Diary of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 1 January 1917 - 31 July 1918 - Part 8 of 8

First World War, 1914–18
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AUS7 during the nift trech ver streke mudd charge up in eal haves of tthe marnin 9//18 the day vey guiet at 11 pm a heart tonlet and and oir by odvered e catanc thee far prt a so staytue ont our line a little, meanwhile Frity opened a kny court comerdnet on u. Kindred of stills fell neer us but nove bit ane grt duay the lonladner a nt ttat wa lest in no mans land wandered ut our fot whre he mererdered, all objedtes wne taken except one fart. we were aieved at I am next morning ly DCe 10/7/18 Mated into supperty we ar cxcuping thereby in pat o trye fatyne ctntt cezy pertg to see tegs. haned bev day the nigt 11/7/18 Several Hewes of rew dun the day trest ver would estick. Priacle did dy well todg 1st 4t Brs. tock veery 200 psons e reiced genrltin in day lybt the 9th Beverins wure in part of us but did not jut up a fiftt I enecendered oy bely 12/7/18. Severl stames of randney the day trench vy muh estret. we were relieved ot 11 in o the 2nd Pon e maeded to billets by the railing lie the other side of Baere.
13/7/18 Slet intill 12am in the ofteraory went to the PMld bosts ot Gere Hed a both a caylite change rest of the dg notty dain 14/2/18 Sunday Tatyns at Beyodle all the wornig 730 to 12 rely the dy off. 15/2/18 Itynes at Bryade. Adrvcest drsy dation in Borre Creney we were relieved at 3 yr fom on esne sontio fa An of tte RoSB we marched wack to the cany are were in lest time near Hazebrouck 16/7/18 At daybreak there was a very hearf thander storm wish my viid lighting a bery thender the cm res swanged, Jorle 10.30 un fie half an hev one cekelepe in the efterreen. Diterted 60 Go 1/2/18 Brods is umall bai £50 &1.6.8 15/7/18 600 Set yerade is unoll 19/7/18 20/7/18 27/7/18 Sundey Church porode 103. at 1.30 wert tth in bath where we got conglate cheige. Hey my diy
22/2/18 Vey sum day. prodes as usuall All raund com shelled duen the ry about 8 mey loze stills were pied wrich fill near Hajebrouck 23/2/18 barcs is usoll comsbelled a day the rest w fell in the cam withut cosina csnlt we wol crlaed ute the teercy near the com and dar car shells were prea 24/7/18 harades as usuall no Hellyg tomight 25/7/18 11 26/7/18 ao bedstedy roner bery allday cm v wud 27/7/18 No peals. sen catiois all dge nist com new ie rudy 28/7/18 Sunday Church porarls fleng of sunshire camy dyig up noevel tory to paser to n any veherl of mskly at Lurbeg tonerran 29/1118 Left Brct 11 am caust a GS Weyen to Chlihen whee yet alyont fom D.CP.OS. officat met efper in cloze of sitece iCO a Wardrques left ot 6.30 verived cd Turbre dent you amced te reteve send et Ebleyhen 1507. £5.10
30 /2/18 Stortea School rentiue Arade 8.30 to 12.45 am 2 fr to 4 pr 31/7118 Settly dai to school routre all praly en care twe each it Setedl and a 18/8/18
themel Lindekeel 19 peancount Whallae 30 TEM4 1DR 240 Leved 12 15 10 22 1

during the night trench very sticky & 
muddy cleared up in early hours of 
the morning 
9/7/18 The day very quiet at 11pm 
a heavy bombardment opened and our C 
Coy advanced & captured three or four  
posts & so strengthened out our line a 
little, meanwhile Fritz opened a heavy 
counter bombardment on us. hundreds 
of shells fell near us but none hit 
our post. during the bombardment a 
Fritz that was lost in no mans 
land wandered into our post where 
he surrendered. all objectives were taken 
except one post. We were relieved  
at 1 am next morning by D Coy 
10/7/18 Moved into supports. We  
are occupying trenches in part of [[ ?]] 
Fatigues at night carrying [[?]] to D & C 
Coys. rained heavy during the night. 
11/7/18 Several showers of rain during the 
day. trench vy muddy & sticky. Brigade  
did vy well tody 1st & 4th Bns took 
[[nearly]] 200 prisoners & raided several lines 
in day light. the 9th [[?]] were in front 
of us but did not put up a fight & 
surrendered vy freely 
12/7/18.  Several showers of rain during the 
day. trench vy muddy & sticky.  we were 
relieved at 11pm by the 2nd Bn & marched 
to billets  by the railway line the other 
side of Barre.


13/7/18 Slept untill 12 am in the 
afternoon went to the Y.M.C.A. 
baths at Barre, had a bath & complete 
change, rest of the day nothing doing. 
14/7/18 Sunday  Fatigues at Brigade 
all the morning 7:30 to 12 rest of the 
day off. 
15/7/18  Fatigues at Brigade. Advanced 
during station in Barre brewery 
we were relieved at 3pm from our 
reserve position by a Bn of the KOSB 
we marched back to the camp we were 
in last time near Hazelroack. 
16/7/18 At day break there was a very 
heavy thunder storm with vy 
vivid lightning & heavy thunder the camp 
was swamped, parade 10.30am for 
half an hour [[only]], cricket & football 
in the afternoon. [[Detacted]] Co O Sgt 
17/7/18 Parade as usuall. Paid 750 
18/7/18 Co O Sgt parade as usuall 
19/7/18 "   "  "  "  " 
20/7/18 "   "  "  "  " 
21/7/18 Sunday Church parade 10.30 
at 1.30 went to th [[?]]baths where  
we got complete change. Very sunny day


22/7/18 Very sunny day. parade as usuall 
All round camp shelled during the night 
about 8 very large shells were fired 
which fell near Hazelroack 
23/7/18 Parade as usuall. Camp shelled 
again during the night 4 fell in the camp 
without causing any casualty we were all 
ordered into the trenches near the camp 
only about 6 or 8 shells were fired. 
24/7/18 Parade as usuall. no shelling 
25/7/18 "   "  "  "  " 
26/7/18 No parade today rained heavy  
all day, camp very muddy. 
27/7/18 No parade. rain continuously 
all day & night. camp now vg muddy 
28/7/18 Sunday Church parade. plenty 
of sunshine camp drying up. [[moved]] today 
to proceed to 2nd [[A?]] school of [[?]] 
at [[Le?]] tomorrow 
29/7/18 Left Bn at 11am caught a 
G S Waggon to Eblinghen where I got 
a [[?]] out from DA DOS [[?]] 
met officer in charge of school NCOs 
at Wardraques left at 6.30pm arrived 
at [[Lu?]] about 9pm & marched 
up to the school 
Paid at Eblinghen 150 7 £5-10


30/7/18 Started school routine 
Parade 8.30 to 12.45 am 
& 2pm to 4pm 
31/7/18 Settling down to school routine 
all parades etc same time each day 
school end on 18/8/18


Lunderback 19 
7.30 £1-2-0  
ITEM 4      
1 DRL  240                        





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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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