Handwritten transcript of diaries of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 1 January 1915 - 6 October 1918, Part 9 of 26

First World War, 1914–18
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79 25/10/15 No perades today, tit insjection, ver cold wind blawin, all Kits made upewe are read for embacking 26/10/15 Orders for embrarking tomorrow, protable we will go to Angac to relieve the 3rd Beyade, who heve not yet had a rest, Although it is not definatel known our morements are to be kept very quiet, there is much speculation amongst the men, as to where we will be goin to next, all preparations are made, and we have packed up read for tomorrow. 27/10/15-Revelle 5.15 am, full marching order, we march to the Engineers pier, through the Rospitals and Convalegient Cams, encylody turnin out to see us prs We embark on the try Thire and transt to the Osrranich, we stay all night in the heelowe, wind and water too rough to proceed to sea. Two days rations isgued. Vey cold. Our rest on Lemnos has been per 42 days, from the 16/9/15 28/10/15 In herlour all day, very wind erough cutside so we remain in harbour all night parade in the morning and Im the ofternoon, frtunali short ones 29/10/15 In hoelour untill 1 pm then sailed for Gaba Tepe, the sea is now fairly swooth, we acrived at Angac under cover of dockness, and wait for the naval bouts to take us off, landed obout 12 midnight at the cew Zealand peor and march along the beach to the Byst flane of our line of trenches, we sleep the rest of the night in blarkes fully in the rear of the trenches near Shell Green 30/10/15 Ordered to the resuve trenches water patyne ORI
80 only today, carday, stand too 5 am epm 31/10/15 Taken from the reserve trenches and bunacked on side of a hill where we dig dryouts for oursdves allday, thes is to be our permanent josition for some time, as we are not intended for the prent line being too weak in numbers, so we remain a permanent fatyne party 1/11/15 Dyginy our drigouts eshelters, tobaccoissue today 2/11/15 Fatignes all day. Was detailed as guide for. our 7e8: reinforcements who are landing tonight fuided them to our old rest camp in prent of Bryhton Beach for the night, where the melle themes confortable for the time liceny. Loye mail today 3/1/15 Pigging lage drain all afternoon, no fatigues in the morning Beachy Bill opened fire this afternoon causing shoe artitley duell 4/1/15 Fet miscrable day, rained all day, digging drain for the camp. The Lytt Hoise made an attack tonight 5/11/15 Fime suny day. Battle cruisers bemberded muks this moening the Light Norse attaching and capturing agost. We are shelled in extatiation this evening 6/11/15 Plent of sheepnel plew alout this moening, ptiyes all day. Esq for duty on nation fatynes to beach lost then at night, a patiue we all hope to get, ve we get a chance of getting away with some extras fr overchies unseen managed to get Etins of jum & 3 leave of bread ORI
87 1/1/15 Sunday Parrel from mother accived today everythey spiled by sea water, must have been terpedoed only got rtine of muk out of it. At night the 5th Lyst Norse made an attack on a bembin trench which has been cousing them some trouble on the extreme R plane A eB logs of the 4th On are gent to support them. The position to be taken is very near the sea being next to "Tasmania lost which is the last one on ove rift and situated in prent of the simple. We lie in supprt for several hours under machine gun fire which is just sweeping oer our heads all the time many bombs are thrown on both sides, in fct the whole strent is complete carried out by bonbery partizen both sides, they bomes caused us gome casualtis. The truch being eventually ceptured. Geveral of us lying in reseeve had a narrow escape from a lagge sige bent one fallin between lpl McAleman amyself just out of our reach fortunaley without exglading. We had to watch the wks vey closel in cose we were outtorked by them creepin behind us arery the beach, which is constantly been swept by the searchlyst of a distroser stationed just off the beach for that purose. The list at intervaly illuminates their josition like daylist while the cuns bembord the josition assisted y the Nowrler Buttey, their trenches are ver considerably knocked about, As the attack was comjleted successful we return to our camp at deybreak. Ont 4 casualties in Acoy 8/1/15 Returned to com two hours ofter daybreok, evry day, no ptynes tonigtt 9/4/15 tuts threw plens of sheapind dent this merning sroclly out one of our 18 pr gung with HE shellig
