Diary of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 6 August 1915 - 17 May 1916 - Part 6 of 6

First World War, 1914–18
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at 1 pm the gesdaim was counded is the feeners were ivoy geson one left, all the bol proused put on hlnet cace efell i psh ad on the gorad e warched to ar sthe gt ust in stepic on in vy o undlil cgy st dip wteck ve oet cevld be renoed, retune to sillet e tred in it os 28/4/14 a ca fr patigues in the very lue hid not go uou oself had the deof giid day on the wholle 29/2/16 Tuiet deed detatin ot Haa lagnee patipe of tait seed ot 896 pr merked forfy we, lete beae ga ate whe treche on Tuerdy to sterce it J On 30/4/16 Sunday y livy day dozer of ligh eneme well fele on the recd e billity necg, tre fell surce tha yourt to cy billet some het blow dewn 1/5/16 worty to do duey dy inday of eyeee folgue on sailing to treat d8m, get lack seft Caliegh a wacie gun ves tuned on us 215/14 ton in fetzus all day dee ndget a jet mya, veved
1057 that sare are going whe. He tranchs tonw rowbe as R.0.C.a to fo sseery 3/5/16R6.C all do eon time nothy to do. On wet to the trek at eveny a releved the 2nd n Veyguet dury ryt 4/5716 Fanry quiet dy glet of mpy dury gtercor get sone helly ufon the gymi, not much doveze done 515/16 all da ver quiet, ot y y ave ler elde ofened on cart We whole place shock with the veriecf the high excome shill, ane bin gureslic the baladret lty 2tor about gai tte 9th Br regted gis bren the left athe closun na gulen ecll ges tebel pet on, attack ltice will 9.30 sterd down ot 109c, reatteck a our part 4/5/16 our fort of the live quet allday nothy dem of/5/16 Sunda our for te stelle diy the ma moy sell jewed adnto te vacest growd in the rear, all were hgh exlene fard tody Co Trencs £23.8 eeyth fett quiet. vey little mpny Br. Aloy 42 Om
8/5/14 yearr shelly nowe R dury the Mg, cotherwise nettng ay on our direct prent fermers reluved in prart of us Br Anjue duey night 9/5/16 forman in fet of uy relured dy the nigh care dequit te thit tht the are dever the are much Guiiter then the Other witt vey little o no smpin the greated is the mary Guaty a getter shat eptty up notice faned cuntorty dure the myttedly muddy P.H. Suste 10/5/14 gand wy mudd estepe ollogony custel everidl coda wit theah fermans ry gueet oll dy t thare i a aise cordibley thn B. W. Gohey we are 11/5/16 No ramdney the nett ground dyn quety, Bi of exciten about I1 am, the Cerman ery a mine with 12 to 15a owtride our peeget, without day ay dengy tte fe trech, We gound sck ve casideoly,e the peept get agood shopy up, but it did not dislege ore syle bey, a cersiderable creter ver thew up whch we oery each right eveyly gid we rest of the ohr for day
12/5/14 weell vequet if little smpy duydy. PWAllurs 13/5/14 Ver wet tody, rained all day practicaly without staply, engly in the fery line are sea of mind weythy quiet in our port. PW Scrupeun 14/5/16 Sunday Weyth prett mudey no further rain dury day, vey difeente to mave obout thench, ouy to the suction of te mud Pw gud 15/5/16 wyth quit as woudl on our front dury the dee, it night several benls were thank over into te rear of our pry line, but did no darage, orf dat a degen berts wre ured, vereghed Mr April 16/5714 warred duey eary mony that I amgey on lave B Eland ot 4.30 pm, Iun Sting terty te fist fr sevol des mua dyi up guiel, packed up full warhy order a Reperted at the Bnadily room it 4.30, marched nte Saily ecaught the weter her at 8.30 slyft ths nytt it a you ca shid hear fleenneck 15716 up at me murched to steenweeck station a entraned f Belenve arew there ot II am, e went dirct n boud te SCeCRG thentert the Mnte
arrry at Tackrtae in dlay an has time, left trem for Ladon at 215 p creny at Victoria dant 4.30after eert of Hersfery. Ad, all leave yest hLanden 16/5/16 Leare Sterty y ei on ste 26 75p16
Expliam Pe crange 5.798 macin Miss. Lami Chenpson Ednna Certrol re Get. H Kilda Wolloe 6 L/el 23-2-14 lape 43-16 2 £46-11-6 to 42 19-1 Ag1s 3-153 D 1930. 12. 0. 1716a 2. 3.0 46.0.6 7/4/1648.3.6 52.12.6 22/4/16 2. 3. 0 5.00 185/1662.12.6 50.0.6 28/4/16 3-0 7.6 715/16 2 5212.6 Balie breyht forved Cots by dice Fomald py bock ₤38.6.7 M Jan 19184 12/2/16 Pil -el Hebir ₤3.1.7.C.Gx Judge 7/3/16 Serajeum 1109. DD Brown 17/3/16 Scroplun E3.17 Dd grown 7/4/14 Staples -60r 2.3.0SR Rrown 22/4/14 Membarx -602.30 DR Brown 28.4.16 Anzie Bock 3.06 Walf 75.16 Glurbara (Fraves to) L.3.O SA Brown 18.5.14. London 10.00 Sc Johnsten
o 68

