Handwritten transcript of diaries of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 1 January 1915 - 6 October 1918, Part 1 of 26

First World War, 1914–18
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Diary. Jan 1. 1915. to July 17. 1919. 330 Sgt A. L. de Vine A Coy. 4th Battation A.J.F.
4 Battalion left Sydney. Oct 19. 1914 on the S.S Curipides Arrived. Allany. W Australia Oct 26 Left Nov 1 Arrived Colombo Nov 15 Left Nov 17 Arrived Aden Nov 25 Left Nov 26 Arrived Suez Dec 1 20m Left c Dec 1. 11 Pm Arrived Port said Dec2. 12am Left Dec2. 12 Midnight Accived Alexandria Dec 3 Arrived Cairo Dec 5 Left April 3 1915 Asrived Lemnos April 6 Left " April 24 Arrived Gallipoli April 25 " (1t Breigade rest) Left Sept 14 Returned Gallipoli Oct 29 Left (Evacuated] Dec 19 4 OR
Dec 19. 1915 Arrived Lemnos Dec 24. Left 11 Dec 28. Acrived Alexandria Dec 31. Left Dec 31. Acrived tel-el -Rebir Mar. 1 1916 i Left Mar1. Accived Seropeum Mor 22. Left Arrived Alexandria and left Mar 23 for France aceived Marscilles and left for Staples our first beiltits in Mar 30 France Accived Stoples after being three April 2 days on train 2
3 1913 111/15 Adoption of four Compary arganisation, in Bri- previous to this date, we have had eight, A to H subdivided into half companies, under this new system of organisation there will only be four complete companies, each a seperate fighting unit, my old Con i is now joined to A, we are now known as A loy. The companies are again subdivided into four platoons. Am detailed to No 3 platoon 2/1/15 Given light duties untill the 9th by the Bni doctor Dr Tebutt, have not been feeling very well for the last few days. 10/1/15 Sunday. Attended church parade 11/1/15 On the march today, half way to the second Pyramids, nather a sevear test, nearly lreke down, returned to camp very tired, marched from 8 am pm-7 hours untill3 12/1/15 Morched again to same place, made anattack on the sand hills, we are now marching such day 7 hours B3/1/15 Long march in the desert, very fagged out, letter call blew tonight at 10 pm, all the loys ran for their letters. One from mother, and one from my first mail. Paid 65 pts - 13/4 Australia 14/1/15 Marched across desert to the distant hills platoon deill, attended lecture in evening on sty ling
4 at y.it C.A. hut on the Pyromids by Mr Quibett, curator of Cairo Muscum, very interesting lectuce, theories etc were advanced as to haw the Tyrameds were built, and the reasons for building them. feeling much better today 15/1/15 Marched across desert to Valley of Respair Bn manourses and attacks, weather very windy, we are all carered with very fine sand; another letter from mother today, night parude, very tried 16/1/15 Long march over desert, Bnattack on the hills Divisional lying in piquet tonight, stand to arms all night and sleep in equipment, letter from mother today 17/1/15-Sunday. Attended church parade. Peivate of the 10th Pn married today in camp, after church parade great pun in camp. Visited Cairo during the ofternoon, general leave granted. visited the Ciladel and the Mosque of Mohomed Ali, also a few smaller ones, also saw a mititary funeral at the Citidal, and an Arab wedding, had a hot bath ot the Bristol Notel, and a good square feed, spent the rest of day in native quarters, very tired 18/1/15 Very hot today, some heary marching over the Libzan desert, full Bn palude under way conditions with full pack, vey heavy, inspected by the Brigadier Col Maclurin, several men Collepsed owing to the heat. all wearing heary singlet greback shirts and tume, much too hot we were out in the desert for I hours
19/1/15 A long Prigade march today with full Bransfort, marcned to Ghezich, tubned off to the left following the Canal, passed through several native villages; the column about five miles long, our first full Beigade march since leaving Gydney, wrote letters home today 20/1/55 Very slack day, no parades, general leave granted to the Bn from 12ge untill 9. 30pm visited Cairo, sent home New Years gifte of a chodote lox given by the Commonvealth, and a parcell of small souvences etc. Pay day, paid 65 piastres, not bith in Cairo, returned to camp early 21/1/15 Long march to rifle range at the Valley of Despair passed all shooting tests. A and B lays only on rarge heil of reft fort very sore nearly fell out of march on return 22/1/15 Marched to Valle of Despair for company training. &e D loys on rifle range, very cilddey were overcout all day, night parade on returning to camp shortage of food, general complaints about same Route march into desert and back, slack 23/1/15 dar 24/1/15 Sunday attended church parade, rereived by General Birdwood ofter parade, sumon preached by the Bishop of Egypt, no leave granted, warred for guard, mounted quarter guard at 6 pm third relief 10-12 e 4-6
