Handwritten transcript of diaries of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 1 January 1915 - 6 October 1918 Part 3 of 26

First World War, 1914–18
Accession number:

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11 with much abuse, we march to attention e make no reply. The route is about 10 miles, after loading the rram with our luggage, wokers, etc we leave at 10.30 pm for Alexandria, orrery 3 am next morning 4/4/15 Sunday Arrived at Alexandrra at 3am heary fatyues unloading the train e loading the boar Loke Michigan A8 which has beek a cattle boat usua g the Canadians, everything tranfered aboard, and we leave for an unknown destination at 12 midnight 5/4/15 At Sea. parade at 9.30, we are told by Major McNaughton that we are bound for the itland of semnes outside the Doidanelles, the accomodation on the ship is very rough, we have to stey on the dick or in the hold in pet any where we can get. Heary gole blowing all night ship relling a good dear Wess orderly today, off all parades 200 6/4/15 rounds of amunition naw isgued to each man waitig outside harbour for orders. Arewsed at Lemnos clout 12 am 7/4/15 Detaited as deck swceper today, several other rransforts arcive. Harbour full of Wllleshy a tearpts 8/4/15 Arrived in Mudres Bay, and tre up along side the tity of Berares which accived lost wenn with the stoff and the tranat aboaed. Paid £215i English money. The caral Heiry Resave arrived with may other transforts, may turn over the side today pr a swim RIAI
20 9/4/15 Nothey of injotance today, several other ttranspts arlied. Another pay todny 19 - everything prtty quiet, over the side again for a sum, parads twlce darly with full pack e marching order, however we do nothing. Mary lattleshyps are new in the halour including the Russian, she liskeld the Queer Elyobeth Frugh London. Prince of Wales Eothers that hove been timbardin the forts of the Porderelles 10/4/15 Two parades full morchiy order, several other transfats aceive, some with Enlish Agular tr on board, warred for ships guard to mocraw 11/4/15 Sunday Mounted ships quard jam. No 3 relief 37e3-7, placed under arrest of tpl Mrui ot 29 so I did not mourt guard in consequence more transjats arrived today. A Mdieglan is being tested in the hasbour, flin above the transets e giving a five exhebltion 12/4/15 Nethin dain today, placed under epen arrest the rest of the Coy had a now round the horlowe e landed. Tust wail today ver laye, 2 letter a sepes from motheAnos. n comandies were taken on board the Queen Elyabeth which left for the Fardanelle, to inspect ove landing places; when we are colled upn to attack the forts etc ly land, everythy guist mary more thansfots acrive 13/4/15 Oarades today with full jacks, senturred of May Storey to two extre guards, then seelf quiet rlemouced be are loviy on Thursdays
21 14/9/15 The whole Preyade landed today, the berangements were very fanth, but they is our pst attengt at being liken ashoce by the neval authoritie, the noval pinnaces taw our long strin of boats to the shore, where we hop out e wade the remainy distance, then a murch through a few villages to the open country to attack some hills on the sy line me met the Dublin Fusclars ashere, who was doing the same then from their transprts, in fact the whole fleet of transports are practising randing on an open beach from trangats far out at sea, we are all very tried today e landed with full packs eamunition which is tey heary, worsed forgucad tomocrow 15/4/15 Ongured all day 7-11an e 7 -11 pen very quiet day, good vey lad tody, the dinner socaded before the colonel then committed to the dr often a burial senice 14/4/15 Landed arain teday with the Beyade we had a few miles route march, rect of the day we were allowed to wander around the beach and bouht pruit ite fran the notive with some onions far tea which was quite a relish as the food has been very had lately 17/4/15 Landed again today, acrenzements are now getting better as we do in in much less time avy thin now wrks smoothl, the men all knowy their boats exlaces, Route march through several villages every pretty county, after march all hands in for a suim frm the beach. Letters accived today.
22 18/4/15 Sunday Attended church parade, thronspets. accrived today with machine gunners e1.15 gun quiet day resting, washy, seving, eavriling letters. 19/4/15 Qmit day dtituited as dick sweeper, no parades, heary mail, letter call sounded 3 times, wrote letter home dury day. 20/4/15 Landed todg pr route march, returny to ship at 17 am. No Garade in afteroon. Moy Gall blewing in Rochour all day. 21/4/15. Very wet day, no parades, expected to more off by 4.30 orders cancelled owery to bad weather warned today that I am to be an amunition corrier to the firn line when we land, one of the tranjots drifted ashore durig the heary starm of the lost 24hours, she strick farr y the stern, failed to taw her off during the day 22/4/15 Birthday today, nearly pyrt it, nather a quiet day, two parades as usuall. Lectrie ts oftenoon Gelloy Mlcangtton on the Trikish position in Gallefoli e where we might hove to land, he showed us a very fire milday mop of the county. Wained for guaed tomorrow. 2314/15nguold all day 7sam 7-p the tranats begir to more out this ofteroon, & all steam us up read for mooring at once. 9o10 ship hove duriz otheron ofter 430. Weare under orders to moore off at 12 am toworrow, ave landing will peobobl toke place. lorf in Sunday maning, we are naw awairy orders
