Diary of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 18 August 1918 - 17 April 1919 - 2 of 2

First World War, 1914–18
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village of Cemplears On thes sise Frity had severad outfosty protestin the rillace whch we did not know of A by got ey bad cut up wo3 Plaroon officer got wamoted earty a left me in charge I cveried on and rusted the jest on our and in doin so got bad wounded and had be croul nto a shell hole where I remained all day the Gunans courter attacked about I am e made some proness tek a few prsoner includy some ticunered the honeser missed my shell hole later on ot 5 po tt counter attacked again as I had been Ging out from I am I desiider not to be taken if fesle so manyed after a tremendan efpet to reach our autfost hin vey meek per las of berd, I hewever manyed to reach b boy sugpet live where I was dressed ecaried to the R.A.R when I was exacunted in a moter ambulance to an advanced dressig Ketur remainy thre don't yr have got envculated eforsed f motor to LAFAI a central dressing station, und joned me on to No55 C.C.S gurortord serme where I remained the mytl 12/948 Operated on this afternoon Wullet entiled R side of spine without touching it trartelled repuards inthy through munle of the back I coming out the I sholder blade which is his
breakin it. the whole couse of the bullet was opened up ecleansed, wound obout 14 long feel vey siek e week from loss of bleed 13/9/18 Teel peetf bad all day very week 14/9/18 Expet to be exarnated dary the dy. terk a little food tody fest ence the 10th still aey week 15/918 Suntay. Was not extarated until 3 pm the live not being considered lafe we are the first hospitol train to leave beromne simce its recopture we tracled all through the nigt leachy Latorre just at day Wreak 109/1 and ao 2 pened fa thre at down tody will went her a short while for the Horgitel ship Left at 4 pm on the Guildford bostle did not full w the thand intill doress 7/f crse off the Isle of White et de beeak remained off Senthonglen wntill mudde when we fulled up to te wheef e dintuy it lazed in the wh intill 2 eves glaned in the trea for bardiff where we accived ot of yur went to the Nimon Sork Honitd. A s. ward
18/9/18 Had a deg restless nighte manged to get up duing the afternoon pors time for 7 days. 19/9/18 Back by parfull dischargn by much being dreosed with het firmts three time a day drew iy hit tody 20/9/18 ment inte lardliff the afterar for obout s house told I am to be traisfere tonn 24918 bransfered to a va Ac & Hould at Barg lock left Cordif at I am avd bace 4 pr 22/918 Sunday Out all da wevt to te sea buck acind mnuc coner new an very diened time a day Beme iy loy now 23/9 Lev the reanal 24//18 to 18/1 Left Palg for wfest to the lovel Beac 1917 Do 20//6 Ode received lost all the antotinn oe to we to Laden Caught Thy o aled Lada al 130 Rol I ter said t n fet for lest be
Anterdic Aun Would Delford Kent 24/4/18 to 18/12118 I Dettere IHosptol left Mady fr lve 18/12/48 to 2/1/19 On leave 2//19 to 22/3/14 Or lear in Buis After ectured D Weranth Cn ademabtiation wda lease a ledanpan 2/ to 14/6/14
Vempleaure Vempleause TTEM2 112

village of Templeaux on this rise 
Fritz had several outposts protecting
the village which we did not
know of.  A boy got very badly cut
up.  No 3 Platoon officer got wounded
early & left me in charge I carried
on and rushed the post on our L
and in doing so got badly wounded
and had to crawl into a shell
hole where I remained all day
the Germans counter attacked about
8 am & made some progress taking
a few prisoners including some wounded
they however missed my shell hole
later on at 5pm they counter attacked
again.  As I had been lying out from
5 am I descided not to be taken if
possible so I managed after a
tremendous effort to reach our


outpost, being very week from loss of
blood, I however managed to reach
C boys support line, where I was
dressed & carried to the R A N
where I was evacuated in a motor
ambulance to an advanced dressing
station remaining there about ½ hour,
got inoculated & passed by motor to
a central dressing station I.AFA who passed
me on to No 53 CCS. Just outside
Peronne where I remained the 

12/9/18 Operated on this afternoon
bullet entered R. side of spine
without touching it, travelled
upwards cutting through muscles
of the back & coming out by
the L shoulder blade which it hit.


without breaking it the whole course
of the bullet was opened up
& cleansed, wound about 14" long
feel very sick & week from loss of blood.

13/9/18. Feel pretty bad all day
very week

14/9/18. Expect to be evacuated
during the dy, took a little food tody
first since the 10th, still very week

15/9/18 Sunday Was not evacuated
until 3pm the line not being considered
safe we are the first hospital train
to leave Peronne since its recapture
we travelled all through the
night reaching La Havre just 
at day break. 

16/9/11 Arrd No 2 General La
Havre at dawn today.  will
wait here a short while for the
Hospital ship.  Left at 4pm on the
Guildford Castle.  did not pull into
The Channel untill darkness

17/9/11 Arrived off the Isle of White
at day break remained off Southampton
untill midday when we pulled
up to the wharf & discharged
layed on the wharf until 2pm
& was placed on the train for
Cardiff where we arrived at
9 pm went to the Ninion Park
Hospital: A 5 Ward


18/9/18 Had a vey restless
night.  managed to get up during
the afternoon first time for 7 days

19/9/18 Back vy painfull &
discharging vy much being dressed
with hot ferments three times a
day.  drew my kit today

20/9/18 Went into Cardiff this
afternoon for about 3 hours
told I am to be transfered tomorrow.

21/9/18 Transfered to a VAD Red X
Hospital at Barry Dock left Cardiff
at 2pm arrd Barry 4pm. 

22/9/18 Sunday Out all day went
to the sea beach.  wound much
easier now am being dressed twice
a day

23/9/18.  Wound very easy now
everything normal

24/9/18 to 18/11/18
Left Barry for Newport sent
to the Covely Barracks

19/11/18 Passed Dr fit

20/11/18 Orders received last night
all the Australians are to leave
this morning for London Caught the
9-20 arrd London at 1.30 went
to {{Horseley /}} Rd  Dr there said I
was not fit for leave. I was sent 


to No 3 Australian Auxillary
Hospital Dartford Kent

21/11/18 to 18/12/18 In Dartford
Hospital left today for leave

18/12/18 to 2/1/19 On leave

2/1/19 to 22/3/19 On leave
in Paris

After returned to Weymouth Camp
for demobilisation.  14 days leave
in London from 2/4/19 to 17/4/19




DRL 240 



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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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