Diary of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 1 January 1917 - 31 July 1918 - Part 2 of 8

First World War, 1914–18
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+II 75/17 Trenfered to No 4 Conn 19 or dreft to France 20/5/17 In con all dy wared you rilying pequel at myht 21/5/17 care off frqual thes mony 22/5/17 In camp cill day did nothing camp life gery vy wew od f drift for 23/5/17 France tedy equipnent etc essued 24/5/17 to 26/5 wente for dreft are gou tembrron everth packed ca for injection tomoeron 15/17 Sunday Traft left 2 todey at 11.50 runing very hard depot band plaged in to the station et Ordmarth left drt 12 am fr Southengton arrny thee dat 230 fell in at 4-15 and enlerked on the France with a droft of R.C and the London By left jat of sundaun & anchoed awhole the fat untill deakers when we sirteno le tse oen there at daybrek the lont was sly much adedonled 20/5/1 arewed at dabeck disembused ot I am a maded through the doctor to the 1st AD80 cam at Herlews cbat 32 mile cntude letare it rence all
the day cann dey mindedy 29/5/17 Foined with refle resprotin t tady also here medical inpecta had have ule tre dary evenig 30/5/17 Rhante mordh dveng the marning to Mentivillic no peace diy we afteroon 31/5/17 landudie dreft to the Bull ey evg dy did not ury sucl $416/07 Bull any dury morning then hereof of trache all night Lept Bull ay at 11 am 2/6/ after beiy in the tracky all nigh went int Le Kere for the afterioo ey back to com ot 10 h 3/6/17 Sunday Did nothy Mday ben played in the square may Ferch Vitay in camp og war sum sng all day 4/e/7 M Bull vy todly latten prede istead all tents strug et cary coaned up s ef tent sunned all day 5/4/17 Bull eny all day 6/6/17
7/6/17 Bull ei all day 8/6/17. Detailed for guard it we sup Depot of the Bulliny nyselfe gnen very eay time mainted at 730 am /6/7 imontil guard its mery did nethy else olldy, weathn much warmer tody. 10/6/17 Sunday Did not attend any parades tody. 1 Doral band played a the garden is tewn duryy the eefteroor uss a tawn all afteror entrved to comp at 10 pr 16/17 Ruple raie dary the maring naw artadable for draft havy furshed to day Budl ey was cered for draft thes afternoon 12/6p No parodes lodg redicvl nopection also bt inpection etc leavy tomorraw for te B 13/6/17 Stat rant march duin the morning to Montireliers. doft fell at 5.50 fr e merched to le Houre Decks e entraied at 10 pr, tran left at 2 am next morning 14/6/07 bron left Le Porre 2 an a cmed awn at gan marched to we ese canp where we spent the ret of the dy, left the sest carn
at 9 pn & entraind it 10 yr lef at mdnth f albeat 157647 Ancaved Anery cit 9 am & aller at $10.30 the tem her qquile changed i naw of char west of the enins due to the bemnbardnet here been cleared any e there arl may wilian here mam murched through the te to the lat conp left canp et 1130 a yor Brie where ae fama the Barration 16fefy smode at gann no pedes day the afternay noxt fer a sum in the Ancre se neare tere kind 40 S 12/6/17 Sunday Church pcede ct gan wily ase to docudy vest for a sum in the Avereaen te aftera Iy he tody 18/6/17 Lra day We noirye one a gerer sourg ofte pece i hot tody 19/6/17 very dudl a beag threter Froms day dy. Rante march durg the masry and 20/6/17 Hows of jarde oltered fom 6 9am and 4to 6 pm sy dual a thinky all day
AV. fweather now much colder 21/6/17 Baull mard to the srile eange, fized will lodg fined lasl lodge ranice dury the Snceny 2/6/17 Revalle at I am marched out at 130 for a selent niht march then rufle saye intill g 0 ncered for guard in ale eenig mounted at 6 pr 3/6/17 On guard all day relieted at 6 frm $24/6/17 Sunday Spert We day. in Arnnens returned to camp at of pr yer nam de wick wven sunshile 2576/17 Did not attence an jerace tod waned for witres i orderly Ream for Me. Braw Blg. FJ.O.M. as ctl of guard 2 on the i3 26/6/17 Spent the day in Armiens returnn to billit of 930 27/9/17 Chia hous sarode iovery lattle order seentry, drill it Reacl in afterar full morehy odder e sat nant meck oleal her veired we we leavng here tomerow
