Typed transcript of diary of John Kingsley Gammage, 1915 - 1916 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
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764r Pie Sohn Kingeleg Gammage i8o (AA Raufovnats) 9A829 Bekes, b. Gsstanundra Wow enl. 27/./15 agad 28. April 10th 1915 Left Sydney. No one allowed on wharf, moved off quietly. 14th 15th 16th very rough very nearly all hands sick. Shipping tons of water no one allowed on decks. 18th Big crowds visit wharves, no leave Arrived at Freemantle at 9 a.m. Very big fire near wharf all night, over twenty men given. broke leave by sliding down ropes on to rowing boats. 19th Loaded 350 horses/at 4 p.m. 320 men.6 p.m. very large crowd on wharves. 6.30 sailed 20 men missed the Boat. Sea very smooth. 29th Arrived at Columbo at 9 p.m. at once started to load coal 6 a.m. hundreds of niggers swarming around the boat and doing some splendid diving for coins. Finished coaling 1 p.m. and sailed 4 p.m. on 30th. May 3rd passed Aden. 5th passed Hells Gate. 13th Arrived at Suez and took train to Zeetoun camp. 14th No parade so went to Cario and found out what very small Knowledge of the world I had, was very interested in the natives and their dress and filth, the way they would lay down anywhere and sleep. The narrow streets were alive with niggers and donkeys and camels. All business seems to be done by hawking. Could not get an English feed so pegged into some Arabs Rubbish and was only sick for two days. After dinner visited The Wazza and I might say it is a bigger place than Coota. After touring around for a couple of hours became absolutely discusted with the whole female sex and particularly the military Authorities for allowing such a cosmopolitan mixture of girls such a free kick. 15th Went to Heliopolis. The largest Hotel in the world is here. Also some of the most beautiful structures, the whole place is clean and well looked after. French, Belgium and Amoricans are the principal s inhabitants. 16th Address by the General. 17th Went to dead city. 18th 19th 20th and 21st Went to Cairo. 22nd ge Left Zntoun 53 hours in train to Alexandria. Embarked on to Desplenger (A captured German Vessel) 2000 aboard put on guard.
ay 23rd Sailed. Man over board but saved after being 22 minutes in water smart and plucky rescue. Life belt thrown right into his hands. 24th On guard. 25th Arrived at Lmnos at 5 p.m. 26th Destroyers Harpie Savage Grampus and Racoon drew up I embarked on to Savage tried to land on the peninsular at 4 p.m. destroyers can not come within one mile of land so we got orders to man the rowing boatsyon their way I am for Noy 3y boat. A heavy fire started from right and left, one shot from each gun found the range still quite cool and in my boat with all my equipment undone shell continue orders from the bridge to draw out after 30 casualties 3 sailors includ, drawing out upset the boat I was in. Two life belts thrown over at once and my mate and myself were hauled up. Landing under these conditions were impossible so 2 destroyers were sent to stand over the Turks guns. They would not fire now for fear of making their position known. At 4.45 we again went about making a landing from further out and succeeded owing to the small boats making such a small target. All hands landed we done a very foolish thing by falling in and standing on the beach waiting for orders under the two worst guns on the peninsular of course unknown to us. We arrived in the firing line at 6 p.m. and at 8 p.m. I was sapping 8.30 a very heavy rifle fire and bombs and rockets from 60 yards off. One of the best sights of my life was the way the sailors moved about on the destroyer I was on when men were falling all around our boat which had 500 aboard they were as cool as if we were being landed for a birthday party. Our men had a good name under fire and Jack Yar just showed us they could face death without flinching. 27th At 3 a.m. Stood to for 2 hours. Guns open up bombs fly about Rockets and Flares flying, big attack expected. 12 p.m. Heavy Schrap till 2 p.m. 3 p.m. till 5 p.m. Heavy Schrap. 28th At 3 a.m. Stood to for 2 hours, heavy firing of schrap - all day. Alarm by us at 12.30 a.m. 29th 12.30 a.m. shouting and firing trying to draw them out. 3 a.m stood to for 2 hours. Very heavy rally, one slug of schrapnell through my blanket but I was not lying down thank god, officers alarmed we stood to again from 5 till 9 a.m. with fixed bayonets. Very heavy Sch - all day. 10 p.m. Heavy rally by Turks. 30th 3 a.m. Stood to for 2 hours. Heavy Sch - all day. Turks try hard to bring two of our Air-oplanes down. 11.30 p.m. volunteered for a charge on trenchy Known as German officers trench, am very fortunate I am in the 2nd fifty to charge, our first fifty are absolutely beaten only seven return 43 casualties, my 50 are not allowed out on any account, men are worth their weight in gold at present. 31st Stood to for two hours. Quiet all day, we move to behind the trenches 2 slugs of Sch very close one into my overcoat one between my legs. Turks after our Air-oplanes - over 60 shells after one.
ist June Very heavy Sch - on camp all day all hands under cover in dugouts. Airoplane sights a submarine great commotion amongst our Vessels in harbor. 13 of our compy Killed and wounded by one shell. While having some of that cursed present arms men will rebel if drill under fire continues. 2nd Three of our platoon Killed by a dugout falling in. Had a very narrow escape on beach, I went swimming with two men who were both Killed, I got covered with blood. Very heavy Sch all the evening all in our dugouts only 4 casualties, 2 Killed. 3r Crusiers and destroyers bombarding. Turks make a teriffic noise thought something doing. They bombard us all day. The Turks Artillary is much superior to ours. 4th Very heavy Sch over our camp. Warship bombard Achi Baba for 8 and a half hours with 16 Vessels 5th Stood to Attack expected Very Heavy rifle to Artillary firing 2.30 till 5 a.m. were rushed into firing line to Reinf - D. Compy. All day Turks bombard 4 p.m. went swimming and had exceptional close call no more swimming for me my luck is right in my mate had his stomach blown out with whole shell. Heavy firing and Rifle fire and a general fire works display the whole heavens lit up. 6th Only our Artillary and Warships going 4 p.m. went to trenches 8 p.m. started sapping on a tunnel that goes 30 yds in front of our trenches, relieved and sent out in front of our trench through a hole at the end of tunnel I am one of 6 men altogether 2 of our men shot by our own blooming fools, our officers to blame, one of which should be shot for manslaughter he is not fit to be in charge of Cadets in Australia. 