Handwritten transcript of diaries of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 1 January 1915 - 6 October 1918, Part 13 of 26

First World War, 1914–18
Accession number:

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119 26/4/16 A good deal of shelling today, many shells fulling near our biltets, searching for our guns which are hidden quite close on the man road, no one hit otherwise a quiet day. Hre exchange billets with C Coy so that we can take up our shore of Brigade fatiques, which start tomorrow Cent with 30 men to the firing line on enjireers 27/4/16 this is the first prent line we have been in fatigue we are all very interested in the new cenditions in Fance prevailing on the Western Front, the firing line here is not dug, as it is imjossible to dig more than 1 foot without striking water, sand bag beast works are erected obaut 5 to 6 ft high e3te4 ft thick whichgive very solid cover a protection from rifle shots, but would not last very lang under actillery fire. The ferman line is alown 125jods awaye is constended in the same way. Everything is remackally quiet on this sector, which is at present being held ly an Exlish egiment, very seldom is a shot fired atthough constant watch is being kept on the trenches apposite. A considerable amount of movement is toking place all day long to which the Germans apporently take no exception, the idea being sont fire at me and I will not pre at you these sentiments were expeessed to me ly a British Commy. We wirk in the line all day a return to vittets ot 4 pm. At 11 pm the gos aloim was sounded as the famars wee using soson ove left, all the bittels wee roused up; donned our gos helmets quickly deessing in fighting order, & rushed to our streng jost wheen we are under ordees to hold in case of an attack, however we were stapped by an ordirly when halp way there who informed us that the gas attack was not on our sector, but to the left e was now over helmets could now be removed, returned to billetse tuersed in ogain at 12.30 ORI
120 28/4/14 A cox pr fatigues in the line not detailed for ay duty today. day of for me. Very quist day on the whole 29/4/14 Quiet day. Detailed for engincers fatiue it rail head at 8pm loading the trucks on a light railing pushing them up to the line filled with rations, enjincees materials, etc, hear that we are relievg ovr 2nd Bn in the frent line in a faw days 30/4/16 Sunday Very lively day, dozers of HE shells falling en the roads a billets near us, a few fell near our villet frtundey without hitty it as all the le is accemodated in one loge barn, some trees quite close are blown down, and a few houses along the road 1/5/14 Nothing daiy during the day. In charge of enjincers futyue on rail head leading to trenches at 8pm, we all return safel although a machine gun was turned on us. prthnotel without inflicty any easualties 2/5/16 lor in ptigues all day, no duties for mself warned that we will be relieving in the pent line tomorrow, mounted ROC at 5 pri 3/5/16 ROC alldoy, earydey, nothin doing, In the evening the O relieved the 2nd Pn in the pent line, vey quiet all night, this being ove fiest nest in the kent line in France. We are in the Petitton sector in pont of the village of Flenbaix at Cordonnerie Farm 4/5714 Fairly quist day, there is now plenty of smiping during the afternoon, as our logs here wile things up
121 the line is not so quiet now, as the Enlish regiment left it us quiet as a mense it wis nicknamed The oursecy now our logs are taking shots at anything that offers a tayet. Prite rejlies when he gets achance with the result that thiys are pretty donjerous. In repl he gave us some shelling from his 77r guns, but not much danae done to the trench 5/5/16 Allday very quiet, at jam a violent temberdment efered on our lift near Armentiers on this sictor are the New Zealanders, the whole line shook with the vituations of the explocting NE shells, ouer big guns replied, the shelling lasted for two hours, This is our first experience of a bembordnent in France which is much more consenteated than on fabyolli. About gain the 9th O rejorted gus from the left, the alarm being given all gus helmits were put on, the attack lasted untill 9.30 am. We have been "starding too since day breok and stand down ot 10 am no attack developed on our fent 6/5/16 Our part of the line quiet all day, nothing doing 7/5/16 Sunday Our sector of the line shelled during the morning, may shells jassing over us luust in the racant ground behind, all being HE. Par 604 2 E2.3.0 today in the pent line, everythey very quiet. Very little snixing. Bss Ford Alox 4 Bn 8/5/16 Heary shelling on our eight during the day in the direction of Laventie, atherwise nothing doing anever pent the feemers opsite to us were relieved during the night Dars Word Angae 9/5/16 The seemens in pent were relieved during the nift LIAN
122 the newcerners are very quiet, we think they must be Saxons as thy are much quieter than the others snife very little, they greeted us at dawn by warting a zellow shirt exhibite messages. It rained constantly during the night. Very muddy Vac Word Suvla 10/5/14 Ground very muddy e sipery all day anry to the constant rain, everylody cold ewet through. Fitz is very quiet all day, probably thy are in a worse. condition than we are 11/5/16 No rain durin the night, ground dying quicky a little excitement about 11 am. The fermans spenng a mine about 12 to 15 jords outside our peropet without doin the slightest damage to the fire trench the distance had been badly judged, the ground shook a good deal and the porapet got a good shaking up, threatening to fall, but not a single bay was cislodged, although a pairt laye creator was blown up, which gave ue the additional job of occupging it ot night, so as not to allow Frly the use of it as a tembin jost to nory us . Vey quiete for the rest of the day Oars Ward - Yoss 12/5/16 Everything my quiet, vig little snising. Oars Word— Albur 13/5/14 Yon wet today, raining all day practicilly without stoping, everytty in the line very wit and everywhere a sea of mush, which is vey sticky sticking to your boots in lage lumys. everything guit. Doss Word Serapeum everythin veg muddy, no further 14/5/16 Sunday
123 rain during the day, it is now very dificult to move about the trench owing to the sucton of the mud. Paxs Weed Judy 15/5/16 Everything quiet as usual on our frent during the days, ot night sertoial bembs were thrown over awy parapet all fallin behind the trench dain no darrage About 12 bombs wae thrown. We replied with our trench mortars which settled the argument, as no more were thrown at us Pass word Apil. 16/5/14 Warned during the early morning that I am going on leove to England a 4.30 pm, sun shining today the first time for several days, mud dying upquickly, very quiet day. Packed up full murching order + reported to the Bn Ordeely Reom at 4.30 pm. pass e travelling warrant issued, marched into Sailly and caught the moior bus at 8.30 fist visited the Bn Qusteemester and was issued with a new uniscem etc. slept at aJMCA. hut at Steenwack read to catch train earl in moenny 17/5/16 Up at 3am and marched with many other men who are all going on love to Steenwerck Station and entrained for Boldgne, arriving there at II am, we went direct on board the St e CPli's SS Invicta areui at Folkestene Enland at 12.30, left by train for London at 2.15 pmaciin at Nctocia Station about 4.30 pm, reforted immediately to our Ad Lrsat Horsefory Rd edrew ₤10. I have been very fortunate in reachey London direct from the part line in 24 hours, as my poss dae not conmence until tomelrow, e I heuestill several hours to the good, including a whole evening. This is my first leave since joining up in Aug 1914 2rimonths leave granted for onl 7 days expini on the 24/5/16