28/6/17 Marched to Maill Maillet 5 mile it of albert left Bur ot y an arrived at Maill obaut 10 am caryed in wott lany entricle the Villge ret of the des neth to do The Beade is there clout 10 des Lord traiy. said 90 p f v. 11.4 29/6/19 Oraining in lay attvck also On drill been gay all da vey tied, nom day 30/6/17 Bayade review by Mr. Holman Fremier of N. S. W. in mormy General Reedwood. Wolker estof prsent no parod duey He ret of the dy 7 Sunda Church pore duen te morning: nthy doing all day. If and I wel semed nea oll dor. Heary Contarlment on Mldg up the line 2/7117 Attendia Caust Malin T.He Menn Bly dving the maeing went on prace in aftercan on outrat verk 3/7/17 Regade da torty Renelle tecam purac ca. Regade pactuee atvoce werki open fifty faytina siere welge ite retered to bey ceiy the eftroc ofe laydg of ver
4/2/17 that poucll in iening eyed myl wanany to sent on aadvence to fice treck also by enlation sictor waited to On all nigh seeral dead sill tiy dant 77 narched u ot 3 an t tacking their prite advance ot 5 an olside dt y an retured to 30 o ye e t ✓of 6/2/17 Marded back to Buer the mainy no prade i of the day 7717 Sande to 3ha Terevy 6 Der e ttit tale doye of ae lotkes afteroo 8/2/17 Sur Ramedl hearly all doy no churck parache woned for B.O.C mointed with guard in elstend 7B.O.C. all lay day rened pretty heari chinng the morning 1/2/19 B prode duiy the marry wnt to site rane afteron prect at 24 offend of denonstration of thease of liqued fire
11/2/17 forade out in the nveny ceemomal due of. no pode in afterwan. Bn spits egang 12/7117 Pertiened by Mry Geage tody me 1st Bulnian lined the Albest Annen Read though which she key poed eture to como upon lery here tom raw 13/7/17 hept here (Breer) o Beey ot 7.30 am reached Ore at miday no peed how of t day knd 704 L211.4 o baracl in neeryy partice Pauyert nak went se sumon ie ruse sane of Brey due the afterson, Io fet oll idg. ber itelster at nit 15/7117 Sunday Church persde duiry marry eay day 16/2/17 barides in varige afterwar ly in attack a culport dutig 17/4/17 and heevy clug warry parcile as usuall. Oyest citie 19717 Heak reanduy the mny On went to we rule range put up agad nor 177/6 Cncal wihe full mardhy went fo ranle ward lak a
105 20/7/17 Deall durin morning Jewill no prece for the men in afteror all ofns e gts bed to go eorleck the gad yo we tuonde shn on Mencher. 1/7/17 Parade ledg full waching order 5 mile worch in afteron nd bertif dney we wer ar//17 Sunday Christ pecele w morny laly la sun quite t 27/717 By dutisional field day. fundted by 2 yo wer fra san i the Gore very habdy leaving here tomacrow everyit juched n ready tonyt 24/7/17 Lept Beg pe Bux in serme- acrried at 11 an west per sum in the sorme duiy the ofteron mortice guard at 5.40 ths evening 25/7/17 On Bn Quarter Greard all day, vey eayy day sxeat. to be leaving here an time for the iof Frave a Belgrun 26/7/17 Tull On garcole much jacks delankets ready to ware ofptoning ealy nothy else to do duing the day Rivelle 4an R fell in 2//1
read to much off at I am clovn for the North, entrained at Edge Will contrute Brer in the tran all day deteained at lassel e marshed to Zuyspeene arrivg there at o yo 28/7/17 No gerocs toda eayday praid 704 - £2.11.4 29/2/17 Sinday Church prad at On Hudgnet hear thidyto startue helf was through the genre gust get i as it staten enegled wit thagk wilked ute and eget ret of the du there return to billd lete at nigh 30/7/17 March of 6 mils full wershin order pevill in willet durn afteroon 31/2/17 barace outside hillity moring afternoin 1/8/17 Sowy rain all day. farodes insule billets geonnl of muclily march with jacks pertioned on account of weather 2/8/17 Rened all day every vey middy 3/8/17 Di not attend wae tody waited at Or ydge re St Charche Coust martice. We court clice net e

