Handwritten transcript of diaries of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 1 January 1915 - 6 October 1918, Part 17 of 26

First World War, 1914–18
Accession number:

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159 Easyday, nething doin in ofternoon 27/9/14 Weerzday. 7 hours instructing, fnited 7.15pm 28/9/14 29/9/14 Sixhours instructing 30/9/14 Another full day 1/10/16 Sunday Manajed to catch an earday, one hous duty only 10.30 -11.30. Visited Poeis Plage in the ofternoon returned to camp 9.30 pm 2/10/16 Rained continually all day, wet through, vey cold all day, as we are situated close to the sea shore the wind here is very keen 3/10/14 lasy dar. 4 hows instructing onl, rained all the morning maken eveythy ver mudd emiserable 4/10/14 Rrained steadily all day. 3 hous nork in morning off during the ofternoon 5/10/16 Pharned dueing the monin, exeegledy wet through fll days work Fureday today. Full days wak 26 hours 6/10/16 1/1/14 Paned herd all day. Heary storm dug efternoon wind my violent. Full days wak Sunday No prade today, vigited Etope ofternoon 8/10/14 Fullday todg. Vez cold e wind 9/10/14
160 10/10/14 Holfdays work enly 11/10/14 First relief ot trenches in the morning, three heve benbin instruction in the afternoon 12/10/14 Fulldays work. 6 hours 13/10/14 Whark onl in morning, efternoon off 14/10/14 On Road centrol all day 15/10/14 Sunday Nothin doing today for the first time meited Etaples in the ofternoon 16/10/14 Nows of woek charyed from of 30 am untill I pm without a breek, then finish for the rest of the day 17/10/16 worked the fll 5 hoves, heary rain all night 18/10/14 Fire hows duty today 19/1414 Eazday. Freny afternoon Membes of the A.3. were given leave to visit the 1st Dw Bose Camp at Etoples to recod their vote in the question of Conscription in Austratia 20/10/16 Four hows duty today. Ver port eary this moening, the coldest day yet 21/10/16 Four hows dut today. Very coldda with ar heary prost during the night 22/10/14 Sunday Nodrity today. day in Eteples
161 23/10/16 Fody vey much weemer. Visited tody b the King of the Bilgians and a bost of high very efficies etc eveythy extra smart today 24/10/14 Four hours instructing todg, work new much casion 25/1716 Two houes instencting today the houes instructing tody 24/1/14 27/6/11 Heary rain all day, &y cold, nut through 28/10/16 still raining hearil, evezutice plooded, veg cold emiserable. We bull ring in joets is under water, we worked the pill cecuit today, a hore to be out in all weathers as the drafts must be gotread for the line in their allotted time, awing to the heary casualties on the Somme. Hhe drafts are centinuall areieing from Enland eace bein possed quickg through our hands 29/10/16 Sunday Very cold today. Full dress parade ot 29c for a review by the Tuke of Conaught who is possing through from Bologne, eveything OX 30/10/16 The weather is now graduall getting vey cold, and the wind blowing very keen, Full days berk 31/10/14 End two hows work today. very cold 1/4/14 Your houes wiek today 2/1/14 Three hours work today, worned that my reief had arrived, saraded before Coe received orders to rejoin my IBDept. Reported to 3 B Dept of 6pm
162 3/11/16 Ordered to rejain m Bn; full merching order at 1.30 pm, reported to R.B 2 pm, the train did not leave untill ypon. Frain eventually left very late e crawled vezslowl with prequer stops, we gent the whole night in the train. We are not informed of our destination, hove ne knowledge where we are caury. Paid 404 - L1.88 for the goving 4/4/14 All day in train, we stopped for long periods at several stations a sidings, after settliy down a making curselves comfortable for the night, we were sudding colled at midniht, and all members of the A).. had to get out, on to a vey deck pletform without even a dimmer of light, we enquire of a sleep Fomn where we are emuch to ove surprise it tuing out to be Albert we caryed for the night in the railway goods gord 5/1/14 Sunday Left Albert in ofternoon ofter drawing a box helmet from the D.A.D.O.S. a pssed through the gas chamber to tat it. We mached off lote in the ofternoon for Biv Adges 6 miles away, eventielly found them neve Mametz Good where we cam be the night. The county all around is very muddyI we hear that the preword area is much warse e ore hie sea of mud constantl bern churned up by shell fire. The prin tine by now has been Gushed on 2 is now fast Flers jorsy in pent of Bapaume 6/11/14 Droft moored of at 10 am to find Bryade Nd 2rs. Thecounty side is now one hage sea of mad sunk up to my knee twice e had to be houled out Weviny found the Beyade we are possed on to the Bn
