Diary of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 1 January 1917 - 31 July 1918 - Part 7 of 8

First World War, 1914–18
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AUSTI 19/5/18 Lunday Vig lot da todg uspection n lattle ader at 10 am under orders to leave at 7.30 pm We meeched to Borre, and were billitia in some of the deserted cettage jut cutuide the villge I nyn went with guide to ave strey fot in case of attack. 20/5/18 Weather still hat we fore to remen under caser all day as we are under direct abravation from baloo, at night we do piting ths eveny we were fotying for the cinces at Strazede railwa sidig buildy he supert live. He raliver dont hee i ve badly bombed e shelled the line being roin up in seredl places we had a fett ey time. e were not inlerpeed with returned to billit in las here of the next monry 21/5718. Aetured to billes at 1 am stand too 4- 6 an e 8-10 day ggain wee werm some petyne at night to strazede sidn at pn a heary bembardment conmenced several lage shill fell on the eaulwe, blawg ip the rail in suur place re cesualty anyst our pt seee gos shell tonyth. 22/5718 Retuened to billes ot I am day veg bot with a stike lage in the eveny save enuces fattve at night.
1057 2315718 Retured to villet of an te dy he turned vy edd with a hih wind usall ptyne o nitt while we werean petyne 600 ges glades were throu ahe 24/5718 Very cold rained all day the grand is ve bear for welky adey usuall eninces farigue at night, the trenches are very madey 25/5/18 Marnin very quie dury the afteron there was a gos bewlvedment all the officers e mery men of Bly wee jorsed she gos did not rech us eynees fetyne at night buildig dry outs a few gosstell fell near us wittent daiy ay harm 26/518 Sundey Gas shelle fell near in all the noringeat intural duin the day aweveer we were on the alleeth I had no cosnalti enince fatyunes buildy day out it night 27/5718 Prilliant sum shire all dy. the weather naw is clearm up we were exleted at 930 in y a eg of the 11th Oon marched to some trenbes just cntrule Borre, near Borre railig siding where u are living in duy outs 28/5/18 Mothy doiyg toda Baid 440 £19.4. sen shryolldy ote wearker io much nower oan
Wrock ot 930 for 24/5718 laple aspactier it domned wh were no purad let of its day te wtcle co or on fte tenytt dyen true it tlie left an lichag e treuty at 830 & returned 3.30 te next mornng 30/5/18 Returned to our trenches at 3.3020 ptyue or porodes the rest of the day the weather has consibraly iimpated it is dey vern tody 345718 Ane to the Di Bath al s an returne to trach durry the woring the by anptyne at nih to the sepo tne left at 830 returnd to treny at 230 46/18 by l dy Mdy hery balwhet a erei the a divige m lew in eeuse gue a 76 Soten Sung de Llysho felyn t 8.30 retured ot 2.30 3/6/18 Relirra Kedlg ot 1250 ams. acq of the 8th Bn wribed to Serees alcunt 12 Kileneter acrited in camp at 12 pr 4/16/18 Aadiea t the oo bout.
in We many back e clan change nex of the day off 5/6/18 Barade ot q am geod Ge speech given by the Bryaden who is lary p avthe diiria. Brygadion Latie received 3 chices from the fon before he left pe at 3 p waed fee yt of guard mounted with 12 men at 4 prr 1 pessoror in detestion 6/6/18 On guard all day day rey rcem an eyguaed. Aimointed at 4 pri Vorc $40. ₤ 19.4 weened not wse ire dearty for tte foreweed area towrraw 7/6/8 Roille 6 co packed up and left camp at gam marched to the save trachy we left on the girt autrile Boege arented thee at II am we will be many further up tonorrow we relived a cg of the 10th O 16/18 Remewed in an trerchs all day pted i a left for the port line at gy wher we reluved a t of the 57. we are on the R d Miteren which we can see in a hellow on on t We tean i s mock knocked about new My pet of the live bevene i ve quiet sek aol go Hills brst nas chuy the nigt 9/6/18 Sunday Vey quit de later drin the every a Ciladnet
opend up fora while, but city divcle we led tee deue of ron day the de which mae the grvence heell stipy stand ter 8.30 10/6/18 Da vey quiet onl a few shill fell whid us worlh on the reads one showee of rain dury she day niht rgguiel 17/6/18 A stat Cenbardnert seved up in the col hows of the morning bust neth divetyed all the ge as hvi ar londerly Builcht all e shalls prar oe fort. doy by unry 12/6/18 her gunl day good deal of ariat actutity sumney wen. We were exturted tonytt G. B.lg. and we are to eferd 4day in superts a cari wils ate aeruice at ovr trenche give cntrile streyele thre is ilwhty no accomodation on the trench io we ha to build owrelis shilter 137645 slept all diy an the fenry We tranch at nyht n chage of o men on a casying fatyre to the frent line lack to our trenhy G 2. an next mrn f/8 by ald dull dy tody good deve of acriol acti diy the day deterted for wy jaty in port