124 18/5/14 to the 24/5/14 On leove sent the whole time in London 25/5/16 Returned to Frence from London ofter a weeks leave, left Victoria Station ot 730am arriving at Folkestone at 10 ame wissent to the rest camp, to wait for the boat that leave fr Bollyne at 6.30 pm, visited the town from 2 tell 5pm. Weall full in to catch the boat at 6.30 pm carrive at Boulgne ot 7.45; too late to catch the train for Failly, so we are marched up to Estrohore Camp situalia on the top of a hill by the wizeless station just outnote the town, where we gent the night 26/5/16In Boulogne all day, visited the townot 2pm untill 5.30, visiting the Cathedral and other places of interest. Caught the train at y pm arriving at Steenwerck soon ofter midnight, where we caught a motor lorey for sailly arriving at 2 am 27/5/14 Acrived from Boulgne ot ram. found the B in the same billets we occupied, in a mill before we relieved the Bn in the live fr the jiest time Repated to the bm Orduly Room for duty, rest of the day off 28/5/16 Sunday Eary day. Nathing to do 29/5/16 Porade this morning, detailed for guard ot Div Hd 223 to mount at 4.30 pm, regt of day of 30/5/16 Guard at D46 all day. Visited the Dw baths during the day for a hot bath, all had our clothes disenfected a clean underclothes issued, very quiet day the guard not being tuened out once
125 31/5/16 Three parades during the day, early morning 7.30 physical drill, g-1 am morning porade, 2-4 pm efturoon farade. Said 704 - £2.102 1/6/14 Inejection today by Mr Huighes. Prine Minister of Austratia accompanied & senerals Birdwood a Walker with their stoff. Mr Hughes made a spach; then we were dismissed, las ofternoon nothing to do 2/6/16 Three parades today. lay forduty tomorrow 3/6/16 lar prdute, only 9men of No4 platoon on parade We all fell in a 7/.20 pm fer an all night fatyue in the prent line digging 4/6/16 Sunday Off all duties, we are on permanent diging ftyue each evening at $20, digging trenches for underground cables to the firin line, all cobles now must be buried 3t as a protection against hery shell ofice Wearr tenbordment near Loventie all nyht 5/6/16 Off all duties as a cincession geanted to the diggin pityue behind the lince at night we return to out billets before dawn e sleep during the day 6/6/1 Returned earg this morning from petigus, during the ofternoon or demonstration of bajonet fighting was given by an Eylish Sgt Major of the egular arry 7/4/14 Pagging fatyve all night 8/6/14 Orders issued today that the night dyging ptigue are to be en peade duking the ofternoon, starting tomorrow. We left billets on patyue at 7.30 pm for the
126 line, it started to rain just as we commerced the a naied all night, we accived lack at the billet wet through 9/6/14 Slight cold today, due to the soaking through we jot last night, everything very muddy, no change of crother e we are damp all day 10/6/16 Last day in these bittets, wamed that we are leaving at gpm tonight for the firing line, we marched during the night to Fleubaix to new billets right behind the line, we will remain here in support for a few days e relieve the 8th On 11/6/14 Sunday Remained in our billets allday, this Willet is very dongerous e subject to heart shill fire owing to it being constantly under observation, from the Geman lines, and as a consequence we have to keep inside durin day light, no movement must He seen outuide. Thity did not wasy us during the day, not a shot being fired at us; in rained Baril during the night making thens very muddy Billet Known as Linnet Farm 12/6/16 Petailed for Bn quarter guard at plenbaix meanted at gai, can hear a heary artitli duell all days a night at Ypres, we bembarded oncur pont during the night 13/6/16 Dimounted guard at gam, nother daiy for the rest of the days, told off for night fatyne in port live ramed hearily during the day e night, making the trench full of deep rid, pnished fotyue at 11 pm, returned to our billete wet through
127 14/8/14 Detailed for fatyne all day in the support lines rooyds behind the firing tine, very muddy returned to bittets at 5 pm feeling very wet. All watches today are advanced hour, awin to the introduction in France of the Enlish. Daglight Gorry Bill, thus making our time the standard Eylish time. All vatches were advanced I howr at midnight (last night) This Bill became eperutare in England duriz ny 7 days leave in May 15/6/14 No futyne today, eary day, nothing to do 10/6/16 Petailed per ftyne party durng day, worked all day hear benbordment on our pent lcke out during evening 17/6/16 Early this morning about 2 am, the gasalarm was sounded, so we had to stand too in gas helmets, gas was used on ove left, ver little readed us 18/6/14 Sunday layday, resting ofter an all night fatie fatynes again ronight, heary renlaedment at II pm on ou pent. The patigue parts had to man the alarm fort (Jaze Bet) while the hearr shelling wos on probout 2 hours. All the line "Steod too nothin doing, just a little woeming up, the geemans did not attack 19/6/16 with the weeking part in the reserve thenches all day, mooved from our billets at Linnet Faim to Smiths Willa atg pm. Gas alarm during the night gas again being used on oue left, but it did not vorry us much. We stood too at the billet pray emeegancy but wee not required. Routine sland too 3-gam a Egpm 20/6/16 Detailed for fatigue party in the port line, wiked
128 there all day. At 5.30 pm the firmars opened up a hevry shelling all around the billet, searching for the guns that are kidden near by, the billet on ove left being hit sesced times, we all had to occupy the safety trenches while the shelling while the shells were denjercus, our willet was not hit, No cosualties 21/4/14 Fatiues all day, working on gos proof dryouts that are being build at the rece of the firing line Ovey to bey hours of daylight "Stand too new at 9 -10 pm 22//14Fatyues all day, buildy gos proof dujouts, several trench mertar bembe wee theewn over, but caused no cesuattie amongst the weeking porty 23/4/14 No fatynes today. Weare leavin these billety romorrow for the pent line. Am detailed to leave with the advance party, laving for the prent line during the ofternoon to obtain perticulars of my flation prent (Noyplotoon) At night jaired the patiol of A cog of the 2nd Bn to get acquainted with our fatrol prent to see what repaies are necessary to the borbed were in pent of the Coy line. It rained herrily oleut 4 pm mekting the trench fill with water e mud, the day outs were hadl swanged out, reined steadif all night. Paydrawn before Corny for the line 50f- £1.155 24/4/16 Vey mudde cllday, raining steadily eneything being swared. Several shells were fired into our parapet during the morning but did little darreye, plest of shepnel showered over the line a behind it. Afterdack the Onarrived e relieved the 2nd taking ever their sictor Detailed to lead ouer firt patrol out at 10.30 pm, left the line through the Gally bost returning at 12.30, no