163 which we reached at 2 p.m. My lox was in the line and as they are being relieved toniht, I did not roin them but waited yer them to be relieved, at Delville Hood, where the Bn will rest, the arrived about midnight. The sector of the line the Bryade is holding is inpent of Flees with Pparme in the distance We whole courty is a moss of mud e shell holes filled with woter) debeis, etc. O was relieved by the 2rd Bn 7/11/16 Gent all day resting a removing some of the mid offanselves Rlained all day eveybod wit through, thes wirter promises to be ver sevear ewet 8/11/14 Still behind Delville Hood, detailed pr fatiue party to the line in the evening 9/4/14 Gunshiny a little today, no rain. Paid sot £2:17.4 10/11116 Sun shinin all day, weather much improved, am detailed with a party to risit the firing tine, to find over loy josition as we expect to be returning in a day or two. This work was done in daylight, prtunely without an cosuotties although we were snied at several times while maiy among the shell holes been under observation from thei advance forts. Acturned to the Cy lote in the evening 11/11/16 Very good day, sum shining fr obeut 5 hours, ground much better e drying quickely but a keen wind blowing. An acreglase fight took place over our camp durin the afternoon; the Toube falling in flames just ihside our lines, the less cheeging one ariator when he returned TEM
164 12/1/14 Sunday Orders issued for us to prepare to leave tomorrow morning. We are menery further back from the support line to the reseives. Detailed for by 6St for a week 13/1/14 Mared of at 10 am to the reserve josition two mils in the rear, being relieved in close supprt by the 52n B. We camp for the night in Rurnafay Wood a occupy old jerman du outs 14/11/16 Maved off at 10 am and marched to Nissen huts at Fricourt Farm just outside Albert when we remain for the rest of the day 15/11116 Maied off at 10 am, passed through the outstirts of Abbert & the villages of Meantte Bernacourt to Buire-wus-Carbie a few miles outside Albert 16/11/14 In village all day, exect to be on the march again tomorrow going even further back, as we now exject to get a few days rest 17/1/14 Left Buire full marching order at Iam to a point about 1 mile outside the village, where we find motor busses who teck us about 20 miles, ofter yousing through many villagese the cutiherte of Ameens we eventually dop at the village of Flerselles, where we are billited in the village The weather new is vey cold, snow fell during the night 18/11/14 Parade of 30am e 2.30 pm eachday, very cold, vellge covered with snow this morning, later
165 in the afternoon it starled to rain, metting the snow e trenin the village into a huze quagmere 19/11/16 Sunday Village very mudd, raining slowl all day. thurch prade held in a field, we all goe very wet Compteted duties of Go AGgt today 20/11/14 Two perades daily 9 - 11.30 a2 - 4.30 vey muddy ezaining, perades held in vittets, lectures given on the Lewis jun etc 21/1/16 Twe parades. Brectice loy in attack by waves of patins 22/11/14 Two parades e raute march 23/11/14 Two prades as usuall. Quiit day 24/11/16 Full muster posade. Angue calouss distributed today in the formof a golden & in the centie of the A colours 25/11/14 Petailed soe O br Gt for the rent 24hous tayday, nothen doing, still ver muddy 26/11/16 Sunday Relieved ROSly Srt of Blor at gai Visited Amiens with Sgts Cveran e Mills e Cpls Palmer a Goldwater walkin all the way, a distance of 13 Kilormette avi there about 12.30 ofter cluding the prequets that are stationed on the road, as the town is out of bounds He all succeeded in hoving agood time. Nove no idea of what hoppened ofter 5 pm. I woke up during the night while an ar raid was in propess on the city and found myself with Set Cueran under arrgt
