Diary of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 1 January 1917 - 31 July 1918 - Part 3 of 8

First World War, 1914–18
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105 4/877 Reale merch with full marchy add to Cenell a iry ty prode deill, in afteroon 5/8/17 Sunday Atterlea chwesk wride of 9.30 vorred for B.0 St tonyll mainted with guard at 3.8 6/877 Releater Bo Gt G St ert borred tattera yt wardley crt wortie at Se ceppe where the 3rd Bn ore billitec 7/8/17 Ono qrae tody 8.30 e 2 pu drill worcks itc 8/8/17 Sarade in marning ley drite onl yrhor in afteror wvered tat we are natis uvery from here tomerron merry el 1/8/17 Perille 4.30 marched avay ot 6.30 met the Reyacle on the Carsell Aeniesten Ad. the tewn of Kagereate Contarded of the fernens, may women e children repeces havig, we met may of then on the road morehed all the manry to la datte an never Hgol 10//7 Pale a 630 e a moll rrte worch Hageok baleded the norry nest it the villye of he chatte do Bois ths evenig ere de cor ot 10 p Bic 2.11.4 470
11/8/17 ade this maring lattle exli 8.70 ta rante werch thee drile itc shat rante murch duy she afteron heary shower of run all got wet through 17 Sinder Atterdie 121 mrch fercae. dan the fereon wet to Mewsille le andy nrk. Yot thakson tureto com 3/877 de the morny it obeo went to Hayelrouk afteroor tawn ver much desirted any to the benbordnent retured carn at 11 y 19/8/17 Puracle at gu for a 10 mile woute word back at billets by 230 15/8/17 Usuall weods today 16/8/17 Prvill at 830 pr 15 mill raute much back to bilit o 4 pr bot tea on the warch fom e C he 17/8/17 borode at 8 am for 2 hours no prody dury the Meran gerty held to commonatate. We shd annulesy of the pion of tte Wa. Bn detentia per pegua an be matte at night
105 1878717 Klvele as usuall in mon shel rente mach in oftenon 19/8/17 Suday. Chuch jorodoet of an gt i o thedy io lacken 29/817 Marched to Steamerk to the Dr bath in we morry 5 miles euch me shat jarode in ate afternoon 21/8/17 baly hrry a afteraor as vinall 22/877 Gendl pade he martitly at vo Hges. age of the day atolidey 23/8/17 burodes mornig e afterwon as usuall 24/8/17 Long route werch tody 10 mils fazed 70 p 2 P. 2. 11.4 on return 25/6/17 Paracl as usuall. delailed for lyord sd for next week. 26/8/17 to 3/9/17 Odry Stt did not attent an gaceds 4/a/17 Returnue to gleterntedy tute warch full mardy cader mil 5/9/17 ade o usuall duy dg pacticed advoced frend work
6/4/19 Rante murch tody 10 miles 7/9/17 Bn R05 all dydid not alter fareds 8/9/17 Sarady as usuall 9/9/17 Sinclay Atterdea church purade odg nothing elredey uvered ttt we will gen be learig for the trences 10/9/17 do dulies tedg next an sick fured with Mralgin ditto 179/17 ditto 12/9/17 logden of little drice mned tat we ale levig fr the tert to nrraw wes deteiled to remain at the remperrenent long to reaynne th by after thy came out of the live 13/9/17 Br marched ay to Metere tte new detented for the renpecenet ce left ot nan for castre na Baieel whe we made a comp 17/9/17 Organeny cany all day 15/9/7 Parceles 9 11224 Sunday Attended Church 16/9 farvile gam waned for comp Ording St tonarrow
7917 very Od gt all day Ve ley day 1/9/17 Harode gar e2 pm 19/9/17 Parede in morning onl. ret edy dubsional holity 20/9/17 And not attend ay peeds tery revened yt of dismonel guora wenited 6 pm 21/9/17 Adt Sunsional guard all day. londa on return to camp vered to old ryself read to ottera French Mortar School P 70h engoi to schod dew 1507- 2204 ₤.8.1.4 17 under order to attend 22 Berch mertar school at berdeghem left canp ot II am e welked to Seedyhen which wes abaut & kilometis any reached there about 330 pr e fand tht he ne 6days lote 23/9/17 to 30/9/17 at prack mertar scheal Werdyhem 30/9/17 Sunday Left TMscharl in noter besses for Hayebranck which be reacbed ot 9.30 layht 2 pr tran that left at 6 pr arrived ct Caeshe cit 8 pm. spert the nift in the 1st ayae renporene an 10/17 1s Bryode masshed here pren Steenwode I saned then up
