Handwritten transcript of diaries of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 1 January 1915 - 6 October 1918, Part 21 of 26

First World War, 1914–18
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193 26/10/17In huts, rained continusly all day, ground in a vey swarpy state 27/10/7 Rained nearly all day, making eveything very mudd emyerable. At night the camp was vombed, cavsing man cosuatties in the tents of the 2nd Bn, who are quite close to us makey one regecamp. Fifteen of there men were killed a man others wounded lambs also fell in our bn transfat lines, Killing several horses ore falling in ove lines but failed to explade. We enged damage as we are in huts under the trees e not easit seen from the cur 28/10/17 Sunday No jorades teday, all the camp now waking ofter gestadays casualties, making the huts benb quiter preof, with sand lays a mounds of earth huilt up as a low wall around each hut, thes should have been done long before resturdays dissctor has just wike semeled up to the unprotected stote of the camp. We hope that others using this camn afterhs will neap the benefit Usudl prades today. Ground much drier, 24/10/17 we will moore nearer to the line tomorrow 30/0/17 Revelle cam full in 8 am, marched through the conjested troffic single file to ypres, which is now much more damared than when we were here last Owin to the continuns bewbaedment e tombing the old bleth Hall e Cothedral are in a much more ruinous state. We vised right through the town leaving it by the Menin Cate, camping on some high ground just outside the walls on the 6 side diress the Canal all the lg on ptyne for the rest of the day fixing
200 up deouts a shelters to sleep in 31/10/17 Sun shining all day, much noemer. dury the ofteroon had a good ranble over the ruins of ypres which is now in a terrible stote of wreckage. Camp berobed at night prtunitely without any damage to us all the boobs falling wide of the mock, this sector of the pent is the woest for tembing rards telling place ever niftt without pail, over the ruins of the town e the comp surrciending it on the of chance of thittry semething, theresands of men e horses are scttaed or the whole dea, which is now a very tensting toyat. All this makes it very wrempatable yo us but after a few vits you toke no notice. Atthough the town of ypees itself is peacticell drected there ire mani amunition dumps, batteries etc lecoted round aleut all offering good toyets. 1/411 Eoned pr B0 St allday. Dary da ordees acrived for us to wore up to Wathack Ridge Left cam ot 1.30 pm arriviy on the blide ot G.30 pr where we relieved the 10th Bn in recieve We were shelled while coming up causing us a few cosnatties 2/11/17 Indugouts on Westhock Ridge all day. Reovil shelled confelliy us to leave our dyents a bay sheltels e toke refue in the "Bill loxes this shelling caused us may casnalties, also pleng of HE Sheepnell fing about e soe shells 3/1/17 On Yuthock Ridge all dey, heary selling at interrally carsing as more cosualties
201 4/1717 Sunday On Wisthock Ridge all day, untill ypm, when left with Mr Mauk for the prent line to find our lo sector when we relieve the 12th Bn pdall tomorrow night. We went on ptrote with the 12 Bn ot 10 pm, patrol consisted of 12 men, 22C0 a2 officers, we carefully reconsitered the ground in front as tomovow night we will have to take out our own ptrol. Cerefully patrolled dont 1000 to 12007ds in pert of our cutforts, possin through Buyr Wood, Birma, a Rhine Copse, this county is vey low lying e swomp and we are frequently boggea up to our hips in the soft mud ewater. It is not possible to hold an outjost in this sert of county, neverthelese the whole ground is theretl patrolled by both side. Weaee equisped as lyttly as possible caring onl awe rifle, 15 rounds e I bemb Gereral tineswe wee fired on b an eneny petret but could not locate them as thy were noo well hidden e peotected o their ouyests behind them We were out for 22 hours, all managed to regain our times sipely, on our return each man is given a bignip of hum to worm us up as we wee teereby cold I wet through 5/11/7 Good deal of Veory shelling durive the day, with plenl you thown over. The relieved ther senter durin the ofternoon. At night on foteet with Mr Hawk ot 10.30 patholled Busz Wood. Buna a Rhine Copse, but did not find the every patrol, the cound is still very suanyy returned to our outfort it rain. We have now retieved the 12th Orn on Poschendale Ridge Cort of Zornebelle 6/1/17 Everday, no tatynes, no patral tonight, handed it over to Bloz. Wearz shellig all day. ore shell falling
202 into the officers duant woundry Mr Haukse a Mr Balconbe while Mr Wauke was been carried any by the stretcher bearers, another shell fell on him blowy him to pierce without tenchin the bearers who were coerin him to the Peyade station Mr. Balconbe got through 7/11/17 Ever days todg, no gatrot tonight. Yearr shellin all around our lor area during the day all HE shells tootg, no gas 8/1/17 Much aerial actuity this moening with several fights over our tines. We wee relieved by the 1st O ot Ipm mush to ove sucprise, as we did not expect relief witith dockness eas a result we were not packed up. Loter we occupied the suppat line on Angae blidge, jst below our previous psition on Werthack Ridge. Heary shelling all around our camp dury the ofternon with mary gas shells 9//17 Whole loy on duck loced fatyne, meking an approach to our comp, which is an old disused trench off the man duckboard road Weary shelling all araund us dury the day cansing is some casnatters. There were three gos alorms during the night, our casualties due to gas this time in the line have been rethor heery mokin us much under strenth, there are not many of us left Gnow. prturote the gus has not honay effect on me, the effect differe on different men in different ways, some loose their speech other get ve sore ees, others toke it on the lunge ite ite. Nove token few precention seldone wevery o helmet. feel Ok notwithslanding
203 Rained hearef all dar, making the mud teo 10/1114 thick to wolk dout in Shelling much less today but Crowl conditions are much worse 11/11/17 Sunday The 1st Brigade are relieved today We were relieved b the 2/4 Bn Laneashire Frsinees relieved carly ot 8 am merching to ypres, enterry the tawn by the Menin gate marching through to Voperinghe eon to Vancauver Camp near Anderdown Manayed to get a bath at the comp, this is my first wosk for 10 days 12/4/17 Fn Vancoura Camp all day, pealf meeching off tomoraw, issued with a complete change of underctothes today 13/11/17 Oaced up pull marching order, told before we moore off that we are to meech dent 8o miles to the wast for a good sast, the merch to take dlant 6days. Left cams at gai e merched 3mils to Bethen acng there sp 14/11/7 Left Berthen gam, marched 15 miles to Zaytpcine e were billited in the same farm we occupied on our last visit here sevail month back 15/11/17 Left Z wytneene gam marched 10 miles to Wardrecques 16/4/17 Left Wnidreeques gam marched 12 miles to Aemilly - Wirquin Bected here all day 1/1717
