Diary of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 1 January 1917 - 31 July 1918 - Part 7 of 8
19/5/18 Sunday Very hot day today
inspection in battle order at 10 am
under orders to leave at 7.30 pm
We marched to Borre, and were billeted
in some of the deserted cottages just
outside the village. at night went with
guide to our stray post in case of attack.
20/5/18 Weather still hot. we have
to remain under cover all day. as
we are under direct observation
from baloons. at night we do fatigues
this evening we were fatigueing for the
engineers at Strazeele railway siding
building the support line. the
railway duct here is very badly bombed
& shelled the line being torn up
in several places we had a
pretty easy time. & were not
interfered with. returned to billets
in early hours of the next morning
21/5/18 Returned to billets at 1 am
"Stand too" 4 - 6 am & 8- 10 pm
day. again very warm. same fatigue
at night to Strazeele siding at 11
pm a heavy bombardment commenced
several large shells fell on the
railway blowing up the rails in several
places. no casualties amongst our
party. several gas shells tonight.
22/5/18 Returned to billets at
1 am. day very hot with a
stiff breeze in the evening. same
engineers fatigue at night.
23/5/18 Returned to billets at 1 am
the day has turned very cold with
a high wind. usuall fatigue at night
while we were on fatigue 600 gas cylinders xxxx were thrown over.
24/5/18 Very cold. rained all day
the ground is very heavy for walking over
usuall engineers fatigue at night, the
trenches are very muddy
25/5/18 Morning very quiet during the
afternoon there was a gas bombardment
all the officers & many men of B Coy
were gassed. the gas did not reach
us. engineers fatigue at night
building dugouts a few gas shells
fell near us without doing
any harm
Sunday 26/5/18 Gas shells fell near us
all the morning & at intervals during
the day. however we were on the
allert & had no casualties. engineers
fatigues building dugouts at night
27/5/18 Brilliant sunshine all day. the
weather now is clearing up we were
relieved at 9.30 pm by a Coy of the
11th Bn. marched to some trenches just
outside Borre, near Borre railway siding
where we are living in dugouts
28/5/18 Nothing doing today Paid F40
£ 1.9.4. sun shining all day, the
weather is much warmer now
29/5/18 Parade at 9.30 for
rifle inspection etc dismissed
at 10 am no parades rest of the
day. The whole Coy are on fatigue
tonight digging trenches etc
behind the front line. left our
trenches at 8.30 & returned 3.30 the
next morning
30/5/18 Returned to our trenches
at 3.30 no fatigues or parades the rest
of the day. the weather has considerably
improved it is very warm today
31/5/18 Parade to the Div Baths
at 8-am returned to trenches
during the morning. the Coy on fatigue
at night to the support line left
at 8.30. returned to trenches at
1/6/18 Very hot day all day. heavy
bombardment on our L. two of dumps
were blown up otherwise quiet
2/6/18 Sunday Sunny day, very hot
fatigue at night. left 8.30
returned at 2.30
3/6/18 Relieved today at 12.30 am by
a Coy of the 8th Bn marched to
Sercus about 12 kilometres arrived in
camp at 12 pm.
4/6/18. Paraded to the Div baths
in the morning. bath & clean change
rest of the day off
5/6/18 Parade at 9. am Good bye
speech given by the Brigadier who is
leaving for another division Brigadier
Leslie received 3 cheers from the Bn
before he left, parade at 3 pm warned
for Sgt of guard mounted with 12
men at 4 pm. 1 person in detention
6/6/18 On guard all day. day very
warm. an easy guard. dismounted
at 4 pm. Paid F40. £ 1.9.4
warned that we are leaving for the
foreward area tomorrow
7/6/18 Reveille 6 am. packed up
and left camp at 8 am. marched
to the same trenches we left on the 3rd
just outside Borre arrived there
at 11 am. we will be moving further
up tomorrow we relieved a Coy of the 10th Bn
8/6/18 Remained in our trenches all day
packed up & left for the front line at
9 pm where we relieved a Coy of the
5th Bn. we are on the R of Meteren
which we can see in a hollow on our
L the town is very much knocked
about now. this part of the line
however is very quiet. several gas
shells burst near during the night.
9/6/18 Sunday Very quiet day
later during the evening a bombardment
opened up for a while, but nothing
developed. we had two showers of rain
during the day. which made the ground
pretty slippery. Stand too 8.30
10/6/18 Day very quiet only a few
shells fell behind us. mostly on the
roads. one shower of rain during the
day. night very quiet
11/6/18 A short bombardment opened
up in the early hours of the morning
but nothing developed. all the afternoon
our heavies are bombarding Baileul with
the shells passing over our post. day very
12/6/18 Very quiet day. Good deal of
aerial activity. sun. very warm. We
were relieved tonight by B Coy. and
we are to spend 4 days in supports as
carrying parties etc. arrived at our trenches
just outside Strazelle. there is absolutely
no accomodation in the trench so
we had to build ourselves shelters.