at 2 you in te old Bryde camp stalI left 2/077 bents struck lodg to let ground dy out coy dy 20 fared /o77 Sade ond in the many fo 12 hour of- Dusiond by balig day afteron 4/10/17 No purades to da drefts bery sent up to the Bon 5/10/17 os puradls toda by ferven lan Ad 270114 and 140 528 Christing mong. Poted 4210 £ 7.14.0 6/10/17 No prods if cold soued all da moutid di ord gt at 6 you e den 4/10717 Sunday Lew ord Sgt all des at middly news reached cam that the whole surrion har to gan their Bottdice packed my full mrchy adie a merched to lausle hailing stetier a deerching rean wited on the stotice from wtill 4 the than wey 3 haves lote, the tran tock us to you iindetraned slart half a mile in frel of yres neachea y at 6.15 p marched to lpe Belge thagh crear of much I glost read
ina vy bad stote a bod conjestive with tope a trans being relievere cd tet b p where we stayed the right 6/10/17 In camp intill and day was sveed as advance firt for the provt line left com ot 12.30 p for Regode Hdges whe roads are iy mudde inde constant shell fice dead tose be olout in dozers e cort itc be each aide of the read blain to ficers the route & ofter three deep in must marged to reach the du wittore cmualts sleft Holges e returned to Half ns House temed Bn e cided o lay a to Beyade Adges where we git other gaids to toke us to Anzae Ridge which i dlant 1mil kibed we advinced fest spat the nytt in a turch full of mnd ewater havee bery all nytt eegled wit through to ae sne arfolf cld a of ncrable nytt he relioved a reg of the 3rd Bn 9/0/17 Eal t mry the gins certeced the advence of the 2d Di upo are meking an advance on any laft game all objecting weather chard hn a little . Hhe sun cone out fr afew hoves feel a littevoince much acreat activig duy the oftenoon ore Gernen plan fill in flang in pat of on ling. 4 other glores atteked an i thy banght him down he fill just clear of our live
fore of the lest acrive fight tot stave sean in Frevce we were relieved aout 5.30 by the 6h Pm. e macched to thalf mey house where wre have the lackes warty for in with stamclot tea not much shill fiee on the roads while he te com and oeeched thlf we terse to an traspet lg at bap b tyll the ret 10/10717 Gent alldy at the trargal m orders to war of tonaraw 11/10/17 Curlle 5.30 fell n ct C.45. marchd thank Dickeburck to Jepres where he enaned for Reperkinge detraincy at taperingbe we warched to a camp about Chilamitiy antiicole Roperighe; the cam was in a terriby mudd state. Visitia kxenyhe i the ercon retured to comp ot g 12/10717 Icany all dy rainy hearty clldy Cona terrible ner the whele comp i antle dee o mand 13/10717 Renice bey dury Menvery devected to leas the cen at 2 on which i new a a tanble tole marched to Abeele 5 mile any was belited in a ferm dlant 2 nile the he side of Abule by alldy rend of her for narchy 14/1/17 Sanday Sumshny todiy
everywhere an occun of mend, attendia church farade 15/10/17 farvols 9-11 am c 130 -3.30 pom no run tady detailed byt of prquet for steemerde tonyh retured to con ct 10 pr 16/1617 barels9 e 130. 3.30 Sum shing all dg. grand drg up 19/10/17 Tull peade for inpection the Dutisral Crmandee Geon Waiker at 10an merched to the inspection grand but the Gneral did not tren up so we bad a slat route mucch instead prede in the eftenon as usvall 18pop7 Ixjection of the Dir General thy warng beaul mae a shat yaa then we morched any in the mid yers we hed in the ofteror 110717 Parale on doey the man He afteraar was given over to Sr Paid 902 L 2.11.4 20/0/17 placed in caye of Beyode fatynl juirty of 30 men to build a ryte rarge of we Beyode scteol nea steenae. cangleted the jet by 3 pre retured to lilletsf 330 funtia for the dy 21/10/17 Suday Did not attend Church jacode tody bent it
Peperme e bank sone lekerstoes feer for Austidia returned to litters lote of nt 22 popy pude as usuall you eather felty 130 celd 23/10/17 borods is urvall 24/10/17 Parade cng in marry veriedl. ttet we are mery off nearer the live temerow ret of dy pkg up 25/0713 Left billit ct 8 am e lenglt netor loeng rec Abeile ot 1oum pupd teok is though Dickburch to a cordaysion th yyrs comne bened. 26/10/17 In hus all dg. ramed continung blldg grand in a vey swandy state 27/10/17 Raned recrg all day. the comp was borned aereflers it niht several men a harses coght Sunday 28/10/17 No gareds tode all hnts here made bonb sluter poot with said bay e earth 29/10/17 Usuall prods tody ground much drier worred that we will be may neaer the din torrer 30/1717 Rralle 6. am. fell in 8 ar