204 18/1/17 Sunday Left Remelly - Wirgain g am morched rmiles to Blequin 19/1117 Left Orlequin gamn marched the last stage of our sawing through the town of Samer where the Bryade pld s aresitwated to a small villare 22 silometies on the other side prally holting at Tingrag. We force marched 19 miles toda and 75-80 since leavin the pent line I have not felt an ill effects of the murch, although very may fed out with sore feet its. Fed veg fte not in the least pot sore or tired 20/11/17 We are billited here in a loge peinate heuse Nos 1.2.23 pletoor bern toether, sent toda in a generalclan up, tokey shortages etc 21/11/17 Eazday, Sprts it ne prades. Visited samer in evening 22/11/17. Allday lave granted to Bonlogne returned 930 pr 23/117 Short made today, hovin an evsy time all thes week trainy recommences again next wek 24/11/7 Petaited os l 6 Set for the week rebering Cpl Goldwater 25/1177 Sunday Did not attend the Church Beade which was the last one conducted bfy Chaplin olc Kengie as her boring us for Austrotia vey soon
205 We has been continecusl with ne since 1914, and is the oot chaplain in the 7th Pregae, if not in the while Prision, that has remained with his Br since its prmation. After Church jerade 5 ptoe wee toten Cagerial Phtaopher fo Bolone 1. Full Bn 2. Oregend members of the Pngince 1914. 3. Gallipolimen 4. Ala group. 5. Alox W 60 26/4/17 to 6/12/17 At Fingay. Co Ord St attented no pradis 6/12/17 T0 14/12/17 Leove granted to visit Paris 14/12/17 Left Paiss- Corde oe ward 7.30 pr teavelling all night to Boulogne, areiin 5.30 an rent doy 15/12/17 hend Baulogne 5.30 am. Leony se Calais q. 15am chazed there for Hogebrouck a Caestre arrmed 6.30 gm Gunday In canp all day very cold 16/12/17 14/12/4 Cam all day snewed duny nytt, vy cold 18/12/17 browed all day, veg cold, revened to rejoin bn tomorow 19/17/7 Left canp with dreft gai in motor buses josed through Fletre e Gailleul to Kemmel where we marched to Lindenhaell Camp whare the In were billited 20/12/17 Hearr post on the ground this morning with a very cutting mind. Hained for O Cuard, mounted at upo with 15 men. Vey cold night with a heary post, we have severdl pegences under acrest
206 21/12/17 Heary post all day, adieued pomquaed 1ram- Gor left for the recave lines, in the pent orea at 1.30 after detaileg 15 men to form a raiding pertyto train for a few days for the raid. I was detaited to remain behind as one of the Spts of the porty with Mr. Gunn & Mr Court. Men pam other cenjarys joived us later maky full forty of 35 men 22/12/17 Started training for the raid. Faining concists of slead deabling first thing in the maniy before bedyedt "then mysical exercises with lozonet fitting, detanted as Q.Ms. of the porty 23/12/17 Lunday Notheny doly all day. nesting 24717 Fainin as isuall, hears fall of snow ducing the night, Youg porties out to find a Cheytin dinner 25/12/17 Cheistmas tay Nstramony today ground covered with snow. the prage forties remurned during the early hours of the morning with 17 fowls. 7 racks of potatoes also a cose of ruin taken from a num dump back man has alio put 1 prane into a fuind a Sove baught plenty of orerges, apls, nts ite, we love glent to eat ofter giving the officers 2 puls for their dinner. We made ourselves very warm a hoppy for the rest of the day a night with glenty of rum 24/2/17 Frainin as uual, heary fall of snew during the early morning, snceed hearif durey night 27/12/7 Training as usuale with a good run to wiense Glise eback RIA
207 same or yesterday, we are feeling very fit 28/17/17 Fainin os usual 29/77 30/12/17 Sunday No training today, heay full of snaw 31/12/77 Received orders to more up towords the line reft our hrits ot 3pm e marched to Minden Villas drjouts whoe we are camsed behind D Adges 918 1 1/1/18 New Years Day. Ver quiet day, hordly any astitley actovity on our prent, although there is a very steady lemcedment on ore 1 all day in the dilection of Paschendacle Ridge. We are now in the Mesines Sector 2/1/18 Exeything quiet today. Out on patrol at night to see the county over which we will cress when we cary out the raid Nsmons land is full of frozen shell holes, it has been preezing hard all day and tearilly cold at night. We all dressed in while suits so that we cannot be seen against the snow, this effectively hides us, we pattoted to an empty pill lox, which we fund evacuated, atthough io had been held of a faman machine gun party the night previously, tonight it is unoccupied 3/1/18 The are compelled to remain in our dryouts all day, os no morement must toke place alove reund during deylight, aving to our expsed prition, and been under direct observation. No jatrd tonight AN
208 4/1/18 It has been descided that tonight the rard is to take place, we were not informed untill late in the day. A lage ferman cutjest has been selected, and eerything is ready. We are deesed conjletely in white, so as to match the sucrounding county which is now thicl covcied in snow We leave our autjost at 8pm a sarted o our was across me mansland often maning preward about roopeds we heard shots fired a vembs lusting enow left rear, a 3rd Bn sentry called out "Stand too the 4th our outjosts then pussed the alarm on, one to another, presently machine edewis gans commenced to sweep the ground around us fortunly without hitting anybod. Then we realise that Frily too her a raiding party out trying to raid our cutjosts. Beth fartie here carsed oneanother in the dockness without bein seen, his pet new bety behind us i he trenches in pront, thee flacing us in a vey dificult josition Thinge ore new commensing to get rother waime we are in the daneous psition of being between two fires, so we descide to remain where we are for a while a catch Fitz on his way back. We take up our peition in a feegen stream, Ging along the bank flat on the ice which makes us terribl cold. All the while our machine gun ballite are sweeping the shill holes in prent of us only just passing over our heads as we lie pot down on the vank, man of the Cullets threw pozen mud in ove face as the steeke the ground just in prent of us. We ie a long time like they untill the pring lases down, but Fitz did not return over way although every man is watching wey carefully. Two men retentier to crawl along the