7th Very dangerous camp can be sniped from all directions. Stood to. 2 men Killed and 2 wounded. 8th Stood to 3 till 5 and from 7 to 10 a.m. Turks bombard all day they still have a big advantage of us with more men and artillary 2 men sniped while having tea. Price was one of them. Teasedale shot himself, 6 till 8 p.m. Heavy Schrap. 9th Stood to, this is a real posey of a place. Sch all the morning 2 p.m. our Warships and artillary gave Jacko a bombarding Turks reply a great Artillary battle and Jacko won. 5 p.m. 2 men sniped some as yesterday. 10th Stood to 3 to 5 a.m. Heavy firing all day I made sure one of our air¬ oplanes was brought down Turks send over 50 shells after him 9 p.m. a Turkish prisoner used to try to draw them out they reply wanting to know when we will surrender also telling us if we dont they will drive us all in to the sea and take no prisoners thats nice to know. Our Artillary firing hard on left wing and Warships bombarding Achi Baba. got a piece of bread (first piece) if fever or some disease d not break out here it is a mirracle.
Tone 11th Stood to 3 till 5 a.m. had a very close shave nearly smothered a shell knocked 5 yds of paraphet and sand bags over me. 4 p.m. shifted to rear of the firing line 9 p.m. went to reinforce 2nd Batt - and got particularly heavy Schrap - on the road up no time to take cover. Arrived at 10 p.m. only 6 casualties. Very heavy Bombing and rifle fire and Rockets and flares from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. 12th Stood to 3 till 7 a.m. started back to camp and got very heavy Schrap all the way. Turks can observe us all the way and opened up the Olive grove battery on us. 11 to 12 Schrap 4 to 7 p.m. Schrap - great firing after our Air-oplanes. 11 p.m. Very heavy firing and bombs. 13th Our turn comes Artillary and Warships bombard Turks for 24 hours 12 -.m. our Art - and Warships again 4 to 6 p.m. Turks have a turn also after our Airoplane 11 p.m. very heavy rally. 14th Under cover all day. 8 p.m. went to Reinforce 2nd Batt, we get even worse time than on the 11th. Life not worth 2/- if we continue to use this track the Turks can wait on us, we walk right under their eyes and besides under the Olive grove battery. Quiet night. 15th Stood to 3 till 7 a.m. returned under worse fire than we went, for the first my nerves are gone and felt as if each step is the last. only 6 casualties thank God. Our Warships Bombard and our Airoplanes drop bombs. 16th 6 to 10 a.m. Schrap. quiet day 5 till 8 p.m. Schrapnell. Our Monitors bombard all night. Very heavy firing 11 to 1 a.m. 17th Turks give the beach an extra supply of Schrap - 12 till 8 p.m. We get the best bombarding since I arrived this place is not a bit like home. 18th Fairly quiet all morning. Their Airoplane drops Bombs and steel 7 p.m. went to reinforce 2nd Batt for some reason we have a darts. quiet walk up there, was only there about 2 minutes when a Japanese bomb nearly smothered me with dirt, I am dead lucky. 19th Monitors firing all day on Achi Baba and Left wing. One of our Airoplanes looped the loop over the Turks lines it is clever and plucky but very foolish. Steady Schr - all day over our camp 11 p.m. Very heavy rally. 20th Stood to 3 to 5 a.m. 7 till 11 a.m. Schrap - 1 p.m. Airoplane drops bombs on our camp one man wounded. Went to church service owing to shell fire it was cut short. Our Artillary firing Hard all the evening. 21st Very Heavy rally at 1 a.m. Turks will soon drop down to wasting rifle ammunition 8 till 11 a.m. Heavy Schrap. Our Artillary firing on CPuios post all day. 2 till 7 p.m. Very heavy Schrap - I am curled up like a snake under cover the sooner we get back to the firing line the better-
ne 22nd Quiet. Turks after our Airoplanes from 11 to 1 p.m. 4 to 6 p.m. still after our Airoplane the sky is a great sight 6 to 8 p.m. giving the firing line a liberal dose of Schrap. 23rd Steady Schrap - all day,Our Monitors firing steady. 8 p.m. go to Reinforce 2nd Batt. Japanese bombs land very close to where we are sleeping. Joined the Machine gun section 11 p.m. Very heavy rally. 24th Very close to my chest. One One slug of Schr landed in my dugout. 13 men hit in one shot.5 killed. of our transport vessels hit on bows. Had a row with S.M. 25th 6 till 7 Schrap - 3 till 5 Schrap - Our Battleship Lord Nelson Bombards with broad siders she sent up an observing baloon 6 till 8 p.m. Schrap over camp. Turks firing heavy after our Warships also after our Airoplanes,which drops papers over Turks trenches accompanyied by a few bombs. Very heavy rally at 10 p.m. Another row with S.M. 26th 3 till 5 a.m. Stood to. 7 to 9 a.m. Heavy Schrap - and at intervals all day. Turks after one of our guns. all landing very close they have the range to a nicety. Hang the guns they draw fire too close to my dugout. Battleship bombard all the evening until 9 p.m. 27th Warships starts at 4 a.m. Turks reply Very Heavy Artillary fight for two hours once again Jacko wins Warships continued all day. Turks find range lovely for our camp the fire directed by a German Airoplane by a gun I only Knew since morning 2 till 5 and 7 till 9 a.m. coming in very fast from 2 new guns very nasty feeling I must leave this dugout the new guns have it inflated Sims and his mate shot in the next dugout. aflladed) 28th Stood to 3 till 5 a.m. 8 till 11 a.m. Destroyers firing hard 11 to 2 p.m. Turks new guns again good business we have Turks on the run very busy day one continued rifle rally and Ships firing and Turks Artillary falling like rain. cant get my tea too much Schrap - to more about 9 p.m. Heavy rifle rally and bombs and rockets. 29th 1 a.m. Very heavy rally by Jacko. our Monitors firing hard. Our Light horse lost heavilly they squibbed it in a charge but god Knows the odds were against them 5 till 7 a.m. Schrap and at intervals all day Turks Airoplanes drops bombs. Schrap very heavy from 5 to 8 p.m. 8.30 p.m. left for Imbros left quietly when one mile out I saw a sight of my life Artillary Infantry Warships firing hard to cover a charge on the right, being a dark night it looked beautiful 12 p.m. landed Imbros. 30th Quiet.