23 24/4/15 Under orders to sail at 12 am, iren rations for three days seired out - two time of bully beef, tea sugor, begcuits, a cules of Bovril, also rations for the first Ray of landing, bully beep e busiits, we had to reararye our sacks to get all the food in, also an extra ration of water securel called in an empty lemonode little in case of emergency. Had to fold m overcoat e sweater to and secure same to m bett under pack. Full paradedt 2.30 pm when on addres was given by the bolonel Onlow Thompson, who explained our operations for tomorrow yir - We are to sail at r am to meet the rest of the transforts at a foeocrarzed meetig place in another by further worth, we are to remain there untill midnight, when we are to be joined y the fleet, and proceed to the rxetnt of disemborration where we are to pree a landin, covered by the guns of the whole fleet. Te 3rd Plyade are to land first to frma carain party for the rest of the ormy. He also read a letter from the Bryadier Col MeLowren one fram Gen Sir can Hamilton, one from Gen Birdwod and one fron the King. The men are all vey light hearted e gone three cheers for the bolonel e the Major. Spead tea seered tonight, bull beefI eyo, the men were espeuall excited during tea time and san all the time, Kukry up a terkible noise no smin or steiting matcher allowed ofter 7.30 pm and all liffts were put out. Filled uster lottle which is to lost 3 days, also smoll soda little as an extra ration Am under orders to report to boptain Chrictian on landing to be held as amunition carrier to the firing line if wanted We all cavy a smoll supp of wood, obtaind of dcckin un smell boxes, ladman yoy a bundle on the tep of his pack, they is a precaution to be token in case we are unable to find ay untible fire wood ofter 1OR1
24 landing to lail our billies I feel ver fit and vee anxious to set about the job. All the loystonytt are singon and are in great speits, tasonets are shurgened and orythe rea fo tomarow. West to bed earl every tiled, we are all anxiousl avartiy romacrows exents 25/4/15 Sundar Landed on the Collepoli Penirgula Prefte the lanty are battleshys open meary five, just before dawn, shelling Goba tepee the renches smachin the smoll fets up with the exception of one gun that gave us a lot of trouble, shellyy our boats a causing may casualties. The pest Bn to land is repoted to be the 12th, who rented the huks out of their trenches which were constructed right to the vatus edge, the 12th sulfered veg heavil reinforcements from the 3rd Bryade were gent in and so effected a firmlanding. The transfoets abeut 119e came under a heary shell fire and were compelled to move to a sefer position, nolodf been hit. The 4th Bn landed between 11, 212 am under a not shropnell fire, we left the Loke Michyan and embosssed on a distrozer, being packed like serdines, we are now under shell fire centinasly shells fell all arround us but none actually hit us while the distroiers raced for the beach, when within a few hundled goeds we cosed down and were transpened to ship boats, in which we rewed through a certain of sheaprell fire, epef landiy on the beach, there bein no easualtis in m boat Pesated frduty to tas amunition to the firin une for the rest of the day, under theary sheopell five We had reg man casualtys but prtundly wes not tanched myself attang had may excepes fam
25 the cerceded sniees behind our line, duei my many trys backnad e prewoeds. Carnied woth to she 2nd Om in the trenches at night, delivered the vater spel, but lost my war comiz back to the beach, aiscoured fo nen of snipers e fired on but not hit, managed to get back sofely under cover of darkness, nove been under shrepnell erifle five all dar, our line had to retue a little on the left and lost some ground sufle fire incessant all night 26/4/15 Weary bembordment conmersed this morning by the ballleship. The Queen Elizobeth 15 guns opened on the Trukish batteries which were selensed in about 11/2 hours, noise of the guens is very desfenio. Made 5 tees to the trenches with amunition reports of vey heary casnoltes pomoll Brs who are under hear shepnell enifle fire the whole of the time in the trenches. Some of our artilley hove been landed and are placed in psition during the day, and wee ey well concealed, good propeess is reforted today The are odered to advance with the O park, the whole Beyjade is to moore prewoed, but ofter suffaig very bear casualtes we had to reture to oue originol line, we leose may officies includin te Beyudier E bol Thompson killed May Me weytton wounded Om is now inder the temy conmord of May Stare Repate Bn of Tul a g nachine guns tothen br the New Esslandees on the I plark. Aso regated that the English e Frenc treope ore hourl advansing, a Nt we must hanon at oll costs ustill the dreme. Two spies have been caught in our unifoem ebrauht in blindfolded one harin voluable papees on him. Man regorts are afteat tht the trabs hove been abiling the white pay on our R pank & shot a let
