Handwritten transcript of diaries of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 1 January 1915 - 6 October 1918, Part 20 of 26

First World War, 1914–18
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189 Parades outside billets, moeningeofternoon 31/2/17 1/8/17 Houring rain all day, parades inside bittets, ground very muddy, rcute march gestioned on account of the bad cendition of the roads 2/8/17 Rained all day, everything very muddy 3/8/1 Attended no prads today. Detailed at Bn Hdges re Sqt. Chandlers FG. CMM. The court did not sit 4/8/1 Route march, pull morching order to passel in morning, Afternoon ly geeady Hill 5/8/17 Sunday Church prade 9.30 warned for BO St for tomorrow, mounted with quard ot 5.30 pm 6/8/17 Relieved BoSt eal by Set grant, worned to attend Sgt Chalmers Caust Mactiat at Le Nieppe where the 3rd On are billited 7/8/7 Mrs prades today 8.30 am e2 pr, deill, marches, etc 8/8/17 Parade in morning, by deill Aftenoon for 1/2 warned to be read to moore off tomorrow heveonly morning early 9/8/17 Revelle 4.30 am, left 6.30 full marchen order we met the rest of the Beygade on the Casset Armenties Od and much to La Motte on Bois just outncle Nazabrouck which is under long range gun fire of the famen hearies. Mary women e children refyees aredearing ewe meet ver man of them
196 on the road as we graduall approach the town hundreds of them are deeping in the fields eunder the hedges at night for sofety 10/8/17 Parade 8.30 am with a short reute march ragerbrouch again bemborded this morning. All the shells gass over our bittels at La Souverain a smoll cluster of henses along the banks of the canol. We can clearly see the houses in the town being hit about shell in 10 minuites. We are the closest log to the town being onl about 1mile away. Egent eveny ot La Matte returned to litlets 10 pr 11/8/17 Darade this monning, battle order 8.30 for thour reute much. Ofteroon shat reute march edrill hery shower of rain duriy the merch. all wet through 17/8/17 Sunday Church prade in morning. Afternoon walked to Meriville about 3 miles away which is the Hdgre of the Portuuse Arry. The town seemed to be quite different to any other we have seen in France, there is not a Beityh soldier to be san anyuhere. All cases wereofen i the town quite linely returnd to sur bttels ot 11p 13/8/17 Vorade this morning 8.30. Afternoon visited Hagerbrouck, the town is very deserted and considerably knocked about ly heary gun fire, man of the women & children are comping out in the felds around the town 1418/17 Dacade gan for 10 mile route march, returning to bitlits at 230 EM
131 15/8/4 Unal gerades today 16/812 Parade 8.30am far 15 mile route merch returned to bittets Gy 4pm. Het tea was issued on merch by the by cerpus Prade am for two hours, no prade in ofternion 17/8/17 Yous in ofteroon to commemorate the 3rd annuusary of the jormation of the Bn. Ggerts a Swimmin Coenival the La Motte Caral, with a concert in the held in et Br Adges Petailed for pequet at La evenin Matte at night 18/8/17 Darade as usuale in meening, short route march in the ofternoon 19/8/17 Sundar Church peade gain. rest of the day sgent at La Motte 20/8/17 Marched to teenvorde to the tw baths in the morning, about 5 miles each way. Sort prade in oftennoon 21/8/17 Porade morning a afternoon as usual special prade fr muskety of B Adges 22/8/17 next of the da a holiday 23/8/7 Porades maning e oftenoon as usual bony route murch today. 10 miles. cnow return 24/817 paid $70 - £2-11.4 plade os usuall detaited for by0dst for a wuk 25/0/17 100
192 26/8/17 Sunday to 3/9/17 Coy O Spt all this week we are still at La Motte 4/9/17 Returned to my plotoon route march full marching order 8 miles 5/9/17 Parades as usual during day, practising advance guoed work, anr long rest is now begining to draw to a close, we hve been resting a training since early nMlay. We are now full reorganised a up to full strength a fully trained read for a strenerans winter 6/9/17 Route march toda 10 miles 7/9117 Om ROSall day, attended no porades 8/9/17 Parade as usuale 4/9/17 Sunday Church prade this morning, nothing else doing, warned that we will soon be leaving for the trenches to toke part in a by Bilgran offensing soon to be delivered 10/9/17 No duties today sick lodg with Myralgia co 1/9/17 08 12/9/17 Earyday, noened that we are leaving for the tenches romorrow. Dissapointed to find myself detailed to remain at the remporcement camp to reoyanise the boy ofte the came out of the line. praded befoe Capt Judge to obtain pumission to leave with the On for the line. As I had been
193 detailed by the Colonel lept Judge could not otter it, feel very dissapointed 13/9/17 O marched away to Metiren on their fiest stage towards the line. Had to remain behind with or few sick men, who were unable to march e dispsed of the Corstoces accrding to instructions. Ofterwords gained up with the other Gotse men detailed for the reinforcement camp, we all marched off at I am yor bastre neor Baillenl where we petched a camp Organsin the canp all day. 14/9/17 raderge 15/9/7 Gunday Church greade ggm, wered for camp 16/9/17 Osft fr tomonow 17/9/17 lamy OGt all day very lay day Sarades gam e2p 18/9/17 19/9/17 Borade gam only next of the day Atiisional holday attended no poades today. Werred for Sot of 20/9/17 Foo guard. mounted 6 pm 21/9/17 Sgd Pir guard alldays laydeys. on returnin to aamy was worned to hold mself ready to attend a French Mortor School 22/9/17 Under ordas to attend French Morter Scheol ar Lordghem, left came II am e walled to teedyhem notistance of 8 Hilomnetres away rreaching there about