166 in the cit guard room, for hering dined too well 27/11/14 Sgt. R Brawford was sent from the Bn to be one escourt a to being us back to Flesselles he arrived at 12.30. We gent the rest of the day together in Amiens, hovwr agood time cought the 7.30 buss at the station accieing at the Bn about g pm where we resortede were placed under close arrest by the R.S. M Stewart 28/11/14 Placed under the escourt of Set Danidson Attended n ordely room during the day, and remanded the Colonel for a Pistrict Court Martial. Summay of evidence taken today 29/11/16 Sgt Boindson excourt, we can moore obot the village very keelg taking exercise, but we are exempt from all duttes 30/11/16 Sgt Beale exouet todg. We are not thomn a had time, as we are exemst per all dutis so we poss ave time away in the estaminety all day while the rest of the Cey is on prade. We are lovng tomolrow for the Somme lorf in the maening 1/12/14 Revelle 3 am. Packed up full marching order marched to Nignacourt where we arrived at day breok, we have had no breakfast, a expected to catch the train ot 6 am, but it did not accive untill 12.15 am. During the long wait many men wandered into the village where the obtained plent of rum, e as the had rod no treatfost, this took guid effect on their emjt storacs, may returned
167 horibl deunk, about half the Om must have been effected. When the train was about to leave astrong picquet entered the village to gather up the drunks those not capable of walking were wheeled on to the farade ground in hand carts etossed out on top of one another like sacks, much to the ammusement of all of us. After gathering up all they could the precnct returned, but we left Geveral men behind, we left at N.30. The gowing was vere merry as there were many bottler of rumn with us real fre water which has a lad effect on enjl stomachs. We reached a siding near Mericourt obout 4 pm e marched to Ribement where we were billited 2/12/14 placed under you arrest today, a attend all porade, an hours march during the marning e a bathey sorade in the ofternoon at Weill about 5 Kilometies away, where the baths are situated in an old brewen the hre beer vats moke excellent baths about 2o men gettng in toether 3/12/14 Sunday Church porade in morning, nothin else doing all day 4/12/14 Ts perades today, moniy porade Bndull of the Co afternoon prade attack by wors of loys 5/2/16 Forede that our Fly Court Mortial is to be held at 10 am, attended the court at 9.45am. President of the Court Majr Watson 2nd Bn, other members lept Woodman 4t Bn e Lt Edgley 2nd Bn. Pleaded not guitty e mode nostatement We arere ont charged with being in Amiens e out of bounds without a poss on the 24 h27/11/14. Evidence of good choracter given ly Lt Will. Lt Mc Kewan e Copt Judge. all officers
168 of Acor. hase concluded during the moning. Weare awaithy the confiration of the verdict 6/2/14 Under orders to more off during the morning marched off full marchy order or 8 am e marched to triecust acriing at midday then centinued on to Milbourne Camp at Mametz where we are billited This camp is very muddy the whole county being a sea of mid 1/12/14 Detented fr ROS, mounted at yam, loy day, redict of bouet Maitiol mordes tonytt, we are elduced to the rente of Cpl, with loss of seniouty from March te 5/12/16 B0 342 & prfect 1 days par we think that we pt out of it lighty 8/12/16 Dismounted ROS gain, did nething rest of the day, naining all day 9/2/16 Out with a fatine porty buuldroy roads all day, made with bricks of the ruined houses etc, very wlt a muddy day, teeibly cold, rained all night 10/12/16 Sunday Very wet e cold, no prade today 11/12/14 his prades today in huts, morning e ofternoon lictures given, to wit to leave huts Fatigues all day 12/12/14 To perades dueing the day 13/12/16 Satigues all day 14/12/14 300