26/4/16 A good deal of shelling today, many shells falling  
near our billets, searching for our guns which are hidden  
quite close on the main road, no one hit otherwise a quiet  
day. We exchange billets with C coy so that we can take  
up our share of Brigade fatigues, which start tomorrow 
27/4/16 Sent with 30 men to the firing line on engineers  
fatigue, this is the first front line we have been in,  
in France we are all very interested in the new conditions  
prevailing on the Western Front, the firing line here is  
not dug, as it is impossible to dig more than 1 foot  
without striking water, sand bag breast works are  
erected about 5 to 6 ft high & 3 to 4 ft thick which gives  
very solid cover & protection from rifle shots, but would  
not last very long under artillery fire. The German  
line is about 125 yards away & is constructed in the same  
way. Everything is remarkably quiet in this sector, which  
is at present being held by an English regiment, very  
seldom is a shot fired although constant watch is  
being kept on the trenches opposite. A considerable amount  
of movement is taking place all day long to which the  
Germans apparently take no exception, the idea being  
"Dont fire at me and I will not fire at you" these sentiments  
were expressed to me by a British tommy. We work in the  
line all day & return to billets at 4 pm. At 11 pm the  
gas alarm was sounded as the Germans were using gas on  
our left, all the billets were roused up, donned our  
gas helmets quickly dressing in fighting order, & rushed to our  
strong post which we are under orders to hold in case  
of an attack, however we were stopped by an orderly when  
half way there who informed us that the gas attack was  
not on our sector, but to the left & was now over,  
helmets could now be removed, returned to billets &  
turned in again at 12.30