July ist Went to field Bakery and met several old friends. 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Vistied field Bakery and stayed all day. 6th Started back to firing line. 7th Arrived back and went to firing line better trenches than the last place and not quite so close to the Turks lines 100 yds apart.this is one of the Keys of the Peninsular so very heavy fighting is expected. The way we were shelled today is teriffic. 5 to 8 p.m. shelled properly with high explosives. 8th Stood to 3 till 6 a.m. We are shelled something terrible also Bombed. 9th Stood to 3 till 5 shelling today is worse than ever I am quite satisfied this is our grave 9 p.m. Very Heavy rifle fire and hand grenades and the football which must be fired from a mortar. The football is a big shell which travels slowly but is a terribly deadly one. 1l p.m. another rally. S.M. againg I'll get him. 10th Stood to 3 till 5 a.m. Very Heavy Rally Hand Grenades and Rifle fire Turks are afraid we are going to charge and keep up a continual Rifle fire. The whole blooming lot went mad a regular mix up of fire works. We tried every way to bring them out. 11th Stood to 3 till 6. Very heavy rifle rally by Jacko, we give the appearance of being reinforced from 1D to 12 a.m.-between the Schrap and high explosives and French 75s and bombs it has been quite a lively day the game getting quite interesting 11 p.m. Very Heavy rally. 12th 1 a.m. Stood to till 5 a.m. Heavy rally Bombs in Galore I am shell proof but a bullet or bomb must find me soon. Rochfeller could stake his millions on no living object being able to live under this fire for any time. Turks after our Airoplane. 12th Stood To 2 till 5 a.m. All day heavy shelling 6 to 8 a.m. they are tearing our trenches about 10 p.m. rifle rally and bombs and Ete, 12 p.m. ditto. 13th Stood to 3 till 5 a.m. rifle rally 6 till 9 a.m. Shelling like fun all day. Turks after one of our batteries of 3 guns they have the range cooks and pots and stews blown to the next world 10 p.m. Heavy rally. Bombs in Galore. 12 p.m. ditto.
14th Stood to 3 till 5 a.m. Turks give us an extra dose of shells with This some 11 inch from the Woeben on the Asia side of the narrows. was a terrible day amongst the casualties Hinder got one I took his place on post. Very heavy firing all night of bombs and Etc. 15th Stood to 1 till 5 a.m. Shelled all day and an extra dose during evening. Chennak guns and Goebens guns and Etc. all pegging in the football gets 5 men in one shot. 16th Stood to 1 till 5 a.m. Our officers are expecting a big attack. Very Heavy shelling all day this is the daddy of all days they blow our trenches to blazes. I had narrow escape 3 slugs through my overcoat. My Jugout blown in but lucky again I was on post. If I don't die of starvation and weakness and no sleep and overwork my luck will carry me through, our people must be afraid, we fire like fun all night. 17th Same as yesterday but I was nearly smothered by falling earth, blown in by a 11 inch shell. 18th Stood to all night. A little quieter during the day. Our Airoplanes drops bombs on Jackos trenches Turks fire 60 shell after him. Very heavy rally all night. Since coming to this position we are nearly all dead beat. 40 out of 48 hours we are digging or on post and that has to be done on very poor tucker consist ng of biscuits it would take an axe to break a piece of baconas possible, 1 tin of marmalade between 8 men and one onion that is our rations. a good sleep would be a real luxury or a good drink. 19th Stood to 3 a.m. till 6 a.m. the following day. 20th ditto no sleep or water. 21st Stood to 3 till 5 a.m. Dropped my bundle I don't care if I get one or not just as well die of bullets as starvation and thirst and want of sleep and 30 hours stretches of work (Pick and Shovel) but the poor officers are all right so it doesn't matter. Shelled to further orders. 22nd Stood to 1 to 5 a.m. Shelled all day have done 30 hours straight off and am ordered to do 12 more hours at midnight I have to go out of the trenches and put up barb wire extanglements with 3 other men our trenches are 90 yds apart here, a darned nasty job but there is something about it I like. S.M. again. 23rd Still on Duty Waiting Attack. Turks get 100,000 reinforcements. So we will have something to amuse ourselves on if they tackle us. Being shelled Very heavy. They have our range to a nicety our Artillary and Warships doing good work. Turks are throwing shell from the narrows and Asia. We are losing a terrible lot of men, also a good number from weakness we are getting in more overtime than ever a great deal is quite unnessary.; Lost my head with S.M. .sball tLthod
8. 24th Stood to 1 till 5 a.m. Shelled all day, at night bombs and Etc. 25th Stood to 1 to 5. Still being shelled and starved and overworked. A bit sick and very weak. After doing 24 hours duty was allowed off for 4 hours rest and then put on digging for 6 hours, then was taken off that and given a post for 24 hours I would like to do another 24 hours digging graves for our lazy mean cowardly officers. I would not care a rap if 75 per cent of our officers had a wooden cross over his head, half of our duty men are taken up digging most secure dugouts for officers or washing shirts for them in half a bucket of water while other men are almost famished for a drink. By god if ever I am asked to dig a dugout for one or wash their shirts I will be shot at daybreak for refusing to obey an order on Active Service. There is one good point about them they can always be found - in their dugouts. 26th Stood to 3 to 5 a.m. Shelled as usual I don't take the least bit of notice of them. Taub drops bombs on us if we dont soon get reinforcements there will be no one left. S.M. wont get hurt. 27th Shelled and bombed 28th 29th 30th 31st ditto At s Stood to Shelled and worked as usual talks of a charge being made. 2nd ditto 3rd dreto Ath drro 5th ditto, too tired to wirte not too well yesterday. Shelling very severe all day and bombed all night Jacko keeps on getting our men but we must be Knocking some of them. 6th Feel well but cannot shake my little neece from my mind we are preparing for an attack and if every man does his bit we will fix them up. Although our casualties must be very great our trenches are 100 yds apart here. I have no fear of getting Knocked the boys are happy enough considering the test of human endurance they have gone through. but all hands are as fine and weak and sickly looking as they could be and still have strength to walk. God knows the last ounce has been taken out of us all. We got a reinforcement this morning who looks well they were Knocked back when they saw how few men were holding the place and how weak and worn looking we were. 4.45 p.m. One bombardment started with countless guns several that had never spoken before until today. Besides the Navy all concentrating fire onto 300 yds or so. Not even a louse could live under such fire this is by far the biggest bombardment ever known on the peninsular in fact the whole World for such a small space. But Jacko is not by any means beaten he replied with countless guns thousands of shells landing into about 200 square yds reminds one of war. We lose over two hundred men in the bombardment I only got one slight tap on the face which bleed freely and one on the knee, everyone under best possible cover awaiting the word to charge, the Bombardment goes on until 5.35 p.m. which is
