Handwritten transcript of diaries of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 1 January 1915 - 6 October 1918, Part 19 of 26

First World War, 1914–18
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179 25/4/7 pniac day Memorial service in the merning yorts in the ofternion, with a conrest a supper in the evening. Supper not over untill rai next marning, had a ver mary time, all the officers being imerted to the Gfts mess 26/4/17 Evrrday nothing to do, have not recovered from the effects of yesterday yet 27/4/17 Nothing doing all days, we are having a veey larg life. Paid ₤4 Eszdazagain nothing todo 28/4/17 29/4/17 Sunday Fo 14/5/17 In camp, easy times, nothing to do, attended no parades, am feering full up with this comp life, poroded before the doctor yesterday; to be marked fit in order to volentior for France reoving with the next drott. Or gave me a jood aerhoul e was morked fit then pouded before the COevolentered for France being accepted, and granted 3 days leave before embckation 14/5/17 to 17/5/17 Three days enberkation bove to Frew Eg leave money Peistal Returned to camp, lote at night from leave 17/5/17 18/5/17 Last day in this camp. Am to be transpered to No 1 Rotoon tomorrow, fr draft to No 4 Camp, from where all drofts leave for France 19/5/17 Tanifered to No 4 Camp for dreft to France Sunday In camy all day, werred for inlying 20/5/1
186 prequet at night 21/5/17 Relieved of prequet duties this morning 22/5/7 In campall dey, nothing doing, conp life is new getting very weary 23/577 Wained for dreft leoring for France in a day or two, cqnipment etc issued 24/5717 to 26/5/17 Faitrry for draft to bove, we are definote leaving tomorrow, everything packed up and ready for inspection 27/5/17 Sunday Droft left camp at 11.30am, rainin very hard, the Depot band playing us to the station at Tidworth, left olout 12 midday for Senthamton arewing there about 230p.m. We hung around the canteens and the goods sheds in the station ford untill 4.15pm when we Fellin and embecked on the France with a droft of RE and a Bn of the London Regiment, left the Port at sundown and anchored outside the forts untill dockness when we left for Le Harce, orreving there at Naybreak, the loat was very much cvercrawded 2875/17 hecived at Le trre at daybecok and disembocked it 8 am, morched through the docks to the 1st HDBD Canpat Worflewr. cont 3/2 miles outside the town. It has rained all day making the camp very muddy 29/517 isned with rifle etc also lox respirator had another medical insjection. Leave pented to
181 Le Warce during the evening Route march during morning to Mentwillers no 30/5/17 this ofternoon farades All drofts have to yous through the locol Bull 31/5/17 ring a training ground before rejoining their Ms. This is oue first day, was detailed to conduct adret loz day, did no cary a pack today 1/6/17 Bull eny during the morning. Relief of trenches all night 2/6/17 Left Bull ring at II am after beeng in the trencher all night. Fisited LeHaure in the ofternoon returned to camp ot 10 pm 3/8/17 Sunday Nothing doing all dar. Prnd played in the Camy sqeace, many French visitors in camp during the afternoon, worm day, swn shining all day 4/6/4 No Bullaing todas lattingfarade instead, all tente were struck in the camp during the days in order to take advantage of the warm sun, give the ground a good airing. Camp generall cleared up, billiant sunghine all day, we are getting lenely summer weather now 5/4/17 Bull ring all day. Bull king all day. 6/6/4 Bull ring all day. 2/6/17