4/8/17 Route march with full 
marching order to Cassell in morng 
Coy prade, drill, in afternoon 

5/8/17 Sunday Attended church 
parade at 9.30. warned for B.O. Sgt 
tonight mounted with guard at 

6/8/17 Relieved BO Sgt by Sgt Grant 
warned to attend Sgt Chardlees 
crest waited at Le Nieppe 
where the 3rd Bn are billeted 

7/8/17 Two parade tody. 8.30 & 
2 pm drill, marchs etc. 

8/8/17 Parade in morng Coy drill 

ony 1/2 hour in afternoon warned that 
we are moving awy from here tomorrow 
morng eary 

9/8/17 Revelle 4.30 marched away at 
6.30 met the Brigade on the Cassell 
Armientiers Rd. The town of Hazebrouck 
bombarded by the Germans, may women 
& children refugees leavig, we met 
may of them on the road marched 
all the morng to La Motte-au-Bois near Hazebrouck 

10/8/17 Parade at 8.30 & a small 
route march Hazebrouck bombarded 
this morning went into the village of 
La Motte-au-Bois this evening 
returned to camp at 10 pm. Paid £ 2.11.4 
Fr 70


11/8/17 Parade this morng battle order 
8.30. heavy route march then drill etc 
start route march durg the 
afternoon. heavy shower of rain 
all got wet through 

12/8/17 Sundy Attended 
church parade, durg the 
afternoon went to Merville 
8 miles awy with Sgt 
Dennison returned to camp at 
11 pm 

13/8/17 Parade this morng at 
8.30 went to Hazebrouck 
in afternoon town vy much 
deserted owg to the bombardment 
returned to camp at 11 pm 

14/8/17 Parade at 9 am for a 
10 mile route march, back at 
billets by 2.30. 

15/8/17 Usuall parads tody 

16/8/17 Parade at 8.30 for 15 mile 
route march back to billets by 
4 pm. hot tea on the march from 
the Coy Cookers 

17/8/17 Parade at 8 am for 2 hours 
no parads durg the afternoon sports 
held to commemorate the third 
anniversary of the formation of the 
4th Bn. detailed for piquet 
in La Motte al nght


18/8/17 Parads as usuall in the morng 
short route march in afternoon 

19/8/17 Sundy Church parade at 
9 am sport rest of the dy in La Motte 

20/8/17 Marched to Steenvorde to 
the Div baths in the morng 5 miles 
each way, short parade in the 

