Diary of Apcar Leslie De Vine, 6 August 1915 - 17 May 1916 - Part 6 of 6
28/4/16 At 11 pm the gas alarm
was sounded as the Germans were
usg gas on our left, all the [[billets?]]
roused & put on helmets at once
& fell in fighting order on the
road & marched to our stag
post had us stopped on the way
by our relief, saying that [[?]]
attack was over & that helmets
could be removed, returned to
billet & turned in at 12.30
28/4/16 A coy for fatigues on the
firing line. did not go up myself
had the day off grand day on
the whole
29/4/16 Quiet day today, detailed off
for? an Engineers fatigue at rail
head at 8o/c from marked [[?]]
for firing line, told we are going into
the trenches on Tuesday to relieve the
2nd Bn
30/4/16 Sunday Very busy day
dozens of high explosive shells fallg
on the roads & billets near, some
fell nearer than 400 yds to our
billets. Some houses & trees blown
1/5/16 Nothing to do during day. in charge
of engineers fatigue on railing to trenches
at 8pm, get back safely although a
machine gun was turned on us
2/5/16 Coy on fatigues all day
did not get a job myself, warned
that we are going into the trenches
tomorrow, mounted as R O C at
5 pm this evening
3/5/16 R O C all day easy time
nothing to do. Bn went to the
trenches at evening & relieved the 2nd Bn
Very quiet during night
4/5/16 Fairly quiet day, plenty of
sniping, during afternoon get some shelling
from the 77 mm, not much damage
5/5/16 All day very quiet, at
7 pm a very violent bombardment
opened on our L the whole
place shook with the vibrations of
the high explosive shells, our big
guns replied. the bombardment lasty 2 hourly
about 9 am the 9th Bn reported
gas from the left & the alarm
was given & all gas helmets put
on, attack lasted until 9.30
stood down at 10 o/c, no attacks
on our front
6/5/16 Our part of the line quiet
all day. nothg doing
7/5/16 Sunday our firing line shelled
during the morning many shells passed
over into the vacant ground in
the rear, all were high explosives
paid today 60 Francs =£2. 3 . 0
everything pretty quiet. very little
[[?]] A Coy 4th Bn
8/5/16 Heavy shelling on our R
during the day, otherwise nothing
doing on our direct front
Germans relieved in front of us
during night [[P W Anjou?]]
9/5/16 Germans in front of us
relieved during the night & are
very quiet, we think that
they are Saxons, they are much
quieter than the others with
very little or no sniping, they
greeted us this morning by waving
a yellow shirt & putting up
notices, rained constantly during the
night. very muddy P W Suvla
10/5/16 Ground very muddy & slippery
all day owing to constant rain
everybody cold & wet through
Germans very quiet all day it [[looks?]]
they are in a worse condition than
we are P W. Sydney
11/5/16 No rain during the night
ground drying quickly, Bit of excitement
about 11 am, the Germans [[siezing]] a
mine within 12 to 15 yards outside
our parapet, without doing any damage
to the fire trench, the ground shook
very considerably, & the parapet got
a good shaking up, but it did
not dislodge one single bag, a
considerable crater was thrown up
which we occupy each night
everything quiet the rest of the
day [[P W? Yoss]]
12/5/16 Everything very quiet very little
sniping during day. P W Albury
13/5/16 Very wet today, rained all
day practically without stopping, everythg
in the firing line one sea of mud
everything quiet on our front P W Serapeum
14/5/16 Sunday Everything pretty muddy
no further rain during day, vy
dificult to move about trench, owg
to the suction of the mud P W Judy
15/5/16 Everything quiet as usual
on our front during the day, at night
several bombs were thrown over into
the rear of our firing line, but
did no damage, only about a dozen
bombs were used, we replied P W April
16/5/16 Warned during early morning that
I am going on leave to England at
4.30 pm, sun shining today the
first for several days, mud drying
up quickly, packed up full marching
order & reported at the Bn orderly
room at 4.30, marched into
[[?]] & caught the motor bus
at 8.30. slept this night
at a Y M C A shed near
17/5/16 Up at 3 am &
marched to Steenwerck
station & entrained for
Boulogne arriving there
at 11 am, & went direct
on board the S E & C Rly
steamboat the Invicta
arriving at Folkstone in about
an hours time, left by train
for London at 2:15 pm
arriving at Victoria about
4:30 after reporting at
Horsferry Rd, all leave spent
in London
18/5/16 Leave starts
today & expires
on the 25/5/16
Orange 11
5798 [[Mac?]]
Miss Lenni Thompson
[[? Central] Avenue
East St Kilda
L/yl 23-2-16
leave 4-3-16
£46-11-6 } up to May 15
D [[?]] £30-12-0}
18/5/16 62.12.6
42-18-11 | |
3-1-7 | |
17/3/16 | £46-0-6 |
2-3-0 | |
7/4/16 | 48-3-6 |
22/4/16 | 2-3-0 |
50-6-6 | |
28/4/16 | 3-0 |
50-9-6 | |
7/5/16 | 2-3-0 |
52-12-6 |
Balance brought forward | staff Py Office | |
From old pay book | £38-6-7 | staff Ryan 19/1/16 |
18/2/16 Tel - el Kebir | £3.1.7 | LGK Judge |
7/3/16 Serapeum E | 1.10.9 | DR Brown |
17/3/16 Serapeum E | 3.1.7 | DR Brown |
7/4/16 Staples = 60F | 2.3.0 | DR Brown |
22/4/16 Heuelave = 60F | 2.3.0 | DR Brown |
28.4.16 Anzac Book | 3.0 | I Wolff |
7.5.16 Flurbaix (francs) | 2.3.0 | DR Brown |
18.5.16 London | 10.00 | DC Johnston |
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