82 fatynce allday 10/11/15. Prained during the night, we get wet through turny vey cold theouh the night, we get a little. sleep at daylrick, vey wit emiserable all day. Coy forduty fatyues all day 11/11/15 Gass alorm at 10 am, every man hed to prade with equipment e fitten order with gos helmet, the new tyre now pulls over the head with square mied exe price. The alarm was onl a practice one much guentley in consequence. Day vey dull, rained ot night 17/11/15 Prained several times durry the niht, all the blankets are wit through eave ar perihy cold, as we on here ver list summer clothes, with no legs to our treusers, no smylity, I shirts without sleoveg. am exenst pom all parades a fatyues tody, waired fir comp picket to see that camp is nyt clean 13/11/15 Cold a wet all day, artitle are hovy adnill today, may shells fined otherwie aquist day 14/1/15 Sunday Quiet day lage mail arrived today 15/1/15 Vez cold today, bigortitlly duell this ofterroon plety of sheopnel in return flein aout our camp,+ nobody hust, it all pssed aeehead lecky fr one guns 16/1/15. Quiet day today. The artitlley again epencnt in each other, in oftersoon rifle fire bote out in the prent line trenches, otherwise veg quiet
83 17/11/15 Ver cold and windy day, detailed for Generol Ad rs Guard at Mbros Island, we get read but it is too rough to bave today, fortioned untill romorrow, rained heavil during the night, suanpin out several drouts. Sleft in the wet, very cold all nitt, the weather is now showing sinns of breaking up ofter a vey hot summer, as we are still wearing our sunner clothing, we feel the cold change reg much, many men are now fulling sick, it promises to be a vey sevear winter 18/11/15 Gy HB Guard at Imbeos peraded today for emborlation, marched off to Robertsors Per ot 1230am embarkation ajoin fortjoned, too rough for a crossing, returned to Cos, heary bemlordment today, we are being censtanly sholled behind our lines with HE. Frein line vey quiet 19/11/15 Varaded for by49 guard, moored off for Rebertions tir ot 1,30 an, weather worm, the storm houing died down ouring the night, we were peetty liberall shilled while making ove way to the beack, odd shells fally oll ar the place e beach is so consted with stares it it that they cannot hitting something. We all reach the Oir ropel, and are token off to a trawler at 245 pm, several shells follow us untill we eventually get out of range, the all missed us Landed at Imbsos ofter dark, we are given hot tea and bread ejam, we seep in tents for tonight ofter being issued with blanketz. This seems to be a soft job, and good tucker for a charge 20/11/15 Noctors insjection at gai, evertody pssed, notting to do today, with us are a few men from other Bne also many treaees from the Lifht Horse. Visited the may canteens belongin to the several Beyads of the A) F and the English beny treags who areeperating ot Surla Bay
84 Also found time to vigit the Turkish prisoners comp the seem to be vey contentid and are being used as robourers, buildin coms, reads, etc. We are allowed to stroll at leasure in their camp which is ver loge e is just like a miniture town. We are warned for inling picket tonight. Paid ₤2 21/11/15 Sunday Iulying picket all day, exempt pomall. other duties, ver cold day. Paid £3 22/11/15 Vey streng wind, teribly cold today, everybody shivciing, we cannot move for the cold, and are all sitting around the coke braziers that have been placed in each tent. We can hear a heary tembordment all day at the Poedanelles. QM pityue today 23/1/15 Wind drapped today. quite weem, worned for inlying picket, quiet day 24/11/15. No wind today, sun shinnng quite woem no fatynes, inying pleket all day 25/1/15 No wind quite werm dueing the day, no ptyue cor day 26/1/15 Warm duery the day, with hearz gales e rain during the night, which weked up to a heary storm with ver said lightening 27/1/15 Vey cold with snew fulling, our pust expecience of snew, wind vey keen 28/1/15 Sunday Mary snow fell during the night, the cold bein much more intense with a bligard blewing
