Handwritten transcript of diaries of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 1 January 1915 - 6 October 1918, Part 6 of 26

First World War, 1914–18
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49 everthin fatigued for them ly the men supposed to be restmn behira the lives, me all much peeper to remain in the line e take the frent line risks. Before returning we rsit the beach for a lost swim. the da thes been veg guidt, we keep up the ordinag trench rantine of obscring etc 1/6/15 lass day nothing doing, me stacted today to sapout from our pent line towards the twks the sap is entred underground, & is making good frogress daily, not a shat fired toda. Asolute nothyg to pre at, ever little snising oloy the entire pent both sides notely one another a hregarry sucprises Waterfatyne aain, ti of toac e rox of watches ierved, there issues are now becomz a regular thery each Monday. A small amount of stores horre arrived for the Bn, manyed to buy a jacket of 8 bexes of matches for -/6 from Dade Mellengie 2/6/15. He are again relieved fr a sest, this time we hove a loyor e better one. Nos 3e4 statoons are given the job to dy a new communication trench for suports, we dy all day, but get a good eat it night, being exert from all other fatiues e duties we all manyed to set a good nights cert 3/6/15 fatigues all day e dyging communication trenck sand too at gam hewever there was nothing False Claim. Stond down 10 prm daiy Fatyre pr the 2M store e dyingnw 4/6115 lateines all day. Vey heary artitly verbodnest on Ache Baba a raye kill on our R on the Eylish Fennys port, we can heve the vey heary
50 gunsall day. Frish meat stew on ise for tea tonht, also tot of sum. Enlish mail in tody 5/4/15 Fatynes all dar diging. vey quiet da, many shills jors over us on ther was to the beach which gets attention at intervall during the day, oe it is always crewded with men it is new just like a small cit. The triels tost a trench to the 1st Bn earl this moening 6/6/15 Sunday Landed 6 weeks. Returned to port line toda it gam, this time we toke up a different sector of the live on the your old position, which is vey badly peotected from rifle & shrepnel fire, the jest Iamallotted to is exceptirally danerous, when stand upright am head clae the parapet, snyed et several times, the loyive hove relieved evident did not believe in nakig or their own seft, they threng extranat on us as we now have to build overhend cover for our own peotection veridy one ordinag trench duties. We hove been shelled a little toda Over novol areoplancs deoped severel bemly o their trendes with great effect, blowing up a good portion of it, otherwise we have aquist day 1/4/15 Vey quiet day, did not preashot, the smell from the dead that are again acrumilating i very bad, and snors of huge flies noery you all day the heat new is reg considerable. wells made another heery allack on Quinns Bst tonytt, but we had a comlite success again. Water is reduced to 176 pirts perman for all purpses includy tea, cookiy ite any to its seoreet it is very towed from Eyst in fhat punts e junged into tant on the beach.