26 of our men tendung the wounded, I did not observe anythy mself on the R, as a motter of feet we all aple that the Turks play the came fairl, we love been holdny our own all day cley the little prert faught with the 2nd Bn all day, cot seperated fom my own Om, everythy is in a state of mix up, mnclod can find their Caz, so we look up with anytedy that we happen to be near, & so things keep mooring, there are replesentatives of the unde Peysade in the loy that I am atached to but novod minds. The 4th Bryade are landed tonight 27/4/15. The day opened with a hearr fire from the shys at dawn, with great effect on the Trieks went to be beach for good, amunition, witer, etc makey severd tryps to the lines, we wre holdry our owh very well although we are heorif pened on thea park, gent lote at nylt to the 4th Bn whee I remained for a good time as an attack was expected, but it did not come off 28/4/15 Foda opered vez quietl the warships on yenr a few shills, we made good propers toduy and held our own all along the line, thed plank was had peessed tht held on, took supplie to the 4t n on thel park under heary fice get lost for a while but managed to find the track again. Loye pree of the R.MM. LJ.s landed during the nyht, receiving a great reception from excrsiod We went at once into the firim tine. Shell fice on the beach not ver baay toda they guns fedolf disabled G He fere of the war k India mountain latter landed terday IRIE
27 Rather quiet day to day, held our own 29/4/15 all alay the line, our rations are now been taken to We line by the mules of the Zion Mill lorps also Galare part of Indians with their mule teai Sheaprell Full os as we call it. The Volle of Death realy shelled today, this is the man artery that feeds the fieg line. all pod viter, arenition, wounded etc must pass up He gull to rech the part line, so the Tuekse marleged to keep it pett warm, josed though severd tines without a sceatch 2,000 marine landed tonytt 30/4/15 Nevrzdg today, we are attacked all olor the line but managed to beat it off, returned to m Bn Udges tody prcoed, we hove the trenches today for a ren. the first time since whe landing on lost Sunday, we are relieved by the Marines, feeling done up peett well exhousted, here as yet no seep since the landen. We have a bathe in the sea at Brytton Blach, and a general clean up we love all lost our packs which we chenged on the day of landing so we fore lost everytting onl herein what we stand up in. I am the orl mman in the ly that has an overcoat as I did not carg it in my jack but on i bett, after a swim we dy ourselves A little shelter to sleep in, when we are suddeng celled out in ftten order to reinfrce the centre so had to remain in close supfert all night. There is centinuous freen all niht, the marine held their line so we were not actuall required, get vylittle rext a seep. It Col Bennen assures conmandg the B. General Bridge our Anisional Cermander mortoll wounded in Seeprell Gully
28 1/5/15 Reserves see heoril shelled by shrepnell this morning, we are still waiting in regeives Nos 1e2 gletions oriteed up to the line but were recolled in about thoue No3 er woter fatyue for the firing line, wert ite the peiz time about 4 p under a heay heil of sheopnell, we received may casuatties, had a muchine gun turned on us but Pescoped, we improve our trench by digig all night, we take it in trne to watch for 1/2here on e theny off time off taken up by digging. Mery night the Trurks camne up in hundreds in pent o our trenches & swormed ovr the sty line, but did not attack us meref advancey a little ed in consideroll closer to us, we had good sniping all night, os the were censtarty moy dont the dy tine Sunday 2/5/15 Hove been landed 1 week e centinour under fire had a fair quiet nit which are now vey cold. Merif attacked or day breek f Tuts who had odvanced the nytt before but we were read for them e gre them ave weem reception, not a sle tuck fained ove tine but on our R a few got through e were drolt with, their attack a cemlite piture. Et Ooke was hit while stondy f ry side in one of the fire psitions we were seem the macie gumers, who turned the gun on us, as we were freet expsing curselves smpin at such good tayets. I wos not tached. Oots of Witty Copt Couttman icunded also man men, we had a ry uarm time, although the Tuets did not pless their attack &e Lord the came up in considerale number to ove lives, the quietered down ly midde. About 6 pm the noval guns opened on the hills that were infilading ouer trenches on the left with consideale effect we saw the ubde of the action from our trenches, as the psition overlecks ours, their suipers cavsin us may casnalties. Jestedg we hear tht me lest a trench held