85 He were visited in our comp ly General Birdwood evezine was in bed covered up with their blankets he had a long talk with us e expressed regret for the cold conditions. Inlyin picket tonight 29/11/15 Vez keen wind blowing all day, the roads are evered with ree e fozen sold 30/11/15 Quitt warm all day, sun shining; we are under ordirs to return to the jui line tomorrow, weather permitting 1/12/15 We did not bave this morning, received word that the piers at Angac have been wished away, and that noone can land, we must wait untill a landing is jossible, we will have to wait a few days. The harlowrat Imbros is full of wreckage 2/12/15 Lovel sumy dar, quite warm, the damage dene the lost 3days by the blizzard is vez extercire. Foday parties of gailars are teyin to salvaye the weecks in the harbour of ships blown dshoce etc corishy of 1 Liner, 1Distrogor, 1Picket boat, 1 Water barge, and several other roats of various siges, the sea shore is covered with wreckge. A forman henbe flew over GHO this morning but was driven off your ante-ancaft guns. We had a vey can day, nothing to do, we expect to moore at any time and are Mourt expecting orders. Falked today to a ver hih point on the Island and had a maynificant birds ere view of the Vininsula, from Cope Hellis to Guvla Bar, which could be sen ver clearl through the classes. The whole of the Peninsala was covered with snow, the roade slowin up veg black, onig to the toffe along them
86 The whole of Imbros Bay was also seen pull of mreckage, with many wreels byin about the beach 3/2/15 Vey dullday, drizzled rain allday, worned forguard tonight, mounted at 5.30 pm 4/12/15 Guard all day, ver guiet, We turned out a presented arms once durin the day to gen Birdwood when he left for Angae. We are under order to bove ser Anjac tomerrow morning 5/12/15 Sunday Revelle 4 am packed up to catch the eaf tranter et 7.15 am for Angae. The trawler first colled at Gurla Boy esayed for two houes, here we get a fine view of the county the English Teritoriall landed in last August and the hills begond when the are new fytten. We left abeut midday far Anzae. White of Anjoe we saw a hospitol Mariy station hearll bemborded with HE shells several direct hits were mode on the tents, the cosualties must hore been veg heary, saw tents a the occants blown into the oir in all directions about 1do shells were deliberately directed on to the hospital smashen the whole place up. We saw everytting very flainly from the tranler, as it happened direct in prent of us. We noticed that man heary gung e limbers are being removed on huge ploatiry refts, we wender where to. We heard rumoues of evacuation that were vy streg while we were at Embros but did not believe them at the time atthough the came fom somries connected with G.H.C new it dawns on us as been correct. Londed ot rpm and return to the Im who are stitl in blarkee fully Enlishmail in today
87 6/12/15 Petailed for sappin. Dygiy Bn winter quarters all of which are underground. We are toda issued with the lotect tye of Enlish sensire caps that con be prilled down over the ears a fastered under the chu ooe woemth the back portion also folds down cary part of the neck. the oee made of soft karkhi eker warm, we are also issued with a new pair of thouses for the winter. Our casnalties dusen the bliggard have been very heary, man men Mi from exposure e cold, sickness is now recey peevalent awiz to the expsed conditions as we are all wearin fur med summer clothing 1/12/15 Fatynes ailday. Col Mcaknyhton returned to the Otoday, Wear bembordment to the novy this ofternoon on the blive score gun positions, riry to find Beachy Bill. hemerer without sncless as Beach gave us a few on the beach often benbardnet was over. All atterge to find this gun up to the present hove pailed. 8/14/15 Bnsoppin allday, with a few fatynes in the evening, for this we get all night in bed warm day, no shelling 9/12/15 O sapping all day. 10/17/15 Sappy all the moening. We saw a big noval bembardnent on Coba Tere and the blive seere l6 bettleships, the Carlaunest being ver heary a effective weare under orders to relieve the 2nd On in the firing line. Order cancelled late at nyst 11/12/15 Fatynes all day. Under orders for the peing lime