52 8/6/15 A little sniging today, totacco issued viy quiet day on the whole, our artitly shelled the "Whast Beaed this oftenoon 9/6/15 Wad some good sniping today otherwise nething doing, The Turks continue to sup towards us, we snype at them all day but to no effect untill the turned a machine gun on us it 6 pr in regl no one hit. Our artitle shock them un a bit this efterreon, we get a quiet nytt, no alaims 10/6/15 Relieved ot 9.30 a placed in the support lines Messorlerl ewoter ptyues all day a trench digging all nyse. A fift stocted at Lhinns Post of 230am but we remain quiet on our sector 11/6/15 Very wind allday, the perepet of the trench is stowf being blown away on us cevery all food etc a mally they gritt e rhiscrable. trench dyginge repair all nyte 12/6/15 The whole 4th Bn is naw moved to the R of Wiefully, perrions to this AcB logs were on the Re Ce Dlys on the left of the fully. A coy new mooves further to the Re me other los more over, motty an unticken prert for the Bn. Ovrold lime ont of fully are token over by the 2nd Beyncle. Fatyne at Co Adges all day edyging at night, herry must from Zdne accived received a letters sappry all night 13/4/15 Sunday Landed 7 weeks, vey quiet day, the battletips shelled a Tuekish position for dont if howe poury in several heary breadsides, we watched this
52 tomberdment durry Meckfort, us in our new coy port we cansee the whoe of the tweluch lefteawas county to Ache Boiba on ove port, and the whole fleet ot our near simgl by tuening reund quite an unique prition to observe effect of shots, advantage token of thes ly noval observers. We are digging trenches gain all day, half loof of hread issued to day, One of ove noval areglanes flew over our josition under a heory sheepnd fire from the Tuillish lutteries, without being hit. It then deopped three bembs in their trenches with a terrific rove, this was our entertainment duriy the eveny meal. Fotynes e sopping all night 14/6/15 Return to the pent line today, quite a relief from the lost four days fatigues, diging etc, feel ver much knoiked out often over repured rest, rather quiet day only a bit of smpinon our sector, we get a little shelling at sundown, trench ncelled obut a jood dial 15/6/15 Reportul sick today, bad attack of blolie a Ajeenty, ouer sector heavif rembarded with heary shells from Chanae fats irmve of tetacco, relued of all duties duery day 16/6/15 Boise today, relieved of all duties by relieved from the trenches and toke up a position it better of fully on a rother badly exposed position to shell fire shills are dreppin at interrall trying to find our guns. One rest camp bery situated in pent of Beiftton Beach and neer the Indian Mule Butter), we jet plent of opportunities pr lathin here. 4th reinforcements tonded and joined ue during evening 17/6/15 Uinfit, restery all day, paing in stomuch slytly ORI
53 better, many men are down with dsenty, which is new very peevilent anost us tlean shirt iened 18/4/15 Unfit aain today, norse if anthroy, very feverigh a feeling very week. 1/3 of a rayy of bread issued tody. All thunds hom dysenty more orless some wese than others, may men are exacuated to hospital 19/6/15 Doctor again marked ns unfit, fortunote to get a ten of milk and a handful of rice today from Major Storey, quite a treat, put good I hove eaten for pror days. We were shilled in cur camp during day nebody thit 20/6/15 Sunday Landed 8 weeks muked unfit, loy day, nothing doing, 1/3 loop of bread issued, a good deal of djeenty and other sickness is breakin out, but our rest is daing us some good, they is the first activl rest ae hove had Unfit, lage mail today. Doctor isned tin 21/6/15 o mill fa dsenty still unfit, totacco issned toda. visited the 22/6/15 Indran Mule Batty comp to get sime of they eneyy edaner bread. feelig better. 23/4/15] As we are returning to the line today did not repert sick, but joind the flation a repected for duty. Detailed for night work 8 pm till & am next sovening, with no fatines the next day. Three men are new being placed on obserration jost, two Reeping vatoh the other sithy down beside them, but must not go to