21/8/17 Parade morng & afternoon as 

22/8/17 Special parade for musketery 
at Bn Hqs.. . rest of the day a holidy 

23/8/17 Parades morng & afternoon as 


24/8/17 Long route march tody 10 mils 
payed 70 Fr = £ 2.11.4 on return 

25/8/17 Parads as usuall. detailed 
for Coy ord Sgt for next week 

26/8/17 to 3/9/17 Orderly Sgt 
did not attend any parads 

4/9/17 Returned to platoon tody 
route march full marchg order 8 

5/9/17 Parads as usuall durg dy 
practiced advanced Guard work 


6/9/17 Route march tody 
10 miles 

7/9/17 Bn R O S all dy did 
not attend parads 

8/9/17 Parads as usuall 

9/9/17 Sunday Attended church 
parade tody nothing else dog 
warned that we will soon be 
leavng for the trenches 

10/9/17 No duties tody went on sick 
parade with Myralgia 

11/9/17 ditto ditto 

12/9/17 easy day vy little drill warned 
that we are leavng for the trenchs 
tomorrow was detailed to remain at 
the reinforcement camp to reorganse the 
Coy after thy come out of the line 

13/9/17 Bn marched awy to Meteren 
the men detailed for the reinforcement 
camp left at 12 am for Caestre near 
Baileul where we made a camp 

14/9/17 Organisig camp all dy 

15/9/17 Parades at 9-11 & 2-4 

16/9/17 Sunday Attended Church 
parade 9 am. warned for Camp 
Ordrly Sgt tomorrow 


17/9/17 Camp Ord Sgt all day 
vy log day 

18/9/17 Parads 9 am & 2 pm 

19/9/17 Parade in mornig ony rest of dy 
divisional holidy 

20/9/17 Did not attend any parads tody 
warned Sgt of divisional guard 
mounted 6 pm 

21/9/17 Sgt Divisional Guard all 
day. long dy - on return to camp 
warned to hold myself ready to attend 
Trench Mortar School Paid 70 Fr. on goig 
to school drew 150 Fr. = 220 Fr = £ 8.1.4 
22/9/17 Under ordes to attend 
Trench mortar school at Terdeghem 
left camp at 11 am & walked to 
Terdeghem which was about 8 kilometrs 
awy, reached there about 3.30 pm 
& found that we were 6 days late 

23/9/17 to 30/9/17 at Trench 
mortar school Terdeghem 

30/9/17 Sunday Left T M School in 
motor busses for Hazebrouck which 
we reached at 9.30. Caught 2 pm 
train that left at 6 pm Arrived 
at Caestre at 8 pm spent the night 
in the 1st Anzac Reinforcement camp 

1/10/17 1st Brigade marched here 
from Steenvord & I joined them up 


at 2 pm in the old Brigade camp 
that I left 

2/10/17 Tents struck leavg to let 
ground dry out easy dy no 

3/10/17 Parade ony in the morng for 
2 hours 9-11 Divisional half 
holidy durg afternoon 

4/10/17 No parades tody drafts 
being sent up to the Bn 

5/10/17 No parades tody Vy few in 
camp Paid Fr 70 = 2.11.4 and 
Fr 140 = 5.2.8 Christmas money. Total 
Fr 210 = £ 7.14.0 

6/10/17 No parads Vy cold rained 
all dy. mounted Div Ord Sgt 
at 6 pm 


7/10/17 Sunday Div Ord Sgt all day at 
middy news reached camp that the 
whole Division had to join their Battalion 
packed up full marching order & marched 
to Caestre railwy statin in drenchg rain 
waited on the statin from 1 pm to 4 pm 
the train was 3 hours late. The train took 
us to Yprs & we detrained about half 
a mile in front of Ypres. reached Yprs 
at 6.15 pm. marched to Cafe Belge 
through oceans of mud & slash road 


in a vy bad state & badly congested 
with trafic & troops being relieved 
reached transport lines at 8 pm 
where we stayed the night 

8/10/17 In camp untill mid-dy was 
warned as advance party for the front 
line left camp at 12.30 pm for Brigade 
Hdqrs the roads are vy mudy & under 
constant shell fire dead horses lie about 
in dozens & carts etc lie each side of 
the road blown to pieces. The route 
is often knee deep in mud managed to 
reach the Hd Qs without casualtis 
left Hdqrs & returned to Half wy House 
to meet Bn & guided my Coy up 
to Brigade Hdqrs where we got 
other guids to take us to 
Anzac Ridge which is about 1 1/2 mils 
behind our advanced posts. Spent the 
night in a trench full of mud & water 
rained heavy all night. everyboy wet 
through to the skin & awfuly cold, 
a vy miserable nght. we relieved a 
Coy of the 3rd Bn 