19/5/17 Transfered to No 4 Camp 
for draft to France 
20/5/17 In camp all dy warned 
for inlying piquet at night 
21/5/17 Came off piquet this morng 
22/5/17 In camp all day did 
nothing.  camp life getig vey 
23/5/17 Warned for draft for 
France tody equipment etc 

24/5/17 to 26/5/17 
waitg for draft. are going 
tomorrow. everythg packed ready 
for inspection tomorrow 
27/5/17 Sunday Draft left 
today at 11.30 rainig vey hard 
depot band played us to the stotian 
at Tidmouth left about 12 am for 
Southampton arrivig there about 2.30 
fell in at 4-15 and embarked on 
the "France" with a draft of R E 
and the London Reg left jot at 
sundown & anchored outside the ports 
untill darkness when we sailed for 
le Havre arriving there at daybreak 
the boat was vey much overcrowded 
28/5/17 Arrived at daybreak & 
disembarked at 8 am & marched 
through the docks to the 1st ADBD 
camp at Horfleurs abot 3½ miles 
outside le Havre. it rained all


the day  camp vey muddy 
29/5/17 Issued with rifle, respiratry 
etc tody also had medical inspection 
had leave into Havre during evenig 
30/5/17 Route march durig the 
morning to Montivilliers no parade 
durig the afternoon 
31/5/17 Conductive draft  to the 
Bull ring.  easy dy did not cary  
11/6/17 Bull ring durig mornig, then 
relief of trenches all night 
2/6/17 Left Bull rig at 11 am 
 after being in the trenches all night 
went into Le Havre for the afternoon 
& evening  back to camp at 10 pm 
3/6/17 Sunday Did nothg all day 
band played in the square may 
French visitors in camp vy warm 
sun shinig all day 
4/6/17 No Bull ring tody bathing 
parade instead, all tents struck 
& the camp cleaned up & sights 
of tents sunned all day 
5/6/17 Bull ring all day 
6/6/17  "  "  "  "


7/6/17 Bull ring all day 
8/6/17 Detailed for guard at  
the Supply Depot at the Bullrig 
myself & 6 men vey easy time, 
mounted at 7.30 am 
9/6/17  Dismounted guard this mornig 
did nothig else all dy.  weather 
much warmer tody 
10/6/17 Sunday Did not attend ay  
parades tody.  1st Divisional band 
played in the Gardens in town durig the 
afternoon. was in town all afternoon 
returned to camp at 10 pm 
11/6/17  Rifle range during the  
morning now available for draft 
having finished 10 days Bull ring 
was warned for draft this afternoon 
12/6/17 No parades tody.  medical 
inspection also kit inspection etc leavig 
tomorrow for the Bn 
13/6/17 Short rout march during the 
morning to Montiviliers.  draft fell in 
at 5.30 pm & marched to Le Havre  
Docks & entrained at 10 pm, train 
left at 2 am next morng 
14/6/17 Train left Le Havre 2 am & 
arrived Rouen at 8 am. marched 
to the rest camp where we spent the 
rest of the dy, left the rest camp


at 9 pm & entrained at 10 pm left 
at midnight for Albert 
15/6/17 Arrived Amiens at 9 am 
& Albert at 10.30 the town has 
quite changed & is now vy clean 
most of the ruins due to the 
bombardment have been cleared awy 
& there are may civilians here 
now. marched through the town 
to the rest camp. left camp at 
11.30 am for Buir where 
we found the Battalion 
16/6/17 Parade at 9 am no 
parades durg the afternoon went 
for a swim in the Ancre 
river near here. Paid 40 ₣r 
= £ 1.9.4 
17/6/17 Sunday Church parade at 
9 am nothig else to do all day 
went for a swim in the Ancre durig 
the afternoon. Vy hot tody 
18/6/17 Parade during the mornig & 
one in afternoon. swimig after 
parade Vy hot tody 
19/6/17 Very dull & heavy thunder 
storms durig dy. Route march 
durig the mornig only 
20/6/17 Hours of parade altered 
from 6-9 am and 4 to 6 pm 
Vy dull & thundy all dy


weather now much colder 
21/6/17 Route march to the 
rifle range. fired well tody 
finished eary tody. rained 
during the morning 
22/6/17 Reveille at 1 am marched 
out at 1.30 for a silent nght 
march then rifle range untill 9.30 
warned for guard in the evenig 
mounted at 6 pm 
23/6/17 On Guard all day 
relieved at 6 pm 
24/6/17 Sunday Spent the day 
in Armiens returned to 
camp at 9 pm Very warm day 
with warm sunshine 
25/6/17 Did not attend any 
parades tody warned for witness 
at orderly Room for Pte Browns 
B Cy. F G. C M. as Cpl of Guard 
on the 23rd   
26/6/17 Spent the day in Armiens 
returned to billet at 9.30 
27/6/17 Three hour parade in morng 
battle order. Scoutig drill etc 
Parade in afternoon full marchg order 
& short rout march about 1 hour. warned 
we are leaving here tomorrow