54 steep, we relieve one another each howe-Thoues observing a 1howr rest. We find two heurs are rother two lay a strain for the eyes. 1/2 loof of bread issued today 24/8/15 Restry all day, nothy doin. The truks are much closer than when we were in the trenches last time, and the are stitl sapping towards us. We get a quiet nyght with veg little smpin, no cosnatties Ae I am off trench duties durry the day, I get a very good days stee in the support line from I am 25/6/15 Resting all day, obscrvation in the prent line changed again hows new fpm to ppm the next day the tueks are now theowry trench bmls similar to oves but less pwerfull, hit obout 10 men duein day otherwise ver quiet. We draw the trieks rifle fire by rolle firn e so dissver the josition if two of ther machine gung 26/6/15 In front line all day, it is now ver not weather and steady getty wormer, the plies are a great missance, it is injossible to keep fod free from them, the are the cause of all the dsenter and hundreds of oue men are down with it, but must caly on just the same as we cannot get the necessar reliefs. Several bembs are theown at uy terta, withest doiy much damage, we are to remain another 24 heurs in the line before our retief is due English mail in today 27/4/15 Sunday. Lorded quuts. In port line all day wstill of fi wnen we are relieved b Nes 102 ptotoons We are bein chelled today by sime new high exlosive ORI
55 shells, proball ceptured from the French, otherwise quiet day, 1/3 heap issued today 28/6/15 Had a good nilts rest, fatinues all day in the supot trenches. Attack on cve R by the 3hd Bryade & Lyft Misc. onees to stand too from 1230 untill 4 po read f attack on our prent. M glotion eNo 4 are in the rescove trenches behind the prent line however we are not wanted, although we were shelled a good deel. The attack on Kytt successpu 29/6/15 tatyres all day, we return to the pert line ot Ipm. There is no moon now ustill earl mornng. the nights are rydark. Wbout 9.30 a dit storm arose with a vey heary wind, under cover of the thick chest we expect the tuiks to attack, os the dist is lay in ovr fices, and the light is slowly farding ere dender ter constoall and firen several rolliys at their trenches through the dust which is ver thick this has the effect of keeping them there, after a while they think we are preparng an attack on them, so the reply in like manner, which of couse mays owr heads down, a so each side bluffs the other. The trielss havene mess a jeot opportunity, as the dust egeit to blowing direct into our jaces, nothy happing on either side. Hhe expected them to libezate gus on us similor to that rised on the Grestan Frent Respirotar hove been irsued, smnyl a gay soaked in a cemieel e placed in againe which me the over the month e stuff up our nose, tyin gouse ot beck of head, said to be ver effectue but seem to be vy prrmitive in idea. The direction of the wind chaned at 109c, no gos was hubereted although we have received the information tht ORIA
56 the are equiped with it, both sides hove succeeded in keeping the other in their trenches, and the expected attack dies out when the wind deaps at 10.30. eeythy remained quiet for the rest of days nitt. Isone of tolaces todays 30/6/15 Quiit day, inf a littleniping, vey dick tonyht absotules no moon, sidoe to lost night, tey rain stam with reg bulliant lyttnng it 9.30 pm, we all steed to orms for hour while storm losts, expetiy an attack. We offly the same measures as jestertay keeping up a steally fire on their trenches a the do the sume to us with the reslt that neither side attengt to bave their trencheg, the lything is very billiant, we can see the whole if thee trenches e no mansland as if it were daylist another downpove at I am, we all get wit through and the trench very muddy estiity, the nytt posses ver guiety 1/7/15 Nothiy doy todg. Had a nerrow excire from bieen blindea, an explosive bullet hot ry persscese while obserring. Nowing the tep of the periseage to pieces, bseding the gros into smell payments all over i ees cutty my nose badly betwen the geg, many paymits of gless enter the eye, fortunele without cutty the pupil Beetin ne down a conlelet biy me for 24lus facr olso badl cut ebled peely. Renered to n dussing station where Dr Telbutt proced one under observation will tnew definately tomorrew condition of ee 2/1/15 Unde obseration at O deeming station, yes sxamened jieces of gloss renoved. fortunely no gernonent damage hes been done, bordayes remi from yes ortirm to loy for duty. No ditrestest if day
51 3/7/15 Attended Dr, marked lytt duties, sytt quite normal dgain 4/7/15 Sunday Londed 10 weeks. De morked me fit for duty. Orderley man 5/7/15 Buck to full trench duty today, relieved one of He las on night duty. Stonach again theuling me, sha attack of Cholic again 6/7/15 Regated sick, liftt duties, 2 ozs of tolacro toda Sweed 10 shells fell on over trenches to da e in the Gull tearey up a lot of ground, rolod hurt, two eqcrette lytters arcived from England which are with their weytt in gold, os we cannot get motther at any pice. At 11.30 prr the Trekes speing a small mine under one of ove saps blowing it up 7/2/15 Regated siok, no medicine wartable, lytt duties fuard on L3 sap which is down up again tonytt 8/7/15 the not repat sick, useless as there is no medicine, so was jut back ito pert time, feelrng ver week. Helf Eap or bead ised tod. Meoy tobardme of the trenches oppsite to us this oftanon ot 59c. We wre relieved from the port time tonyst 9/7115 Pertin, in the suppts allday. layday, lyttdutees The wels blen up a sap on us this evening, daiy ver little damages, the crater is vey near ovr pent line, two a three men being hit of falley clods of eorth, atherwise no harm done ano cosnatties Orderly mon, water is now getting Vey scarce 10/2/15