of the outfert line bear lemladnet ofened an the L. Feit retoliated or our suter neky us get lack to the jest for calr as we eejected a raid nothin hawev dincleed so we returned to aur trinckes ot 2.15 am 15/6/18 ry guiet day. a lig attack is exaicted tonyhe engst read call stndy too hawe nethe deeloped did not go on fetyne tonight 146/18 Sunday. whe hure net relieved tody as a by attack is expested much acrial acting all dy one of our marching sudding icitanl any aparest reron bluw to pures e fell a with dslince from us at night me aereved a gleteor of C ly who ware meking a raid we oithred to aw trinches at dy brick 176/18 Mey banlordment on Miteron dury the afternor with a bear ges attack dar 4m. atquntrit retalided on our fradt with a bey tenberdnel fr care aguet gan bonr we were relieved at i1 f ly Ble of the 3rd Pn. we marchied to some werchy between Craix Raizze e Cowrte lrein where we are staying for a few days. we are now much closer to Meterion i just believ the fertion an dy in when he pet come here from the somne
18/6/18 Remaied inddie car all dg We can be corl csennice from here Mettren ogan Contredit dury other afteron at right we were digin duyonts untitl dayleriok 14/6/18 &g quiet dy much anive actineg a firmen bolom was broigh down in front of us at night we dry where we were the night before making cajola day outs 2076/18 Dayopened with a vey hury mist the rest of the dy was my dull the sun bordly shiing durer He da by cool wind blowin stead can fell all ryght. Te lay were on eync ptive diy dy out get iy mudde wl 21/6/18 by dule dy rain theeotered all deg in the evenig we conjlited the diand e crened them 22/6/18 vy dull day much acrive actitl we now ovng a gertier were directl in port of Meturen Verd0 £19.4. in We eveny there was agas bewberdment on ou fert, dyge teerches all night. nigh pety quiet 2791o Senday 2 lryt dgy im siing all the day. we wre retered by Dly. whoare supprty th 2 who e adveng so is tongt otha
D e a3 or cone ancucec o who are n the preved one for the pet time te chan teck dou e 11.30 24/6/18 Arr iare new teachy or I am we are just outnte xore miting to seadille rained all tte marn making the teerch Seg mudd- afterward the sun come cent e died thiy up ptyve at nyte left at of por waring in fret of the suport line 25/6/18 Brytt suishie tody under order to wore g.3 pr wether to our R. across the Beore Kedilles Ad toky an B position dyging dis outs all niht as there ves oboluty re accomdation 26//18 Orett greet day ong lit ortilley e connable accive ccting all dy. fatine it night to the ruppert line degize urdery traak 27/6/18 Bryk sustine clldy benle adlesatori at I am thdrysed a few bonls behide in searchy f the gan pritiy no demage care Blieved at 6pnf the 5th Bn we morchc to a new cam in a form letter Hagelrouk e Houdghgam aren jest before dorkrer 28/0/18 Perale of 930cn e gt
at 2.30 pr dg pleged Bot pottell A byvon 10-5 29/4/18 forodes as usuall 9. 30 2 2 p in eveniy went into Hagdranck t town has been urder cansidertl Contadnent e lenbin I is now corglity exacuated onl ady few enilion bein left in the subberby. He tai as very considslf damgedt 30/6/18 Sunday Attended Bn church sade at o 20 an at 2 for the cor prded to the 1st Di bath where we set a latt &a conglate change of undecatory in de evenig virite Hndehn the vella he been cosiderely comterded a fer shell fell there duin the aftercn there are a good fei curlicu left iludy secterdl wamen children 177/18 Vey warm day tody. sun vey not memba B.O. St with the gueed ot 330 pr. 277/18 B.O. Sit all dy dementex ot 4pn Cnce 450- 8 1.168. 3/7/18 burade 9. 12 am duiy the aftencion Bn Sport were held concert in the evening a frise diitution G Meyer Slezd 4/7/18 prade at 9-12 no jarade in the afternon warned tot mear 100
leady tomrow for the line to relive the 3rd Bryade 5/7/18 Shert Surade in marning all packs dunged at the 1st On tranfort warred to paied to the lim at 8 pm fell n 730 e marchic tagh Pes e Kadelly is the dive a el leg asent right ito the outor we relieved a bo g the 10h we are on the 2 of Streyeele. further to the R o our lost ontest Relief carnd ant sofef Jut as the relief was complete some selty brake out few comnalles interetted shelling thereytant we nie this port aspan to be a viy lu one 6/7718 Day had quiet some stellig aeround the yon, otherwise guiet in the eeny were wos sone bery stillig we have now two amenia aC0 in the jest who are watchy the pocady thart stelling behid 17/7/18 Sunday the pst ot da beck no comalti to us, the do i favif quiet af a little artilly fere jated yar ling at nytt ecestured a machinggu disied to reid the jest in the marning 8/7/18 Machie gun jest raided at 9 am two personces (1szt 1 geeste) taker esbo the da by gent eyet to get relieved tomorrow, rance havy