I am in the 2nd line of attack. Jacko undescribable 6 p.m. Charge. expected a bigger Bombardment so had not his first line of trenches manned or his Artillary trained on us yet, our first line nearly in his trenches before he opened fire with rifle or Machine guns or Artillary but by heavens when he did it was from three lines besides the Artillary and inflating the strip, We had to cross with countless guns our men are falling fast but Jacko cannot hold his first line of trenches so showed very little man to man fighting. I fell over a lump of barb wire when half way across the Machine bullets were falling around me like rain but lucky again I up and over on reaching Jackos first trench I jumped on to a wounded Turk. This trench was littered with dead and wounded mostly caused by Bombardment. The moans of our own poor fellows and also Truks as we tramped on their wounded body's was awful we rushed them out of their 2nd and third line of trenches in half an hour. The wounded bodys of both Turks and our own in The 2nd and 3rd line especially the third were piled up 3 and 4 deep. We at once set to try and secure ourselves against a counter attack which must come as the Turk is a real soldier our line and the Turks was any thing from 12 to 70 yards apart where we were 12 yds the bombs simply poured in but as fast as our men went down another would take his place besides our own wounded the Turks wounded lying in our trench were cut to pieces with their own bombs. We had no time to think of our wounded in the trenches or between them their pleads for mercy were not headed. Unfortunatley our A Medical Corps was very busy attending to thousands some poor fellows lay for 30 hrs waiting for help and many died still waiting when morning arrived we were simply blown off our paraphets from behind. It looked almost impossible to hold the place, but we would have sooner died than retreat. Counter Attacks were made all night. At 3 a.m. I was with about 40 men who were sent over the paraphets between our lines and the Turks and given instructions not to rush their trench but wait until day light. But when day light came we were like mice in a trap, not even able to rise our heads to fire. Jacko shot many of my mates and let Bombs after the rest of us. We were shouted out to from the rotton drunken officer who sent us out not on any account to try and fire but keep low in a small hollow until dark and then try and get backy needless to say he never came with us my mates were being knocked fast by Bombs when we all could see we had one chance only that was to rush our own trench not many returned butlwas lucky and got only my eyes full of sand and my face cut with dirt from the exploding shells and Bombs. 1l a.m. a few of us got back. When we rose our heads the Turks peppered us properly from thirty yds off we all jumped into our own trench at the rate of a mile a minute. We heard that the drunken cad who sent many good men to their death was shot by our own men. I nearly had a foal when I heard it, a pity he never got one hours before. We at once pegged in to secure our line all day we were bombed and at night counter attacks caused very heavy casualties amongst our men. I got the S.M. the man who tried to make my life a misery he is a rotten cur. curled up in safety while his own comrades were dying in hundreds all around him, fighting to save his and a few more of his sorts , miserable cowardly carcase. I threatened to carve him up with my bayonet if he did not come out and do as other men were doing. I had just ten thousand very close shaves today. The officer who we all thought would squib it was the only one to be seen, most of them waited for a communication trench to be dug but we got on better without such curs.
8th We were attacked during the morning and lost many men, during the evening we were well relieved for the first time since Friday evening. Just 50 hours solid fighting. S.M. would like an explanation to smooth me over. I am not having any he never gave me a hearing but presented me with a pick and shovel after doing duty for 30 hours. But its my turn now. 9th 3 a.m. (7 hours off) rushed back to firing line. Turks make a most vigorous attack. I got one most daring Turk from 12 yds off who was throwing bombs. We are the heaviest looser by far but what a target they gave us this morning, not one of them reached our trench alive. We felt like wild beasts but were calm and never fired reckless but deliberate, that brings their casualties up a lot I think equal to our own. Bombs all day our bomb throwers nearly all dead or wounded. Right through this battle our officers were most conspicious. By their absence. The N.C.O.s carried on without them. 11 a.m. nearly blinded but men are scarce so I must not throw the towel in only scratches from gravel and dirt thrown up by bombs this was an awful place. 12 a.m. hit again and put out of action it is not sore but bled freely my rifle was blown to splinters. My mate and I were watching a portion of a trench that we held a part and Jacko held a part of on hearing the bomb fall and the fuse hissing we sprang into Jacko's portion of the trench and got it as our legs were in the air the smoke and dust prevented Jacko from seeing us we soon hopped back to our own side again and crawled along the trench and got assistance to the A.M.C. station then we were taken to the old trenches. Since Friday food was turned off all I had was taken from dead comrades haversacks but its all for a good cause. Jews and big Capitalists. I could see a few weeks holiday sticking out, didn't my comrades envy me being carried out with only a flesh wound. Today I left some of the best men ever god put breath in. 10th probing for an Iron mine in my leg. 11th On board the Osmania 12th ditto 13th Arrived at Lmnos and get very poor treatment have had no breakfast dinner or tea not even a drink of water. 14th Saw the breakfast eaten by a lot of Tommys who should be in the firing line. My comrades were not up to the rules of this place dinner time I complain not for myself alone as I can hop but for two men who have hole bored through their stomach and have had no treatment, not even a drink and I dont know weather tea will kill them or not and there is only a heap of Tommy savages here who dont know either. At tea time a sight which I shall never forget was one of my comrades crawling on his hands and knees in fact draging his legs after him from the far end of the tent to the door where the mess dixies were put, for the first time it dawned on these objects that are the same shape as human beings that perhaps a doctor might save these poor fellows lives also that they

