Pocket book of John Hector Croft, 1914-1915

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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8 300K. The paper 1h these books is specially made with a good hard writing surface and is equally suitiblefor writing upon either with pencil or Ink DISCGHNTTABIE 23. 3vm 123 /p /173/22 SUII p1/52 10/30 168.21½ 1 2 WrEO. X N. P.2 CHERTERNOUSS SHRISS MADE IN ENELANE
11/1914 at Givbpool Carrip my to No matter how you ca w. No matter how you all Theres nothing left to answer But our name upon the wall (A doast Heverto you as good as you are Hares to me as fad as Im Bu good as you are and red as Iam Was good as you are Bad as am Antidisestablishment wen This book is one then My boot the other you touch one you feel the other & Croft
When you and I my love shall part. Shall sorrow meet this weeping heart. I to distant lands shall roam, Lay down to die for far from home. All this I do for the love F you. wight bedgof I canno spelp. With shese lext lines of you will sfow in mind. you were in a question find Mad Mick S.F.F 0 Mr B. Ouosbcon HShrne BB. Bag 46 Cov lle Dan Rr 331 6 Loor R.C. Mr. Bert Obouins r 400ook Road. Tankville At w
Mr Harry Cat Cleneland Road Briston Srivate address Bryghton Your Mills Kimptoown Brighton an terms name not arc. Miat 17 Mis t of our Frend J.m Ceroft f BullbN water Wank Cat Jon 39, 1915 Memo goined the Giverpoit Camp on the 30/11/14 Regmental Number Brivate Croft 2343 Reinforcements 2 Battalion 1st Brigrade it J.F. Bisbl Trustrac Sulwell Chambers King and Castlereaghsts Sydney N.S. W.
105 f Cov we unite in wishing our friend his Friititary E1e1Su Ce 15 under taking & shar pray for his 1rdm a suretsfi superu Cam paig mily Cat Charlest Catt. ranceswatt CliveCar Bertha Cast. Hed Call Alice batt Clarg Cast Want 6
184 6 23 M A 60 to 4 Mr i 10
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105 Mr. Frank Catt Hopetoun Bulli N.J.W. Hustratio
Aful 9th Iomorrow in an going tind at some place on the Turkist coast and expect to him troubk in case I get ontec for good Charler Bitmead will forward this note to Frink Catt of Hopetoun Stiat Bullier G.W. who will know what to do and will abo inform H. W. Cottil of Ball Mry he ond bart and fytetes hah be forwarded to a whe has charge of my ain p H. Comban s Battahin Infartor Brigenee H.S.
Three ways of sending a message eleptione) Felrephone Sebazram Tellawoman Mac aet 4 t T4 2 n blow hish our skeit the Lord he grains of so blind she beed eges by a firt who Knows
The race is to the swik and the battle to the strong own, to Ghenna i up fo the Throne we tearch the pastes who tranh alone e
terank Challow-dear Larr & Banks Mr Beit, Oousune 0 Cook Road art lbe
by Hoak or by Crook I will be d 35.0 This last to AAS. Cleak Mad Mick IIE yor e 10 716111/66



 J Croft

Note Book.

The paper for these books is
specially made with a good
hard writing surface and is
equally suitable for writing
upon either with pencil or ink



SUM 2 1/2 % 5% 7 1/2 % 12 1/2 % SUM 2 1/2 % 5% 7 1/2 % 12 1/2 %
1’-   1/2 [[?]] 1 1/4 10'- 3D 6D 9D 1'3
2'6 3/4 1 1/2 2 1/4 [[??]] 16'8 5D 10D 1'3 2'1
3'4 1D 2D 3D 5D 17'6 51/4 10 1/2 1'3 3/4 2'2 1/4
5'- 1 1/2 3D 4 1/2 7 1/2 EVER [[??]] 6D 1'- 1'6 2'6
6'8 2D 4D 6D 10D EVERY ₤10 5'- 10'- 15'- 25'-
7'6 2 1/4 4 1/2 6 3/4 11 1/4          

                                                                  N P. 2. 

                            CHATERHOUSE SERIES.
                              MADE  IN  ENGLAND


John H  Croft Jnr.

C/o Mrs Russell 
Marion Villa
Main Road
South Coast
N. S. W

At Liverpool

No matter how you call  miss us
No matter how you call
Theres nothing left to answer
But our name upon the 

A Toast
Heres to you as good as you

Heres to me as bad as I am
But good as you are
And bad as I am
I am as good as you are 
Bad as I am


This book is one thing
My boot the other 
If you touch one
you feel the other

J Croft


When you and I my love
shall part.
Shall sorrow meet this
weeping heart.
I to distant land's shall
Lay down to die far far
from home.

All this I do for the love
of you.
Night bids me so I cannot
With these few lines Iif
you will stow in mind.
You will in me a question

Mad Mick


Mr B. [[Osborne?]]
[[D B Osborne]]
46 Cook Road

[[Mr Osborne?]]
46 Cook Rd 

Mr. Bert Osbourne
40 Cook Road.


Mr Harry Catt.
Cleveland Road
[*Private address*] 

Flour Mills
new firms name not
Late. John Catt

This introduces our
Friend John Croft of
Bulli N S wales

Frank Catt
Jan 30th 1915


Joined the Liverpool
Camp on the 31/11/14
Regmental Number
Private Croft 21343
2nd. Reinforcements
3rd Battalion
1st Brigrade
A. I. F.

Public Trustee
Culwalla Chambers
King and Castlereagh Sts


[*Bulli 31/1/15*]
Hearty good Wishes
To John Croft on His Departure
F Catt 

We unite in wishing our Friend
Every success in his military
undertaking & shall pray for him
safe return from a successful
campaign Emily Catt.
Frances Catt Charles Catt.
Olive Catt Bertha Catt.
Alice Catt Fred Catt
Clara Catt Frank Catt 


Mr Frank Catt


April 7th Tomorrow we are going
to land at some place on the
Turkish coast and expect to have
trouble in case I get outed for good
Charles Bitmeau will forward this
note to Frank Catt of Hopetoun
Street Bulli N S. W. who will
know what to do, and will also
inform H. F. Cotterill of Bulli.
My personal Cask and property shall
be forwarded to Mr F Catt who has
charge of my affairs.

Private John H Croft

C Company
3rd Battalion
1st Infantry Brigade
A. I. F. 


Three ways of sending
a message


Mad Mick

[[?]] to the north hot
north win is [[?]] blow
our [[skull?]] high.
The Lord he [[?]] as fine
grains of sand to
blind the bad men's

by a girl who


The race is to the swift
and the battle to the strong

Down to Ghenna or up to
the Throne he travels the fastes
who travels alone 


Farr St.

Mr Bert Osbourne
40 Cook Road


by Hook or by
Crook I. will
be. last in
this Book.

Last but not least
[[?]] C Catt

Mad Mick


at Liverpool

John H. Croft
C/0 Mrs Russell
[?] Villa
N. S. W.




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Chris LambChris Lamb
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