88 we move up in the evenin to the reserve trenches 12/17/15 Sunday Gereral 7sm shells pred at us in the rescrve trenches this morning, otherwise a quie da here, vey heary timlardment all day at lose Helles we hear the big guns vey glain, somethy must be doing further south 13/12715 Fatigue all day 1st Pev Ad Lusmoored All letters heve been stoped each way, as it is feared that information may leok out regording our movements a pepretions. May gun e great quantities of stores hove been removed e shyped avey. The prepocation for an evacuation of the Angoe psition are now ver obrious, the rumons to this end are vey strong, but we are told nethery officialy, atthough it is preet discussed amay the men, who can see ever day guns leovng the pritione whole batteres bery embarked, we all expeess repet that the end should come like thes 14/12/15 Fatigue all da Hery bembeedmet of Cope Hilles 15/12/15. Fiz casy da, inl one satyne. The stillin still continune ot Cope Willes. Great presocations are new being made to evacuate Angac. Orders are ised that weaeto olsene a conglite silence for 48 hours, not a shot is to be fied, olthough we are to keep a fll e carefull watch. We lose to mislead the Turks into believe that we are not there, as atrout for the real they when we hove for good in a few days

25/10/15  No parades today, kit inspection, very cold wind 
blowing, all kits made up & we are ready for embarking 
26/10/15   Orders for embarking tomorrow, probably we will 
go to Anzac to relieve the 3rd Brigade, who have not 
yet had a rest.  Although it is not definately known 
our movements are to be kept very quiet, there is much 
speculation amongst the men, as to where we will be 
going to next, all preparations are made, and we have 
packed up ready for tomorrow. 
27/10/15  Revelle 5.15am, full marching order, we march 
to the Engineers pier, through the Hospitals and 
Convalescent Camps, everybody turning out to see us pass 
We embark on the tug "Wave" and tranship to the 
"Osmanieh", we stay all night in the harbour, wind 
and water too rough to proceed to sea.  Two days 
rations issued.  Very cold.  Our rest on Lemnos has 
been for 42 days, from the 16/9/15 
28/10/15  In harbour all day, very windy & rough outside 
so we remain in harbour all night & parade in the morning 
and 1 in the afternoon, fortunately short ones 
29/10/15  In harbour untill 1 pm then sailed for Gaba 
Tepe, the sea is now fairly smooth, we arrived at Anzac 
under cover of darkness, and wait for the naval boats 
to take us off, landed about 12 midnight at the New 
Zealand pier and march along the beach to the Right 
flanc of our line of trenches, we sleep the rest of the  
night in "Clarkes Gully" in the rear of the trenches 
near "Shell Green" 
30/10/15  Ordered to the reserve trenches, water fatigue


only today, easy day, "Stand too 5-6 am & pm 
31/10/15 Taken from the reserve trenches and bivouacked 
on side of a hill where we dig "dugouts" for ourselves 
all day, this is to be our permanent position for 
some time, as we are not intended for the front 
line being too weak in numbers, so we remain a 
permanent fatigue party 
1/11/15  Digging our "dugouts" & shelters, tobacco issue today 
2/11/15  Fatigues all day.  Was detailed as guide for 
our 7 & 8th reinforcements who are landing tonight 
Guided them to our old rest camp in front of 
Brighton Beach for the night, where they make themselves 
comfortable for the time being.  Large mail today 
3/11/15  Digging large drain all afternoon, no fatigues 
in the morning.  "Beachy Bill" opened fire this afternoon 
causing short artillery duell 
4/11/15  Wet miserable day, rained all day, digging 
drain for the camp.  The Light Horse made an 
attack tonight 
5/11/15  Fine sunny day.  Battle cruisers bombarded 
Turks this morning the Light Horse attacking and capturing 
a post.  We are shelled in retaliation this evening 
6/11/15  Plenty of shrapnel flew about this morning, fatigues 
all day.  Coy for duty on ration fatigues to beach last 
thing at night, a fatigue we all hope to get, as we get 
a chance of getting away with some "extras" for ourselves 
unseen managed to get 2 tins of jam & 3 loaves of bread


7/11/15  Sunday  Parcel from mother arrived today 
everything spoiled by sea water, must have been torpedoed 
only got 2 tins of milk out of it.  At night the 5th Light 
Horse made an attack on a bombing trench which has 
been causing them some trouble on the extreme R flanc 
A & B Coys of the 4th Bn are sent to support them. 