1764 Pte John Kingsley Gammage 1 Bn (4th Reinforcements) PR 82/3
Baker, b. Cootamundra NSW enl. 27/1/15 aged 28.
April 10th 1915
Left Sydney.  No one allowed on wharf, moved off quietly.
14th 15th 16th
very rough very nearly all hands sick.  Shipping tons of water no one 
allowed on decks.

Arrived at Freemantle at 9 a.m.  Big crowds visit wharves, no leave 
given.  Very big fire near wharf all night, over twenty men 
broke leave by sliding down ropes on to rowing boats.

Loaded 350 horses ^& at 4 p.m.  320 men.  6 p.m. very large crowd on
wharves.  6.30 sailed 20 men missed the Boat.  Sea very smooth.
Arrived at Columbo at 9 p.m. at once started to load coal 6 a.m.
hundreds of niggers swarming around the boat and doing some splendid 
diving for coins.  Finished coaling 1 p.m. and sailed 4 p.m. on 30th.

May 3rd
passed Aden.
passed Hells Gate.
Arrived at Suez and took train to Zietoun camp.
No parade so went to Cario and found out what very small Knowledge of 
the world I had, was very interested in the natives and their dress 
and filth, the way they would lay down anywhere and sleep.  The narrow 
streets were alive with niggers and donkeys and camels. All business 
seems to be done by hawking.  Could not get an English feed so pegged 
into some Arabs Rubbish and was only sick for two days.  After dinner 
visited The Wazza and I might say it is a bigger place than Coota.
After touring around for a couple of hours became absolutely
discusted with the whole female sex and particularly the military
Authorities for allowing such a cosmopolitan mixture of girls such
a free kick.
Went to Heliopolis.  The largest Hotel in the world is here.  Also some
of the most beautiful structures, the whole place is clean and well
looked after.  French, Belgium and Americans Armenians are the principal

Address by the General.
Went to dead city.
18th 19th 20th and 21st
Went to Cairo.
Left Zietoun 5½ hours in train to Alexandria.  Embarked on to Desplenger Derflinger 
(A captured German Vessel) 2000 aboard put on guard.


Sailed.  Man over board but saved after being 22 minutes in water
smart and plucky rescue.  Life belt thrown right into his hands.

On guard.

Arrived at Lemnos at 5 p.m.

Destroyers Harpic Savage Grampus and Racoon drew up I embarked on
to Savage tried to land on the peninsular at 4 p.m. destroyers can not
come within one mile of land so we got orders to man the rowing
boats. Two boats on their way I am for Nox  3x boat.  A heavy fire started from
right and left, one shot from each gun found the range still quite
cool and in my boat with all my equipment undone shell continue
orders from the bridge to draw out after 30 casualties 3 sailors
included. drawing out upset the boat I was in.  Two life belts
thrown over at once and my mate and myself were hauled up.  Landing
under these conditions were impossible so 2 destroyers were sent to
stand over the Turks guns.  They would not fire now for fear of
making their position known. At 4.45 we again went about making a
landing from further out and succeeded owing to the small boats making
such a small target.  All hands landed we done a very foolish thing
by falling in and standing on the beach waiting for orders under the
two worst guns on the peninsular of course unknown to us. We arrived
in the firing line at 6 p.m. and at 8 p.m. I was sapping 8.30 a very
heavy rifle fire and bombs and rockets from 60 yards off. One of the
best sights of my life was the way the sailors moved about on the
destroyer I was on when men were falling all around our boat which
had 500 aboard they were as cool as if we were being landed for a
birthday party.  Our men had a good name under fire and Jack Tar just
showed us they could face death without flinching.

At 3 a.m.  Stood to for 2 hours.  Guns open up bombs fly about
Rockets and Flares flying, big attack expected.  12 p.m. Heavy Schrap -
till 2 p.m.  3 p.m. till 5 p.m. Heavy Schrap.

At 3 a.m.  Stood to for 2 hours, heavy firing of schrap - all day.
Alarm by us at 12.30 a.m.

12.30 a.m. shouting and firing trying to draw them out.  3a.m stood
to for 2 hours.  Very heavy rally, one slug of schrapnell through
my blanket but I was not lying down thank god, officers alarmed
we stood to again from 5 till 9 a.m. with fixed bayonets. Very heavy
Sch - all day.  10 p.m.  Heavy rally by Turks.

3 a.m.  Stood to for 2 hours.  Heavy Sch - all day.  Turks try hard
to bring two of our Air-oplanes down.  11.30 p.m. volunteered for a
charge on trenchx Known as German officers trench, am very fortunate
I am in the 2nd fifty to charge, our first fifty are absolutely beaten
only seven return.  43 casualties,  my 50 are not allowed out on any
account, men are worth their weight in gold at present.

Stood to for two hours.  Quiet all day, we move to behind the trenches
2 slugs of Sch very close one into my overcoat one between my legs.
Turks after our Air-oplanes - over 60 shells after one.



1st June
Very heavy Sch - on camp all day all hands under cover in dugouts.
Airoplane sights a submarine great commotion amongst our Vessels
in harbor.  13 of our company Killed and wounded by one shell.
While having some of that cursed present arms men will rebel if
drill under fire continues.
Three of our platoon Killed by a dugout falling in.  Had a very
narrow escape on beach, I went swimming with two men who were both
Killed, I got covered with blood.  Very heavy Sch all the evening
all in our dugouts only 4 casualties, 2 Killed.
Crusiers and destroyers bombarding.  Turks make a teriffic noise
thought something doing.  They bombard us all day.  The Turks
Artillary is much superior to ours.

Very heavy Sch over our camp.  Warship bombard Achi Baba for 8 and
a half hours with 16 Vessels

Stood to Attack expected Very Heavy rifle to Artillary firing 2.30 till
5 a.m. were rushed into firing line to Reinf - D. Compy.  All day
Turks bombard 4 p.m. went swimming and had exceptional close
call no more swimming for me my luck is right in my mate had his
stomach blown out with whole shell.  Heavy firing and Rifle fire and
a general fire works display the whole heavens lit up.

Only our Artillary and Warships going 4 p.m. went to trenches 8 p.m.
started sapping on a tunnel that goes 30 yds in front of our
trenches, relieved and sent out in front of our trench through a hole
at the end of tunnel I am one of 6 men altogether 2 of our men shot
by our own blooming fools, our officers to blame, one of which
should be shot for manslaughter he is not fit to be in charge of
Cadets in Australia.

Stood to.  Very dangerous camp can be sniped from all directions.  2 men
Killed and 2 wounded.