26/10/17 In our huts, rained continously all day, ground 
in a very swampy state 
27/10/17  Rained nearly all day, making everything very muddy 
& miserable. At night the camp was bombed, causing 
many casualties in the tents of the 2nd Bn, who are 
quite close to us making one large camp. Fifteen of their 
men were killed & many others wounded. bombs also 
fell in our Bn transport lines, killing several horses 
one falling in our lines but failed to explode. We 
escaped damage as we are in huts under the trees 
& not easily seen from the air 
28/10/17 Sunday No parades today,  all the camp now 
working after yesterdays casualties, making the huts 
bomb splinter proof with sand bags & mounds of 
earth built up as a low wall around each hut, 
this should have been done long before yesterdays 
disaster has just wake somebody up to the unprotected 
state of the camp. We hope that others using this camp 
after us will reap the benefit. 
29/10/17 Usual parades today. Ground much drier, 
we will move nearer to the line tomorrow 
30/10/17 Revelle 6am fall in 8am, marched through 
the conjested traffic single file to Ypres, which is now 
much more damaged than when we were here last 
Owing to the contineous bombardment & bombing the old 
Cloth Hall & Cathedral are in a much more ruinous 
state. We passed right through the town leaving it 
by the Menin Gate, camping on some high ground 
just outside the walls on the E side across the Canal 
All the Coy on fatigue for the rest of the day fixing