with much abuse, we march to attention & make no
reply. The route is about 10 miles, after loading the
train with our luggage, cookers, etc we leave at
10.30 pm for Alexandria, arriving 3 am next morning 

4/4/15 Sunday Arrived at Alexandria at 3am
heavy fatigues unloading the train & loading the
boat ''Lake Michigan'' A8 which has been a
cattle boat used by the Canadians, everything
transfered aboard, and we leave for an
unknown destination at 12 midnight 

5/4/15 At Sea. parade at 9.30, we are told by
Major McNaughton that we are bound for the
island of Lemnos outside the Dardanelles, the
accomodation on the ship is very rough, we have to
sleep on the deck or in the hold in fact any
where we can get. Heavy gale blowing all night
ship rolling a good deal 

6/4/15 Mess orderly today, off all parades, 200
rounds of amunition now issued to each man
waiting outside harbour for orders. Arrived at
Lemnos about 12 am 

7/4/15 Detailed as deck sweeper today, several other
transports arrive. Harbour full of battleships & transports 

8/4/15 Arrived in Mudros Bay, and tie up along
side the "Lily of Benares" which arrived last evening
with the staff and the transport aboard. Paid
£2.15 in English money. The Naval Flying Reserve
arrived with many other transports, many turn over the
side today for a swim


9/4/15 Nothing of importance today, several other
transports arrived. Another pay today 10/- everything
pretty quiet, over the side again for a swim, parads
twice daily with full pack & marching order, however
we do nothing. Many battleships are now in the
harbour including the Russian ship ''Askold" the
Queen Elizabeth. Triumph London. Prince of
Wales & others that have been bombarding the
forts of the Dardanelles 

10/4/15 Two parades full marching order, several other
transports arrive, some with English Regular troops
on board, warned for ships guard tomorrow 

11/4/15 Sunday Mounted ships guard 7 am. No 3
relief 3-7 & 3-7, placed under arrest by Cpl [[Navin?]]
at 2 o/c so I did not mount guard in consequence
more transports arrived today. A Hydroplane is
being tested in the harbour, flying above the
transports & giving a fine exhibition 