27/9/16  Easy day, nothing doing in afternoon 
28/9/16  Heavy day. 7 hours instructing, finished 7.15pm 
29/9/16  Six hours instructing 
30/9/16  Another full day 
1/10/16   Sunday Managed to catch an easy day, one 
hours duty only 10.30-11.30. Visited Paris Plage in the 
afternoon returned to camp 9.30pm 
2/10/16  Rained continually all day, wet through, very cold 
all day, as we are situated close to the sea shore the 
wind here is very keen 
3/10/16  Easy day. 4 hours instructing only, rained all 
the morning making everything very muddy & miserable 
4/10/16  Rained steadily all day. 3 hours work in morning 
off during the afternoon 
5/10/16  Rained during the morning, everybody wet through 
full days work 
6/10/16  Free day today. Full days work = 6 hours 
7/10/16  Rained heavy all day. Heavy storm during afternoon 
wind very violent. Full days work 
8/10/16  Sunday No parade today. Visited Etaples afternoon 
9/10/16 Full day today. Very cold & windy


10/10/16  Half days work only 
11/10/16  First relief of trenches in the morning. Three 
hours bombing instruction in the afternoon 
12/10/16  Full days work. 6 hours 
13/10/16  Work only in morning, afternoon off 
14/10/16  On Road control all day 
15/10/16  Sunday Nothing doing today for the first time 
visited Etaples in the afternoon 
16/10/16  Hours of work changed from 9.30am untill 
2pm without a break, then finish for the rest 
of the day 
17/10/16  Worked the full 5 hours, heavy rain all night 
18/10/16  Five hours duty today 
19/10/16  Easy day. During afternoon Members of the 
A.I.F. were given leave to visit the 1st Div 
Base Camp at Etaples to record their vote on 
the question of conscription in Australia 
20/10/16  Four hours duty today. Very frosty early 
this morning, the coldest day yet 
21/10/16  Four hours duty today. Very cold day with 
a heavy frost during the night 
22/10/16  Sunday No duty today. Day in Etaples


23/10/16  Today vey much warmer. Visited today by the 
King of the Belgians and a host of high army officers etc 
everybody extra smart today 
24/10/16  Four hours instructing today, work now much easier 
25/10/16  Two hours instructing today 
26/10/16  Two hours instructing tody 
27/10/16  Heavy rain all day, vy cold, wet through 
28/10/16  Still raining heavily, everywhere flooded, very cold 
& miserable. The bull ring in parts is under water, we 
walked the full circuit today, & have to be out in all 
weathers as the drafts must be got ready for the line 
in their allotted time, owing to the heavy casualties on 
the Somme. The drafts are continually arriving from 
England & are being passed quickly through our hands 
29/10/16  Sunday  Very cold today. Full dress parade at 2 o/c 
for a review by the Duke of Conaught who is passing through 
from Bologne. everything OK 
30/10/16  The weather is now gradually getting vey cold, and 
the wind blowing very keen, Full days work 
31/10/16  Only two hours work today. Very cold 
1/11/16  Four hours work today 
2/11/16  Three hours work today, warned that my relief 
had arrived, paraded before CO & received orders to 
rejoin my IB Depot. Reported to IB Depot at 6pm


Ordered to rejoin my Bn, full marching order 
at 1.30pm reported to R.T.O. 2pm, the train did 
not leave untill 4pm. Train eventually left very 
late & crawled very slowly with frequent stops, we spent 
the whole night in the train. We are not informed 
of our destination, have no knowledge where we are 
going. Paid 40F=£1.8.8 for the journey 
4/11/16  All day in train, we stopped for long periods 
at several stations & sidings, after settling down & making 
ourselves comfortable for the night, we were suddenly 
called at midnight, and all members of the A.I.F. 
had to get out, on to a very dark platform without even 
a glimmer of light, we enquire of a sleepy "Tommy" where 
we are & much to our surprise it turns out to be 
Albert. we camped for the night in the railway 
goods yard 
5/11/16  Sunday  Left Albert in the afternoon after drawing a 
box helmet from the D.A.D.O.S. & passed through 
the gas chamber to test it.  We marched off late in 
the afternoon for Div Hdqrs 6 miles away, eventually 
found them near Mametz Wood where we camp for 
the night. The country all around is very muddy & 
we hear that the forward area is much worse  
& one huge sea of mud constantly being churned up 
by shell fire. The firing line by now has been 
pushed on & is now past Flers passing in front 
of Bapaume. 
6/11/16  Draft moved off at 10am to find Brigade 
Hd Qrs. The country side is now one huge sea of mud 
sunk up to my knees twice and had to be hauled out 
Having found the Brigade we are passed on to the Bn