up dugouts & shelters to sleep in 
31/10/17 Sun shining all day, much warmer. during the 
afternoon had a good ramble over the ruins of Ypres 
which is now in a terrible state of wreckage. Camp 
bombed at night fortunately without any damage to us  
All the bombs falling wide of the mark, this sector 
of the front is the worst for bombing, raids taking 
place every night without fail, over the ruins of the 
town & the camps surrounding it on the off chance 
of hitting something, thousands of men & horses are 
 scattered over the whole area, which is now a 
very tempting target. All this makes it very 
uncomfortable for us but after a few visits you 
take no notice. Although the town of Ypres 
itself is practically deserted there are many 
amunition dumps, batteries etc located round 
about all offering good targets 
1/11/17 Warned for B O Sgt all day. During day 
orders arrived for us to move up to Westhoek Ridge 
Left camp at 1.30 pm arriving on the Ridge at 4.30 
pm where we relieved the 10th Bn in reserve 
We were shelled while coming up causing us a 
few casualties 
2/11/17 In dugouts on Westhoek Ridge all day. heavily 
shelled compelling us to leave our dugouts & Coy shelters 
& take refuge in the "Pill boxes" this shelling 
caused us many casualties, also plenty of HE shrapnell 
flying about & SOS shells 
3/11/17 On Westhoek Ridge all day, heavy shelling at intervalls 
causing more casualties


4/11/17 Sunday On Westhoek Ridge all day, untill 
4 pm, when I left with Mr Hawk for the front line 
to find our Coy sector when we relieve the 12th Bn 
probably tomorrow night. We went on patrol with 
the 12Bn at 10 pm, patrol consisted of 12 men, 2 NCOs 
& 2 officers, we carefully reconoitered the ground in 
front as tomorrow night we will have to take out 
our own patrol. Carefully patrolled about 1000 to 
1200 yds in front of our outposts, passing through 
Bury Wood, Birma, & Rhine Copse, this country is very 
low lying & swampy and we are frequently 
bogged up to our hips in the soft mud & water. It 
is not possible to hold an outpost in this sort of 
country, nevertheless the whole ground is thoroughly 
patrolled by both sides. We are equipped as lightly as 
possible carrying only our rifle, 15 rounds & 1 bomb 
Several times we were fired on by an enemy patrol 
but could not locate them as they were too well 
hidden & protected by their outposts behind them 
We were out for 2½ hours, all managed to rejoin our 
lines safely, on our return each man is given a big nip 
of rum to warm us up as we were terribly cold & 
wet through 
5/11/17 Good deal of heavy shelling during the day, with 
plenty of gas thrown over. The Coy relieved their sector 
during the afternoon. At night on patrol with Mr Hawk at 10.30 
patrolled Bury Wood. Birma & Rhine Copse, but did not 
find the enemy patrol, the ground is still very swampy 
returned to our outpost at 2am. We have now relieved 
the 12th Bn on Paschendale Ridge East of Zonnebeke 
6/11/17 Easy day, no fatigues, no patrol tonight, handed it 
over to B Coy. Heavy shelling all day, one shell falling


