Handwritten transcript of diaries of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 1 January 1915 - 6 October 1918, Part 2 of 26
10/2/15 Still on Divisional guard, not relieved
untill 5pm, have been on guard for 31 hours
11/2/15 Marched out of camp for 5 days bivouac
Revellie 5.30am, very long march across desert
then direct into action, dry trenches and occupied
them all night, the Brigadier watching operations
left trenches 6am next morning, we are digging
trenches all day for 24 hours, bread and all food
very short, everything under active service conditions
very cold night, absolutely no sleep because of cold
12/2/15 Inspected by the Brigadier at 8am, made
a speech and complimented the men on the work
done yesterday, the best in the Brigade, rested
untill 4pm, during the afternoon visited the
Pyramids of sakarah, and the Temples of Ti
and the Sacred Bulls, the temple of the Sacred Bulls
has 24 Tombs, these Tombs are the best
in Egypt returned to bivouac at 4pm
13/2/15 Reveille 4.30am, perishing cold, had a fair nights
sleep, on the march by day break, 6 o/c marched to Sakarah
Pyramids to attack the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Bns who were out and
entrenched all night, took up our positions at early
morning, attack started at 11 o/c, was detailed as battle
orderly to Capt Simpson, very hot today absolutely no
shade in the desert, men feel heat very much, operations
successful, returned to bivouac at 3pm, orders issued
that we are to rest for the week end, spent afternoon
cleaning ourselves up, rather a scarcity of water, managed
to get half a dixie of water for a wash & shave, also a drop
for my water bottle, feel clean the first time for
three days
14/2/15 Sunday No parades today, not even a
church parade, all vey tired, went to sleep all day
warned to be ready for an all night march at 9.30 pm.
Hot tea served out at 9 pm, started on our march
punctually at 9.30, marched all through the night
in absolute silence, ready for a night attack if
the alarm should come
15/2/15 Marched all through the night by a long
circular route, and found ourselves at day break
by the ruins of one of the Sakarah Pyramids, where
we had a fight with the 3rd Bn and drove them off
the settled down to some hot tea and bread &
butter only for breakfast, after took up positions
at 9 o/c for another fight, the "enemy" retreated
towards the North, so we chased them up and
routed them out of their positions by 12 o/c.
Returned to our bivouac and rest for the
remainder of the day, march back to Mena Camp
tomorrow morning
16/2/15 Broke bivouac today. The whole of the 1st
Brigade before mooving off were drawn up in mass
formation before the Brigadier. Brigadier MacLaurin
who complimented us on our work; and said we
were now fit for active service, and ready to
leave for the front. Small-pox has broken
out in the Brigade, we are warned by the Brigadier
to keep fit, all men in the Brigade are to be
immediately vaccinated, we were vaccinated immediately
on our return to camp, before we are allowed to
dismiss, Small-pox had broken out in the 4th Bn
during our absence on manouvres in the desert, fortunately
there are only a few cases in the 4th Sgt Major
Defries is the worst case, and has been sent to
hospital. We have all been granted 3 days holidays
by the Brigadier on account of our good work during
the manouvres
17/2/15 Nothing to do all day, not even a muster parade
all not yet vaccinated are completed today including
myself, vaccinated on the left arm. New tunics
issued all missfits, had mine altered at the regimental
tailor for 10 piastres. Paid 160 pts = £1.6.8
18/2/15 No parades today, pay day 130 pts, each man
given a gift of 1. handkerchief, 1 pr socks, & 2 shirts,
washed clothes & had a general clean up today
19/2/15 Parade today from 9am- 1pm, Company drill
after which parade dismissed for the rest of the day at 1 o/c
rested in camp for remainder of the day
20/2/15 No parade today. General leave granted from
2 o/c visited Cairo
21/2/15 Sunday Attended Church parade, visited
Cairo to hear the band of the Manchester Regiment
play in the Gardens, also visited the skating rink
22/2/15 Route march to Ghezieh, back by 1 o/c, no other
parades for the rest of day, mail arrived from Australia
Evening attended lecture in YMCA on Turkey
23/2/15 Route march again to Ghezieh & back by
1 o/c. Letters today from Sydney
24/2/15 March to "Happy Valley" for outpost work
I dug no trenches today, used as a scout on the hills
observing for the Coy who are digging in behind me
returned to camp at 1.30 pm
25/2/15 Holiday all day, leave granted to visit
Cairo. Sent cables to Sydney cost 87 piastres, returned
to camp at 11pm
26/2/15 Field firing at "Happy Vally". fired 7 shots
did well, returned at 1 o/c no parade rest of day, our
working day has now been considerably reduced, as
we have nearly completed our training, we seldom
work now after 1 o/c. Spent last ½ piastre. Broke!