194 3.30 on to find that we were 6 dys late 23/9/17 Fo 30/9/17 At French Mortor School Ferdeghem 30/9/17 Sunday Left Till School in motor busses for Mazebrenck which we reached at 930. Cought the 2pm trai that left at 6 pm (4hows late in storting) areuing at Gaestre at 8 pm, epent the night in the 1st Angae reinforcement Camp 1710/17 1st Bryade marched here from Stamorde goued them up at 2pm in the old Beyade camp fom whoe I left to you the TM School 2/10/17 Tents struck to da to let the ground dy and, ear da najarades 3/10/17 Prade on in maning 9-11. Div half holidg on te afternoon 4/0/17 No prades todg, drafts are being sent up to the Brs 5/10/17 No perades toda, ver few left in camp 6/10/17 Ns prades, very cold, raining all day, mounted Dw O St at 6pm 1/10/17 Sunday Dw Ord Sgt all day. At middar news reached camp that the whole nuchous of the Piision had to rejoin their Bns, packed up full marching order and marched to baestre railway station in drenching rain, we writed on the station from 1 pm untill 4 pm the train being 3 hous late
195 We were taken to ypees, where we detrained about half a mile in pent of the town which we reached ot 6.15 pm and marched to bafe Belge, through occans of mud. The roads are in a very had stote a terribly conjested beiny blocked with GS wajons, gun timbers, treops etc been relieved from the freward area. Reached the Om transpt lines at & pm where we stayed far the night 8/10/17 In camp untile middey, am woined for the advance porty for the front Ane tonight. Left camp at 12.30 pm pr Prrigade Udges. The roads are in a terrible stote a very muddy, being under constant shell fire, dead horses are lying about in dosens with Wroken GS Transjot wajons on each side of the road, bown to precee by shell fire, the roads are often kneedan in legued mud with the dead transfrt deivces Givy on the side of the track, eveylody is huszin foreward as this sector of the road is under censtant HC shellfire. Manajed to reach Aldges without casualties toking special notice of the route. After a rest we leave Adges & return to Hillf Wey louse whereI jick up the Bn a wait for darkness when I will guide the Cor up to Bryade Adges where we will pick up other guides who will take us to our psition on Angae Ridge which is about one mile behind our advanc josts. Here we relieve the 3rd On in reserve. we sjend the night in a trench full of mud e water, it is raining heaviy all night, ereyled being wit through e terribl cold miscrable the being a vey expred psition 9/10/17 barl this morning the heary guns cevered the advance of the 2nd Prvision, who are making an advance on our left and jained all their objectives. The weather ORIA
1961 cleared up during the day, the sun comin out for a few hours giving us a little wormth a mekry thin a bit cheerfull. There was much acrial activit during the ofternion, one forman plane fulliy in flames in prent of our lines. Your other ferman glanes then attacked one of our aumen bringing him down he fell just clear of our lines, fifptey all the while the foman ariators following him close down untill they came under our machine gun fire which drove them off, this is one of the best ceriol fights we heve seen in France, one machine fighteng fivee brngen one down. When ove man fell some of our loss righed up with a stretcher, expecting to find him badly hit. ofter disentangling him from his weecked machine the brought him in, he was not vey lad hurt, one bullet had opened his prehead ladly but nothing veg serious. We were relieved about 5.30 pm Gy the 60th Bn e marched to Half Way House where the Cor cockers were waiting for us with not stew eter, a weleemed hat meal Fortunatol duing our relief there was little shell fire on the roads & we suffered no casualties. After our hot meal we marched from Helf Mhy House to our trarefort lines at bofe Belge where we stayed for the right 10/10/17 Remained all day at the transpert lines ordes issued to more off tonow 11/10/17 Revelle 5.30am. Fall in 6.45 marched through Pickeburch to Yores, where we entraised for Poperinghe, detraining thee marched to a cam about 6 Wilometees antsicle Reperinghe called Ballington Camp at Hippenhack. This camp is in a tecribly muddy
197 state, Vigited Popeeinhe in the ofternoon returning to camp ot g pm 12/10/17 In camp all day raining hearely, this camp is in an awfull stote of mud, being unple dee evegutare 13/10/17 Plaived hearif during the marning. It has been descided to leave this camp at 2 pm, which to now singl a small loke. He morched to Abeele about 5 miles avay, where we are billited in a farm between Abeele and Etrenvoorde. Heary rain has been fallen all day, and the roads are in a vey bad stote making marches ver heary. Abede is a town situated excell on the Bilgian londier we are littited on the French side 14/10/17 Sunday Gon shining today, although enubere is an occan of nid. whic peade the morning 15/10/17 Dorades q pam e130-3.30, no rain todoy fora change. Petailed as Sit of piquet at Steemerde tonigh returny to camp at to pr 16/10/17 Borades of-4am e 130- 3.30. Sunshining all day, ground dying up 17/10/7 Full tarade seran inspection of the Piv Connander General Walker at 10 am. We morched up to the peado ground much before time but the General did not turn up, so after a long wait we had a short route merch instead. Saldde in ofternoon as requall Injjection by the Dev General thiy maning 18/10/4 IRI
498 who made a short speech, complimenty the men on ther wak in the last offensive, then we morched away in the mud, Yorts were held in the ofternoon 19/10/17 Parade ong in the morning, afternoon cams a yorts 20/10/17 Placed in charge of a Reyade tatyne forty to build a rifle range at the Bryade School with a prty of 30 men. Te Beyade School of Mustitz is situated near Steemwrde we completed the job by 3 pm, returning to billeds 43.30, pinished for the day 21/10/17 Sunday No church perade. Visited reperinghe to try Xmes presents for the Avotatica mast leaving ths week, returnng to willety late at night 2/175 Perades as usual you e 130 p. The wlatter is getting very colds now 23/10/17 Parade as usual. 24/10/17 Borade eng in morning, werned that we will be mooving nearer to the line towolrow, remainder of day spent in packing up 25/10/17 Left billits at sam, tiking buses near Abeele at 10 am, possed through Dickebusch to a camp in the lanks of the Ypres Commune leanal on the South side of ypres