19/5/18 Sunday Very hot day today  
inspection in battle order at 10 am 
under orders to leave at 7.30 pm 
We marched to Borre, and were billeted 
in some of the deserted cottages just 
outside the village.  at night went with 
guide to our stray post in case of attack. 
20/5/18 Weather still hot.  we have 
to remain under cover all day.  as  
we are under direct observation 
from  baloons.   at night we do fatigues 
this evening we were fatigueing for the 
engineers at Strazeele railway siding 
building the support line.  the 
railway duct here is very badly bombed 
& shelled the line being torn up 
in several places we had a  
pretty easy time. & were not 
interfered with.  returned to billets 
in early hours of the next morning 
21/5/18 Returned to billets at 1 am 
"Stand too" 4 - 6 am & 8- 10 pm 
day.  again very warm.  same fatigue 
at night to Strazeele siding at 11 
pm a heavy bombardment commenced  
several large shells fell on the  
railway blowing up the rails in several 
places.  no casualties amongst our  
party.  several gas shells tonight. 
22/5/18 Returned to billets at  
1 am.  day very hot with a  
stiff breeze in the evening.  same 
engineers fatigue at night.


23/5/18 Returned to billets at 1 am 
the day has turned very cold with 
a high wind.  usuall fatigue at night 
while we were on fatigue 600 gas cylinders 
xxxx were thrown over. 
24/5/18 Very cold.  rained all day 
the ground is very heavy for walking over 
usuall engineers fatigue at night, the 
trenches are  very muddy 
25/5/18 Morning very quiet during the  
afternoon there was a gas bombardment 
all the officers & many men of B Coy 
were gassed.  the gas did not reach 
us.  engineers fatigue at night 
building dugouts a few gas shells 
fell near us without doing 
any harm 
Sunday  26/5/18 Gas shells fell near us  
all the morning & at intervals during 
the day.  however we were on the  
allert & had no casualties.  engineers 
fatigues building dugouts at night 
27/5/18 Brilliant sunshine all day.  the  
weather now is clearing up we were 
relieved at 9.30 pm by a Coy of the 
11th Bn. marched to some trenches just 
outside Borre, near Borre railway siding 
where we are living in dugouts 
28/5/18 Nothing doing today Paid  F40 
£ 1.9.4.  sun shining all day, the 
weather is  much warmer now