58 in the Gully, had to wait for 32 hours for water for the tea. Mitiation mait in today. Adetren to the prent line thes evening 11/7/15 Sunday Landed 11 weeks, faringline oll day nothig doing quiet day 12/7/15 Attack made on our left to gain The ferwan officirs trench which was subjected to a lote of shillim, to which the ryereng replied mrecking several of us out. Waldea the tonbeednest of Rehi Bela by He fleet during ofteroon from an objerration jort. The tep of she hill veg heeril benbarded whoh could be plaig seen being grouf blown away by the continuous rain of shells on it 13/7/15 tiriry line all day, quiet, we expect an attack at night, several flares being used which is quite unuiual The religius pet of Romadan starts today, we exject them to go mad e attack us in their relyiousprungg, but they Neex feetty quiet, we are ready for them and oll the supperts a reserves or brought up close behind the lines for instant use if necessay. Idaerotches issed today 14/2/15 Reliever from the prent line, went to the rest camp where we have a quiet da. Col Benatt teenfind to 1st Pme Col Maenatten returr to 4 15/7/15 Rest conp. Orderly. help log of bread inned teday. He ore all innocutated against Cholera oner the hectt, ifterad all hands rge Brytten Brench fora swim, e do they noshing. said £1

everything fatigued for them by the men supposed to be  
resting behind the lines, we all much prefer to remain  
in the line & take the front line risks. Before  
returning we visit the beach for a last swim. The  
day has been vy quiet, we keep up the ordinay trench  
routine of observing etc 
1/6/15 Easy day nothing doing, we started today to  
sap out from our front line towards the Turks this  
sap is entirely underground, & is making good  
progress daily, not a shot fired today, absoluty nothg  
to fire at, & vey little sniping alog the entire front  
both sides watchng one another & preparing surprises
Water fatigue again, tin of tobacco & box of matches  
issued, these issues are now becoming a regular  
thing each Monday. A small amount of stores have  
arrived for the Bn, managed to buy a packet of 8  
boxes of matches for -/6 from Padre McKenzie 
2/6/15 We are again relieved for a rest, this time we  
have a longer & better one. Nos 3&4 platoons are  
given the job to dig a new communication trench  
for supports, we dig all day, but get a good rest at  
night, being exempt from all other fatigues & duties 
we all managed to get a good nights rest 
3/6/15 Fatigues all day & digging communication trench
"Stand too" at 9pm however there was nothing  
doing, False Alarm. "Stand down" 10pm 
4/6/15 Fatigues for the Q M Stores & digging new  
latrines all day. Very heavy artilly bombardment  
on Achi Baba a large hill on our R on the  
English Tommys front, we can hear the vy heavy


guns all day. Fresh meat stew on issue for tea  
tonight, also lot of rum. English mail in tody 
5/6/15 Fatigues all day digging. very quiet day, many  
shells pass over us on their way to the beach which  
gets attention at intervalls during the day, as it is  
always crowded with men it is now just like  
a small city. The Turks lost a trench to the 1st Bn  
early this morning 
6/6/15 Sunday Landed 6 weeks. Returned to front line  
today at 9 am, this time we take up a different sector  
of the line on the L of our old position, which is very  
badly protected from rifle & shrapnel fire, the post  
I am allotted to is exceptionally dangerous, when I  
stand upright am head above the parapet, sniped  
at several times, the Coy we have relieved evidently did  
not believe in making for their own safety, this throws  
extra work on us as we now have to build overhead  
cover for our own protection besides our ordinary  
trench duties. We have been shelled a little today
Our naval areoplanes dropped several bombs on  
their trenches with great effect, blowing up a  
good portion of it, otherwise we have a quiet day 
7/6/15 Very quiet day, did not fire a shot, the smell  
from the dead that are again accumulating is very  
bad, and swarms of huge flies worry you all day  
the heat now is vy considerable. Turks made  
another heavy attack on Quinns Post tonight, but we  
had a complete success again. Water is reduced to 1 1/6  
pints per man for all purposes including tea, cooking etc 
owng to its scarcity it is being towed from Egypt in flat  
punts & pumped into tanks on the beach.