The position to be taken is very near the sea being 
next to "Tasmania Post" which is the last one on our 
right and situated in front of the "Pimple".   We lie in 
support for several hours under machine gun fire 
which is just sweeping over our heads all the time 
many bombs are thrown on both sides, in fact the whole 
stunt is completely carried out by bombing parties on both 
sides, their bombs caused us some casualties.  The trench 
being eventually captured.  Several of us lying in 
reserve had a narrow escape from a large size bomb 
one falling between Cpl McClennan & myself just out 
of our reach fortunately without exploding.  We had 
to watch the Turks very closely in case we were outflanked 
by them creeping behind us along the beach, which is  
constantly being swept by the searchlight of a destroyer 
stationed just off the beach for that purpose.  The light 
at intervals illuminates their position like daylight 
while the guns bombard the position assisted by the NZ 
Howitzer Battery, their trenches are very considerably 
knocked about, As the attack was completely successful 
we return to our camp at daybreak.  Only 4 casualties 
in A Coy 
8/11/15  Returned to camp two hours after daybreak, easy  
day, no fatigues tonight 
9/11/15  Turks threw plenty of shrapnel about this morning 
knocking out one of our 18 pr guns with HE shelling


fatigues all day 
10/11/15 Rained during the night, we get wet through 
turning very cold through the night, we get a little 
sleep at daybreak, very wet & miserable all day.  Coy 
for duty, fatigues all day 
11/11/15   Gass alarm at 10am, every man had to 
parade with equipment & fighting order with gas 
helmet, the new type now pulls over the head 
with square mica eye piece.  The alarm was only a 
practise one much grumbling in consequence.  Day very 
dull, rained at night 
12/11/15  Rained several times during the night, all the 
blankets are wet through & we are perishing cold, as 
we only have very light summer clothes, with no legs to 
our trousers, no singlets, & shirts without sleeves.  Am 
exempt from all parades & fatigues today, warned for 
camp picket to see that camp is kept clean. 
13/11/15  Cold & wet all day, artillery are having a duell 
today, many shells fired otherwise a quiet day 
14/11/15  Sunday  Quiet day large mail arrived today 
15/11/15  Very cold today, big artillery duell this afternoon 
plenty of shrapnel in return flying about our camp, & 
nobody hurt, it all passed overhead looking for our guns 
16/11/15  Quiet day today.  The artillery again open out 
on each other, in afternoon rifle fire broke out in 
the front line trenches, otherwise very quiet


17/11/15  Very cold and windy day, detailed for General Hd 
Qrs Guard at Imbros Island, we get ready but it is too 
rough to leave today, postponed untill tomorrow, rained 
heavily during the night, swamping out several dugouts.  Slept 
in the wet, very cold all night, the weather is now 
showing signs of breaking up after a very hot summer, as 
we are still wearing our summer clothing, we feel the 
cold change very much, many men are now falling sick, 
it promises to be a very sevear winter 
18/11/15  GHQ Guard at Imbros paraded today for 
embarkation, marched off to Robertsons Pier at 12.30am 
embarkation again postponed, too rough for a crossing, returned 
to Coy, heavy bombardment today, we are being constantly shelled
behind our lines with HE.  Firing line very quiet 
19/11/15  Paraded for GHQ Guard, mooved off for Robertsons 
Pier at 12.30am, weather warm, the storm having died down 
during the night, we were pretty liberally shelled while making 
our way to the beach, odd shells falling all over the place 
The beach is so congested with stores etc etc that they cannot 
miss hitting something.  We all reach the Pier safely, and 
are taken off to a trawler at 2.45pm, several shells follow 
us untill we eventually get out of range, they all missed us 
Landed at Imbros after dark, we are given hot tea and 
bread & jam, we sleep in tents for tonight after being 
issued with blankets.  This seems to be a soft job, and 
good tucker for a change. 