Stood to 3 till 5 and from 7 to 10 a.m.  Turks bombard all day they still
have a big advantage of us with more men and artillary 2 men sniped
while having tea.  Price was one of them.  Teasedale shot himself.
6 till 8 p.m.  Heavy Schrap -

Stood to, this is a real posey of a place.  Sch all the morning 2 p.m.
our Warships and artillary gave Jacko a bombarding Turks reply a
great Artillary battle and Jacko won.  5 p.m.  2 men sniped some as

Stood to 3 to 5 a.m.  Heavy firing all day I made sure one of our air-
oplanes was brought down Turks send over 50 shells after him 9 p.m. a
Turkish prisoner used to try to draw them out they reply wanting to know
when we will surrender also telling us if we dont they will drive us all
in to the sea and take no prisoners thats nice to know.  Our Artillary
firing hard on left wing and Warships bombarding Achi Baba.  got a
piece of bread (first piece) if fever or some disease dose does not break
out here it is a mirracle.



Stood to 3 till 5 a.m. had a very close shave nearly smothered a
shell knocked 5 yds of paraphet and sand bags over me.  4 p.m.
shifted to rear of the firing line 9 p.m. went to reinforce 2nd
Batt - and got particularly heavy Schrap - on the road up no time
to take cover.  Arrived at 10 p.m. only 6 casualties. Very
heavy Bombing and rifle fire and Rockets and flares from 11 p.m.
to 1 a.m.

Stood to 3 till 7 a.m. started back to camp and got very heavy Schrap -
all the way.  Turks can observe us all the way and opened up the Olive
grove battery on us. 11 to 12 Schrap 4 to 7 p.m. Schrap - great
firing after our Air-oplanes. 11 p.m.  Very heavy firing and bombs.

Our turn comes Artillary and Warships bombard Turks for 2½ hours
12 -.m. our Art - and Warships again 4 to 6 p.m. Turks have a turn
also after our Airoplane 11 p.m. very heavy rally.

Under cover all day.  8 p.m. went to Reinforce 2nd Batt. we get even
worse time than on the 11th. Life not worth 2/- if we continue to
use this track the Turks can wait on us, we walk right under their
eyes and besides under the Olive grove battery.  Quiet night.

Stood to 3 till 7 a.m. returned under worse fire than we went, for
the first my nerves are gone and felt as if each step is the last.
only 6 casualties thank God.  Our Warships Bombard and our
Airoplanes drop bombs.

6 to 10 a.m. Schrap. quiet day 5 till 8 p.m. Schrapnell. Our
Monitors bombard all night. Very heavy firing 11 to 1 a.m.

Turks give the beach an extra supply of Schrap - 12 till 8 p.m.
We get the best bombarding since I arrived this place is not a
bit like home.

Fairly quiet all morning. Their Airoplane drops Bombs and steel
darts. 7 p.m. went to reinforce 2nd Batt for some reason we have a
quiet walk up there, was only there about 2 minutes when a Japanese
bomb nearly smothered me with dirt, I am dead lucky.

Monitors firing all day on Achi Baba and Left wing. One of our
Airoplanes looped the loop over the Turks lines it is clever and
plucky but very foolish. Steady Schr - all day over our camp
11 p.m. Very heavy rally.

Stood to 3 to 5 a.m. 7 till 11 a.m. Schrap - 1 p.m. Airoplane drops
bombs on our camp one man wounded.  Went to church service owing to
shell fire it was cut short. Our Artillary firing Hard all the

Very Heavy rally at 1 a.m. Turks will soon drop down to wasting rifle
ammunition 8 till 11 a.m.  Heavy Schrap. Our Artillary firing on
Quinns post all day. 2 till 7 p.m. Very heavy Schrap- I am
curled up like a snake under cover the sooner we get back to the firing
line the better. 


Quiet. Turks after our Airoplanes from 11 to 1 p.m. 4 to 6 p.m.
still after our Airoplane the sky is a great sight 6 to 8 p.m.
giving the firing line a liberal dose of Schrap. 

23rd  Steady Schrap - all day. Our Monitors firing steady.  8 p.m.
go to Reinforce 2nd Batt. Japanese bombs land very close to where
we are sleeping. Joined the Machine gun section 11 p.m. Very heavy

One slug of Schr landed in my dugout.  Very close to my chest. One
of our transport vessels hit on bows.  13 men hit in one shot.  5 killed.
Had a row with S.M. 

6 till 7 Schrap - 3 till 5 Schrap - Our Battleship Lord Nelson Bombards
with broad siders she sent up an observing baloon 6 till 8 p.m.
Schrap over camp. Turks firing heavy after our Warships also after
our Airoplanes .which drops papers over Turks trenches accompanyied
by a few bombs. Very heavy rally at 10 p.m.  Another row with S.M.

3 till 5 a.m. Stood to. 7 to 9 a.m. Heavy Schrap - and at intervals
all day.  Turks after one of our guns. All landing very close they
have the range to a nicety. Hang the guns they draw fire too
close to my dugout. Battleship bombard all the evening until 9 p.m.

Warships starts at 4 a.m. Turks reply Very Heavy Artillary fight
for two hours once again Jacko wins Warships continued all day.
Turks find range lovely for our camp the fire directed by a German
Airoplane by a gun I only Knew since morning 2 till 5 and 7 till
9 a.m. coming in very fast from 2 new guns very nasty feeling I
must leave this dugout the new guns have it inflated (enfiladed) Sims and his
mate shot in the next dug/out.

Stood to 3 till 5 a.m. 8 till 11 a.m. Destroyers firing hard 11 to
2 p.m. Turks new guns again good business we have Turks on the run very
busy day one continued rifle rally and Ships firing and Turks
Artillary falling like rain. cant get my tea too much Schrap - to move
about 9 p.m. Heavy rifle rally and bombs and rockets. 

1 a.m.  Very heavy rally by Jacko. our Monitors firing hard.  Our
Light horse lost heavilly they squibbed it in a charge but god Knows
the odds were against them 5 till 7 a.m.  Schrap and at intervals
all day Turks Airoplanes drops bombs. Schrap very heavy from 5 to
8 p.m. 8.30 p.m. left for Imbros left quietly when one mile out I saw
a sight of my life Artillary Infantry Warships firing hard to cover a
charge on the right, being a dark night it looked beautiful 12 p.m.
landed Imbros.