9/10/17 Eary this morng the guns 
covered the advance of the 2nd Div 
who are making an advance on our left 
They gained all objectives weather cleared 
up a little & the sun came out for a few 
hours. feel a little warmer. much aerial 
activity durg the afternoon. one German plane 
fell in flames in front of our lines. 4 
other planes attacked ours & thy bought 
him down he fell just clear of our lins 


one of the best aerial fights tat I have 
seen in France we were relieved 
about 5.30 by the 60th Bn. & marched 
to Half Wy house where we had the 
cookers waitg for us with stew & hot 
tea, not much shell fire on the roads 
while we were coming out, marched 
from Half wy House to our transport 
lines at Cafe Belge where we styed 
the night 

10/10/17 Spent all dy at the transport 
lins. ordes to move off tomorrow 

11/10/17 Revelle 5.30 fall in at 6.45 & 
marched through Dickebusch to Yprs 
where we entrained for Poperhinge 
detraining at Poperhinge we marched 
to a camp about 6 kilometrs outside 
Popehringe, the camp was in a terriby 
mudy state. Visited Poperhinge in the 
afternoon returned to camp at 9 pm 

12/10/17 In camp all dy raining heavy 
all dy. Camp in a terrible mess. The 
whole camp is ankle deep in mud. 

13/10/17 Rained heavy durg the morng 
decided to leave this camp at 2 pm 
which is now in a terrible state. 
marched to Abeele 5 miles awy. was 
bilited in a farm about 2 mils the 
other side of Abeele heavy rain all dy 
roads vy heavy for marchg 

14/10/17 Sunday Sun shining tody 


everywhere an ocean of mud, attended 
church parade 

15/10/17 Parads 9-11 am & 1.30 - 3.30 pm 
no rain tody detailed Sgt of piquet 
for Steenvorde tonght returned to camp 
at 10 pm 

16/10/17 Parads 9-11 & 1.30 - 3.30 Sun 
shing all dy ground dryg up 

17/10/17 Full parade for inspection by 
the Divisional Commander Gen Walker 
at 10 am. marched to the inspection 
Ground but the General did not turn 
up so we had a short route march 
instead parade in the afternoon as 

18/10/17 Inspection by the Div General 
this morng he ony made a short speech 
then we marched awy in the mud 
Sports were held in the afternoon 

19/10/17 Parade ony durg the morng 
the afternoon was given over to 
sports. Paid 70 F = £ 2.11.4 

20/10/17 Placed in charge of Brigade 
fatigue party of 30 men to build a 
rifle range at the Brigade School 
near Steenvorde. completed the job 
by 3 pm & returned to billets by 
3.30 finished for the dy 

21/10/17 Sunday Did not attend 
Church parade tody went into 


Poperinghe & bought some Christmas 
presents for Australia returned 
to billets late at night 

22/10/17 Parads as usuall 9 am 
& 1.30 weather gettg pretty 
cold now 

23/10/17 Parads as usuall 

24/10/17 Parade ony in the morng warned 
that we are movg off nearer the 
line tomorrow rest of dy packg up 

25/10/17 Left billets at 8 am & 
caught motor lorries near Abeele at 10 am 
which took us through Dickebusch 
to a camp alogside the Yprs Comines 
26/10/17 In huts all dy. rained continuously 
all dy. ground in a vy swampy 

27/10/17 Rained neary all dy. The 
camp was bommed by aeroplans at 
night, several men & horses caught 

28/10/17 Sunday No parade tody all huts 
were made bomb splinter proof 
with sand bags & earth 

29/10/17 Usuall parads tody, ground 
much drier warned that we will be 
movg nearer the line tomorrow 

30/10/17 Revelle 6. am. fall in 8. am 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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