12/4/15 Nothing doing today, placed under open arrest
the rest of the Coy had a row round the harbour
& landed. First mail today very large, 2 letters
& several papers from mother & Amos.  Bn commanders
were taken on board the Queen Elizabeth which
left for the Dardanelles, to inspect our landing
places, when we are called upon to attack the
forts etc by land, everything quiet many more
transports arrive 

13/4/15 Parades today with full packs, sentanced by
Maj Storey to two extra guards, things pretty quiet
rumoured we are leaving on Thursday


14/4/15 The whole Brigade landed today, the
arrangements were very faulty, but this is our
first attempt at being taken ashore by the naval
authorities, the naval pinnaces tow our long string
of boats to the shore, where we hop out & wade
the remaining distance, then a march through a few
villages to the open country to attack some hills
on the sky line we met the Dublin Fusilars
ashore, who were doing the same thing from
their transports, in fact the whole fleet of
transports are practising landing on an open beach
from transports far out at sea, we are all very
tired today & landed with full packs & amunition
which is vey heavy, warned for guard tomorrow 

15/4/15 On guard all day 7-11 am & 7 -11 pm very
quiet day, food vey bad today, the dinner paraded
before the Colonel then committed to the deep after
a burial service 

16/4/15 Landed again today with the Brigade, we
had a few miles route march, rest of the day we
were allowed to wander around the beach and bought
fruit etc from the natives with some onions for tea
which was quite a relish as the food has been
very bad lately 

17/4/15 Landed again today, arrangements are now
getting better as we do in in much less time every
thing now works smoothly, the men all knowing their
boats & places, Route march through several villages
& pretty country, after march all hands in for a
swim from the beach. Letters arrived today.


18/4/15 Sunday Attended church parade, transports
arrived today with machine gunners & 1. 15" gun
quiet day resting, washg, sewing, & writing letters. 

19/4/15 Quiet day detailed as deck sweeper, no
parades, heavy mail, letter call sounded 3 times. wrote
letters home during day. 

20/4/15 Landed today for route march, returning to
ship at 12 am. No parade in afternoon. Heavy gale
blowing in harbour all day. 

21/4/15. Very wet day, no parades, expected to move off
by 4.30 orders cancelled owing to bad weather
warned today that I am to be an amunition
carrier to the firing line when we land, one of
the transports drifted ashore during the heavy storm
of the last 24 hours, she stuck fast by the stern,
failed to tow her off during the day 

22/4/15 Birthday today, nearly forgot it, rather a
quiet day, two parades as usuall. Lecture this afternoon
by Maj McNaughton on the Turkish position in Gallipoli
& where we might have to land, he showed us a
very fine military map of the county. Warned for
guard tomorrow 

23/4/15 On guard all day 7-11am 7-11pm the transports
begin to move out this afternoon, & all steam us up
ready for mooving at once. 9 or 10 ships leave during
afternoon after 4.30. We are under orders to moove off
at 12 am tomorrow, our landing will probaby take place
early on Sunday morning, we are now awaiting orders.


24/4/15 Under orders to sail at 12 am, iron rations
for three days served out = two tins of bully beef, tea
sugar, biscuits, & cubes of "Bovril", also rations for the first
day of landing, bully beef & biscuits, we had to rearange our
packs to get all the food in, also an extra ration of
water {{securef??}} caked in an empty lemonade bottle in
case of emergency. Had to fold my overcoat & sweater to
and secure same to my belt under pack. Full parade at
2.30 pm when an address was given by the Colonel
Onslow Thompson, who explained our operations for
tomorrow viz - We are to sail at 12 am to meet the
rest of the transports at a pre arranged meeting place
in another bay further North, we are to remain there
untill midnight, when we are to be joined by the
fleet, and proceed to the spoint of disembarkation
where we are to force a landing, covered by the guns
of the whole fleet. The 3rd Brigade are to land first
to form a covering party for the rest of the army. He
also read a letter from the Brigadier Col McLauren
one from Gen Sir Ian Hamilton, one from Gen Birdwood
and one from the King. The men are all very light
hearted & gave three cheers for the Colonel & the
Major. Special tea served tonight, bully beef &
eggs, the men were especially excited during tea time
and sang all the time, kicking up a terrible noise
no smoking or striking matches allowed after 7.30 pm
and all lights were put out. Filled water bottle which
is to last 3 days, also small soda bottle as an extra ration
Am under orders to report to Captain Christian on landing
to be held as amunition carrier to the firing line if wanted
We all carry a small supply of wood, obtained by breaking up
small boxes, each man tying a bundle on the top of
his pack, they is a precaution to be taken in case
we are unable to find any suitable fire wood after