Went to field Bakery and met several old friends.

2nd  3rd  4th  5th
Visited field Bakery and stayed all day.

Started back to firing line.

Arrived back and went to firing line better trenches than the last
place and not quite so close to the Turks lines 100 yds apart. this
is one of the Keys of the Peninsular so very heavy fighting is
expected. The way we were shelled today is teriffic. 5 to 8 p.m.
shelled properly with high explosives.

Stood to 3 till 6 a.m. We are shelled something terrible also

Stood to 3 till 5 shelling today is worse than ever I am quite
satisfied this is our grave 9 p.m.  Very Heavy rifle fire and
hand grenades and the football which must be fired from a mortar.
The football is a big shell which travels slowly but is a
terribly deadly one. 11 p.m. another rally. S.M. again.  I'll
get him.

Stood to 3 till 5 a.m.  Very Heavy Rally Hand Grenades and Rifle fire
Turks are afraid we are going to charge and keep up a continual
Rifle fire. The whole blooming lot went mad a regular mix up of
fire works. We tried every way to bring them out.

Stood to 3 till 6. Very heavy rifle rally by Jacko. we give the
appearance of being reinforced from 10 to 12 a.m.-between the
Schrap and high explosives and French 75s and bombs it has been
quite a lively day the game getting quite interesting 11 p.m.
Very Heavy rally.

1 a.m. Stood to till 5 a.m. Heavy rally Bombs in Galore I am shell
proof but a bullet or bomb must find me soon. Rockfeller could
stake his millions on no living object being able to live under
this fire for any time. Turks after our Airoplane.

Stood To 2 till 5 a.m. All day heavy shelling 6 to 8 a.m. they are
tearing our trenches about 10 p.m. rifle rally and bombs and
Etc., 12 p.m. ditto.

Stood to 3 till 5 a.m. rifle rally 6 till 9 a.m. Shelling like fun all
day. Turks after one of our batteries of 3 guns they have the range
cooks and pots and stews blown to the next world 10 p.m. Heavy rally.
Bombs in Galore. 12 p.m. ditto. 


Stood to 3 till 5 a.m. Turks give us an extra dose of shells with
some 11 inch from the Goeben on the Asia side of the narrows.  This
was a terrible day amongst the casualties Hinder got one I took
his place on post. Very heavy firing all night of bombs and Etc.

Stood to 1 till 5 a.m. Shelled all day and an extra dose during
evening. Chennak guns and Goebens guns and Etc. all pegging in
the football gets 5 men in one shot.

Stood to 1 till 5 a.m. Our officers are expecting a big attack.
Very Heavy shelling all day this is the daddy of all days they
blow our trenches to blazes. I had narrow escape 3 slugs through
my overcoat.  My Dugout blown in but lucky again I was on post. If
I don't die of starvation and weakness and no sleep and overwork
my luck will carry me through. our people must be afraid, we fire
like fun all night.

Same as yesterday but I was nearly smothered by falling earth. blown
in by a 11 inch shell.

Stood to all night. A little quieter during the day.  Our Airoplanes
drops bombs on Jackos trenches Turks fire 60 shell after him.  Very
heavy rally all night. Since coming to this position we are nearly
all dead beat. 40 out of 48 hours we are digging or on post and
that has to be done on very poor tucker consisting of biscuits
it would take an axe to break a piece of bacon ^as fat as possible, 1 tin
of marmalade between 8 men and one onion that is our rations. A
good sleep would be a real luxury or a good drink.

Stood to 3 a.m. till 6 a.m. the following day.

ditto no sleep or water.

Stood to 3 till 5 a.m.  Dropped my bundle I don't care if I get one
or not just as well die of bullets as starvation and thirst and
want of sleep and 30 hours stretches of work (Pick and Shovel) but
the poor officers are all right so it doesn't matter. Shelled to
further orders.

Stood to 1 to 5 a.m. Shelled all day have done 30 hours straight off
and am ordered to do 12 more hours at midnight I have to go out of
the trenches and put up barb wire entanglements with 3 other men
our trenches are 90 yds apart here. a darned nasty job but there
is something about it I like. S.M. again.

Still on Duty Waiting Attack. Turks get 100,000 reinforcements.
So we will have something to amuse ourselves on if they tackle us.
Being shelled Very heavy. They have our range to a nicety our
Artillary and Warships doing good work. Turks are throwing shell
from the narrows and Asia.  We are losing a terrible lot of men, also
a good number from weakness we are getting in more overtime than ever
a great deal is quite unnecessary. Bombs & and the football to further orders Lost my head with S.M.


Stood to 1 till 5 a.m. Shelled all day. at night bombs and Etc.

Stood to 1 to 5. Still being shelled and starved and overworked.
A bit sick and very weak. After doing 24 hours duty was allowed
off for 4 hours rest and then put on digging for 6 hours, then
was taken off that and given a post for 24 hours I would like to
do another 24 hours digging graves for our lazy mean cowardly officers.
I would not care a rap if 75 per cent of our officers had a wooden
cross over his head, half of our duty men are taken up digging
most secure dugouts for officers or washing shirts for them in half
a bucket of water while other men are almost famished for a drink.
By god if ever I am asked to dig a dugout for one or wash their
shirts I will be shot at daybreak for refusing to obey an order on
Active Service. There is one good point about them they can always
be found - in their dugouts.

Stood to 3 to 5. a.m. Shelled as usual I don't take the least bit of
notice of them. Taub drops bombs on us if we dont soon get reinforcements
there will be no one left.  S.M. wont get hurt.

Shelled and bombed

28th  29th  30th 31st

August 1st 
Stood to Shelled and worked as usual talks of a charge being made.

2nd ditto 3rd ditto 4th ditt

ditto, too tired to wirte not too well yesterday.  Shelling very
severe all day and bombed all night Jacko keeps on getting our men
but we must be Knocking some of them.