29/5/18 Parade at 9.30 for  
rifle inspection etc dismissed 
at 10 am no parades rest of the 
day. The whole Coy are on fatigue 
tonight digging trenches etc 
behind the front line.  left our 
trenches at 8.30 & returned 3.30 the  
next morning 
30/5/18   Returned to our trenches 
at 3.30 no fatigues or parades the rest 
of the day. the weather has considerably  
improved it is very warm today 
31/5/18   Parade to the Div Baths 
at 8-am returned  to trenches 
during the morning. the Coy on fatigue 
at night to the support line left 
at 8.30. returned to trenches at 
1/6/18 Very hot day all day.  heavy 
bombardment on our L. two of dumps 
were blown up otherwise quiet 
2/6/18 Sunday Sunny day, very hot 
fatigue at night.  left 8.30  
returned at 2.30 
3/6/18 Relieved today at 12.30 am by 
a Coy of the 8th Bn marched to 
Sercus about  12 kilometres arrived in  
camp at 12 pm. 
4/6/18. Paraded to the Div baths


in the morning.  bath & clean change 
rest of the day off 
5/6/18 Parade at 9. am Good bye 
speech given by the Brigadier who is  
leaving for another division Brigadier 
Leslie received 3 cheers from the Bn 
before he left, parade at 3 pm warned 
for Sgt of guard mounted with 12 
men at 4 pm. 1 person in detention  
6/6/18 On guard all day.  day very 
warm.  an easy guard.  dismounted 
at 4 pm.  Paid F40.  £ 1.9.4 
warned that we are leaving for the  
foreward area tomorrow 
7/6/18 Reveille 6 am. packed up 
and left camp at 8 am. marched 
to the same trenches we left on the 3rd 
just outside Borre arrived there  
at 11 am.  we will be moving further  
up tomorrow we relieved a Coy of the 10th Bn  
8/6/18    Remained in our trenches all day 
packed up & left for the front line at  
9 pm where we relieved a Coy of the  
5th Bn.  we are on the R of Meteren 
which we can see in a hollow  on our 
L   the town is very much knocked 
about now.  this part of the line 
however is very quiet.  several gas 
shells burst near during the night. 
9/6/18 Sunday Very quiet day 
later during the evening a bombardment


opened up for a while, but nothing 
developed.  we had two showers of rain 
during the day.  which made the ground 
pretty slippery.  Stand too 8.30 
10/6/18 Day very quiet only a few 
shells fell behind us.  mostly on the  
roads.  one shower of rain during the  
day.  night very quiet 
11/6/18 A short bombardment opened  
up in the early hours of the morning 
but nothing developed.  all the afternoon 
our heavies are bombarding Baileul with 
the shells passing over our post.  day very  
12/6/18 Very quiet day.  Good deal of 
aerial activity.  sun.  very warm.  We 
were relieved tonight by B Coy.  and 
we are to spend 4 days in supports as 
carrying parties etc.  arrived at our trenches  
just outside Strazelle.  there is absolutely 
no accomodation in the trench so 
we had to build ourselves shelters. 
13/6/18  Slept all day on the floor of  
the trench.  at night in charge of 10 
men on a carrying fatigue to the  
front line.  back to our trenches by 2 am 
next morning 
14/6/18 Very cold & dull day today 
good deal of aerial activity during 
the day.  detailed for wiring party in front


of the outpost line.  heavy bombardment 
opened on the L.  Fritz retaliated on our  
sector making us get back to the post for 
cover as we expected a raid.  nothing however 
developed so we returned to our trenches 
at 2.15 am 
15/6/18 Very quiet day.  A big attack is 
expected tonight everything ready. & all 
standing too.  however nothing developed  
did not go on fatigue tonight 
16/6/18 Sunday We were not 
relieved today as a big attack is  
expected.  much aerial activity all day 
one of our machines suddenly without  
any apparent reason  blew to  
pieces & fell a little distance 
from us.  at night we relieved a platoon 
of C Coy  who were making a raid   we 
returned to our trenches at daybreak 
17/6/18  Heavy bombardment on Meteren 
during the afternoon.  with a heavy 
gas attack about 4pm.  at 9 pm Fritz 
retaliated on our front with a  
heavy bombardment for about a quarter 
of an hour.  we were relieved at 11 pm 
by B Coy of the 3rd Bn we marched  
to some trenches. between Croix Rouge  
& Courte Croix where we are staying 
for a few days, we are now much 
closer to Meteren. & just behind the  
position we dug in when we first came 
here from the Somme