6 25/1/15 Enguard all day, heard sentance of Court Martial read out on parade of Bri 26/1/15 General leare granted to the Bn from 120/e to 9.30 pm. Brike! no money, but managed to borrow 50 piastres from BolSierce, visited Cairo, very hat day, glad no marching today 27/1/15 Long march into the desert, very wind and cold day, got into a heary sand storm, eyes mouth and ears full of sand, notten day for a shimish, we all accived back at camp covered with sand, loth inside and out 28/1/15 Marched to the Vally of Despair, drill,e extended order work 29/1/15 Left camp at 89c pralong march in the desert, the whole of the n marched 3/4 of the way to the Sakarah Bramids, knight a rear guard action all the marning, at mid day doe some very long trenches, and held the position we farmed part of the Brownaim, The White Aeny attacked us abaut 3 pm, had an exciting fight, ball castudge used by mistake, nobody hust heat midder vey great, the trench dyging was stapped Joh 12 hours for a long rest and unch, which we all cacried, absolutely no shade in the disert you have to remain in the sun all the time After the sham fight we refarmed and marched to our bivouac yor some hat tea, water now is very scarce. all water in our bottles used up during the tht of the day, we are obsolutely parched with thuist, ofter tea had a short rest, then
took up our positions for the night, and dug a leng trench, we struck rock about 18 down, von kard dyging, could not get down far enough before the whole white air attacked, ball castridge again accidently used, heard the bullets white quite close to me, attack stoped ot 129c midnight we are all very tired out with the long day, ofter poster sentrys and rdiefs for the night, we settle down for the night in our overcoats, we could not get a wenk of skeep, feet to cold, no blankets, this is our first bivouac 30/1/15 Phevelle at 59e to man the trenches, had a right before breakfast, back toour livourc about 8.30 had breakfast, lread and butter only, and lucky to get a little tea, absolutel no water prove lattler, faught a rear guard action all the way back to camp. altrin in camp about 10.30 am pretty tired, another very hot du no further duties today, rest untill Mondar 31/1/15 Sunday tttended Church parade, very guiet da, styited Cairo in the afternoon back earg to camp 1/2/15 Marched to the Vally of Dispair for rifle practice, did very well, brought down m tayet in two shots at 6007ds, passed all tets 2/2/15 Marched to the Valley of Despair for field firing exercise. A lor did very well at all ranges ofter prectise a dust srorm arose, marched lack to came through the storm 3/2/15 Cest in camp, completion of first sglabes of
training. The 4th & 8th Bus 2nd If Brigade left Mena Camp for Ismallia, all the camp turned out to give them a warm send off. Vay today 130 piastres, no leave granted, passed the day daeniy, mending, e washing clothes 4/2/15 Marched into the desert for I firing competition. m oy disquatified as we walked into a machine jun without knowing it, so we 2 were sent, back to camp. Conpetition ion3 Bn. Leave granted from 29c till 11 pm visited Cairo, la parcell from mother. a ham large take etc 5/2/15 Marched to Valle of Respair, carried out two attacks on the hills, used blank castridges, returned to camp at 4pm, a death occured today in the 3rd Bn 6/2/15 Marched into the desert for 5 hoves, eas day, washed emended clothes 1/2/15 Sunday attended Church parade, visited Carro during afternoon. 1st reinforcements arrived today 8/2/15 Holiday all day, visited bairs from 10 am till 11 pm. visited the Citadel, and the tambs of the Caliphe, also the "City of the dead & Napolions fort 9/2/15 Mounted Divisional guard, 3rd relief 2-4e8-8 very quiet day

