Diary of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 1 January 1917 - 31 July 1918 - Part 6 of 8
feel pretty tired have been
marching about 8 hours all told
will be leaving early in the
morning for our unknown destination
12/4/18 Marched at 2 am to the
St Roch station, all bridges etc
have been mined in readiness. Halted
in the Bouleverd near the station
at 3.30 as trains were not available
spent the morning walking about
Armiens, the place is absolutely
deserted many of the houses &
municipal buildings have been
bombed or hit by shell fire
German aeroplane activity,
commenced immedialy at dybreak
no bombs were dropped on this visit
entrance at St Roch at 8am
& left at 9am Armiens being shelled
all the while. remained in the
train all day finally arriving at
Hazebrouck at 9 pm. detrained
at 11 pm & marched straight off
through Strazeele to the cross
roads in front of Meteren, Meteren
can be seen in the distance only 3.6 kils
away, while marching up there were
many refugees leaving the district
as the fighting is all here now
The church has been burning vy
fiercely all night. we dug 3
outposts here 1.2.3 platoons and
4 in reserve behind us in the barn
dug in with our entrenching tools
in a ploughed field which was
pretty soft. dug hard all night
13/4/18 Dug ourselves in by
daylight . Vy heavy mist this
morning, we are expecting to be
attacked, no attack developed on
our section , attack on our left
at hill 40 failed. Sun rose at
10 am & the fog lifted, managed
to get 2 hours sleep along a hedge
during the morning my first for two
nights, & a little breakfast
we have had nothing to eat since
tea time on the 11th. Fair
amount of shelling from "Fritz"
otherwise pretty quiet. during the
afternoon we occupied a line
of trenches 200 yards in advance of
the one we now hold. this is to
be the front line. Spent the rest
of the day improving trench which
was dug by the 3rd Canadian Cy
Tunnellers. had the trench fairly
complete by night. out wiring in
front all night Job completed
by the morning. on our R are the
5th Cameronians & our L the Queens
in front of us are outposts of these
regiments several farms are burning
fiercely all night. machine gun &
artilley fire continuous
14/4/18 Sunday Weather vy cold have
salvaged blankets etc from neighbouring
farms & made ourselves comfortable
any amount of Beer, wine & champagne
to be got from the deserted
farms, estaminets, etc, our position
is now consolidable & all barb
wire fixed up. Farm in 'no mans
land' shelled & burning fiercely at
3 pm. rest of the day quiet.
15/4/18 Very misty this morng expected
a visit from Fritz however nothing
occurred the day is fairly quiet
we are still salvaging anything of use from
the farms & have found 4 barrels of beer
hundreds of bottles of wine champagne etc,
28 fowls. bed clothg, blankets etc etc
we are now using them for our own
comfort. during the night 6 farms
are burning round us at the same
16/4/18 Day fairly quiet. heavy
fog & mist all night. Heavily shelled
at mid day . Heavy attack on our
L. English troops gave way & ran
like rabbits. Fritz entered Meteren
we could see the whole of the opperating
C & D Coy of the 4th attacked &
advanced 800 yds successfully on our R flank
our L flank is now held by a French
Division they advanced at 8.30 pm
they formed up in front of our lines &
looked vy well . our 1st Bn followed
them up & supported their R flank
no news of their success by midnight
several more farms are now burning. we changed
17/4/18 We changed our position at
1 am taking up the trenches vacated
by D Cy, the [[conveniences?]] of their
trenches were not vy good. at 9am
a vy heavy bombardment with HE started
we had several casualty. we were
ordered up to the line to support
C Cy under very heavy shell fire
all day at 5 pm we saw the [[?Sapers]]
advance & dig in about 100 yds in front
of our outposts we expected a heavy
attack which however did not come
off Fritz being content to dig in
at 10pm we were ordered up to
the line to relieve C Cy & took
over their positions dug our outpost
all night & made ourselves secure
by the morning. the night was calm
& very quiet. the night very rainy & cold.
18/4/18 On outpost all day long
this morning we took a prisoner
Very rough day & terribly cold hail
& snow at intervals during the night
Meteren is burning fiercley tonight it's no less than 6 new fires have started
& are burning fiercely all through the
night. illuminating the county all
19/4/18 On outpost all day. terribly
cold with hail & snow
Heavy bombardment early this morning
however nothing developed on our post
much "Fritz" aeroplane activity this
morning. Vey wet & miserable
20/4/18 Heavy bombardment this
morning & much German
aeroplanes about otherwise pretty
quiet day vy frosty night &
terribly cold during the day.