8/6/15 A little sniping today, tobacco issued vy 
quiet day on the whole, our artilly shelled the 
"Chest Board" this afternoon 
9/6/15 Had some good sniping today otherwise  
nothing doing, The Turks continue to sap towards  
us, we snipe at them all day but to no effect  
untill thy turned a machine gun on us at 6 pm  
in reply no one hit. Our artillry shook them up  
a bit this afternoon, we get a quiet night, no alarms 
10/6/15 Relieved at 9.30 & placed in the support lines
Mess orderly & water fatigues all day & trench digging  
all night. A fight started at Quinns Post at 2.30 am  
but we remain quiet on our sector 
11/6/15 Very windy all day, the parapet of the trench  
is slowly being blown away on us covering all food etc  
& making things gritty & miserable. trench digging &  
repairing all night 
12/6/15 The whole 4th Bn is now moved to the R  
of Wire Gully, previous to this A & B Coys were on the  
R & C & D Coys on the left of the Gully. A Coy now  
mooves further to the R & the other Coys move over,  
making an unbroken front for the Bn. Our old line  
on L of gully are taken over by the 2nd Brigade.
Fatigue at Co Hdqrs all day & digging at night, heavy 
mail from Sydny arrived received 2 letters. Sapping  
all night 
13/6/15 Sunday Landed 7 weeks, very quiet day, the  
battleships shelled a Turkish position for about 1/2 hour  
pourng in several heavy broadsides, we watched this


bombardment during breakfast, as on our new Coy post we  
can see the whole of the Turkish left & across country  
to Achi Barba on our front, and the whole fleet at  
our rear simply by turning round. quite an unique  
position to observe effect of shots, advantage taken  
of this by naval observers. We are digging trenches again  
all day, half loaf of bread issued today, One of our naval  
areoplanes flew over our position under a heavy shrapnel  
fire from the Turkish batteries without being hit. It  
then dropped three bombs on their trenches with a  
terrific roar, this was our entertainment during  
the evening meal. Fatigues & sapping all night 
14/6/15 Return to the front line today, quite a relief from  
the last four days fatigues, digging etc, feel very much  
knocked out after our reputed "rest", rather quiet day  
only a bit of sniping on our sector, we get a little shelling  
at sundown, trench knocked about a good deal 
15/6/15 Reported sick today, bad attack of Cholic &  
Dysenty, our sector heavily bombarded with heavy shells   
from Chanac forts. issue of tobacco, relieved of all  
duties durg day 
16/6/15 Worse today, relieved of all duties. Coy relieved  
from the trenches and take up a position at bottom of  
Gully on a rather badly exposed position to shell fire
shells are dropping at intervals trying to find our guns. Our  
next camp being situated in front of Brighton Beach and  
near the Indian Mule Batterys, we get plenty of   
opportunities for bathing here. 4th reinforcements landed  
and joined us during evening 
17/6/15 Unfit, resting all day, pains in stomach slightly


better, many men are down with dysenty which is  
now very prevelent amongst us  Clean shirt issued 
18/6/15 Unfit again today, worse if anything, very  
feverish & feeling vey weak. 1/3 of a loaf of bread  
issued tody. All "hands" have dysenty more or less  
some worse than others, many men are evacuated  
to hospital 
19/6/15 Doctor again marked as unfit, fortunate to  
get a tin of milk and a handful of rice today from  
Major Storey, quite a treat, first food I have eaten  
for four days. We were shelled in our camp during day  
nobody hit 
20/6/15 Sunday Landed 8 weeks. marked unfit, easy  
day, nothing doing, 1/3 loaf of bread issued, a good deal  
of dysentry and other sickness is breaking out, but our  
rest is doing us some good, this is the first actual  
rest we have had 
21/6/15 Unfit, large mail today. Doctor issued tin  
of milk for dysentry 
22/6/15 Still unfit, tobacco issued today. visited the  
Indian Mule Batty camp to get some of their curry  
& damper bread. feeling better. 