28/6/17 Marched to Mailly Maillet 
5 miles N of Albert left Buir at 7 am 
arrived at Mailly about 10 am. 
camped in Notts Camp outside the 
Village, rest of the day nothg to 
do. The Brigade is here for 
about 10 days hard trainig. Paid 
70 ₣.  £ 2.11.4 
29/6/17 Trainig in Cy attacks also 
Bn drill been goig all dy 
Vey tired, warm day 
30/6/17 Brigade review by Mr Holman 
Premier of N.S.W. in mornig 
Generals Birdwood, Walker & staff 
present. no parades durg the 
rest of the dy 
1/7/17 Sunday Church parade 
during the morning. nothg 
doing all day. Vy windy & wet 
rained nearly all dy. heavy 
bombardment on all dy up the 
2/7/17 Attended Court Martial of 
Pte Brown B Cy durig the mornig 
went on parade in afternoon on outpost 
3/7/17 Brigade dy today Revelle 
4 am parade 6 am. Brigade 
practice on advance work in open 
fightg.  captured several villges etc 
returned to camp during the aftroon 
after long day. Vy warm


4/7/17 Short parade in mornig, 
Brigade night manouvers tonight 
Sent on in advance to find Bn trench 
also Cy & platoon sector waited for 
Bn all night. several dead still lyig about  
5/7/17 Bn marched up at 3 am 
& took up their positions, 
advanced at 5 am objective 
gained at 7 am returned to 
camp at 9.30am no parades 
rest of the day 
6/7/17 Marched back to Buir 
this morning. no parade rest 
of the day 
7/7/17 Parade for 3 hours in the 
mornig nothg else durg the dy 
went to hot Div Baths durg the  
afternoon complete change of under clothes 
8/7/17 Sunday Rained heavily all 
day no church parade. warned 
for B.O.C. mounted with guard 
in evening 
9/7/17 B.O.C all dy. easy day 
rained pretty heavily during the 
10/7/17 Bn parade during the morng 
went to rifle range, afternoon parade 
at 2-4  afterwards  p demonstration of 
the use of liquid fire 


11/7/17 Parade only in the morng 
ceremonial drill only. no parade 
in afternoon Bn sports & games 
12/7/17 Reviewed by King George tody 
the 1st Division lined the Albert 
Amiens Road through which the 
King passed. returned to camp at 
1 pm. leavg here tomorrow 
13/7/17 Left here (Buir) for 
Bray at 7.30 am reached 
Bray at mid day. no parades rest of 
the day Paid 70 ₣ = £ 2-11-4 
14/7/17 Parade in morng. practice 
outpost work. went for swim in 
the river Somme at Bray durg 
the afternoon, vy hot all dy. heavy 
thunderstorms at night. 
15/7/17 Sunday Church parade 
during mornig. easy day 
16/7/17 Parades in morng & afteroon 
Cy in attack & outpost duties 
17/7/17 Rained heavy durg mornng 
Parades as usuall. Outpost duties 
18/7/17 Heavy rain durg the morng 
Bn went to the rifle range. put up 
a great score 
19/7/17 Parade with full marchg order 
went for route march back at 3.30 pm


20/7/17 Drill durig mornig parade  
no parade for the men in afteroon 
all Officers & Sgt's had to go & overlook 
the ground for the Divisional "Stunt"  
on Mondy 
21/7/17 Parade tody full marching 
order 5 miles march in afteroon. 
rained heavily durig the march 
22/7/17 Sunday Church parade 
this morning.  lovely dy sun quite 
23/7/17 Brig divisional field day. finished 
by 2 pm went for a swim in the  
Somme. vey hot dy. leavig here  
tomorrow everythg packed up 
ready tonight 
24/7/17 Left Brg for Buq-sur- 
Somme - arrived at 11 am 
went for swim in the Somme durig 
the afternoon. mounted guard 
at 5.45 this evening 
25/7/17 On Bn Quarter Guard 
all day. vey easy day.  expect 
to be leavig here any time for 
the N of France or Belgium 
26/7/17 Full Bn parade with packs & 
blankets ready to move off tomorrow 
early. nothg else to do during the day 
27/7/17 Revelle 4am Bn fell in


ready to march off at 6 am leavig 
for the North, entrained at Edge 
Hill outside Buir. in the train all 
day detrained at Cassel & marched 
to Zuytpeene arrivig there at 9 pm 
28/7/17 No parades tody easy day 
paid 70 ₣ = ₤ 2. 11. 4 
29/7/17 Sunday Church parade at 
Bn Headquarters heavy thunderstorm 
started half way through the 
service. just got away as it started 
everybody wet through. walked 
into Cassel & spent rest of the 
day there. returned to billet  
late at night 
30/7/17 March of 6 miles full marching 
order. parade in billets during afternoon 
31/7/17 Parades outside billets morning & 
1/8/17 Pouring rain all day. parades 
inside billets. ground vy muddy 
march with packs postponed on 
account of weather 
2/8/17 Rained all day everythg very 
3/8/17 Did not attend parade tody 
waited at Bn Hdqrs re Sgt Chandlers  
Court Martial. The Court did not  

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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