28/4/16  A Coy for fatigues in the "line" not detailed for  
any duty today. day off for me. Very quiet day on the whole 
29/4/16. Quiet day. Detailed for engineers fatigue at  
rail head at 8 pm loading the trucks on a light railway  
pushing them up to the line filled with rations,  
engineers materials, etc, hear that we are relieving our  
2nd Bn in the front line in a few days 
30/4/16 Sunday Very lively day, dozens of HE shells  
falling on the roads & billets near us, a few fell near  
our billet fortunaty without hitting it as all the Coy  
is accommodated in one large barn, some trees quite  
close are blown down, and a few houses along the road 
1/5/16 Nothing doing during the day. In charge of  
engineers fatigue on rail head leading to trenches  
at 8 pm, we all return safely although a machine  
gun was turned on us. fortunately without inflictg  
any casualties 
2/5/16 Coy on fatigues all day, no duties for myself  
warned that we will be relieving in the front line  
tomorrow, mounted ROC at 5 pm 
3/5/16 ROC all day, easy day, nothing doing, In the  
evening the Bn relieved the 2nd Bn in the front  
line, very quiet all night, this being our first night  
in the front line in France. We are in the  
Petillon sector in front of the village of Fleurbaix at  
Cordonnerie Farm 
4/5/16 Fairly quiet day, there is now plenty of sniping  
during the afternoon, as our boys have woke things up 