182 8/6/17 Detailed with 6 men to mount guard at the Supply Dept at the "Bullring, very lasy dur, mounted at 7.30 am 9/6/17 Dismounted guard this morning, nothing else doing all day, weather much warmer 10/6/17 Sunday attended no macles today 1st fw Band played in the Public Gordens in the centre of the rown during the ofternoon. In town all (afternoon returned to came at to am 11/6/17 Poraded for the rifle range this meening we are now available as a draft, hoven conjleted ave 10 days intersive training at the Bullein Tomed to be ready to leave in a few days time 2/6/17 No jorades today, medical insjection, also full insjection of all kit eequipment, we are leaxing tomorrow for the Bon 13/6/17 Short route mach during the morning to Mentiilliers, draft "fell in at 5.30 pm and marched to Le Navre Docks and entrained at 10 pm train left at 2 am the next morning 14/6/17 Fran left seance at rain arrig ot Couen at sam, marched to the rest camp, wherewe sgent the rest of the day. Left next camp ot cprn, entrained at 10 pm hearing at midnight for Albert (Sonne 15/6/17 Aceived Amiens gam e Albert 1030 am The town has competely changed in appearance, since the last time I saw it, it is now vey clean and DRIE
183 most if the ruing ewreckage that were tlecking the streets here been cleared away leaving plenty of room for traffic, Many civilians hove returned as the town is now out of shell fire range, settenu their small goces shopse estaminets, there are man Digional cantins scatteed alonthe whole tawn has a smort business opplocance. There wre man thousand troops lllited round about os they are now well behind the line. The Madoma on the church tower is still in its old position leaving were the rathway. We marched through the town to the rest camp. Left the camp at 11.30 am for Bricre where I found the Orn rating, glad to be lack again with the logs 16/6/7 Parade gam, no garade duriy afternoon. We all hod a swim in the Ance niver which hows just the village 17/6/17 Sunday Church perade gain, nothing doing all day. Vez wermday, another afternoons swin in the lencre 18/6/17 aade during the morningeofternoon, swering ofter prades. Viz Nt day. 19/6/17 Vey dull with herr thunder starne all day Thaute much during the morning only 20/6/17 Nowes of jarades aldered 6 gai e46 p vey dull ethundey all day, much coolor 21/6/17 Routemuch to a rifle range, fired wed tody finishin eal, rained duing the morning
184 22/6/17 Revelle 1am, murched out ot 1.30 for a silent night maech, rifle range untill 9.30. Weined for guard in evening, mounted at 6 pm 23/6/17 On guard all day, relieved to pm 24/6/7 Sunday Spent the day in Amiens returning to vitht at gpm, very warm days 25/6/7 Did not attend any parades today, worned as witness at Coderly Room for Plc Browns BCoy ed G.C.M. as or C0 in chaye of the guard on the 23 26/6/17 All day in Amions returned to bittets 9.30 27/6/17. Three hours wrade in morning, lattle order secuting, deill etc. borade in afternoon full marching order for short route march clout thour, warned that we are leaving here torrocrow 28/6/17 Left Buire a marched to Maill- Maillet arruing ot 10 am. kanjed at Wotts Camp just outside the village, rest of the day nothin doing The Brygade is here pr about 40 days hard mraining 29/8/17 Fraining in Coyattacks a Bndrill, gaing hard all day, very tried, ver wormday 30/6/17 Brigade review by Generals Budwood, Walker, e staff. Mr Holman Pemice of oSW also present who made us a speech, consity of the usual official llrff e Md stakes. 1/7/17 Sunday Church goeade dueny the morning, ORI
185 nothing else doing pr the day, very windy exvet raining nearly allday. Weary beslaement going on all aay, towrds the line 2/217 attended FG C.M. of St Brown Bloz durion the morning porade this ofternoon ooutfort duties 3/7/17 Prijade day today Rivelle 4am, parade at Cam. Brigade prattised advance tartics in open order fighten, captuing several objectivee and villages, returned to camp late in afternoon ofter a lay e hearz day, very warm day. 4/7/17 Short prade in morning. Brigade night manourres tonight. I was sent on in advance to find the O assembly trench also cose stotoon sectore lote in the evening e waited for the Pn all niftt. The trench which has been located to us, is one of the old prent line trenches and is still littered with old bembs, rifles, amunition etc. The dugents e many shell holes near ly are still full of the dead defenders, these hore been Gingobeut new for alor 2 months, it afferently is no ones job to even cover them up, The whole county despits its much lattered appearance, shell holes, warbed wire ite is thickl overgown with weeds, long ceass & wild flawers atthough the surface has been teerill knocked about ly HE Shells, thers effective concerg up the dead men who are Gingalout in all directions The pein line hes now veen pshed up several miles leavy all this debey behind over which the gross is now growing abundantly 5/2/17 The Bn morched up at 3 am, and teck