23/6/15 As we are returning to the line today did  
not report sick, but joined the platoon & reported for  
duty. Detailed for night work 8 pm till 8 am next  
morning, with no fatigues the next day. Three men are  
now being placed on observation post, two keeping watch  
the other sitting down beside them, but must not go to


sleep, we relieve one another each hour - 2 hours  
observing & 1 hour rest. We find two hours are rather  
too long a strain for the eyes. 1/2 loaf of bread  
issued today 
24/6/15 Resting all day, nothg doing. The Turks are much  
closer than when we were in the trenches last  
time, and thy are still sapping towards us. We  
get a quiet night with vry little sniping, no casualties
As I am off trench duties during the day, I get a very  
good days sleep in the support line from 8 am 
25/6/15 Resting all day, observation in the front line 
changed again hours now 7 pm to 7 pm the next day
The Turks are now throwing trench bombs similar 
to ours but less powerfull, hit about 10 men during 
day otherwise very quiet. We draw the Turks rifle  
fire by volley firing & so discover the position of two  
of their machine guns 
26/6/15 In front line all day, it is now very hot  
weather and steadily gettng warmer, the flies are a  
great nuisance, it is imposible to keep food free  
from them, thy are the cause of all the dysentry  
and hundreds of our men are down with it, but  
must carry on just the same as we cannot get the  
necessary reliefs. Several bombs are thrown at us  
today, without doing much damage, we are to remain  
another 24 hours in the line before our relief is due 
English mail in today 
27/6/15 Sunday Landed 9 weeks. In front line all day  
untill 9 pm when we are relieved by Nos 1&2 platoons
We are being shelled today by some new high explosive 


shells, probably captured from the French, otherwise  
quiet day, 1/3 loaf issued today 
28/6/15 Had a good nights rest, fatigues all day in  
the support trenches. Attack on our R by the 3rd  
Brigade & Light Horse. orders to "stand too" from 12.30  
untill 4 pm ready for an attack on our front.  My platoon  
& No 4 are in the reserve trenches behind the front line  
however we are not wanted, although we were  
shelled a good deal. The attack on Right successful 
29/6/15 Fatigues all day, we return to the front line at  
7 pm. There is no moon now untill early mornig. the  
nights are vy dark. About 9.30 a dust storm arose  
with a very heavy wind, under cover of the thick  
dust we expect the Turks to attack, as the dust is blowg  
in our faces, and the light is slowly fading fading
We are "standing too" constantly and firing several volleys  
at their trenches through the dust which is vey thick  
this has the effect of keeping them there, after a while  
they think we are preparing an attack on them, so thy  
reply in like manner, which of course keeps our heads  
down, & so each side bluffs the other. The Turks  
however miss a great opportunity, as the dust & grit  
is blowing direct into our faces, nothig happens  
on either side. We expected them to liberate gas  
on us  similar to that used on the Western Front
Respirators have been issued, simply a gag soaked in a  
chemical & placed in a gause which we tie over  
the mouth & stuff up our nose, tying gause at  
back of head, said to be vey effective but seem  
to be vy primitive in idea. The direction of  
the wind changed at 10o/c, no gas was liberated  
although we have received the information that 


they are equiped with it, both sides have succeeded  
in keeping the other in their trenches, and the  
expected attack dies out when the wind drops at  
10.30. everythg remained quiet for the rest of day &  
night. Issue of tobacco today 
30/6/15 Quiet day, only a little sniping, very dark tonight  
absolutely no moon, similar to last night. Heavy rain storm  
with vry brilliant lightnig at 9.30 pm, we all stood to  
arms for 1 hour while storm lasts, expectng an attack. We  
apply the same measures as yesterday keeping a steady fire  
on their trenches & they do the same to us with the result  
that neither side attempt to leave their trenches, the  
lightning is very brilliant, we can see the whole of their  
trenches & "no mans land" as if it were daylight
another downpour at 1 am, we all get wet through  
and the trench very muddy & sticky, the night passes  
vry quietly 
1/7/15 Nothing doing today. Had a narrow escape from  
being blinded, an explosive bullet hit my periscope  
while observing.  blowing the top of the periscope to pieces,  
breaking the glass into small fragments all over my eyes  
cutting my nose badly between the eyes, many fragments of glass  
enter the eye, fortunately without cutting the pupil  
knocking me down & completely blinding me for 24 hours  
face also badly cut & bled freely. Removed to Bn dressing  
station where Dr Tebbutt placed me under observation  
will know definately tomorrow condition of eye. 