31/7/17 Parades outside billets, morning & afternoon 
1/8/17 Pouring rain all day, parades inside billets, ground 
very muddy, route march postponed on account of the bad 
condition of the roads 
2/8/17 Rained all day, everything very muddy 
3/8/17 Attended no parades today. Detailed at Bn Hdqrs 
re Sgt Chandlers F.G.C.M. The court did not sit  
4/8/17 Route march, full marching order to Cassel in 
morning. Afternoon Coy parades, drill 
5/8/17 Sunday Church parade 9.30 warned for BO Sgt 
for tomorrow, mounted with guard at 5.30pm 
6/8/17 Relieved BO Sgt early by Sgt Grant, warned to  
attend Sgt Chalmers Court Marshal at Le Nieppe 
where the 3rd Bn are billited 
7/8/17 Two parades today 8.30 am & 2 pm, drill, marches, 
8/8/17 Parade in morning, Coy drill, afternoon for 1/2 
hour only, warned to be ready to moove off tomorrow 
morning early 
9/8/17 Revelle 4.30 am, left 6.30 full marching order 
we met the rest of the Brigade on the Cassel Armentiers 
Rd and march to La Motte au Bois just outside 
Hazerbrouck which is under long range gun fire 
of the German heavies. Many women & children 
refugees are leaving & we meet very many of them


