morning 
at 10 oclock when we arrived, making it a 
14 days trip, which I quite enjoyed I can 
tell you, Now I do hope you are keeping your 
pecker up and not worrying yourselve about 
me for you have no call at all, here I am 
having grand weather and little work and 
plenty of good grub and eal eating any Gods 
amount of it I think I have eateng more in
this fortnight than I have eaten for 
the last six months.  I eat enough for 
two men at meals,. still I am always feeling 
'uuungry" I am getting an appetite like a horse 
but there is one consolation there is plenty 
a always of good grub more than is used, they do 
live high in this Messroom they are fed 
like fighting cocks I can tell you.  I get up 
at 4.45 in the morning and make tea and toast 
for the second engenir And you bet I have 
my own tea and toast I then work on till 
about 1.30 and then I have my afternoon 
nap. O1.30 I have a pretty Soft time of it


Port of..............
"it is money for nowt and I get on that 
well with the engineers they are three 
fine fellows.  if I keep on the way I am going 
on now I will be like a pet Elephant 
by the time I get home for the sea air 
is doing me a lot of good, now after we 
left the Tyne we did catch the weather 
until we got through the Bay of Biscay 
my but she can roll, for she has no 
balancers on her bottom I The first sunday 
after we got out I had a good laugh 
they were having dinner when the ship she took 
a big lurch to one side then over came  
the soup, vegetables, meat, and puddings 
all on on top of the Engineers knees and 
they could not stop them for they were 
hanging on to the table for all they were 
worth they did look soft dignefied sraping 
all the rubbish of their pants and jackets 
and all the plates and dishes were smashed 
Ther Now I cant Tell you evything about 
Genoa yet for I have not been ashore yet 
and I am not going ushore till Saturday


Port of..............
night, Now about these phoso's you can send 
them out as soon as you like they will be 
very welcome.  I am glad you and Peggie are 
getting one all right and hope it will last 
and If ye Peggei gives you any lip give her 
a thick ear to be going on with till I get 
home, and mother dont let your temper get the 
better of you or I will Tell Peggie to 
to give the same to you till I arrive, Now 
tell Annie I am very sorry I did not bid 
her goodbye but that was no fault of 
mine as I did not expect to get away so 
soon, but never mind kid I am going to buy 
you a new nose in Genoa and send you 
some post cards so that will make 
up for it, and thank Will for me for 
taking them phosos Now Tell Sarar I 
hope Sam is working, Tell Bob and 
Geoge that I will not forget that 
parrot and monkey, I am sorry to hear 
that Martha is keeping so poorly but 
I hope she will soon get better, Now Mother 
you forgot to put the cards and dominoes


Port of..............
in my bag, but then that is surprising 
seeing the state you were in.  But now 
owld lass you will not have to worry 
any more for I am as happy as a linty 
and I dont see Why you should not be 
same now I dont think that you will 
be able to grumle about this been a 
short letter but I am about tired now 
and I am thinking of turning in.  Now 
hoping this finds you all as it find me 
and that is in the pink of condition. 
Now this is about all I have to say at present 
so will love to all 
I remain 
Your loving Son 
Jack xxxxxxxxxx 
P S Now Mother keep your heart up.  And 
write out agian for we will be here 
about a week or ten day and send the 
phosos.  Solong for the presant


S.S. Hughington..................... SS "Hughington" 
Port of Genoa.................................... 
November 9th...... 1909 
To Mrs Kirkpatrick 
S Dear Mother 
Just a line to let you know that we are leaving  
Genoa tonight or tomorrow morning bound for Tunis 
and Sousa on the North coast of Africa where we will 
load part of General cargo at each port for London 
and Aberdeen.  Now Mother I do hope you are keeping 
all right and that Sarah and Peggie are being 
kind you Now dont forget that halfpay note 
on Thursday, I am very sorry to hear that Peggie 
is keeping so poorly and I hope that She will soon 
get .Better.  I have been to see the cemetary at Genoa 
it is a sight worth going to see there is hrundreds 
of thousands of pounds worth of statues and 
monuments on the graves all out ofrt of marble 
they say it is the fineist cemetary in the world 
and I beleive it is, it is beautiful, Now on Sunday 
7th I was playing at a football match a team 
picked out of the Ships in the harbour, and 
we played the Genoa College boys an unbeaten 
team And we bet them four to one Now Mother 
if you answer this sharp I will get it at Tunis 
and write it C/o British Consul Now Mother this 
is about all at present so give my fondest love


Port of..............
to all at home & with love to yourselve 
I remain 
Your loving & Afecionate Son 
PS hope you recieved them P C all right 
Now Annie you are along time is sending that 
P C If it does not not come to Tunis I will 
pull your nose for you when I get home, O I forget 
to tell you what I thought of the Photos 
they are champion but Mother I think 
you might have tried to look a bit pleasanter 
you look as if you had lost a tenner and 
found a threepenny dodger you know I want 
better something than yourselve not worse for I know 
you can look better than that photo when 
you like Now dont forget to write. Sharp 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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