2/7/15 Under observation at Bn dressing station, eyes  
examined & pieces of glass removed. fortunately no permanent  
damage has been done, bandages removed from eyes & I  
return to Coy for duty. No duties rest of day


3/7/15 Attended Dr, marked light duties, sight quite  
normal again 
4/7/15 Sunday Landed 10 weeks. Dr marked me fit  
for duty. Orderley man 
5/7/15 Back to full trench duty today, relieved one  
of the boys on night duty. Stomach again troubling me, vry  
sharp attack of Cholic again 
6/7/15 Reported sick, light duties, 2 ozs of tobacco today
Several 10" shells fell on our trenches today & in the  
Gully tearing up a lot of ground, nobody hurt, two  
cigarette lighters arrived from England which are worth  
their weight in gold, as we cannot get matches at  
any price. At 11.30 pm the Turks spring a small  
mine under one of our saps blowing it up 
7/7/15 Reported sick, no medicine available, light duties  
Guard on L 3 sap which is blown up again tonight 
8/7/15 Did not report sick, useless as there is no  
medicine, so was put back into front line, feeling vry  
weak. Half loaf or bread issued today. Heavy bombardment  
of the trenches opposite to us this afternoon at 5o/c. We  
are relieved from the front line tonight 
9/7/15 Resting in the supports all day. lazy day, light duties  
The Turks blew up a sap on us this evening, doing  
very little damage, the crater is very near our front  
line, two or three men being hit by falling clods of  
earth, otherwise no harm done & no casualties 
10/7/15 Orderly man, water is now getting vry scarce


in the Gully , had to wait for 3½ hours for water for  
the tea. Australian mail in today. Return to the   
front line this evening 
11/7/15 Sunday Landed 11 weeks, firing line all day  
nothing doing quiet day 
12/7/15 Attack made on our Left to gain "The  
German Officers trench" which was subjected to a lot  
of shelling, to which they vigereusly replied knocking  
several of us out. Watched the bombardment of Achi  
Baba by the fleet during afternoon from an observation  
post. The top of the hill vry heavily bombarded  
which could be plainly seen being slowly blown away  
by the continuous rain of shells on it 
13/7/15 Firing line all day, quiet, we expect an attack  
at night, several flares being used which is quite unusual
The religious feast of Ramadan starts today, we expect them  
to go mad & attack us in their religious frenzy, but  
they keep pretty quiet, we are ready for them and all the  
supports & reserves are brought up close behind the lines  
for instant use if necessary. Tobacco & matches issued  
14/7/15 Relieved from the front line, went to the rest  
camp where we have a quiet day. Col Benett transfered  
to 1st Bn & Col Macnaughten return to 4th 
15/7/15 Rest camp. Orderly. half loaf of bread issued  
today. We are all innoculated against Cholera over the  
heart, afterwards all hands visit Brighton Beach for a  
swim, & do their washing. Paid £1

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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