186 up their prition on the Bryade frent. The advance commenced at 5 am, objective gained at jam, returned to camp ot g3oam, no other parades cert of the day. We are leaving tomorraw 6/7/17 Om marched back to their old bittits in Buire during the morning, no pradee rest of the day 1/7/17 Parade pe 3 hours in the morning, nothing else during the day. Visited the Pio baths in ofternoon whee we got a good hat bathe a complete chanp of clotter in exchange for oue dirty ones 8/7/17 Sundas Rained heavil all day, no church prade, warked for ROC mounting with guard in the evening 9/7117 ROC all day, earyday, rained hearig all the meening 10/7/17 Om garade in morning to the riflerange afternoon prade 2 4 pm. Afterwards Bn attended a demontration in the use of liguid fire 11/7/17 Parade eng in the morning, ceremonial drill, in efteroon sortse games 12/2/17 Rernewed by King George. The 1st Din lined the Albert- Amune Ord, along which the King passed with Gen Budneod & his stoff. The men were in a vey bad temjor as we rove been waiting since early moening, the kin not jossig untill middg, the exceived no recesten, the men were quite silent as a protest for their long wait for no
187 apparent purpse. Returned to camp I pm, we are lear here tomorrow Left Pmise 7f30 am arriving at Bray Gy 13/7/17 no gorades lest of day middey Parac in moining, pacticed outjost work 14/7/17 prade in the Somme at Bray dueing the Gwerne ofternoon, ver hat day, being thunderstor ot night 15/7/17 Sunday Church porace durry maning, caryely 16/7/17 Perades in maningeafternoon. le in attack and autost duties Rained hearif during morning, prades us usuall 1777/1 on outfost duties 18/7/17 Wearr rain during the morning. Bn marched to the rifle range, put up a good score 19/7/17 Porade full merching order soe long rante much returned 3.30 pr 20/7/17 Marner jorade, drill, no poeade for the men in the ofternoon, all officers ests under orders to reconsite the ground for the Drugioral "stunt on Manday when the Pw is to have a field day 21/2/17 Parade today full mordin order. 5 miles route march in oftelneon, rained heavy durin the march 22/2/17 Sunday Church peade in maning not day
188 23/7/17 By disisional field day, finished by 2 pm ofter which we enjged a swem in the Somme, a vey hot day, we are rori here tomorrow, everything is packed up ready tought 24//17 Left Brax for Brine-sve-Somme arriving at I1 am. In the ofternoon swimming parade, mounted guald at 5.45 this evening 25//17 Bn Dr suord all day, we are under orders to leave here ary day for the N of France or a Belgian sedor 26/2/17 Full Om parade with packs e blankets ready pr a moove, nothing doin rest of the day, we will be leaving easl tomnrow morning 27/7117 Revelle I am. Bn fell in read to moore off at cam, we are definetey leavin for the north Ble entrain at Edgehill siding, between Albert & Buire, in the train all day, detrained at Barinchove near bossel e marched to billets at Zuyteme arrin et q pmn efter a lary weaz day of trevelling 2877/17 No prades tody, days rest for all. 29/7117 Sunday Church prade at Drn Adges. Aheary thundusterm stated helf wa through the service cutty thins short. we juse jet awy when it started everybody wet through. Visited lossel duy day gerdy the ofteroon in the old town returny to viltety late at night 30/7/17 Marched 6 miles, full morching order. Afternoon pradein villets