landing to boil our "billies" I feel vey fit and vey
anxious to set about the job. All the boys tonight
are singing and are in great spirits, bayonets are
sharpened and everything ready for tomorrow. Went
to bed early & very tired, we are all anxiously
awaiting tomorrows events 

25/4/15 Sunday Landed on the Gallipoli Peninsula
Before the landing our battleships open heavy fire, just
before dawn, shelling Gaba Tepe & the trenches
smashing the small posts up with the exception of one
gun that gave us a lot of trouble, shellg our boats
& causing may casualties. The first Bn to land
is reported to be the 12th, who routed the Turks
out of their trenches which were constructed right
to the waters edge, the 12th suffered vey heavily
reinforcements from the 3rd Brigade were sent in
and so effected a firm landing. The transports
about 11 o/c came under a heavy shell fire and
were compelled to move to a safer position, nobody
being hit. The 4th Bn landed between 11 & 12 am
under a hot shrapnell fire, we left the "Lake Michigan"
and embarked on a destroyer, being packed like
sardines, we are now under shell fire continuously
shells fell all arround us but none actually hit
us while the destroyers raced for the beach, when
within a few hundred yards we eased down and
were transferred to ships boats, in which we rowed
through a curtain of shrapnell fire, safely landing on
the beach, there being no casualtis in my boat
Reported for duty to carry amunition to the firing
line for the rest of the day, under heavy shrapnell fire.
We had very many casualtis but fortunately was not
touched myself although had many escapes from


the concealed snipers behind our line, during my many
trips backwards & forewards. Carried water to the
2nd Bn in the trenches at night, delivered the
water safely, but lost my way coming back to the
beach, discovered by a nest of snipers & fired on but
not hit, managed to get back safely under cover of
darkness, have been under shrapnell & rifle fire all
day, our line had to retire a little on the left and
lost some ground rifle fire incessant all night 

26/4/15 Heavy bombardment commensed this morning
by the battleships. The Queen Elizabeth 15" guns opened
on the Turkish batteries which were silensed in
about 1 1/2 hours, noise of the guns is very deafening.
Made 5 trips to the trenches with amunition
reports of vey heavy casualtis from all Bns who are
under heavy shrapnell & rifle fire the whole of the time
in the trenches. Some of our artilley have been landed
and are placed in position during the day, and are
very well concealed, good progess is reported today
We are ordered to advance with the R flank, the
whole Brigade is to moove foreward, but after sufferig
very heavy casualtis we had to retire to our original
line, we loose many officers including the Brigadier
& Col Thompson killed Maj McNaughton wounded
Bn is now under the temp command of Maj Storey
Reported 1 Bn of Turks & machine guns taken by
the New Zealanders on the L flank. Also reported that
the English & French troops are hourly advansing, & that
we must hang on at all costs untill thy arrive. Two
spies have been caught in our uniform & brought
in blindfolded one having valuable papers on him.
Many reports are afloat that the Turks have been
abusing the white flag on our R flank & shot a lot


of our men tending the wounded, I did not observe
anything myself on the R, as a matter of fact we all
agree that the Turks play the game fairly, we have
been holdig our own all day along the battle front
fought with the 2nd Bn all day, got seperated from
my own Bn, everything is in a state of mix up,
nobody can find their Coy, so we link up with
anybody that we happen to be near, & so things
keep mooving, there are representatives of the
whole Brigade in the Coy that I am attached to
but nobody minds. The 4th Brigade are landed