20/11/15  Doctors inspection at 9am, everybody passed, nothing 
to do today, with us are a few men from other Bns 
also many troopers from the Light Horse.  Visited the many 
canteens belonging to the several Brigades of the AIF and 
the English Army troops who are operating at Suvla Bay


Also found time to visit the Turkish prisoners camp 
they seem to be very contented and are being used as 
labourers, building camps, roads, etc.  We are allowed to 
stroll at leasure in their camp which is very large 
& is just like a miniture town.  We are warned 
for inlying picket tonight.  Paid £2 
21/11/15  Sunday  Inlying picket all day, exempt from all 
other duties, very cold day.  Paid £3 
22/11/15  Very strong wind, terribly cold today, everybody 
shivering, we cannot move for the cold, and are all 
sitting around the coke braziers that have been placed 
in each tent.  We can hear a heavy bombardment 
all day at the Dardanelles.  QM fatigue today 
23/11/15 Wind dropped today.  quite warm, warned for 
inlying picket, quiet day 
24/11/15  No wind today, sun shining quite warm, 
no fatigues, inlying picket all day 
25/11/15  No wind quite warm during the day, no fatigue, easy 
26/11/15  Warm during the day, with heavy gales & rain 
during the night, which worked up to a heavy storm 
with very vivid lightening 
27/11/15  Very cold with snow falling, our first experience 
of snow, wind very keen 
28/11/15  Sunday  Heavy snow fell during the night, the 
cold being much more intense with a blizzard blowing


We were visited in our camp by General Birdwood 
everyone was in bed covered up with their blankets 
he had a long talk with us & expressed regret for 
the cold conditions.  Inlying picket tonight 
29/11/15  Very keen wind blowing all day, the roads are 
covered with ice & frozen solid 
30/11/15  Quite warm all day, sun shining, we are under 
orders to return to the firing line tomorrow, weather 
1/12/15  We did not leave this morning, received word 
that the piers at Anzac have been washed away, and  
that noone can land, we must wait untill a landing 
is possible, we will have to wait a few days.  The 
harbour at Imbros is full of wreckage 
2/12/15  Lovely sunny day, quite warm, the damage done 
the last 3 days by the blizzard is very extensive.  Today 
parties of sailors are trying to salvage the wrecks in the 
harbour of ships blown ashore etc consisting of 1 Liner, 
1 Destroyer, 1 Picket boat, 1 Water barge, and several 
other boats of various sizes, the sea shore is covered 
with wreckage.  A German Taube flew over GHQ  
this morning but was driven off by our anti-aircraft 
guns.  We had a very easy day, nothing to do, we 
expect to moove at any time and are hourly expecting 
orders.  Walked today to a very high point on the 
Island and had a magnificent birds eye view of the 
Peninsula, from Cape Hellis to Suvla Bay, which could 
be seen very clearly through the glasses.  The whole of the  
Peninsula was covered with snow, the roads showing 
up very black, owing to the traffic along them


The whole of Imbros Bay was also seen full of 
wreckage, with many wrecks lying about the beach 
3/12/15  Very dull day, drizzled rain all day, warned 
for guard tonight, mounted at 5.30 pm 
4/12/15  Guard all day, very quiet,  We turned out & 
presented arms once during the day to Gen Birdwood 
when he left for Anzac.  We are under orders to leave 
for Anzac tomorrow morning 
5/12/15  Sunday  Revelle 4 am packed up to catch the 
early trawler at 7.15 am for Anzac.  The trawler 
first called at Suvla Bay & stayed for two hours, here 
we got a fine view of the country the English Teritorialls 
landed in last August and the hills beyond where 
they are now fighting.  We left about midday for 