25/4/17 Anzac day Memorial service in the morning 
sports in the afternoon, with a concert & supper in the 
evening.  Supper not over untill 2am next morning, had 
a very merry time, all the officers being invited to the 
Sgts mess 
26/4/17 Easy day nothing to do, have not recovered from 
the effects of yesterday yet 
27/4/17 Nothing doing all day, we are having a very lazy  
life.  Paid £4 
28/4/17 Easy day again nothing to do 
29/4/17 Sunday To 14/5/17 In camp, easy times, nothing 
to do, attended no parades, am feeling full up with this 
camp life, paraded before the doctor yesterday; to be marked 
fit in order to volenteer for France leaving with the next 
draft.  Dr gave me a good overhaul & was marked fit 
then paraded before the CO & volenteered for France 
being accepted, and granted 3 days leave before embarkation 
14/5/17 To 17/5/17 Three days embarkation leave to 
Bristol.  Drew £9 leave money 
17/5/17 Returned to camp, late at night from leave 
18/5/17 Last day in this camp.  Am to be transfered to  
No1 Platoon tomorrow, for draft to No 4 Camp, from  
where all drafts leave for France 
19/5/17  Transfered to No 4 Camp for draft to France 
20/5/17 Sunday In camp all day, warned for inlying


picquet at night 
21/5/17 Relieved of picquet duties this morning 
22/5/17 In camp all day, nothing doing, camp life is now 
getting very weary 
23/5/17 Warned for draft leaving for France in a day or  
two, equipment etc issued 
24/5/17 to 26/5/17 Waiting for draft to leave, we are  
definately leaving tomorrow, everything packed up and 
ready for inspection 
27/5/17 Sunday Draft left camp at 11.30am, 
raining very hard, the Depot band playing us to the  
station at Tidworth, left about 12 midday for Southampton 
arriving there about 2.30pm.  We hung around the 
canteens and the goods sheds in the station yard 
untill 4.15pm when we "Fell in" and embarked  
on the "France" with a draft of REs and a Bn  
of the London Regiment, left the Port at sundown 
and anchored outside the forts until darkness  
when we left for Le Havre, arriving there at 
daybreak, the boat was very much overcrowded 
28/5/17 Arrived at Le Havre at daybreak and  
disembarked at 8am, marched through the docks 
to the 1st ADBD Camp at Harfleur.  about 3½ miles 
outside the town.  It has rained all day making  
the camp very muddy 
29/5/17 Issued with rifle etc also box respirator 
had another medical inspection.  Leave granted to


Le Havre during the evening 
30/5/17 Route march during  morning to Mentivillers no 
parades this afternoon 
31/5/17 All drafts have to pass through the local "Bull 
ring" a training ground before rejoining their Bn's. 
This is our first day, was detailed to conduct a draft 
easy day, did not carry a pack today 
1/6/17 "Bull ring" during the morning.  Relief of trenches 
all night 
2/6/17 Left "Bull ring" at 11am after being in the  
trenches all night.  Visited Le Havre in the afternoon 
returned to camp at 10pm 
3/6/17 Sunday Nothing doing all day.  Band played 
in the Camp square, many French visitors in  
camp during the afternoon, warm day, sun shining 
all day 
4/6/17 No "Bull ring" today, bathing parade instead,  
all tents were struck in the camp during the day 
in order to take advantage of the warm sun, & 
give the ground a good airing.  Camp generaly cleaned 
up, brilliant sunshine all day, we are getting lovely 
summer weather now 
5/6/17 Bull ring all day 
6/6/17 Bull ring all day 
7/6/17 Bull ring all day


8/6/17 Detailed with 6 men to mount guard 
at the Supply Depot of the "Bull ring", very  
easy day, mounted at 7.30am 
9/6/17 Dismounted guard this morning, nothing 
else doing all day, weather much warmer 
10/6/17 Sunday  Attended no parades today.  1st Div  
Band played in the Public Gardens in the centre 
of the town during the afternoon.  In town all  
afternoon returned to camp at 10pm 
11/6/17 Paraded for the rifle range this morning 
we are now available as a draft, having completed 
our 10 days intensive training at the "Bull ring" 
Warned to be ready to leave in a few days time 
12/6/17 No parades today, medical inspection, also 
full inspection of all Kit & equipment, we  
are leaving tomorrow for the Bn 
13/6/17 Short route march during the morning 
to Montivilliers, draft "fell in" at 5.30pm and  
marched to Le Havre Docks and entrained at 10pm 
train left at 2am the next morning 
14/6/17 Train left Le Havre at 2am arriving at Rouen 
at 8am, marched to the rest camp, where we spent 
the rest of the day.  Left rest camp at 9pm, entrained 
at 10pm leaving at Midnight for Albert (Somme) 
15/6/17 Arrived Amiens 9am & Albert 10.30am 
The town has completely changed in appearance, since 
the last time I saw it, it is now very clean and 