28/4/16 At 11 pm the gas alarm 
was sounded as the Germans were
usg gas on our left, all the [[billets?]]
roused & put on helmets at once 
& fell in fighting order on the
road & marched to our stag 
post had us stopped on the way 
by our relief, saying that [[?]] 
attack was over & that helmets 
could be removed, returned to 
billet & turned in at 12.30
28/4/16 A coy for fatigues on the
firing line. did not go up myself
had the day off grand day on
the whole 

29/4/16 Quiet day today, detailed off 
for? an Engineers fatigue at rail

head at 8o/c from marked [[?]]
for firing line, told we are going into   
the trenches on Tuesday to relieve the  
2nd Bn 

30/4/16 Sunday Very busy day 
dozens of high explosive shells fallg 
on the roads & billets near, some 
fell nearer than 400 yds to our 
billets. Some houses & trees blown 
1/5/16 Nothing to do during day. in charge 
of engineers fatigue on railing to trenches 
at 8pm, get back safely although a 
machine gun was turned on us 

2/5/16 Coy on fatigues all day 
did not get a job myself, warned


that we are going into the trenches 
tomorrow, mounted as R O C at 
5 pm this evening 
3/5/16 R O C all day easy time 
nothing to do. Bn went to the 
trenches at evening & relieved the 2nd Bn 
Very quiet during night 
4/5/16 Fairly quiet day, plenty of 
sniping, during afternoon get some shelling  
from the 77 mm, not much damage 
5/5/16 All day very quiet, at 
7 pm a very violent bombardment 
opened on our L the whole  
place shook with the vibrations of 
the high explosive shells, our big

guns replied. the bombardment lasty 2 hourly 
about 9 am the 9th Bn reported 
gas from the left & the alarm 
was given & all gas helmets put 
on, attack lasted until 9.30 
stood down at 10 o/c, no attacks 
on our front 
6/5/16 Our part of the line quiet  
all day. nothg doing 
7/5/16 Sunday our firing line shelled 
during the morning many shells passed 
over into the vacant ground in  
the rear, all were high explosives 
paid today 60 Francs =£2. 3 . 0 
everything pretty quiet. very little 
[[?]] A  Coy 4th Bn  


8/5/16 Heavy shelling on our R  
during the day, otherwise nothing 
doing on our direct front 
Germans relieved in front of us 
during night  [[P W Anjou?]] 
9/5/16 Germans in front of us 
relieved during the night & are 
very quiet, we think that 
they are Saxons, they are much  
quieter than the others with 
very little or no sniping, they  
greeted us this morning by waving 
a yellow shirt & putting up 
notices, rained constantly during the 
night. very muddy  P W Suvla 
10/5/16 Ground very muddy & slippery 
all day owing to constant rain 
everybody cold & wet through

Germans very quiet all day it [[looks?]] 
they are in a worse condition than 
we are   P W. Sydney 
11/5/16 No rain during the night 
ground drying quickly, Bit of excitement 
about 11 am, the Germans [[siezing]] a  
mine within 12 to 15 yards outside 
our parapet, without doing any damage 
to the fire trench, the ground shook 
very considerably, & the parapet got 
a good shaking up, but it did 
not dislodge one single bag, a  
considerable crater was thrown up 
which we occupy each night 
everything quiet the rest of the  
day                 [[P W? Yoss]] 


12/5/16 Everything very quiet very little 
sniping during day.    P W Albury 

13/5/16 Very wet today, rained all 
day practically without stopping, everythg 
in the firing line one sea of mud 
everything quiet on our front  P W Serapeum 

14/5/16 Sunday Everything pretty muddy 
no further rain during day, vy 
dificult to move about trench, owg  
to the suction of the mud  P W Judy

15/5/16 Everything quiet as usual 
on our front during the day, at night 
several bombs were thrown over into 
the rear of our firing line, but 
did no damage, only about a dozen  
bombs were used, we replied P W April  

16/5/16 Warned during early morning that 
I am going on leave to England at 
4.30 pm, sun shining today the 
first for several days, mud drying 
up quickly, packed up full marching 
order & reported at the Bn orderly 
room at 4.30, marched into 
[[?]] & caught the motor bus 
at 8.30. slept this night 
at a Y M C A shed near 
17/5/16 Up at 3 am & 
marched to Steenwerck 
station & entrained for  
Boulogne arriving there  
at 11 am, & went direct 
on board the S E & C Rly 
steamboat the Invicta 


arriving at Folkstone in about 
an hours time, left by train 
for London at 2:15 pm 
arriving at Victoria about 
4:30 after reporting at 
Horsferry Rd, all leave spent 
in London 
18/5/16 Leave starts 
today & expires 
on the 25/5/16 


Orange 11 
5798  [[Mac?]]
Miss Lenni Thompson 
[[? Central] Avenue 
East St Kilda 
L/yl 23-2-16 
leave 4-3-16 
            £46-11-6 } up to May 15 
D [[?]] £30-12-0} 
18/5/16   62.12.6 

17/3/16 £46-0-6
7/4/16 48-3-6
22/4/16    2-3-0
28/4/16       3-0
7/5/16    2-3-0


Balance brought forward    staff Py Office
From old pay book £38-6-7 staff Ryan 19/1/16
18/2/16 Tel - el Kebir £3.1.7 LGK Judge
7/3/16 Serapeum E 1.10.9 DR Brown
17/3/16  Serapeum E 3.1.7 DR Brown
7/4/16 Staples = 60F 2.3.0 DR Brown
22/4/16 Heuelave = 60F 2.3.0 DR Brown
28.4.16 Anzac Book 3.0  I Wolff
7.5.16 Flurbaix (francs) 2.3.0 DR Brown
18.5.16 London 10.00 DC Johnston
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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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