27/2/15 Field firing at "Happy Vally", fired 10 rounds
did badly today, returned at 10 o/c, no parades rest
of the day. 3rd Brigade under orders to move at a
moments notice. Lecture YMCA Hypnotism
28/2/15 Sunday Did not attend church parade
today, detailed for QMs fatigue, dust storm,
very windy. 3rd Brigade leave today for unknown
1/3/15 Heavy dust storm this morning, camp covered
in dust, vey short parade today, judging distances
etc & aiming instructions, nothg doig rest of the day
2/3/15 One hours drill today, bayonet exercises
8.30-9.30, rest all day washing & mending. detailed
for ASC fatigue on rations, meat, & 20 tons of bread
lecture tonight at YMCA on Damascus
3/3/15 Twelve miles march today, along the Ghezieh
Road, returned to camp 1 o/c marching today without
packs, warned for washing guard, mounted guard
and dismissed at 6 o/c rewarned for guard at 10pm,
mounted and took over duties, reliefs 12-2 & 6-8
Pay day 160 pts = £1.6.8
4/3/18 On guard all day, escourt for orderly room.
by accident guard got no dinner today, managed to
get three slices of bread all day, after guard had
dissmissed visited Brigade canteen and ate these
dinners, afterwards musical evening at YMCA. Rumours
very strong that we are leaving on active service on
5/3/15 Parade at 2pm for bivouac all night, carried
waterproof & 1 blanket, all section photographed in
front of the Sphynx before march. The whole division
is on bivouac tonight, skirmished & fought advance guard
actions untill 12 o/c midnight then camped for the night
no blankets issued which are being carried in the
regimental transports, terribly cold, men walk about
all night to keep their feet warm, absolutely no sleep
for anybody, our worst and coldest night in Egypt.
Stood to arms at daybreak as reserves
6/3/15 Stood to arms at dawn, returned to camp
at 7 o/c, no parades rest of day. Issue of bread stopped tody
biscuits only. Sent home parcel of curios to mother 7pts
7/3/15 Sunday Attended church parade, issue of
new boots & puttees, leave granted to Cairo untill
11pm. Band played in the Gardens
8/3/15 Received mothers parcel today, socks, gloves,
Balaclava cap etc, marched to "Happy Vally" for
rapid firing exercises, fired 8 rounds in 30 secs and
passed tests, reissue of bread today
9/3/15 Reveille 6.30. Field firing today at "Happy
Vally" Third reinforcements arrive
10/3/15 Reveille 4.30. We did not march today
as the Bn is on Divisional duty, detailed
for Div fatigue party 7am-4pm very heavy &
hot day. Pay day 65pts=13/4 Letters from home
in bed early tonight very tired
11/3/15 Reveille 3.30 Breakfast 4. Fall in 4.30
Mess orderly today. We march into desert and
dig trenches untill 7.30, vey strong wind storm
started 9 o/c all digging operations had to stop,
under orders to be ready to march out in afternoon
dust storm lasted all day, the worst storm we
have had, no parades this afternoon owing to storm
wrote letters home, bed early
12/3/15 Marched to our trenches and dig out
the sand that had blown in yesterday, owig to
severity of storm returned to camp 11 o/c. Left
camp again at 4.30 to occupy the trenches all night
carried our blankets, slept in trenches all night,
we were attacked at midnight, night operations
ceased at 1.30.