Anzac.  While off Anzac we saw a hospital 
clearing station heavily bombarded with HE shells 
several direct hits were made on the tents, the 
casualties must have been very heavy, saw tents & 
the occupants blown into the air in all directions 
about 1 doz shells were deliberately directed on to the 
hospital smashing the whole place up.  We saw 
everything very plainly from the trawler, as it 
happened directly in front of us.  We noticed that 
many heavy guns & limbers are being removed on huge 
floating rafts, we wonder where to.  We heard rumours 
of evacuation that were very strong while we were 
at Imbros but did not believe them at the time 
although they came from sources connected with GHQ 
now it dawns on us as being correct.  Landed at 2 pm 
and return to the Bn who are still in Clarkes Gully. 
English mail in today


6/12/15  Detailed for sapping.  Digging Bn winter 
quarters all of which are underground.  We are today 
issued with the latest type of English service caps that 
can be pulled down over the ears & fastened under 
the chin for warmth the back portion also folds 
down covering part of the neck.  they are made of soft 
karkhi & very warm, we are also issued with a 
new pair of trousers for the winter.  Our casualties 
during the blizzard have been very heavy, many men 
dying from exposure & cold, sickness is now very 
prevalent owing to the exposed conditions as we are all 
wearing our mid summer clothing 
7/12/15  Fatigues all day.  Col McNaughton returned to 
the Bn today.  Heavy bombardment by the navy this 
afternoon on the "Olive Grove" gun positions, trying to 
find "Beachy Bill".  however without success as 
Beachy gave us a few on the beach after bombardment 
was over.  All attempts to find this gun up to the 
present have failed. 
8/12/15  Bn sapping all day, with a few fatigues 
in the evening, for this we get all night in bed 
warm day, no shelling 
9/12/15  Bn sapping all day. 
10/12/15 Sapping all the morning.  We saw a big naval 
bombardment on Gaba Tepe and the Olive Grove by 6 
battleships, the bombardment being very heavy & effective 
We are under orders to relieve the 2nd Bn in the firing 
line.  Order cancelled late at night 
11/12/15  Fatigues all day.  Under orders for the firing line


we move up in the evening to the reserve trenches 
12/12/15  Sunday  Several 75mm shells fired at us 
in the reserve trenches this morning, otherwise a quiet 
day here, very heavy bombardment all day at Cape Helles 
we hear the big guns very plainly, something must be doing 
further south 
13/12/15  Fatigues all day  1st Div Hd Qrs mooved 
All letters have been stopped each way, as it is 
feared that information may leak out regarding 
our movements & preparations.  Many guns & great 
quantities of stores have been removed & shipped 
away.  The preparations for an evacuation of the Anzac 
position are now very obvious, the rumours to 
this end are very strong, but we are told 
nothing officially, although it is freely discussed 
among the men, who can see every day guns leaving 
the position & whole batteries being embarked, we 
all express regret that the end should come like 
14/12/15  Fatigues all day.  Heavy bombardment of Cape Helles 
15/12/15  Very easy day, only one fatigue.  The shelling 
is still continuous at Cape Helles.  Great preparations 
are now being made to evacuate Anzac.  Orders 
are issued that we are to observe a complete silence for 
48 hours, not a shot is to be fired, although we are 
to keep a full & carefull watch.  We hope to mislead 
the Turks into believing that we are not there, as 
a try out for the real thing when we leave for good 
in a few days

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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