on the road as we gradually approach the town 
hundreds of them are sleeping in the fields & under the 
hedges at night for safety 
10/8/17 Parade 8.30 am with a short route march 
Hazerbrouck again bombarded this morning. All the 
shells pass over our billets at La Souverain a small 
cluster of houses along the banks of the canal. We can 
clearly see the houses in the town being hit about 1 
shell in 10 minuites. We are the closest Coy to the 
town being only about 1 mile away. Spent evening at 
La Motte returned to billets 10 pm 
11/8/17 Parade this morning, battle order 8.30 for 1 hour 
route march. Afternoon short route march & drill 
heavy shower of rain during the march. all wet through 
12/8/17 Sunday Church prade in morning. Afternoon 
walked to Meriville about 8 miles away which is the 
Hdqrs of the Portuguese Army. The town seemed to 
be quite different to any other we have seen in 
France, there is not a British soldier to be seen 
anywhere. All cafe's were open & the town quite lively 
returned to our billets at 11 pm 
13/8/17 Parade this morning 8.30. Afternoon visited 
Hazerbrouck, the town is very deserted and considerably 
knocked about by heavy gun fire, many of the women & 
children are camping out in the fields around the  
14/8/17 Parade 9 am for 10 mile route march, returning 
to billets at 2.30


15/8/17 Usual parades today 
16/8/17 Parade 8.30 am for 15 mile route march returned 
to billets by 4 pm. Hot tea was issued on march by the 
Coy cookers 
17/8/17 Parade 8 am for two hours, no parade in afternoon 
Sports in afternoon to commemorate the 3rd anniversary 
of the formation of the Bn. Sports & Swimming Carnival 
held in the La Motte Canal, with a concert in the 
evening at Bn Hdqrs. Detailed for piquet at La 
Motte at night 
18/8/17 Parades as usual in morning, short route 
march in the afternoon 
19/8/17 Sunday Church prade 9 am. rest of the day 
spent at La Motte 
20/8/17 Marched to Steenvorde to the Div baths in 
the morning, about 5 miles each way. Short prade 
in afternoon 
21/8/17 Parades morning & afternoon as usual 
22/8/17 Special parade for musketry at Bn Hdqrs 
rest of the day a holiday 
23/8/17 Parades morning & afternoon as usual 
24/8/17 Long route march today. 10 miles. on our return 
paid F70 = £ 2.11.4 
25/8/17 Parade as usuall. detailed for Coy O Sgt for a week


26/8/17 Sunday To 3/9/17 Coy O Sgt all this 
week we are still at La Motte 
4/9/17 Returned to my platoon. route march full 
marching order 8 miles 
5/9/17 Parades as usual during day, practising 
advance guard work, our long rest is now beginning 
to draw to a close, we have been resting & training 
since early in May. We are now fully reorganised 
& up to full strength & fully trained ready for 
a strenuous winter 
6/9/17 Route march today 10 miles 
7/9/17 Bn R O S all day, attended no parades 
8/9/17 Parades as usual 
9/9/17 Sunday Church parade this morning, nothing 
else doing, warned that we will soon be leaving 
for the trenches to take part in a big Belgian offensive 
soon to be delivered 
10/9/17 No duties today. sick today with Myralgia 
11/9/17            "                  "                    "                    " 
12/9/17 Easy day, warned that we are leaving for the 
trenches tomorrow. Dissappointed to find myself 
detailed to remain at the reinforcement camp to 
reorganise the Coy after they come out of the line. 
paraded before Capt Judge to obtain permission to 
leave with the Bn for the line. As I had been