21/4/18 Sunday Day opened with the
usual bombardment . our post was
barbed wired last night. Vy misty in
early hours of the morning & bitterly
cold with a frost. The sun came
out later & warmed things up
a bit. took my boots off today
the first time since we left
Armiens on the 12th. rest of the day
fairly quiet
22/4/18 Day opened with the usual
"straff" & several rifle grenades flying
about otherwise quiet. this is my
first birthday actually in the trenches
were relieved at 10 pm by the 5th Bn
had a few casualties from shelling as we
were leaving otherwise relief OK. marched
to Borre Railway Siding near Caestre
where we billited in the railway
huts arrived here in the early hours
of the morning managed to get a good
sleep etc
23/4/18 Had a general wash and brush
up. the first wash since I left
Armiens on the 12th. Visited Caestre
in the evening. The village has been looted
dozens of barrels of beer thousands of
bottles of wine, champagne etc are
lying about & our boys are having
a good time. barrels of beer are being
rooled & wheeled to the camp. there
are three breweries in the town
salvaged beddg & a clean change
at night "Fritz" visited us with
his aeroplanes in two raids on
the railway sheds we were vy lucky
he missed our huts each time
Settled down for a little sleep after
the fun
24/4/18 In camp all day. Paid
20₣ - 14/8. Plenty of excitement
during the night Fritz made three
bombing raids on our camp, with
artillery bombardment. few
25/4/18 Anzac Day. Vy quiet to
day absolutely nothing doing no
sports or even a drink. everythg vy tame
26/4/18 Bombardment opened on the
camp at 3am. not much damage
done. woke the camp up otherwise
everybody quite unconcerned
mounted B O Sgt at 4. pm. visited
baths in the camp. got a change of
underclothes etc
27/4/18 B.O. Sgt all day- dismounted
with the guard at 4pm. vy quiet
day. few shells no bombs today
28/4/18 Sunday Very quiet day in
camp vy little shelling under orders
to relieve the 12th Bn in the reserve
lines in front of Meteren. left Borre
Camp at 7.30pm & reached our trenches
at 10 pm not much shelling as we
relieved Vy heavy bombardment on our
left towards Hemmell. several farm
buildings burning in front of us including
a whole village.
29/4/18 Day opened with a bombardment
of HE not much damage done
bombardment on our L very intense
remained under cover in our trenches
all day. at night the platoon was
detailed for building dugouts etc for
the Brigade further behind the lines
night vy drak but quiet.
30/4/18 Very quiet day hardly any
shelling at all. day opened vy showery
& wet but later on it cleared up
digging fatigue at Brigade at midnight
1/5/18 Fatigue left Brigade for our
trenches at 3 am. arrived here in
time for breakfast at 3.30. rest of
day vy quiet on our sector on the L they
are bombarding vy heavily
2/5/18 All Coy on digging fatigue in
front of our reserve lines vy dark
night left for fatigue at 12.30 am back by
3 am for breakfast. a few shells fell near
us but did no dammage to anybody
very quiet day. left at 8.15 pm for
digging and sandbagging fatigue at Brigade
3/5/18 Back from fatigue at Brigade
at 12.30 am, rest of day very
quiet. warned that we are leaving
for the support lines tonight, left
at 10.15 pm & relieved B Cy of
the 3rd our B. C & D Coy are in the
line. the position here is pretty
quiet if you keep under ground
during the day light. we are
now in part of Meteren
4/5/18 Fairly quiet day at night all
the platoon on engineers carrying party
carrying barbed wire etc to C Coy outpost
several shells fell near us as we
were coming back at 3 am which
caught a farm on fire just as we
were passing it
5/5/18 Sunday Heavy shelling during
the afternoon arround us but did
not hit us. Carying party at night to
C Coys outposts. Very quiet night
6/5/18 Quiet day very little
shelling. detailed with 10 men for
wiring party in front of B Coys trenches
started wiring at 1 am
7/5/18 Rained during the early hours of
the morning while we were wiring
in front of B Coys outposts arrived
home vy wet. By daybreak continued
to rain all the morning. all dugouts,
& clothes etc wringing wet. Heavy bombardment
on all day on our L . Bn Hdqrs opposite
to us shelled during the afternoon 2
direct hits on it. otherwise fairly
quiet day. hope to get relieved
by Thursday night
8/5/18 Wiring in front of the outposts
from the Meteren road, returned
to our dugouts just before day
light. the day was very quiet
hardly a shell fell near us all
day, out wiring again tonight
9/5/18 Back to our trenches just before
daylight. rest of the day exceptionally
quiet everything packed up ready to be relieved
10/5/18 Relieved at 12.30am by the 15th
Bn of the W Yorks Bgd. The Leeds [[?]]
we marched via Croix Ridge to Caestre
where we found motor buses waiting
for us about ½ a mile outside the village
we were all given a drink of cocoa
by the Y.M.C.A . Buses dropped us at
Wallen Cappel where we marched about
3 miles to a camp of tents near Sercus
slept in camp the rest of the day during
the evening went into Sercus. a very quiet
village. all estaminets are now opened
until 9 pm Paid ₣40 = £1.9.4
11/5/18 Parade for inspection at 9.30am
rest of the day free
12/5/18 Sunday Brigade church parade
at 10 am during the service it commenced
to rain so we came home early. rest of
the day it cleared up.
13/5/18 Very wet all day . camp
a huge mud area. detailed as BO Sgt
mounted with guard . rained very
heavily all night
14/5/18 Sun shining today . camp
drying up dismounted BOS at 4pm
very quiet day
15/5/18 Parade at 9-12. Sports in
the afternoon 2-4 Sun shining all
day vy hot. we were visited by
aereplanes at night several bombs
were dropped in Sercus none in
the camp
16/5/18 Very warm day all day. Coy
had the morning on the rifle range
in the afternoon were held the 1st Brigade
Sports which lasted the rest of the day
17/5/18 A Brigade Field Day during
the morning the Brigade carried out
an attack. in the afternoon we went to
the baths for a bath & a change
18/5/18 Fell in battle order with
W P Sheet & blanket & marched off
at 9.30 towards the line . we arrived
at 12.30 at billets just outside
Hazelbrooke. Very hot today. on the
march, we relieved the 11th Bn
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