into the officers dugout wounding Mr Hawke & Mr Balcombe 
While Mr Hawke was being carried away by the stretcher 
bearers, another shell fell on him blowing him to pieces 
without touching the bearers who were carrying him 
to the Brigade Station Mr Balcombe got through 
7/11/17 Easy day today, no patrol tonight. Heavy 
shelling all around our Coy area during the day 
All HE shells today, no gas 
8/11/17 Much aerial activity this morning with 
several fights over our lines. We were relieved by the 
1st Bn at 1pm much to our surprise, as we did not 
expect relief untill darkness & as a result we were 
not packed up. Later we occupied the support 
line on Anzac ridge, just below our previous 
position on Westhoek Ridge. Heavy shelling all 
around our camp during the afternoon with 
many gas shells 
9/11/17 Whole Coy on duck board fatigue, making 
an approach to our camp, which is an old 
disused trench off the main duckboard road 
Heavy shelling all around us during the day 
causing us some casualties. There were three gas 
alarms during the night, our casualties due to 
gas this time in the line have been rather heavy 
making us much under strength, there are not 
many of us left by now. fortunately the gas has not 
had any effect on me, the effect differs on different 
men in different ways, some loose their speech 
others get vy sore eyes, others take it on the lungs 
etc etc. Have taken few precautions seldome wearing 
my helmet. feel OK notwithstanding


10/11/17 Rained heavily all day, making the mud too 
thick to walk about in. Shelling much less today but 
general conditions are much worse 
11/11/17 Sunday The 1st Brigade are relieved today 
We were relieved by the 2/6th Bn Lancashire Fusiliers 
relieved early at 8 am marching to Ypres, entering 
the town by the Menin Gate marching through to 
Poperinghe & on to Vancouver Camp near Ouderdoum 
Managed to get a bath at the camp, this is the first 
wash for 10 days 
12/11/17 In Vancouver Camp all day, probably marching 
off tomorrow, issued with a complete change of 
underclothes today 
13/11/17 Packed up full marching order, told before 
we moove off that we are to march about 80 miles 
to the coast for a good rest, the march to take 
about 6 days. Left camp at 9 am & marched 8 miles 
to Berthen arriving there 2pm 
14/11/17 Left Berthen 9 am, marched 15 miles to 
Zuytpeene & were billeted in the same farm we 
occupied on our last visit here several months back 
15/11/17 Left Zuytpeene 9 am marched 10 miles to 
16/11/17 Left Wardrecques 9 am marched 12 miles to 
17/11/17 Rested here all day


18/11/17 Sunday Left Remilly-Wirquin 9 am 
marched 12 miles to Bléquin 
19/11/17 Left Bléquin 9am marched the last 
stage of our journey through the town of Samer 
where the Brigade Hd Qrs are situated to 
a small village 2½ kilometres on the other side 
finally halting at Tingray. We have marched 14 
miles today and 75-80 since leaving the front line 
I have not felt any ill effects of the march, although 
very many fell out with sore feet etc. Feel very 
fit & not in the least foot sore or tired 
20/11/17 We are billeted here in a large private 
house Nos 1.2.& 3 platoons being together, spent 
today in a general clean up, taking shortages 
21/11/17 Easy day, Sports etc no parades. Visited 
Samer in evening 
22/11/17 All day leave granted to Boulogne returned 
9.30 pm 
23/11/17 Short parade today, having an easy time 
all this week training recommences again next 
24/11/17 Detailed as Coy O Sgt for the week 
relieving Cpl Goldwater 
25/11/17 Sunday Did not attend the Church Parade 
which was the last one conducted by Chaplin Mc 
Kenzie as he is leaving us for Australia very soon


He has been contineously with us since 1914, and is the 
only chaplain in the 1st Brigade, if not in the whole 
Division, that has remained with his Bn since its 
formation. After Church parade 5 photographs were taken 
by a special photographer from Bologne 1. Full Bn 
2. Original members of the Bn since 1914. 3. Gallipoli men 
4. A Coy group. 5. A Coy NCOs 
26/11/17 To 6/12/17 At Tingray. Co Ord Sgt attended 
no parades 
6/12/17 To 14/12/17 Leave granted to visit Paris 
14/12/17 Left Paris. Garde du Nord 7.30 pm travelling 
all night to Boulogne, arriving 5.30 am next day 
15/12/17 Arrd Boulogne 5.30 am. Leaving for Calais 9.15 am 
changed there for Hazebrouck & Caestre arrived 6.30 pm 
16/12/17 Sunday In camp all day Very cold 
17/12/17 Camp all day. snowed during night, vy cold 
18/12/17 Snowed all day, vy cold, warned to rejoin Bn 
19/12/17 Left camp with draft 9 am in motor buses 
passed through Fletre & Bailleul to Kemmel where we 
marched to Lindenhack Camp where the Bn were billited 
20/12/17 Heavy frost on the ground this morning with a 
very cutting wind. Warned for Bn Guard, mounted at 2 pm 
with 15 men. Very cold night with a heavy frost, we have 
several prisoners under arrest