The line is not so quiet now, as the English regiment left  
it as quiet as a mouse it was nicknamed "The Nursery"  
now our boys are taking shots at anything that offers a  
target. Fritz replies when he gets a chance with the  
result that things are pretty dangerous. In reply he gave  
us some shelling from his 77mm guns, but not much damage  
done to the trench 
5/5/16 All day very quiet, at 7 am a violent bombardment  
opened on our left near Armentiėrs on this sector are the  
New Zealanders, the whole line shook with the vibrations  
of the exploding HE shells, our big guns replied, the shelling  
lasted for two hours, This is our first experience of a  
bombardment in France which is much more consentrated  
than on Galipolli. About 9 am the 9th Bn reported gas  
from the left, the alarm being given all gas helmets were  
put on, the attack lasted untill 9.30 am. We have been  
"standing too" since day break and "stand down" at 10am no  
attack developed on our front 
6/5/16 Our part of the line quiet all day, nothing doing 
7/5/16 Sunday Our sector of the line shelled during the  
morning, many shells passing over us burst in the vacant  
ground behind, all being HE. Paid 60F = £2.3.0 today in  
the front line, everything very quiet. Very little sniping. Pass  
Word A Coy 4th Bn 
8/5/16 Heavy shelling on our right during the day in the  
direction of Laventie, otherwise nothing doing. On our front 
the Germans opposite to us were relieved during the night  
Pass Word Anzac 
9/5/16 The Germans in front were relieved during the night


the newcomers are very quiet, we think they must be  
Saxons as they are much quieter than the others &  
snipe very little, they greeted us at dawn by waving  
a yellow shirt & exhibiting messages. It rained  
constantly during the night. Very muddy Pass Word Suvla 
10/5/16 Ground very muddy & slippery all day owing to the  
constant rain, everybody cold & wet through. Fritz  
is very quiet all day, probably they are in a worse  
condition than we are 
11/5/16 No rain during the night, ground drying quickly  
a little excitement about 11 am. The Germans sprung  
a mine about 12 to 15 yards outside our parapet  
without doing the slightest damage to the fire trench  
the distance had been badly judged, the ground  
shook a good deal and the parapet got a good  
shaking up, threatening to fall, but not a single bag  
was dislodged, although a fairly large creater  
was blown up, which gave us the additional job of  
occupying it at night, so as not to allow Fritz the use  
of it as a bombing post to worry us. Very quiet for  
the rest of the day. Pass Word - Yoss 
12/5/16 Everything very quiet, vey little sniping. Pass  
Word - Albury 
13/5/16 Very wet today, raining all day practically  
without stopping. everything in the line very wet  
and everywhere a sea of mud, which is vey sticky  
sticking to your boots in large lumps. everything  
quiet. Pass Word Serapeum 
14/5/16 Sunday Everything vey muddy, no further