13/6/18 Slept all day on the floor of
the trench. at night in charge of 10
men on a carrying fatigue to the
front line. back to our trenches by 2 am
next morning
14/6/18 Very cold & dull day today
good deal of aerial activity during
the day. detailed for wiring party in front
of the outpost line. heavy bombardment
opened on the L. Fritz retaliated on our
sector making us get back to the post for
cover as we expected a raid. nothing however
developed so we returned to our trenches
at 2.15 am
15/6/18 Very quiet day. A big attack is
expected tonight everything ready. & all
standing too. however nothing developed
did not go on fatigue tonight
16/6/18 Sunday We were not
relieved today as a big attack is
expected. much aerial activity all day
one of our machines suddenly without
any apparent reason blew to
pieces & fell a little distance
from us. at night we relieved a platoon
of C Coy who were making a raid we
returned to our trenches at daybreak
17/6/18 Heavy bombardment on Meteren
during the afternoon. with a heavy
gas attack about 4pm. at 9 pm Fritz
retaliated on our front with a
heavy bombardment for about a quarter
of an hour. we were relieved at 11 pm
by B Coy of the 3rd Bn we marched
to some trenches. between Croix Rouge
& Courte Croix where we are staying
for a few days, we are now much
closer to Meteren. & just behind the
position we dug in when we first came
here from the Somme
18/6/18 Remained under cover all day
we can be easily observed from here
Meteren again bombarded during the
afternoon. at night we were digging dugouts
untill daybreak
19/6/18 Very quiet day. much aerial activity
a German baloon was brought down in
front of us. at night we dug where we
were the night before making capola
dug outs
20/6/18 Day opened with a very heavy
mist. the rest of the day was very
dull. the sun hardly shining during
the day. very cool wind blowing
Steady rain fell all night. The Coy
were an engineers fatigue digging dug
outs. got very muddy & wet
21/6/18 Very dull day, rain threatened
all day. in the evening we completed the
dugouts & occupied them.
22/6/18 Very dull day. much aerial
activity, we now occupy a position more
directly in front of Meteren Paid F40
£ 1-9-4. in the the evening there was a gas
bombardment on our front, digging xxx trenches all night. night pretty
23/6/18 Sunday Very bright day sun
shining all the day. we were relieved
by D Coy. who are supporting the 2nd Bn
who are advancing 500 yrds tonight attached
to the 2nd & 3rd are some American NCOs
who are in the forward area for
the first time. the advance took place
at 17.30
24/6/18 Arrived in our new trenches
at 1 am we are just outside
Borre midway to Pradelles. rained
all the morning making the trench
very muddy. afterwards the sun came
out & dried things up. Fatigue at
night left at 9. pm wiring in front
of the support line
25/6/18 Bright sunshine today
under orders to move by 3pm
further to our R. across the Borre
Pradelles Road. taking over B Coys
position. digging dug outs all night
as there was absolutely no accomodation
26/6/18 Pretty quiet day. only light
artillery fire. considerable aerial
activity all day. fatigue at night to
the support line digging & widening trench
27/6/18 Bright sunshine all day. Bombing
aeroplanes arriving at 3am they dropped
a few bombs behind us searching for the
gun positions. no damage done. Relieved
at 6 pm by the 5th Bn we marched
to a new camp in a farm between
Hazelbrouck & Hondehgem arriving just
before darkness
28/6/18 Parade at 9.30 am & sports
at 2.30 pm A Coy played B at
football A Coy won 10-5
29/6/18 Parades as usuall 9.30 & 2 pm
in evening went into Hazelbrouck the
town has been under considerable
bombardment & bombing & is now completely
evacuated only a very few civilians being
left in the suburbs. The town is very
considerably damaged
30/6/18 Sunday Attended Bn church
parade at 9.30 am at 2 pm the
Coy paraded to the 1st Div Baths
where we got a bath & a complete
change of underclothing. in the evening
visited Hondehgem this village has
been considerably bombarded A few
shells fell there during the afternoon
there are a good few civilians
left including several women &
1/7/18 Very warm day today. sun very
hot. mounted B.O. Sgt with the
guard at 3.30 pm.
2/7/18 B.0. Sgt all day dismounted at
4 pm Paid ₣50 - £ 1.16.8
3/7/18 Parade 9.12 am during the afternoon
Bn sports were held. concert in the evening
& prize distribution by Major Floyd
4/7/18 Parade at 9-12. no parade in
the afternoon. warned that we are
leaving tomorrow for the line to
relieve the 3rd Brigade
5/7/18 Short Parade in morning. all
packs dumped at the 1st Bn transport
warned to proceed to the line at
8 pm. fell in 7.30 & marched
through Borre & Pradelles to the
line A & C Coys went right into the
outposts we relieved a Coy of the
10th. we are on the L of Strezeele
further to the R of our last outpost
Relief carried out safely. just as
the relief was complete. some shelling
broke out. few casualties intermittent
shelling throughout the night. this
post appears to be a very big one
6/7/18 Day fairly quiet. some shelling
arround the post otherwise quiet
in the evening there was some heavy shelling
we have now two American NCOs in the
post who are watching the proceedings
7/7/18 Sunday Heavy shelling behind
the post at day break. no casualties
to us, the day is fairly quiet only a
little artillery fire. patrol left our
lines at night & captured a machine gun
decided to raid the post in the
8/7/18 Machine gun post raided at 9
am. two prisoners (1 Sgt 1 private) taken
rest of the day very quiet expect to get
relieved tomorrow. rained heavily
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