Letter from John Hector Croft, 5 May 1915

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
  • Letters
Accession number:
(0 Mena 5/5/15 Dear Senackh Just a line to let you know that I am geting on allright I am at Mena House Hospital with a bullt through the left for arm, the reoult of last Sunday fighting the 25 when we forced a landing against beg oods. It was a great fight whele we were getting out of the bats and a good many got shat l. a 4 0 baynot charge soon smyn the I got pretty linely Loward bay 1 mam they were knocking us ner puty ofter and I stopped a butht in my pocket book after it had ben through my arm a givd thing for i that it huned againt it boad side on the hone causing it to some as the Doctor say) in wich fashon it entered my porket wot going lmost onerly through it, shad it done so there would have bee an t Swces fini hal as it more Turks for me. Itho was the blow oner the hast knocking me out I will send you the poht book to kelp for m as soon as I go to bairs, it is no use to me now but as it sared my life I would like to keep it as a cures not that I shall onr wen se minding of my lasd battle it was los o Finjoyed it untill I gat shat then I had to have the firing line and mke the bt of my way back the Turk pappard as with shraprel all the way back to the back and whl in were being taken to the posptal Th Well Iam no mptingit is wot I was tooken ot i weare vy wall losked aly the Marses and Docter and wll ombe at them again my arm is wary i shealed up but I have lost the use of y home pract t th are at ting wll a though things must to very lack it Bill fel now but a long ey better than this place with it dirty magers and flies. Well no more this m remaber me to as Yours .

(1)  Mena 

Dear Friend 
Just a line to let you know that 
I am geting on allright. I am at Mena House 
Hospital with a bullet through the left fore 
arm. the result of last Sunday's fighting (the 25th. 
when we forced a landing against big odds. 
It was a great fight while we were getting out of 
the boats and a good many got shot, but a 
baynot charge soon [[stuffed?]] the Turks and things 
got pretty lively. Toward miday 12 noon they were 
knocking us over pretty often and I stopped a bullet 
in my pocket-book after it had been through my 
arm, a good thing for me that it turned against 
the bone causing it to come out broad-side on 
(as the Doctor says) in which fashon it entered 
my pocket-book going almost entirly through 
it, had it done so there would have been no 
more Turks for me. I thought I was finished as it 
was the blow over the heart knocking me out.


I will send you the pocket-book to keep for me 
as soon as I go to Cairo, it is no use to me 
now, but as it saved my life I would like to 
keep it as a curio not that I shall ever want 
reminding of my first battle it was too awful 
I enjoyed it untill I got shot, then I had to leave 
the firing line and make the best of my way back 
the Turks peppered us with shrapnel all the way 
back to the beach and even while we were being 
taken to the Hospital ship. Well I am not 
complaining it is what I was looking for and 
I got it. We are very well looked after by 
the Nurses and Doctors and we will soon be 
at them again my arm is nearly haro healed 
up but I have lost the use of my hand for a while 
IH I hope you are doing well although things 
must be very slack in Bulli just now. but a 
long way better than this place with its dirty 
niggers and flies. Well no more this time 
remember me to all 

Yours Sincerly 
John Croft 

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