Feel well but cannot shake my little niece from my mind we are
preparing for an attack and if every man does his bit we will fix
them up. Although our casualties must be very great our trenches
are 100 yds apart here. I have no fear of getting Knocked the
boys are happy enough considering the test of human endurance
they have gone through. but all hands are as fine and weak and
sickly looking as they could be and still have strength to walk.
God knows the last ounce has been taken out of us all. We got a
reinforcement this morning who looks well they were Knocked back when
they saw how few men were holding the place and how weak and worn
looking we were. 4.45 p.m. One bombardment started with countless
guns several that had never spoken before until today. Besides the
Navy all concentrating fire onto 300 yds or so. Not even a louse
could live under such fire this is by far the biggest bombardment
ever known on the peninsular in fact the whole World for such a small
space. But Jacko is not by any means beaten he replied with
countless guns thousands of shells landing into about 200 square yds
reminds one of war. We lose over two hundred men in the bombardment
I only got one slight tap on the face which bleed freely and one on
the knee. every/one under best possible cover awaiting the word
to charge. the Bombardment goes on until 5.35 p.m. which is



undescribable 6 p.m. Charge. I am in the 2nd line of attack.  Jacko
expected a bigger Bombardment so had not his first line of trenches
manned or his Artillary trained on us yet. our first line nearly in
his trenches before he opened fire with rifle or Machine guns or
Artillary but by heavens when he did it was from three lines besides
the Artillary and inflating the strip. we We had to cross with
countless guns our men are falling fast but Jacko cannot hold his
first line of trenches so showed very little man to man fighting.
I fell over a lump of barb wire when half way across the Machine
bullets were falling around me like rain but lucky again I up and
over on reaching Jacko's first trench I jumped on to a wounded Turk.
This trench was littered with dead and wounded mostly caused by
Bombardment. The moans of our own poor fellows and also Truks as we
tramped on their wounded body's was awful we rushed them out of their
2nd and third line of trenches in half an hour. The wounded bodys
of both Turks and our own in The 2nd and 3rd line especially the third
were piled up 3 and 4 deep. We at once set to try and secure ourselves
against a counter attack which must come as the Turk is a real
soldier our line and the Turks was any thing from 12 to 70 yards
apart where we were 12 yds the bombs simply poured in but as fast
as our men went down another would take his place besides our own
wounded the Turks wounded lying in our trench were cut to pieces
with their own bombs. We had no time to think of our wounded in
the trenches or between them their pleads for mercy were not headed.
Unfortunatley our A Medical Corps was very busy attending to
thousands some poor fellows lay for 30 hrs waiting for help and
many died still waiting when morning arrived we were simply blown
off our paraphets from behind.  It looked almost impossible to hold
the place, but we would have sooner died than retreat. Counter
Attacks were made all night  At 3 a.m. I was with about 40 men
who were sent over the paraphets between our lines and the Turks
and given instructions not to rush their trench but wait until day
light.  But when day light came we were like mice in a trap, not even
able to rise our heads to fire, Jacko shot many of my mates and let
Bombs after the rest of us. We were shouted out to from the
rotton drunken officer who sent us out not on any account to try and
fire but keep low in a small hollow until dark and then try and
get back, needless to say he never came with us my mates were being
knocked fast by Bombs when we all could see we had one chance only
that was to rush our own trench not many returned but l was lucky and
got only my eyes full of sand and my face cut with dirt from the
exploding shells and Bombs. 11 a.m. a few of us got back. When we
rose our heads the Turks peppered us properly from thirty yds off we
all jumped into our own trench at the rate of a mile a minute. We heard
that the drunken cad who sent many good men to their death was shot
by our own men.  I nearly had a foal when I heard it. a pity he never
got one hours before. We at once pegged in to secure our line all day
we were bombed and at night counter attacks caused very heavy
casualties amongst our men. I got the S.M. the man who tried to
make my life a misery he is a rotten cur. curled up in safety while
his own comrades were dying in hundreds all around him, fighting
to save his and a few more of his sorts , miserable cowardly carcase.
I threatened to carve him up with my bayonet if he did not come out and
do as other men were doing. I had just ten thousand very close
shaves today. The officer who we all thought would squib it was the
only one to be seen, most of them waited for a communication trench
to be dug but we got on better without such curs.



We were attacked during the morning and lost many men. during the
evening we were well relieved for the first time since Friday evening.
Just 50 hours solid fighting. S.M. would like an explanation to
smooth me over. I am not having any he never gave me a hearing but
presented me with a pick and shovel after doing duty for 30 hours.
But its my turn now.

3 a.m. (7 hours off) rushed back to firing line. Turks make a
most vigorous attack. I got one most daring Turk from 12 yds off
who was throwing bombs. We are the heaviest looser by far but what
a target they gave us this morning. not one of them reached our
trench alive. We felt like wild beasts but were calm and never fired
reckless but deliberate. that brings their casualties up a lot
I think equal to our own. Bombs all day our bomb throwers
nearly all dead or wounded. Right through this battle our officers
were most conspicuous. By their absence. The N.C.O.s carried on
without them. 11 a.m. nearly blinded but men are scarce so I must
not throw the towel in only scratches from gravel and dirt thrown
up by bombs this was an awful place. 12 a.m. hit again and put
out of action it is not sore but bled freely my rifle was blown
to splinters. My mate and I were watching a portion of a
trench that we held a part and Jacko held a part of on hearing
the bomb fall and the fuse hissing we sprang into Jacko's portion
of the trench and got it as our legs were in the air the smoke
and dust prevented Jacko from seeing us we soon hopped back to our
own side again and crawled along the trench and got assistance to
the A.M.C. station then we were taken to the old trenches.
Since Friday food was turned off all I had was taken from dead
comrades haversacks but its all for a good cause. Jews and big
Capitalists. I could see a few weeks holiday sticking out.
didn't my comrades envy me being carried out with only a flesh
wound. Today I left some of the best men ever god put breath

probing for an Iron mine in my leg.

On board the Osmania


Arrived at Lemnos and get very poor treatment have had no
breakfast dinner or tea not even a drink of water.

Saw the breakfast eaten by a lot of Tommys who should be in the
firing line. My comrades were not up to the rules of this place
dinner time I complain not for myself alone as I can hop but for
two men who have hole bored through their stomach and have had no
treatment. not even a drink and I dont know weather tea will
kill them or not and there is only a heap of Tommy savages here
who dont know either. At tea time a sight which I shall never
forget was one of my comrades crawling on his hands and knees in
fact draging his legs after him from the far end of the tent to the
door where the mess dixies were put. for the first time it dawned
on these objects that are the same shape as human beings that
perhaps a doctor might save these poor fellows lives also that they 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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