rain during the day, it is now very dificult to  
move about the trench owing to the suction of the  
mud. Pass Word Judy 
15/5/16 Everything quiet as usual on our front during  
the day, at night several bombs were thrown over our  
parapet all falling behind the trench doing no damage  
About 12 bombs were thrown. We replied with our  
trench mortars which settled the argument, as  
no more were thrown at us Pass Word April. 
16/5/16 Warned during the early morning that I am going  
on leave to England at 4.30 pm, sun shining today the first 
time for several days, mud drying up quickly. very  
quiet day. Packed up full marching order & reported to  
the Bn Orderly Room at 4.30 pm. pass & travelling warrant  
issued, marched into Sailly and caught the motor bus  
at 8.30. First visited the Bn Quartermaster and was  
issued with a new uniform etc. slept at a Y.M.C.A. 
hut at Steenwerck ready to catch train early in morning 
17/5/16 Up at 3 am and marched with many other men  
who are all going on leave to Steenwerck Station and entrained  
for Boulogne, arriving there at 11 am, we went direct on  
board the SE & C Rly's SS "Invicta" arriving at Folkestone  
England at 12.30, left by train for London at 2.15 pm arriving  
at Victoria Station about 4.30 pm, reported immediately to  
our Hd Qrs at Horseferry Rd & drew £10. I have been  
very fortunate in reaching London direct from the front line  
in 24 hours, as my pass does not commence until tomorrow, &  
I have still several hours to the good, including a whole  
evening. This is my first leave since joining up in Aug 1914 
 = 21 months leave granted for only 7 days expiring on the  


18/5/16 to the 24/5/16 On leave spent the whole  
time in London 
25/5/16 Returned to France from London after a weeks  
leave, left Victoria Station at 7.30 am arriving at Folkestone  
at 10 am & was sent to the rest camp, to wait for the  
boat that leaves for Boulogne at 6.30 pm, visited the  
town from 2 till 5 pm. We all "fall in" to catch the  
boat at 6.30 pm & arrive at Boulogne at 7.45, too  
late to catch the train for Sailly, so we are marched  
up to Ostrohove Camp situated on the top of a hill  
by the wireless station just outside the town, where  
we spent the night 
26/5/16 In Boulogne all day, visited the town at 2pm  
untill 5.30, visiting the Cathedral and other places of  
interest. Caught the train at 9 pm arriving at  
Steenwerck soon after midnight, where we caught a  
motor lorry for Sailly arriving at 2 am 
27/5/16 Arrived from Boulogne at 2 am. found the  
Bn in the same billets we occupied, in a mill; before  
we relieved the Bn in the line for the first time.  
Reported to the Bn Orderly Room for duty, rest of the day off 
28/5/16 Sunday Easy day. Nothing to do 
29/5/16 Parade this morning, detailed for guard at Div  
Hd Qrs to mount at 4.30 pm, rest of day off 
30/5/16 Guard at DHQ all day. Visited the Div baths  
during the day for a hot bath, all had our clothes  
disenfected & clean underclothes issued, very quiet day  
the guard not being turned out once


31/5/16 Three parades during the day, early morning 7.30  
physical drill, 9-11 am morning parade, 2-4 pm afternoon  
parade. Paid 70F =£2.10.2 
1/6/16 Inspection today by Mr Hughes. Prime Minister of  
Australia accompanied by Generals Birdwood & Walker  
with their staff, Mr Hughes made a speech, then we were  
dismissed, lazy afternoon nothing to do 
2/5/16 Three parades today. Coy for duty tomorrow 
3/6/16 Coy for duty, only 4 men of No 4 platoon on parade  
We all fell in at 7.20 pm for an all night fatigue in 
the front line digging 
4/6/16 Sunday Off all duties, we are on permanent  
digging fatigue each evening at 7.20, digging trenches for  
underground cables to the firing line, all cables now must  
be buried 3 ft as a protection against heavy shell fire  
Heavy bombardment near Laventie all night 
5/6/16 Off all duties as a concession granted to the digging  
fatigue behind the lines at night we return to our  
billets before dawn & sleep during the day 
6/6/16 Returned early this morning from fatigue, during  
the afternoon a demonstration of bayonet fighting was  
given by an English Sgt Major of the regular army 
7/6/16 Digging fatigue all night 
8/6/16 Orders issued today that the night digging fatigue  
are to be on parade during the afternoon, starting  
tomorrow. We left billets on fatigue at 7.30 pm for the