most of the ruins & wreckage that were blocking 
the streets have been cleared away leaving plenty of 
room for traffic.  Many civilians have returned as the 
town is now out of shell fire range, setting up their 
small grocers shops & estaminets.  There are many 
YMCA & Divisional canteens scattered about & the 
whole town has a smart business appearance.  There 
are many thousand troops billited round about 
as they are now well behind the line.  The 
Madonna on the church tower is still in its old 
position leaning over the pathway.  We marched 
through the town to the rest camp.  Left the 
camp at 11.30am for Buire where I found the 
Bn resting, glad to be back again with the boys 
16/6/17 Parade 9am, no parade during afternoon.  We 
all had a swim in the Ancre River which flows 
past the village 
17/6/17 Sunday Church parade 9am, nothing doing all 
day.  Very warm day.  another afternoons swim in the Ancre 
18/6/17 Parade during the morning & afternoon, swimming  
after parades.  Very hot day 
19/6/17 Very dull with heavy thunder storms all day 
Route march during the morning only 
20/6/17 Hours of parades altered 6-9am & 4-6pm  Very 
dull & thundery all day, much cooler 
21/6/17 Route march to a rifle range, fired well today 
finishing early, rained during the morning


22/6/17 Revelle 1am, marched out at 1.30 for a silent 
night march, rifle range untill 9.30.  Warned for  
guard in evening, mounted at 6pm 
23/6/17 On guard all day, relieved 6pm 
24/6/17 Sunday Spent the day in Amiens returning 
to billet at 9pm, very warm day 
25/6/17 Did not attend any parades today, warned 
as witness at Orderly Room for Pte Brown's B Coy 
F.G.C.M. as  NCO in charge of the guard on the 23rd 
26/6/17 All day in Amiens returned to billets 9.30 
27/6/17 Three hours parade in morning, battle order 
scrutiny, drill etc.  Parade in afternoon full marching 
order for short route march about 1 hour, warned  
that we are leaving here tomorrow 
28/6/17 Left Buire & marched to Mailly - Maillet 
arriving at 10am.  Camped at "Notts Camp" just 
outside the village, rest of the day nothing doing 
The Brigade is here for about 10 days hard training 
29/6/17 Training in Coy attacks & Bn drill, going 
hard all day, very tired, very warm day 
30/6/17 Brigade review by Generals Birdwood,  
Walker, & staff.  Mr Holman. Premier of NSW also 
present who made us a speech, consisting of the usual 
official "bluff" & "kid stakes". 
1/7/17 Sunday  Church parade during the morning, 


nothing else doing for the day, very windy & wet 
raining nearly all day.  Heavy bombardment going on 
all day, towards the line. 
2/7/17  Attended FGCM. of Pte Brown B Coy during 
the morning - parade this afternoon on outpost duties 
3/7/17 Brigade day today.  Revelle 4am, parade  
at 6am.  Brigade practised advance tactics in 
open order fighting, capturing several objectives and 
villages, returned to camp late in the afternoon after 
a long & heavy day, very warm day 
4/7/17 Short parade in morning.  Brigade night 
manouvres tonight.  I was sent on in advance to 
find the Bn assembly trench also Coy & platoon 
sectors late in the evening & waited for the Bn 
all night.  The trench which has been located 
to us, is one of the old front line trenches and is 
still littered with old bombs, rifles, amunition etc. 
The dugouts & many shell holes near by are still 
full of the dead defenders, these have been lying about 
now for over 12 months, it apparently is no ones job to 
even cover them up.  The whole country despite its 
much battered appearance, shell holes, barbed wire 
etc is thickly overgrown with weeds, long grass & 
wild flowers although the surface has been terribly 
knocked about by HE Shells, thus effectively covering up 
the dead men who are lying about in all directions 
The firing line has now been pushed up several miles 
leaving all this debris behind over which the grass 
is now growing abundantly 
5/7/17  The Bn marched up at 3am, and took