27/4/15. The day opened with a heavy fire from the
ships at dawn, with great effect on the Turks
went to be beach for food, amunition, water, etc
making several trips to the lines, we are holding our
own very well although we are heavily pressed
on the L flank, sent late at night to the 4th Bn
where I remained for a good time as an attack
was expected, but it did not come off 

28/4/15 Today opened vey quietly the warships only
firing a few shells, we made good progress today
and held our own all along the line, the L
flank was hard pressed but held on, took supplis
to the 4th Bn on the R flank under heavy fire
got lost for a while but managed to find the
track again. Large force of the RNZI'.s
landed during the night, receiving a great reception
from everybody They went at once into the firing
line. Shell fire on the beach not vey heavy today
their guns [probably?] disabled by the fire of the warships
Indian mountain battery landed today.


29/4/15 Rather quiet day today, held our own
all along the line, our rations are now being taken
to the line by the mules of the Zion Mule Corps
also by a large party of Indians with their mule
trains "Shrapnell Gully" as as we call it. "The
Valley of Death" heavily shelled today, this is the
main artery that feeds the firing line. all food
water, amunition, wounded etc must pass up
the gully to reach the front line, so the Turks
managed to keep it pretty warm, passed through
several tines without a scratch 2,000 marines
landed tonight 

30/4/15 Heavy day today, we are attacked all along the
line but managed to beat it off, returned to my Bn
Hdqrs today for good, we leave the trenches today
for a rest. the first time since the landing on
last Sunday, we are relieved by the Marines, feeling
done up & pretty well exhausted, have as yet
no sleep since the landing. We have a bathe
in the sea at Brighton Beach, and a general clean up
we have all lost our packs which we dumped on
the day of landing so we have lost everything only having
what we stand up in. I am the only man in the
Coy that has an overcoat as I did not carry it in
my pack but on my belt, after a swim we dry ourselves
a little shelter to sleep in, when we are suddenly
called out in fighting order to reinforce the centre
so had to remain in close support all night. There
is continuous firing all night, the marins held their
line so we were not actually required, got very little
rest or sleep. Lt Col Bennett assumes command of the
Bn. General Bridges our Divisional Commander mortally
wounded in Shrapnell Gully


1/5/15 Reserves very heavily shelled by shrapnell this
morning, we are still waiting in reserves Nos 1 & 2 platoons
ordered up to the line but were recalled in about 1 hour
No 3 on water fatigue for the firing line, went into the firing
line about 4 pm under a heavy hail of shrapnell, we
received many casualtes, had a machine gun turned on
us but I escaped, we improve our trench by digging all
night, we take it in turns to watch for 1/2 hour on & 1 hour
off time off taken up by digging. during night the Turks came
up in hundreds in front of our trenches & swarmed over
the sky line, but did not attack us merely advancing a little
& dig in considerably closer to us, we had good sniping
all night, as the were constantly moving about the sky line 

2/5/15 ∧Sunday Have been landed 1 week & continuously under fire
had a fairly quiet night which are now vey cold. Heavily
attacked at day break by Turks who had advanced the
night before but we were ready for them & gave
them a vy warm reception, not a single Turk gained
our line but on our R a few got through & were
dealt with, their attack a complete failure. Sgt Oakes
was hit while standing by my side in one of the fire positions
we were seen by the machine gunners, who turned the
gun on us, as we were freely exposing ourselves sniping
at such good targets. I was not touched. Oakes only slightly
Capt Couttman wounded also many men, we had a vey
warm time, although the Turks did not press their
attack vy hard they came up in considerable numbers to
our lines, things quietened down by midday. About
6 pm the naval guns opened on the hills that were
infilading our trenches on the Left with considerable effect
we saw the whole of the action from our trenches, as the
position overlooks ours, their snipers causing us many
casualties. Yesterday we hear that me lost a trench held

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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