line, it started to rain just as we commenced the job  
& rained all night, we arrived back at the billet  
wet through 
9/6/16 Slight cold today, due to the soaking through  
we got last night, everything very muddy, no change of  
clothes & we are damp all day 
10/6/16 Last day in these billets, warned that we are  
leaving at 9 pm tonight for the firing line, we  
marched during the night to Fleurbaix to new  
billets right behind the line, we will remain here  
in support for a few days & relieve the 8th Bn 
11/6/16 Sunday Remained in our billets all day, this  
billet is very dangerous & subject to heavy shell fire  
owing to it being constantly under observation from  
the German lines, and as a consequence we have to  
keep inside during day light, no movement must  
be seen outside. Fritz did not worry us during the  
day, not a shot being fired at us, it rained  
heavily during the night making things very muddy  
Billet known as Linnet Farm 
12/6/16 Detailed for Bn quarter guard at Fleurbaix  
mounted at 9 am, can hear a heavy artillery duell  
all day & night at Ypres, we bombarded on our front  
during the night 
13/6/16 Dismounted guard at 9 am, nothing doing for the  
rest of the day, told off for night fatigue in front line  
rained heavily during the day & night, making the trench  
full of deep mud, finished fatigue at 11 pm, returned to  
our billets wet through


14/6/16 Detailed for fatigue all day in the support  
lines 200 yds behind the firing line, very muddy, returned  
to billets at 5 pm feeling very wet. All watches today  
are advanced 1 hour, owing to the introduction in France  
of the English. Daylight Saving Bill, thus making our time  
the standard English time. All watches were advanced 1  
hour a midnight (last night) This Bill became operative  
in England during my 7 days leave in May 
15/6/16 No fatigue today, easy day, nothing to do 
16/6/16 Detailed for fatigue party during day, worked all day  
heavy bombardment on our front broke out during evening 
17/6/16 Early this morning about 2 am, the gas alarm was  
sounded, so we had to stand too in gas helmets, gas  
was used on our left, very little reached us 
18/6/16 Sunday Easy day, resting after an all night fatigue  
fatigues again tonight, heavy bombardment at 11 pm on our  
front. The fatigue party had to man the alarm post  
(Jazs Post) while the heavy shelling was on for about  
2 hours. All the line "stood too" nothing doing, just  
a little warming up, the Germans did not attack 
19/6/16 With the working party in the reserve trenches  
all day, mooved from our billets at Linnet Farm to  
Smiths Villa at 9 pm. Gas alarm during the night  
gas again being used on our left, but it did not worry  
us much. We stood too at the billet for any emergency  
but were not required. Routine stand too 3-4 am &  
8-9 pm 
20/5/16 Detailed for fatigue party in the front line, worked


there all day. At 5.30 pm the Germans opened up a heavy  
shelling all around the billet, searching for the guns that  
are hidden near by, the billet on our left being hit  
several times, we all had to occupy the safety trenches  
while the shelling while the shells were dangerous, our  
billet was not hit, No casualties 
21/6/16 Fatigues all day, working on gas proof dugouts  
that are being build at the rear of the firing line  
Owing to long hours of daylight "Stand too" now at 9-10 pm. 
22/6/16 Fatigues all day, building gas proof dugouts, several  
trench mortar bombs were thrown over, but caused  
no casualties amongst the working party 
23/6/16 No fatigues today. We are leaving these billets  
tomorrow for the front line. Am detailed to leave  
with the advance party, leaving for the front line  
during the afternoon to obtain particulars of my platoon  
front (No 4 platoon) At night joined the patrol of A coy  
of the 2nd Bn to get acquainted with our patrol front  
& to see what repairs are necessary to the barbed wire  
in front of the Coy line. It rained heavily about 4 pm  
making the trench fill with water & mud, the dug outs  
were badly swamped out, rained steadily all night.  
Pay drawn before leaving for the line 50F =£1.15.5 
24/6/16 Very muddy all day, raining steadily everything  
being swamped. Several shells were fired into our  
parapet during the morning but did little damage, plenty  
of shrapnel showered over the line & behind it. After dark  
the Bn arrived & relieved the 2nd taking over their sector  
Detailed to lead our first patrol out at 10.30 pm, left  
the line through the Sally Port returning at 12.30, no  

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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