Diary. Jan 1. 1915. 
July 17. 1919. 
330 Sgt A. L. de Vine 
A Coy 4th Battalion 
A. I. F.


4th Battalion left Sydney Oct 19. 1914 
on the SS Euripides 
Arrived Albany. W Australia Oct 26 
Left      "           "                   Nov 1 
Arrived Colombo                   Nov 15 
Left               "                         Nov 17 
Arrived Aden                    Nov 25 
Left           "                                 Nov 26 
Arrived Suez                    Dec 1. 2pm 
Left          "                          Dec 1. 11 pm 
Arrived Port Said             Dec 2. 12am 
Left       "          "                 Dec 2. 12 midnight 
Arrived Alexandria          Dec 3 
Arrived Cairo                     Dec 5 
Left          "                           April 3. 1915 
Arrived Lemnos           April 6 
Left         "                          April 24 
Arrived Gallipoli        April 25 
Left     " (1st Brigade rest)  Sept 14 
Returned Gallipoli         Oct 29 
Left      " (Evacuated)      Dec 19


Arrived Lemnos               Dec 19. 1915 
Left      "                              Dec 24. 
Arrived Alexandria            Dec 28. 
Left       "                               Dec 3 1. 
Arrived Tel-el-Kebir           Dec 31. 
Left   "                "                 Mar 1. 1916 
Arrived Serapeum             Mar 1. 
Left        "                             Mar 22. 
Arrived Alexandria and left 
for France                             Mar 23 
Arrived Marseilles and left 
for Staples our first billits in 
France                                      Mar 30 
Arrived Staples after being three 
days on train                              April 2


1/1/15 Adoption of four Company organisation, in Bn. 
Previous to this date, we have had eight, A to H 
subdivided into half companies, under this new system 
of organisation there will only be four complete 
companies, each a seperate fighting unit, my old Coy 
C is now joined to A, we are now known as A Coy. 
The companies are again subdivided into four 
platoons. Am detailed to No 3 platoon. 
2/1/15 Given light duties untill the 9th by the Bn 
doctor Dr Tebutt, have not been feeling very well 
for the last few days. 
10/1/15 Sunday. Attended church parade 
11/1/15 On the march today, halfway to the second 
Pyramids, rather a sevear test, nearly broke down, 
returned to camp very tired, marched from 8am 
untill 3pm = 7 hours 
12/1/15 Marched again to same place, made an attack 
on the sand hills, we are now marching each day 7 hours 
13/1/15 Long march in the desert, very fagged out, 
"letter call" blew tonight at 10pm, all the boys ran 
for their letters. One from mother, and one from 
Australia, my first mail Paid 65pts = 13/4 
14/1/15 Marched across desert to the distant hills 
on sky line, platoon drill, attended lecture in evening 


at Y.M.C.A. hut on the Pyramids by Mr 
Quibell, curator of Cairo Museum, very interesting 
lecture, theories etc were advanced as to how 
the Pyramids were built, and the reasons for 
building them. Feeling much better today 
15/1/15 Marched across desert to "Valley of Despair" 
Bn manouvres and attacks, weather very windy, 
we are all covered with very fine sand, another 
letter from mother today, night parade, very tired 
16/1/15 Long march over desert, Bn atack on the 
hills. Divisional lying-in piquet tonight, stand 
to arms all night and sleep in equipment, 
letter from mother today 
17/1/15 Sunday. Attended church parade. Private 
of the 10th  Bn married today in camp, after 
church parade great fun in camp. Visited Cairo 
during the afternoon, general leave granted. 
Visited the Ciladel and the Mosque of Mohamed 
Ali, also a few smaller ones, also saw a military 
funeral at the Citidel, and an Arab wedding, 
had a hot bath at the Bristol Hotel, and a  
good square feed, spent the rest of day in native 
quarters, very tired. 
18/1/15 Very hot today, some heavy marching over 
the Libyan desert, full Bn parade under war 
conditions with full pack, very heavy, inspected 
by the Brigadier Col Maclarin, several men 
collapsed owing to the heat. all wearing heavy singlet 
"greyback" shirts and tunic, much too hot we were out  
in the desert for 8 hours


19/1/15 A long Brigade march today with full 
transport, marched to Ghezieh, turned off to the 
left following the Canal, passed through 
several native villages, the column about five  
miles long, our first full Brigade march since 
leaving Sydney, wrote letters home today 
20/1/15 Very slack day, no parades, general leave 
granted to the Bn from 12 o/c untill 9.30pm 
Visited Cairo, sent home New Years gifts of a  
choclate box given by the Commonwealth, and a 
parcell of small souvenirs etc. Pay day, paid 
65 piastres, hot bath in Cairo, returned to 
camp early 
21/1/15 Long march to rifle range at the "Vally  
of Despair" passed all shooting tests. A and 
B Coys only on range. heel of left foot very sore 
nearly fell out of march on return 
22/1/15 Marched to "Valley of Despair" for company 
training. C & D Coys on rifle range, very cold day 
wore overcoat all day, night parade on returning to 
camp, shortage of food, general complaints about  
23/1/15 Route march into desert and back, slack  
24/1/15 Sunday. Attended church parade, 
reviewed by General Birdwood after parade, sermon 
preached by the Bishop of Egypt, no leave granted, 
warned for guard, mounted quarter guard at 6pm 
third relief 10-12 & 4-6