detailed by the Colonel Capt Judge could not alter 
it, feel very dissappointed 
13/9/17 Bn marched away to Meteren on their first 
stage towards the line. Had to remain behind with 
a few sick men, who were unable to march & disposed 
of the Coy stores acording to instructions. Afterwards joined 
up with the other Sgts & men detailed for the 
reinforcement camp, we all marched off at 12am 
for Caestre near Bailleul where we pitched a camp 
14/9/17 Organising the camp all day 
15/9/17 Parades 9-11 & 2-4 pm 
16/9/17 Sunday Church parade 9 am, warned for camp 
O Sgt for tomorrow 
17/9/17 Camp O Sgt all day, very easy day 
18/9/17 Parades 9 am & 2 pm 
19/9/17 Parade 9 am only rest of the day Divisional holiday 
20/9/17 Attended no parades today. Warned for Sgt of 
Div guard. mounted 6 pm 
21/9/17 Sgt Div guard all day. easy day. on returning 
to camp was warned to hold myself ready to attend 
a Trench Mortar School 
22/9/17 Under orders to attend Trench Mortar School 
at Terdeghem, left camp 11 am & walked to Terdeghem 
a distance of 8 kilometres away reaching there about


3.30 only to find that we were 6 days late 
23/9/17 To 30/9/17 At Trench Mortar School Terdeghem 
30/9/17 Sunday Left TM School in motor busses 
for Hazebrouck which we reached at 9.30. Cought 
the 2 pm train that left at 6 pm (4 hours late in 
starting) arriving at Caestre at 8 pm, spent the 
night in the 1st Anzac reinforcement Camp 
1/10/17 1st Brigade marched here from Steenvorde 
joined them up at 2 pm in the old Brigade camp 
from where I left to join the TM School 
2/10/17 Tents struck today to let the ground dry 
out, easy day, noparades 
3/10/17 Parade only in morning 9-11. Div half holiday 
in the afternoon 
4/10/17 No parades today, drafts are being sent up 
to the Bns 
5/10/17 No parades today, very few left in camp 
6/10/17 No parades, very cold, raining all day, mounted 
Div O Sgt at 6 pm 
7/10/17 Sunday Div Brd Sgt all day. At midday 
news reached camp that the whole nucleous of the 
Division had to rejoin their Bns, packed up full 
marching order and marched to Caestre railway 
station in drenching rain, we waited on the station 
from 1 pm untill 4 pm the train being 3 hours late


We were taken to Ypres, where we detrained about half 
a mile in front of the town which we reached at 6.15 
pm and marched to Cafe Belge, through oceans of 
mud. The roads are in a very bad state & terribly congested 
being blocked with G S wagons, gun limbers, troops etc 
being relieved from the foreword area. Reached the 
Bn transport lines at 8 pm where we stayed for 
the night 
8/10/17 In camp until midday, am warned for the  
advance party for the front line tonight. Left camp 
at 12.30 pm for Brigade Hdqrs. The roads are in a  
terrible state & very muddy, being under constant shell 
fire, dead horses are lying about in dozens with broken 
GS Transport wagons on each side of the road, blown 
to pieces by shell fire, the roads are often knee deep 
in liquid mud with the dead transport drivers lying 
on the side of the track, everybody is hurrying forward 
as this sector of the road is under constant HE 
shell fire. Managed to reach Hdqrs without casualties 
taking special notice of the route. After a rest we leave 
Hdqrs & return to Half Way House where I pick up the Bn 
& wait for darkness when I will guide the Coy up to 
Brigade Hdqrs where we will pick up other guides 
who will take us to our position on Anzac Ridge which 
is about one mile behind our advance posts. Here we 
relieve the 3rd Bn in reserve. we spend the night in 
a trench full of mud & water, it is raining heavily all 
night, everybody being wet through & terribly cold & 
miserable this being a very exposed position 
9/10/17 Early this morning the heavy guns covered the 
advance of the 2nd Division, who are making an advance 
on our left and gained all their objectives. The weather