21/12/17 Heavy frost all day, relieved from guard 12 am 
Coy left for the reserve lines, in the front area at 1.30 
after detailing 15 men to form a raiding party & to train for 
a few days for the raid. I was detailed to remain behind 
as one of the Sgts of the party with Mr Gunn & Mr Court. 
Men from other companys joined us later making full party 
of 35 men 
22/12/17 Started training for the raid. Training consists 
of steady "doubling" first thing in the morning before breakfast 
then physical exercises with bayonet fighting, detailed 
as 2 M S of the party 
23/12/17 Sunday Nothing doing all day. resting 
24/12/17 Training as usuall, heavy fall of snow during 
the night, forage parties out to find a Christmas dinner 
25/12/17 Christmas Day No training today. ground 
covered with snow. the forage parties returned during  
the early hours of the morning with 17 fowls. 7 sacks of 
potatoes also a case of rum taken from a rum dump 
Each man has also put 1 franc into a fund & I have 
bought plenty of oranges, apples, nuts etc, we have 
plenty to eat after giving the officers 2 fowls for 
their dinner. We made ourselves very warm & happy 
for the rest of the day & night with plenty of rum 
26/12/17 Training as usual, heavy fall of snow during 
the early morning, snowed heavily during night 
27/12/17 Training as usual with a good run to 
Nieuve Eglise & back


28/12/17 Same as yesterday, we are feeling very fit 
29/12/17 Training as usual 
30/12/17 Sunday No training today, heavy fall of snow 
31/12/17 Received orders to move up towards the line 
left our huts at 3pm & marched to Minden Villas 
dugouts where we are camped behind Bn Hdqrs 
1/1/18 New Years Day. Very quiet day, hardly any 
artillery activity on our front, although there is a 
very steady bombardment on our L all day in the 
direction of Paschendale Ridge. We are now in the 
Mesines sector 
2/1/18 Everything quiet today. Out on patrol at 
night to see the country over which we will cross 
when we carry out the raid "No mans land" is 
full of frozen shell holes, it has been freezing hard 
all day and terribly cold at night. We all dressed in 
white suits so that we cannot be seen against the 
snow, this effectively hides us, we patroled to an 
empty pill box, which we found evacuated, although 
it had been held by a German machine gun party 
the night previously, tonight it is unoccupied 
3/1/18 We are compelled to remain in our dugouts all 
day, as no movement must take place above ground 
during daylight, owing to our exposed position, and 
being under direct observation. No patrol tonight


4/1/18 It has been descided that tonight the 
raid is to take place, we were not informed untill 
late in the day. A large German outpost has been  
selected, and everything is ready. We are dressed 
completely in white, so as to match the surrounding 
country which is now thickly covered in snow. 
We leave our outpost at 8 pm & started on our 
way across "no mans land" after mooving foreward 
about 200 yards we heard shots fired & bombs bursting 
on our left rear, a 3rd Bn sentry called out 
"Stand too the 4th!" our outposts then passed the 
alarm on, one to another, presently machine & Lewis 
guns commenced to sweep the ground around us 
fortunately without hitting anybody. Then we 
realise that "Fritz" too has a raiding party out 
trying to raid our outposts. Both parties have 
crossed one another in the darkness without being 
seen, his party now being behind us & his trenches 
in front, thus placing us in a very difficult position 
Things are now commensing to get rather warm & 
we are in the dangerous position of being between 
two fires, so we decide to remain where we are 
for a while & catch Fritz on his way back. We 
take up our position in a frozen stream, lying 
along the bank flat on the ice which makes us 
terribly cold. All the while our machine gun 
bullets are sweeping the shell holes in front of us 
only just passing over our heads as we lie flat 
down on the bank, many of the bullets throw 
frozen mud in our face as they strike the ground 
just in front of us. We lie a long time like this 
untill the firing eases down, but Fritz did not 
return our way although every man is watching very 
carefully. Two men volunteer to crawl along the

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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