13/3/15 Left trenches at 5am. A Coy reached camp
first, warned for Brigade Head Quarters Guard
at 4.30pm nothing doing rest of day, mounted guard
at 5pm reliefs 7-9 & 1-3
14/3/15 Sunday Guard all dy Brigade Hdqrs, Brigadier
away all day in Cairo. so we had a vey quiet guard
new peak caps issued today
15/3/15 No parade during day, stood to arms at
4.30pm for a night march, marched out of camp
at 5.30. The full Brigade attacked the 2nd
Brigade who were entrenched behind the Pyramids
bivouacked in front of Pyramids untill midnight
when we advanced against the 2nd Brigade
and captured their trenches returning to
camp 3am next morning
16/3/15 Rained heavily today for the first time
this year, parade postponed for 1 hour on
account of rain, we parade to fill in old
trenches etc, after our return leave granted
to visit Cairo, returned to camp 11pm
17/3/15 Brigade attack against the 2nd Brigade
from 9am till 2pm, returning to camp 2.30
Warned for Guard, mounted Bn quarter guard
at 5:30pm. I had no post. fatigue for the guard
18/3/15 Guard all day, no post acted as fatigue man
relieved at 4.30 quiet day Paid 65pts=13/4
19/3/15 Holiday today muster parade 9am
leave granted to visit Cairo 2pm till 9.30
returned to camp 11.30. Pay day 65 pts
20/3/15 Marching March and drill today
Attack A&B Coys v C&D Coys. returned to
camp 2.30pm
21/3/15 Sunday Attended Church parade
General leave granted to visit Cairo, did not
go myself. Broke! so remained in camp & washed
clothes etc, very quiet day
22/3/15 Parade today without rifles, marched
out with full packs & shovels, worked hard digging
trenches etc untill 12 o/c when we returned to
camp. All A Coy warned for inlying picquet
mounted picquet 4.30pm, called out at 7.30
Nos 1 & 2 platoons detailed to raid the gamblers
etc at the Brigade canteen thy broke up may
"Crown & Anchor" boards, "Two up" schools
etc and arrested 12 men after this we were
dismissed, rest of the night very quiet
23/3/15 Parade today, two hours close order
drill on desert, where we were warned for
an all night bivouac, fall in 5.pm with
WP sheet and overcoat, was detailed as
sentry mounted post 12-1. The Bn lay in
reserve all night so we had nothing to do
24/3/15 Returned to camp 7.30am, no parades
today. Holiday all day, leave granted to visit
Cairo. did not go myself gave my pass away
Pay day 65pts = 13/4
25/3/15 Two hours parade and close order drill
returned to camp 11am, warned for night operations
we carry our overcoats only without WP Sheets
Left camp 6pm, attacked barb wired entanglements
& trenches near the Pyramids, returning to camp at
2pam next morning. Kit inspection today on the
Bn square, the whole Bn paraded, and
everything had to be shown
26/3/15 Two hours parade today, rifle & bayonet
inspection on the desert, short drill for about 1/2 hour then
returned to camp for foot inspection, everything OK.
Spent the afternoon washing & mending clothes. The night
parade warned for tonight postponed, attended lecture
at the Melbourne YMCA on "Gordon & the siege of Kartoum
27/3/15 Route march today to Ghezieh, retuned to
camp at 11.30am, no parade for the rest of the day
Attended lecture in Sydney YMCA on Ceylon
28/3/15 Sunday Attended church parade, very sevear
dust storm in camp. Visited Cairo, on the way back
to camp the tramway service broke down, we
all had to walk over half way back to camp
returned at 10 o/c
29/3/15 Inspection & march past Sir Ian Hamilton
who is to be in command of the army we are
attached to. Letters from mother. Concert in YMCA
at night
30/3/15 Close order drill in desert, practised
outpost & sentry duties afterwards foot inspection
152 Reinforcements arrived 6.30 pm. 2nd Reinforcements
31/3/15 Close order drill on desert & sentry duties
warned for Bn quarter guard tonight. Pay day 65 pts=13/4
1/4/15 Bn guard all day, the whole Brigade are out in
the desert for a Divisional attack, very quiet in camp
2/4/15 Good Friday Church parade before breakfast
General leave granted today, visited Cairo. Riots broke
out in Cairo during the evening & night, very much
damage done to property & many fires broke out, the
troops were entirely out of hand, and were running
wild looting shops etc untill the early hours of the
morning. The district known as the "Wasser" was
partly "cleaned up" by the boys the district being
a menase to public health etc for many years
The fun was started by the NZ Maori contingent
Rumoured that 10 men have been shot & wounded by
the police, no confirmation of same. English troops
stood to arms being called out to quell the riots
but were not used. Our own authorities hastily
compelling every available man left in camp to form
a strong piquet who handled our own men slowly
breaking them up & sending them back to camp,
had this not been done the position would have
gradually become worse, as the English Teritorial
troops could not handle the position. We returned
to camp in the small hours of the morning, trams
running all night to cope with the job. Rumours
that we are leaving Cairo on Tuesday for a
destination unknown
3/4/15 Great excitement in camp the 1st Brigade
are packing up all day, orders probably due to the
behaviour of yesterday evening. At 4.30 pm we
march out of camp full marching order leaving
Mena Camp for good. We march through Cairo
to the railway siding; over the Kasr-el-nil bridge
& past the barracks filled with English troops
confined to barracks as punishment for their part
of yesterdays riots, they gave us a vey wild reception
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