cleared up during the day, the sun coming out for 
a few hours giving us a little warmth & making things 
a bit cheerfull. There was much aerial activity 
during the afternoon, one German plane falling in 
flames in front of our lines. four other German planes 
then attacked one of our airmen bringing him down 
he fell just clear of our lines, fighting all the while 
the German aviators following him close down untill 
they came under our machine gun fire which drove 
them off, this is one of the best aerial fights we 
have seen in France, one machine fighting five & 
bringing one down. When our man fell some of 
our boys rushed up with a stretcher, expecting to 
find him badly hit. after disentangling him 
from his wrecked machine they brought him in, 
he was not very badly hurt, one bullet had opened 
his forehead badly but nothing very serious. We were  
relieved about 5.30 pm by the 60th Bn & marched 
to Half Way House where the Coy cookers were waiting 
for us with hot stew & tea, a welcomed hot meal 
Fortunately during our relief there was little shell 
fire on the roads & we suffered no casualties. After 
our hot meal we marched from Half Way House to 
our transport lines at Cafe Belge where we stayed 
for the night 
10/10/17 Remained all day at the transport lines 
orders issued to move off tomorrow 
11/10/17 Revelle 5.30 am. Fall in 6.45 marched through 
Dickebusch to Ypres, where we entrained for 
Poperinghe, detraining there & marched to a camp about 
6 kilometres outside Poperinghe called Dallington Camp 
at Wippenhoek This camp is in a terribly muddy


state. Visited Poperinghe in the afternoon returning 
to camp at 9 pm 
12/10/17 In camp all day, raining heavily, this camp 
is in an awfull state of mud, being ankle deep everywhere 
13/10/17 Rained heavily during the morning. It has 
been descided to leave this camp at 2pm, which 
is now simply a small lake. we marched to Abeele 
about 5 miles away, where we are billited in a farm 
between Abeele and Steenvoorde. Heavy rain has 
been falling all day, and the roads are in a very 
bad state making marches very heavy. Abeele is 
a town situated exactly on the Belgian boarder we are 
billited on the French side 
14/10/17 Sunday Sun shining today, although everywhere 
is an ocean of mud. Church prade this morning 
15/10/17 Parades 9-11 am & 1.30 - 3.30, no rain today 
for a change. Detailed as Sgt of piquet at Steenvorde 
tonight returning to camp at 10 pm 
16/10/17 Parades 9-11 am & 1.30-3.30. Sun shining all 
day, ground drying up 
17/10/17 Full parade for an inspection by the Div 
Commander General Walker at 10 am. We marched 
up to the parade ground much before time but 
the General did not turn up, so after a long wait 
we had a short route march instead. Parade in 
afternoon as usuall 
18/10/17 Inspection by the Div General this morning


who made a short speech, complimenting the men on 
their work in the last offensive, then we 
marched away in the mud, Sports were held 
in the afternoon 
19/10/17 Parade only in the morning, afternoon 
games & sports 
20/10/17 Placed in charge of a Brigade fatigue 
party to build a rifle range at the Brigade 
School with a party of 30 men. The Brigade 
School of Muskety is situated near Steenvorde 
we completed the job by 3 pm, returning to billets 
by 3.30, finished for the day 
21/10/17 Sunday No church parade. Visited 
Poperinghe to buy Xmas presents for the Australian 
mail leaving this week, returning to billets late 
at night 
22/10/17 Parades as usual 9 am & 1.30 pm. The 
weather is getting very cold now 
23/10/17 Parades as usual 
24/10/17 Parade only in morning, warned that we will 
be mooving nearer to the line tomorrow, remainder 
of day spent in packing up 
25/10/17 Left billets at 8 am, taking buses near Abeele 
at 10 am, passed through Dickebusch to a camp on the 
banks of the Ypres Commune Canal on the South 
side of Ypres

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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