up their position on the Brigade front.  The 
advance commenced at 5am, objective gained at 
7am, returned to camp at 9.30am, no other 
parades rest of the day.  We are leaving tomorrow 
6/7/17 Bn marched back to their old billets 
in Buire during the morning, no parades rest of the day 
7/7/17 Parade for 3 hours in the morning, nothing else 
during the day.  Visited the Div baths in afternoon 
where we got a good hot bath & a complete change 
of clothes in exchange for our dirty ones 
8/7/17 Sunday Rained heavily all day, no church 
parade, warned for ROC mounting with guard 
in the evening. 
9/7/17 ROC all day, easy day, rained heavily all 
the morning 
10/7/17 Bn parade in morning to the rifle range,  
afternoon parade 2-4pm.  Afterwards Bn attended 
a demonstration in the use of liquid fire 
11/7/17 Parade only in the morning, ceremonial drill 
in afternoon Bn sports & games 
12/7/17 Reviewed by King George.  The 1st Div lined 
the Albert-Amiens Rd, along which the King 
passed with Gen Birdwood & his staff.  The men 
were in a very bad temper as we have been waiting 
since early morning, the King not passing untill  
midday, he received no reception, the men were 
quite silent as a protest for their long wait for no


apparent purpose.  Returned to camp 1pm, we are 
leaving here tomorrow 
13/7/17 Left Buire 7.30am arriving at Bray by 
midday, no parades rest of day 
14/7/17 Parade in morning, practiced outpost work 
Swimming parade in the Somme at Bray during the 
afternoon, very hot day, heavy thunderstorm at night 
15/7/17 Sunday Church parade during morning, easy day 
16/7/17 Parades in morning & afternoon.  Coy in attack 
and outpost duties 
17/7/17 Rained heavily during morning, parades as usuall 
on outpost duties 
18/7/17 Heavy rain during the morning.  Bn marched 
to the rifle range, put up a good score 
19/7/17 Parade full marching order for long route 
march returned 3.30pm 
20/7/17 Morning parade, drill, no parade for the men in  
the afternoon, all Officers & Sgts under orders to 
reconoitre the ground for the Divisional "Stunt" 
on Monday when the Div is to have a field day 
21/7/17 Parade today full marching order.  5 miles 
route march in the afternoon, rained heavily during the  
22/7/17 Sunday  Church parade in morning.  hot day


23/7/17 Brg divisional field day, finished by 2pm after 
which we enjoyed a swim in the Somme, a very hot 
day, we are leaving here tomorrow, everything is packed 
up ready tonight 
24/7/17 Left Bray for Buire-sur-Somme arriving at 
11am.  In the afternoon swimming parade, mounted guard 
at 5.45 this evening 
25/7/17 Bn Qr Guard all day, we are under orders to 
leave here any day for the N of France or a Belgian sector 
26/7/17 Full Bn parade with packs & blankets 
ready for a moove, nothing doing rest of the day, we 
will be leaving early tomorrow morning 
27/7/71  Revelle 4am.  Bn "fell in" ready to moove 
off at 6am, we are definitely leaving for the north 
We entrain at Edgehill siding, between Albert & Buire,  
in the train all day, detrained at Bavinchove near 
Cassel & marched to billets at Zuytpeene arriving 
at 9pm after a long weary day of travelling 
28/7/17 No parades today, days rest for all 
29/7/17 Sunday Church parade at Bn Hdqrs.  A heay 
thunderstorm started half way through the service 
cutting things short.  we just got away when it started 
everybody wet through.  Visited Cassel during day 
spending the afternoon in the old town returning to billets 
late at night 
30/7/17 Marched 6 miles, full marching order.  Afternoon  
parade in billets

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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