which we reached at 2pm. My Coy was in the line 
and as they are being relieved tonight, I did not join 
them but waited for them to be relieved, at Delville 
Wood, where the Bn will rest, they arrived about 
midnight. The sector of the line the Brigade is holding 
is in front of Flers with Bapaume in the distance 
The whole country is a mass of mud & shell holes filled with 
water, debris, etc. [[?]] was relieved by the 2nd Bn 
7/11/16 Spent all day resting & removing some of the mud 
off ourselves. Rained all day everybody wet through, 
this winter promises to be very sevear & wet 
8/11/16  Still behind Delville Wood, detailed for fatigue 
party to the line in the evening 
9/11/16  Sun shining a little today, no rain. Paid 80F 
10/11/16  Sun shining all day, weather much improved, am 
detailed with a party to visit the firing line, to find 
our Coy position as we expect to be returning in a day 
or two. This work was done in daylight, fortunately  
without any casualties although we were sniped at 
several times while racing among the shell holes being 
under observation from their advance posts. Returned 
to the Coy late in the evening. 
11/11/16 Very good day, sun shining for about 5 hours, ground 
much better & drying quickly but a keen wind blowing. An 
aeroplane fight took place over our camp during the  
afternoon, the Taube falling in flames just inside our 
lines, the boys cheering our aviator when he returned


12/11/16  Sunday  Orders issued for us to prepare to 
leave tomorrow morning. We are moving further back 
from the support line to the reserves. Detailed for  
Coy O Sgt for a week 
13/11/16  Moving off at 10am to the reserve position two 
miles in the rear, being relieved in close support 
by the 52nd Bn. We camp for the night in Burnafay 
Wood & occupy old german dug outs 
14/11/16 Moved off at 10am and marched to Nissen 
huts at Frecourt Farm just outside Albert where 
we remain for the rest of the day 
15/11/16  Moved off at 10am, passed through the 
outskirts of Albert & the villages of Meaulte & 
Bernacourt to Buire-sous-Corbie a few miles 
outside Albert 
16/11/16  In village all day, expect to be on the march 
again tomorrow going even further back, as we now 
expect to get a few days rest 
17/11/16  Left Buire full marching order at 11am to a 
point about 1 mile outside the village, where we 
find motor busses who took us about 20 miles, after 
passing through many villages & the outskirts of 
Amiens we eventually stop at the village of 
Flesselles, where we are billeted in the village 
The weather now is very cold, snow fell during 
the night 
18/11/16  Parade 9.30am & 2.30pm each day, very 
cold, village covered with snow this morning, later


in the afternoon it started to rain, melting the snow 
& turning the village into a huge quagmire 
19/11/16  Sunday Village very muddy, raining slowly all 
day. Church parade held in a field, we all got very 
wet. Completed duties of Co O Sgt tody 
20/1/16  Two parades daily 9 - 11.30 & 2 - 4.30 very muddy  
& raining, parades held in billets, lectures given on the 
Lewis gun etc 
21/11/16  Two parades. Practice Coy in attack by waves 
of platoons 
22/11/16  Two parades & route march 
23/11/16  Two parades as usual. Quiet day 
24/11/16  Full muster parade. Anzac colours distributed 
today in the form of a golden A in the centre of the  
Bn colours  
25/11/16  Detailed for Bn Ord Sgt for the next 24 hours, 
easy day, nothing doing, still very muddy 
26/11/16  Sunday  Relieved R O S G Sgt of B Coy at 9am 
Visited Amiens with Sgts Curran & Mills and Cpls Palmer & 
Goldwater walking all the way, a distance of 13 kilometres 
arriving there about 12.30 after eluding the picquets that 
are stationed on the road, as the town is out of bounds 
We all succeeded in having a good time. Have no idea 
of what happened after 5 pm. I woke up during the  
night while an air raid was in progress on the city 
and found myself with Sgt Curran under arrest