25/1/15 On guard all day, heard sentance of  
Court Martial read out on parade of Bn 
26/1/15 General leave granted to the Bn from 
12 o/c to 9.30m. Broke! no money, but managed 
to borrow 50 piastres from Bob Pierce, visited 
Cairo, very hot day, glad no marching today 
27/1/15 Long march into the desert, very windy 
and cold day, got into a heavy sand storm, eyes 
mouth and ears full of sand, rotten day for a 
skirmish, we all arrived back at camp covered 
with sand, both inside and out 
28/1/15 Marched to the "Vally of Despair", drill, & 
extended order work 
29/1/15 Left camp at 8 o/c for a long march in 
the desert, the whole of the Bn marched 3/4 of  
the way to the Sakarah Pyramids, fought a rear 
guard action all the morning, at mid day dug 
some very long trenches, and held the position 
we formed part of the "Brown Army", the White 
Army attacked us about 3pm, had an exciting 
fight, ball cartridge used by mistake, nobody hurt 
heat midday very great, the trench digging was 
stopped for 1½ hours for a long rest and lunch 
which we all carried, absolutely no shade in the  
desert you have to remain in the sun all the time 
After the sham fight we reformed and marched to 
our bivouac for some hot tea, water now is very  
scarce. all water in our bottles used up during the  
heat of the day, we are absolutely parched with 
thurst, after tea had a short rest, then


took up our positions for the night, and dug a  
long trench, we struck rock about 18" down, very 
hard digging, could not get down far enough before 
the whole white army attacked, ball cartridge 
again accidently used, heard the bullets whistle 
quite close to me, attack stopped at 12 o/c midnight 
we are all very tired out with the long day, after 
posting sentrys and reliefs for the night, we settle down 
for the night in our overcoats, we could not get a 
wink of sleep, feet to cold, no blankets, this is our 
first bivouac 
30/1/15 Revelle at 5o/c to man the trenches, had a 
fight before breakfast, back to our bivouac about 8.30 
had breakfast, bread and butter only and lucky to get 
a little tea, absolutely no water for our bottles, fought 
a rear guard action all the way back to camp. arriving 
in camp about 10.30am pretty tired, another very hot day 
no further duties today, rest untill Monday 
31/1/15 Sunday Attended Church parade, very 
quiet day, visited Cairo in the afternoon - back 
early to camp 
1/2/15 Marched to the "Vally of Despair" for rifle 
practice, did very well, brought down my target 
in two shots at 600 yds, passed all tests 
2/2/15 Marched to the "Vally of Despair for field 
firing exercise. A Coy did very well at all ranges 
after practise a dust storm arose, marched back 
to camp through the storm 
3/2/15 Rest in camp, completion of first sylibus of


training. The 7th & 8th Bns 2nd Inf Brigade 
left Mena camp for Ismallia, all the camp 
turned out to give them a warm send off. Pay 
today 130 piastres, no leave granted, passed the  
day darning, mending, & washing clothes 
4/2/15 Marched into the desert for Bn firing 
competition. my Coy disqualified as we walked 
into a machine gun without knowing it, so we 
were sent back to camp. Competition won by 3rd 
Bn. Leave granted from 2o/c till 11pm Visited  
Cairo, large parcell from mother. a ham large 
cake etc 
5/2/15 Marched to "Vally of Despair", carried out two 
attacks on the hills, used blank cartridges, 
returned to camp at 4pm, a death occured 
today in the 3rd Bn 
6/2/15 Marched into the desert for 5 hours, easy 
day, washed & mended clothes 
7/2/15 Sunday Attended Church parade, visited 
 Cairo during afternoon. 1st reinforcements arrived 
8/2/15 Holiday all day, visited Cairo from 10am 
till 11pm. Visited the Citadel and the Tombs  
of the Caliphs, also the "City of the dead" & 
Napoleons fort 
9/2/15 Mounted Divisional guard, 3rd relief 
2-4 & 8-10 very quiet day 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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