18/6/18 Remained under cover all day 
we can be easily observed from here 
Meteren again bombarded during the  
afternoon.  at night we were digging dugouts 
untill daybreak 
19/6/18 Very quiet day.  much aerial activity 
a German baloon was brought down in  
front of us.  at night we dug where we  
were the night before making capola 
dug outs  
20/6/18 Day opened with a very heavy 
mist.  the rest of the day was very 
dull.  the sun hardly shining during  
the day.  very cool wind blowing 
Steady rain fell all night. The Coy 
were an engineers fatigue digging dug 
outs.  got very muddy & wet 
21/6/18 Very dull day, rain threatened 
all day.  in the evening we completed the 
dugouts & occupied them. 
22/6/18 Very dull day.  much aerial 
activity, we now occupy a position more 
directly in front of Meteren   Paid F40 
£ 1-9-4.  in the the evening there was a gas 
bombardment on our front, digging  
xxx trenches all night.  night pretty  
23/6/18 Sunday Very bright day sun 
shining all the day.  we were relieved 
by D Coy. who are supporting the 2nd Bn  
who are advancing 500 yrds tonight attached


to the 2nd & 3rd are some American NCOs 
who are in the forward area for 
the first time. the  advance took place  
at 17.30 
24/6/18 Arrived in our new trenches 
at 1 am we are just outside  
Borre midway to Pradelles.  rained 
all the morning making the trench 
very muddy.  afterwards  the sun came  
out & dried things up.  Fatigue at 
night left at 9. pm wiring in front 
of the support line 
25/6/18 Bright sunshine today 
under orders to move by 3pm 
further to our R. across the Borre 
Pradelles Road. taking over B Coys 
position.  digging dug outs all night 
as there was absolutely no accomodation 
26/6/18 Pretty quiet day.  only light 
artillery fire.  considerable aerial  
activity all day.  fatigue at night to  
the support line digging & widening trench 
27/6/18 Bright sunshine all day.  Bombing 
aeroplanes arriving at 3am they dropped 
a few bombs behind us searching for the  
gun positions.  no damage done.  Relieved  
at 6 pm by the 5th Bn we marched 
to a new camp in a farm between 
Hazelbrouck & Hondehgem arriving just  
before darkness 
28/6/18 Parade at 9.30 am & sports


at 2.30 pm A Coy  played B at  
football  A Coy won 10-5 
29/6/18 Parades as usuall 9.30 & 2 pm 
in evening went into Hazelbrouck the  
town has been under considerable  
bombardment & bombing & is now completely 
evacuated only a very few civilians being 
left in the suburbs. The town is very  
considerably damaged 
30/6/18 Sunday Attended Bn church  
parade at 9.30 am  at 2 pm the  
Coy paraded to the 1st Div Baths 
where we got a bath & a complete  
change of underclothing.  in the evening  
visited Hondehgem this village has  
been considerably bombarded A few 
shells fell there during the afternoon 
there are a good few civilians 
left including several women &  
1/7/18 Very warm day today.  sun very 
hot.  mounted B.O. Sgt with the 
guard at 3.30 pm. 
2/7/18 B.0. Sgt all day dismounted at 
4 pm Paid ₣50 - £ 1.16.8 
3/7/18 Parade 9.12 am during the afternoon 
Bn sports were held.  concert in the evening 
& prize distribution by Major Floyd 
4/7/18 Parade at 9-12.  no parade in  
the afternoon.  warned that we are


leaving tomorrow for the line to 
relieve the 3rd Brigade 
5/7/18 Short Parade in morning.  all 
packs dumped at the 1st Bn transport 
warned to proceed to the line at  
8 pm.  fell in 7.30 & marched  
through Borre & Pradelles  to the  
line A & C Coys went right into the  
outposts we relieved a Coy of the   
10th.  we are on the L of Strezeele 
further to the R of our last outpost 
Relief carried out safely.  just as  
the relief was complete.  some shelling 
broke out.  few casualties intermittent 
shelling throughout the night.  this 
post appears to be a very big one  
6/7/18 Day fairly quiet.  some shelling 
arround the post otherwise quiet 
in the evening there was some heavy shelling 
we have now two American NCOs in the  
post who are watching the proceedings 
7/7/18 Sunday Heavy shelling behind 
the post at day break.  no casualties 
to us, the day is fairly quiet only a  
little artillery fire.  patrol left our  
lines at night & captured a machine gun 
decided to raid the post in the  
8/7/18 Machine gun post raided at 9 
am.  two prisoners (1 Sgt 1 private) taken 
rest of the day very quiet expect to get  
relieved tomorrow. rained heavily

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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