in the city guard room, for having dined too well 
27/11/16  Sgt R Crawford was sent from the Bn to 
be our escourt & to bring us back to Flesselles 
he arrived at 12.30. We spent the rest of the day 
together in Amiens, having a good time, caught 
the 7.30 buss at the station arriving at the Bn 
about 9pm where we reported & were placed 
under close arrest by the R S M Stewart 
28/11/16  Placed under the escourt of Sgt Davidson 
Attended Bn orderly room during the day, and 
remanded by the Colonel for a District Court 
Martial. Summary of evidence taken today 
29/11/16  Sgt Davidson escourt, we can move about the 
village very freely taking exercise, but we are exempt 
from all duties. 
30/11/16  Sgt Beale escourt tody. We are not having a 
bad time, as we are exempt from all duties so 
we pass our time away in the estaminets all day 
while the rest of the Coy is on parade. We are 
leaving tomorrow for the Somme early in the 
1/12/16 Revelle 3am. Packed up full marching order 
marched to Vignacourt where we arrived at day 
break we have had no breakfast, & expected to 
catch the train at 6am, but it did not arrive  
until 12.15am. During the long wait many men 
wandered into the village where they obtained plenty 
of rum, & as they had no breakfast, this took 
quick effect on their empty stomachs, many returned


heavily drunk, about half the Bn must have been 
affected. When the train was about to leave a strong 
picquet entered the village to gather up the drunks 
those not capable of walking were wheeled on to the  
parade ground in hand carts & tossed out on top of' 
one another like sacks, much to the ammusement of 
all of us. After gathering up all they could the picquet 
returned, but we left several men behind, we left 
at 12.30. The journey was very merry as there were 
many bottles of rum with us real "fire water" which 
has a bad effect on empty stomachs. We reached a siding 
near Mericourt about 4pm & marched to Ribemont 
where we were billeted. 
2/12/16  Placed under open arrest today, & attend all 
parades, an hours march during the morning & a bathing 
parade in the afternoon at Heilly about 5 kilometres 
away, where the baths are situated in an old brewery 
the huge beer vats make excellent baths about 
20 men getting in together 
3/12/16  Sunday Church parade in morning, nothig else 
doing all day 
4/12/16  Two parades today, morning parade Bn drill by the Co 
afternoon parade attack by [[?]] of Coys 
5/12/16  Warned that our F G Court Martial is to be held 
at 10am, attended court at 9.45am. President of the Court 
Major Watson 2nd Bn, other members Capt Woodman 4th Bn 
& Lt Edgley 2nd Bn. Pleaded not guilty & made no statement 
We were only charged with being in Amiens & out of bounds 
without a pass on the 26 & 27/11/16. Evidence of good character 
given by Lt Hill. Lt McKeiran & Capt Judge all officers


of A Coy. Case concluded during the morning. We are 
awaiting the confirmation of the verdict. 
6/12/16 Under orders to move off during the morning 
marched off full marching order at 8am & marched  
to Frecourt arriving at midday then continued on to  
Melbourne Camp at Mametz where we are billeted 
This camp is very muddy the whole country being 
a sea of mud 
7/12/16  Detailed for ROS, mounted at 9am, easy 
day, verdict of Court Martial in orders tonight, we are 
reduced to the rank of Cpl, with loss of seniority 
from March to 5/12/16 BO 342 & forfeit 1 days pay 
we think that we got out of it lightly 
8/12/16  Dismounted ROS 9am, did nothing rest of the 
day, raining all day 
9/12/16  Out with a fatigue party building roads all 
day, made with bricks of the ruined houses etc, very 
wet & muddy day, terribly cold, rained all night 
10/12/16 Sunday Very wet & cold, no parade today 
11/12/16  Two parades today in huts, morning & afternoon 
lectures given, to wet to leave huts 
12/12/16  Fatigues all day 
13/12/16  Two parades during the day 
14/12/16  Fatigues all day

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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